326 research outputs found

    Wspomnienie o Profesorze Michale Iwaszkiewiczu

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    Dane archeozoologiczne z miejscowości Bocień (stanowisko 5) do poznania gospodarki ludności kultury ceramiki wstęgowej rytej na ziemi chełmińskiej

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    During rescue excavations curried out in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie section of A1 motorway in Chełmża commune, animal bone remains were found in Bocień, site 5. The only homogenous and simultaneously the most numerous assemblage (1115 NISP) were bones collected in features of the linear band pottery culture (LBPC) – phase II and III. They were registered within the range of an space-function areas I, II and S of the settlement (fig. 1, appendix 1). The material presented significant predomination of domestic mammals, mainly cattle, clearly smaller bones of pig, sheep/goat and dog. Wild mammals are represented by red deer, elk, roe deer and aurochs. Reptile remains belonged to European pond turtle. Teeth and head bones were the most numerous cattle elements’ specimens. Some of cattle, pig, sheep/goat and dog bones bore traces of shallow and narrow pits after using blades (knives) of stone (fl int). The others registered black coloring, which was the result of meat or bone marrow roasting. The collection also consisted of examples with work traces (fragments of red deer and elk antlers) and bone tools (chisel – made of metatarsal) and plates’ fragments. The excavated fauna collection became the grounds for interpretation, referring to the following questions: a) genesis of the studied fauna finds, b) significance of domestic species in manufacturing raw material of animal origin, c) strategies implemented in manufacturing raw material of animal origin, d) some features of natural environment of the settlement surrounding and e) Neolithic morphotypes of Chełmno Land animals. Population inhabiting the settlement produced food of animal origin by breeding. Utilization of natural fauna resources, e.g. aurochs, deer, roe-deer and wild horses (probably tarpan) was clearly smaller. Animal economy was based on cattle, which belonged to aurochs like form (Bos primigenius), analogous to cattle sizes from Kuyavia and settlements of linear band pottery culture populations inhabiting the areas of present Germany. Meat and bone marrow obtained of it was prepared for consumption by roasting it in fire. Cow milk was not important food product, because at least half of herds’ populations was slaughtered at juvenis and subadultus ages. Keeping ruminants, species suitable for grazing, resulted from open grassy spaces existence. However, the settlement was also surrounded by forests, what is confirmed by red deer and aurochs presence in the material. A part of the land was soppy, grown with temporate broadleaved forests, perfect for elks existence. The performed exploration and analyses deliver evidence, that local population inhabiting the settlement related in their economic strategy to cultural rules obligatory in wider space, e.g. in Kuyavia. Zooarchaeological sources from Bocień, as first in Chełmno Land delivered the grounds for analyses of cattle individual age and its morphological forms. Moreover, thanks to anatomical composition analysis we were able to indicate the settlement spatial zones, basing on observations made by the means of archaeological data.W artykule zawarto dane archeozoologiczne uzyskane podczas badań pokonsumpcyjnych zbiorów faunistycznych, odkrytych w obiektach osady ludności kultury ceramiki wstęgowej rytej (fazy II i III). Ich szczegółowa analiza biologiczna oraz archeologiczna (kontekstowa) stała sie podstawą do rozważań na temat genezy zbadanego zbioru faunistycznego, znaczenia gatunków domowych i strategii gospodarczych w wytwarzaniu surowców pochodzenia zwierzęcego, niektórych cech środowiska przyrodniczego otoczenia osady oraz morfotypów zwierząt neolitycznych ziemi chełmińskiej

    Dane archeozoologiczne z miejscowości Bocień (stanowisko 5) do poznania gospodarki ludności kultury ceramiki wstęgowej rytej na ziemi chełmińskiej

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    During rescue excavations curried out in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie section of A1 motorway in Chełmża commune, animal bone remains were found in Bocień, site 5. The only homogenous and simultaneously the most numerous assemblage (1115 NISP) were bones collected in features of the linear band pottery culture (LBPC) – phase II and III. They were registered within the range of an space-function areas I, II and S of the settlement (fig. 1, appendix 1).The material presented significant predomination of domestic mammals, mainly cattle, clearly smaller bones of pig, sheep/goat and dog. Wild mammals are represented by red deer, elk, roe deer and aurochs. Reptile remains belonged to European pond turtle. Teeth and head bones were the most numerous cattle elements’ specimens. Some of cattle, pig, sheep/goat and dog bones bore traces of shallow and narrow pits after using blades (knives) of stone (fl int). The others registered black coloring, which was the result of meat or bone marrow roasting. The collection also consisted of examples with work traces (fragments of red deer and elk antlers) and bone tools (chisel – made of metatarsal) and plates’ fragments.The excavated fauna collection became the grounds for interpretation, referring to the following questions: a) genesis of the studied fauna finds, b) significance of domestic species in manufacturing raw material of animal origin, c) strategies implemented in manufacturing raw material of animal origin, d) some features of natural environment of the settlement surrounding and e) Neolithic morphotypes of Chełmno Land animals.Population inhabiting the settlement produced food of animal origin by breeding. Utilization of natural fauna resources, e.g. aurochs, deer, roe-deer and wild horses (probably tarpan) was clearly smaller. Animal economy was based on cattle, which belonged to aurochs like form (Bos primigenius), analogous to cattle sizes from Kuyavia and settlements of linear band pottery culture populations inhabiting the areas of present Germany. Meat and bone marrow obtained of it was prepared for consumption by roasting it in fire. Cow milk was not important food product, because at least half of herds’ populations was slaughtered at juvenis and subadultus ages.Keeping ruminants, species suitable for grazing, resulted from open grassy spaces existence. However, the settlement was also surrounded by forests, what is confirmed by red deer and aurochs presence in the material. A part of the land was soppy, grown with temporate broadleaved forests, perfect for elks existence.The performed exploration and analyses deliver evidence, that local population inhabiting the settlement related in their economic strategy to cultural rules obligatory in wider space, e.g. in Kuyavia.Zooarchaeological sources from Bocień, as first in Chełmno Land delivered the grounds for analyses of cattle individual age and its morphological forms. Moreover, thanks to anatomical composition analysis we were able to indicate the settlement spatial zones, basing on observations made by the means of archaeological data.W artykule zawarto dane archeozoologiczne uzyskane podczas badań pokonsumpcyjnych zbiorów faunistycznych, odkrytych w obiektach osady ludności kultury ceramiki wstęgowej rytej (fazy II i III). Ich szczegółowa analiza biologiczna oraz archeologiczna (kontekstowa) stała sie podstawą do rozważań na temat genezy zbadanego zbioru faunistycznego, znaczenia gatunków domowych i strategii gospodarczych w wytwarzaniu surowców pochodzenia zwierzęcego, niektórych cech środowiska przyrodniczego otoczenia osady oraz morfotypów zwierząt neolitycznych ziemi chełmińskiej

