3 research outputs found

    Zaburzenia seksualne u chorych na cukrzycę — ważne i pomijane powikłanie

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    Wstęp. Na cukrzycę choruje ponad 415 mln światowej populacji. W Polsce liczba ta sięga 3 milionów, z czego ponad milion pacjentów nie wie o swojej chorobie. Duża liczba chorych na cukrzycę zmaga się z licznymi powikłaniami nieprawidłowo kontrolowanej glikemii, w tym z zaburzeniami sfery seksualnej.Materiał i metody. W badaniu wykorzystano trzyczęściowy kwestionariusz własnego autorstwa dotyczący oceny satysfakcji seksualnej pacjentów z cukrzycą. Udział w badaniu wzięło 110 chorych na cukrzycę. Średnia wieku osób badanych wynosiła 42,2 (SD = 15,82).Wyniki. Najczęściej zgłaszanym przez chorych na cukrzycę problemem z zakresu życia seksualnego była utrata lub spadek zainteresowania seksem. Ponad 40% pacjentów jest niezadowolonych ze swojego życia seksualnego. Połowa badanych prowadzi życie seksualneniezgodne ze swoimi wyobrażeniami. Osoby badane, które stosują iniekcje z insuliny, miały istotnie mniejszy poziom satysfakcji seksualnej niż pacjenci korzystający z pompy insulinowej.Wnioski. Zadowolenie z życia seksualnego to ważna składowa dobrostanu pacjenta. Osoby z cukrzycą rzadko oceniają swoje życie jako satysfakcjonujące. Wyniki badania otwierają przed specjalistami przestrzeń do pracy, której efektem będzie poprawa jakości życiaseksualnego pacjentów z cukrzycą

    Sexual dysfunction in diabetic patients — an important and overlooked complication

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    Introduction. Diabetes affects over 415 million of the world population. In Poland, the number of diabetics reaches 3 million people with more than one million of patients unaware about their disease. A large number of people with diabetes struggle with numerous complications including area of sexual dysfunction, resulting from improperly controlled blood glucose. Material and methods. The study used a proprietary three-part questionnaire for the evaluation of sexual satisfaction in patients with diabetes. Participation in the study included 110 patients with diabetes. The average age of the respondents was 42.2 (SD = 15.82). Results. The loss or decrease of interest in sex life were the most frequently reported by patients with diabetes problems in the field of sex life. More than 40% of patients are dissatisfied with their sex lives. Half of the patients have the sex life contrary to their expectations. The respondents using insulin injections had significantly lower level of sexual satisfaction than patients using insulin pumps. Conclusions. Satisfaction with sex life is a key component of the patient’s wellbeing. People with diabetes rarely evaluate their lives as satisfactory. The results of the study open the working area for professionals, which will result in improving the quality of sex life of patients with diabetes. We hope that the results of our research will contribute to improving patients quality of life by encouraging physicians to pay closer attention to the realm of sex as important source of patient satisfaction

    The Giant Geriatric Syndromes Are Intensified by Diabetic Complications

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    By 2015, diabetes has affected more than 415 million people over the world. It is anticipated that 640 million adults will suffer from diabetes in 2040. The elongation of the life expectancy, as the result of better general health care, extends also the time when diabetic complications may develop together with other senility-specific problems. The Giant Geriatric Syndromes (Geriatric Giants) have been qualified by the original Nascher’s criteria defined more than 100 years ago, but they are becoming more and more relevant in connection with the aging of societies. The criteria comprise the older age, commonness of the health problem, multifactorial etiology, functional or cognitive impairment, worsened outcome, and increased morbidity and mortality. We described the impact of diabetes on Geriatric Giants including cognitive dysfunction, depression, malnutrition, incontinence, falls and fractures, chronic pain, and the loss of senses. The association of diabetes with Geriatric Giants reveals as a vicious circle with the background of neurovascular complications. However, diabetes influence on the incidence of cancer in elderly was also discussed, since neoplastic diseases associate with Geriatric Giants, for example, chronic pain and depression. The knowledge about these aspects of functional decline in geriatric population is crucial to improve patient care