471 research outputs found

    Analisis Biaya Pekerjaan Tangga Panelmenggunakan Metode Monte Carlo (Studi Kasus: Proyek Ruko the Boulevard Jakarta Garden City)

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    Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi turut mempengaruhi ranah konstruksi. Sehingga pada akhirnya muncul material terbarukan yaitu panel. Namun material panel ini belum diatur dalam SNI, sehingga perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui biaya yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan pemasangan tangga panel, tidak hanya biaya langsung namun juga biaya tidak langsung, yaitu biaya overhead dan kontingensi. Dalam 1 panel tangga terdiri dari lebar 1,075 m, panjang 5,15 m', dan 15 anak tangga. Panel yang digunakan yaitu dari Mpanel,salah satu produk milik PT Modern Land. Adapun penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati waktu pengerjaan di lapangan untuk mengetahui produktivitas 1 unit tangga panel menggunakan daily record sheet. Diketahui bahwa efektivitas jam kerja yaitu 40 menit dalam 1 jam. Data-data tersebut dianalisis menggunakan Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan (AHSP) dengan harga satuan yang didapat dari proyek untuk menghasilkan biaya langsung. Sedangkan biaya overhead diambil 15% dari biaya langsung tiap pekerjaan, 15% diambil berdasarkan contoh yang tertera pada Peraturan Menteri PUPR28-2016. Pada biaya kontingensi diambil tingkat resiko sebesar 11% berdasarkan asumsi proyek. Untuk mendapatkan nilai kontingensi menggunakan Monte Carlo maka digunakan software @risk dengan memasukkan data RAB maksimum, most likely, dan minimum dengan harga satuan yang didapat dari wawancara serta nilai iterasi kemudian akan diproses otomatis hingga mendapatkan persentil ke 89%. Setelah biaya langsung, biaya overhead, dan kontingensi diketahui maka didapatkan total biaya yang diperlukan untuk pengerjaan 1 unit tangga panel. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu dapat diketahui biaya langsung untuk upah 1 unit tangga panel yaitu Rp 1.967.866, biaya langsung untuk material 1 unit tangga panel Rp 11.146.913, biaya langsung 1 unit tangga panel Rp 13.114.779, biaya tak langsung yaitu biaya overhead dan kontingensi untuk 1 unit tangga panel Rp 2.939.002, dan harga satuan yaitu total harga langsung dan tak langsung yang diperlukan untuk pekerjaan 1 unit tangga panel adalah Rp 16.053.800,36

    Classifying User Predilections using Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC) and Jaccard Similarity for Service Recommender System in Big Data Applications

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    Service recommender systems have been shown as valuable tools for providing appropriate recommendations to users. The main objective is to identify a system that will classify the user reviews using effective methods and provide personalized recommendations to the users. The proposed architecture will present the different ratings and rankings of services to different users by considering diverse users' preferences, and therefore it will meet users' personalized requirements. The data classification can be achieved through analysing the user review as positive or negative using Naive Bayes classifier (NBC) in large-scale datasets and Jaccard Similarity and MinHash used to compute the similarity and provide the recommendation to user

    A Lossless Image Compression using Modified Entropy Coding

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    Due to size limitation and complexity of the hardware in transmission applications, multimedia systems and computer communications, compression techniques are much necessary. The reasons for multimedia systems to compress the data, large storage is required to save the compressed data, the storage devices are relatively slow which in real-time, has constrain to play multimedia data, and the network bandwidth, that has limitations to real-time data transmission. This paper presents an enhanced approach of run length coding. First the DCT applied, and the quantization done on the image to be compressed, then the modified run length coding technique has been used to compress the image losslessly. This scheme represents the occurrence of repeated zeros by RUN, and a non-zero coefficient by LEVEL. It removes the value of RUN, as for the sequence of non-zero coefficients it is zero for most of the time and for a zero present between non-zero coefficients is replaced by ‘0’ which results in larger compression than RUN, LEVEL (1, 0) pair is used

    Hybrid Ontology for Semantic Information Retrieval Model Using Keyword Matching Indexing System

