19 research outputs found

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    Науково-практичний коментар Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення : станом на 5 верес. 2017 р. / за заг. ред. С.В. Пєткова. – Київ: Центр учб. літ., 2017. – 544 с. – ISBN 978-611-01-0880-5.У даному науково-практичному коментарі подано постатейний аналіз чинної редакції Кодексу України про адміністративні правопорушення з урахуванням останніх змін і доповнень станом на 5 вересня 2017 року.This scientific and practical commentary provides an article-by-article analysis of the current version of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, taking into account the latest changes and additions as of September 5, 2017.В данном научно-практическом комментарии дан постатейный анализ действующей редакции Кодекса Украины об административных правонарушениях с учетом последних изменений и дополнений по состоянию на 5 сентября 2017

    Improvement ecological and effective indicators of diesel in operation by recirculation leaks in the fuel equipment

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    Theoretical and experimental investigation of diesel power system with recirculating fuel leaks have been held. Method of calculating fuel leaks depending on the wear of spray nozzles is shown. The ability to preserve the stability of diesel fuel equipment parameters during continuous operation has been proved. The test results of the fuel equipment with nozzles having a closed volume above the needle are given. The authors noted an increase stability of the experimental fuel equipment parameters, reducing specific fuel consumption and smoke exhaust gas

    Security Assurance of Port Services as a Factor of Their Competitiveness

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    The object of research is the process of increasing the competitiveness of ports. One of the most problematic places is the endlessness of the services provided by ports, which affects the competitiveness of ports.The methods for quantitative assessment of the possibility of reliable delivery, methods for calculating the parameters of the infrastructure and superstructure of ports, solution methods using the theory of mass service are used.The analysis of research and the work of International organizations on the determination of factors by the clientele of ports are carried out, given the change of priorities in favor of the reliability of the service. Ports today are considered in this sense as nodes in logistics chains. Under the conditions by which supply chains are developed, evaluated and selected, reliability is given priority over the price and transit time.It is determined that the ability of ports to ensure the reliability of the service should be considered from the perspective of creating the appropriate capacities as part of the infrastructure and port superstructure, as well as labor resources. For each element (berths, warehouses, equipment, dockers) it is determined in the selected tested methods, due to which reliability is ensured. So, the required number of berths is determined taking into account their annual throughput, which is justified taking into account the coefficient of berth utilization in time, the use of which allows ensuring the reliability of the availability of the required number of berths.The reliability of the availability of the necessary storage capacity is determined from the conditions for ensuring uninterrupted fleet processing. The necessary composition of transshipment equipment depends on the processing conditions of the fleet. Reliability in providing labor resources can be ensured by taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of labor in ports associated with irregular demand for workers due to intermittent and unpredictable arrival of ships and cargo at the port.The definition of favorable port cargo flows, taking into account additional sales and customer loyalty, and an efficiency criterion, the task of determining the number of dockers, segmentation of ship –owners, is proposed. As a result, a scientific and methodological product is developed suitable for use as suppliers and customers of cargo delivery services


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    Neutron diffraction studies were made of the magnetic structure and spin wave excitations in a single-domain crystal of intermetallic compound MnNi. It was shown that the magnetic moments of manganese atoms are arranged in (001) planes and are oriented along [110] direction. Spin wave velocities are not significantly different from those in a number of γ-Mn alloys in spite of very high Néel temperature of MnNi and the energy gap, if any, is not bigger than 3 meV