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    Ontology is the process of growth and elucidation of concepts of an information domain being common for a group of users. Establishing ontology into information retrieval is a normal method to develop searching effects of relevant information users require. Keywords matching process with historical or information domain is significant in recent calculations for assisting the best match for specific input queries. This research presents a better querying mechanism for information retrieval which integrates the ontology queries with keyword search. The ontology-based query is changed into a primary order to predicate logic uncertainty which is used for routing the query to the appropriate servers. Matching algorithms characterize warm area of researches in computer science and artificial intelligence. In text matching, it is more dependable to study semantics model and query for conditions of semantic matching. This research develops the semantic matching results between input queries and information in ontology field. The contributed algorithm is a hybrid method that is based on matching extracted instances from the queries and information field. The queries and information domain is focused on semantic matching, to discover the best match and to progress the executive process. In conclusion, the hybrid ontology in semantic web is sufficient to retrieve the documents when compared to standard ontology

    Co-existent extrapulmonary, extragenital tuberculosis and gynaecological tumours: a reminder to pathologists

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    Extrapulmonary and extragenital tuberculosis is rarely encountered along with gynaecological tumours or malignancy. This report presents a case series of gynaecological malignancies/tumors co-existing with extrapulmonary, extragenital tuberculosis. Pathologists should always stay open to this possibility. A high index of suspicion is needed in view of the HIV pandemic causing resurgence of tuberculosis especially in third world countries.

    Inelastic Neutron scattering in CeSi_{2-x}Ga_x ferromagnetic Kondo lattice compounds

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    Inelastic neutron scattering investigation on ferromagnetic Kondo lattice compounds belonging to CeSi_{2-x}Ga_{x}, x = 0.7, 1.0 and 1.3, system is reported. The thermal evolution of the quasielastic response shows that the Kondo interactions dominate over the RKKY interactions with increase in Ga concentration from 0.7 to 1.3. This is related to the increase in k-f hybridization with increasing Ga concentration. The high energy response indicates the ground state to be split by crystal field in all three compounds. Using the experimental results we have calculated the crystal field parameters in all three compounds studied here.Comment: 12 Pages Revtex, 2 eps figures

    Collective dynamics in crystalline polymorphs of ZnCl2_{2}: potential modelling and inelastic neutron scattering study

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    We report a phonon density of states measurement of α\alpha-ZnCl2_{2} using the coherent inelastic neutron scattering technique and a lattice dynamical calculation in four crystalline phases of ZnCl2_{2} using a transferable interatomic potential. The model calculations agree reasonably well with the available experimental data on the structures, specific heat, Raman frequencies and their pressure variation in various crystalline phases. The calculated results have been able to provide a fair description of the vibrational as well as the thermodynamic properties of ZnCl2_{2} in all its four phases.Comment: Accepted in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    How high the temperature of a liquid be raised without boiling?

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    How high the temperature of a liquid be raised beyond its boiling point without vaporizing (known as the limit of superheat) is an interesting subject of investigation. A new method of finding the limit of superheat of liquids is presented here. The superheated liquids are taken in the form of drops suspended in visco elastic gel. The nucleation is detected acoustically by a sensitive piezo-electric transducer, coupled to a multi channel scaler and the nucleation is observed as a funtion of time and with increase of temperature. The limit of superheat measured by the present method supersedes all other measurements and theoretical predictions in reaching closest to the critical temperature and warrants improved theoretical predictions.Comment: 10 pages, 1 fig. Phys, Rev. E. (2000) in pres

    Combined Effect of Hot Extrusion and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Behavior of 7055 AA Processed via Spray Metal Forming

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    The mechanical properties of 7xxx series alloys can be tailored by subjecting them to deformation pro- cessing and heat treatment. In the present study dealing with spray forming of 7055 AA, extrusion and heat treatment involving solutionizing followed by peak aging resulted in improved mechanical behavior. The strength and ductility obtained are comparable to that of extruded and heat treated as-cast 7055 AA (Mondal et al., 2011) [1]. Spray forming offers an alternate route to develop high strength aluminum alloys and the current study is an attempt that draws closer to the target value of 1GPa strength and 10% ductility for high strength aluminum alloys
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