    Zwierzęce szczątki kostne z dawnego grodu w Dusinie, stanowisko 1, gm. Gostyń

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    This article presents the results of a specialist archaeozoological analysis of materials from an early medieval stronghold in Dusina, in southern Greater Poland. The examined bones come from millennium excavations and are a fragment of the collection obtained at that time. The remains were subjected to a description of zoological, anatomical and biological features, presenting the composition of individual taxa, as well as identifying traces on bones, indicating slaughtering activities and preferences in the selection of animal carcass partsThis article presents the results of a specialist archaeozoological analysis of materials from an early medieval stronghold in Dusina, in southern Greater Poland. The examined bones come from millennium excavations and are a fragment of the collection obtained at that time. The remains were subjected to a description of zoological, anatomical and biological features, presenting the composition of individual taxa, as well as identifying traces on bones, indicating slaughtering activities and preferences in the selection of animal carcass part

    Potential der siRNA-Transfektion auf chemotherapieresistente NSCLC- und Pleuramesotheliomzellen - Auswirkungen auf Viabilität und Wachstumsverhalten

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    Mit weltweit über 1,5 Millionen Todesfällen pro Jahr ist das Bronchialkarzinom ein häufig auftretendes und gleichzeitig aggressives Malignom. Eine späte Diagnose und limitierte Therapiemöglichkeiten sind die Hauptursachen dafür, dass die Prognose, trotz neuer Therapieansätze, oft immer noch schlecht ist. Auch beim seltener auftretenden Pleuramesotheliom ist die Prognose schlecht mit limitierten Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dies sind wichtige Gründe, warum bei beiden Krankheitsbildern dringend neue Therapien benötigt werden. Ein Ansatz könnte eine RNA-Interferenz vermittelte Hemmung bestimmter, für die Tumorzelle wichtiger Proteine darstellen. So gibt es bereits Studien, die siRNA als Therapie gegen verschiedene Krankheitsbilder aus diversen medizinischen Fachbereichen testen. In dieser Arbeit wurden mit SRF-siRNA, Survivin-siRNA, HIF1α-siRNA, HIF2α-siRNA, E2F1-siRNA und STAT3-siRNA siRNAs appliziert, die die Bildung von Proteinen inhibieren, welche an der Zellproliferation und Wachstum beteiligt sind. Insgesamt zeigten die Untersuchungen der Genexpression und der Zellzahl ein unterschiedliches Verhalten der verschiedenen Zelllinien auf die Transfektion mit den siRNAs, selbst wenn der gleiche histologische Subtyp vorlag. Die Großzellige Bronchialkarzinomzelllinie NCI-H640 reagierte auf den siRNA vermittelten Knockdown mit der größten Reduktion der Zellzahl. Der Knockdown von Survivin reduzierte die Zellzahl bei allen Zelllinien am wirksamsten. Als langfristiges Ziel steht die Behandlung von Patienten mit siRNA, die an einem Bronchialkarzinom oder einem MPM leiden. Dafür müssen die Effekte einer Therapie mittels RNAi in vivo geprüft werden. Unsere in vitro Ergebnisse legen allerdings nah, dass mit der richtigen siRNA in der idealen Konzentration, große Effekte erzielt werden könnten. In allem suggeriert diese Arbeit, dass eine personalisierte, multimodale Therapie zur Verbesserung des Überlebens unerlässlich ist. So könnte der Einsatz von siRNA vor allem Patienten in fortgeschrittenen Stadien oder mit chemoresistenten Tumoren als alternative adjuvante oder neoadjuvante Therapie, z.B. in Form einer isolierten Lungenperfusion, von großem Nutzen sein

    La explotación de hidrocarburos no convencionales y sus aspectos jurídicos y ambientales

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    Para el desarrollo del presente trabajo final de la carrera de especialización en derecho ambiental, me interesó investigar un tema que sea actual, original, conflictivo, inter jurisdiccional y sin demasiados precedentes doctrinarios. En ese marco de ideas, consideré que la temática a elegir debía estar enfocada en la relación que guarda la explotación de hidrocarburos no convencionales con los aspectos y antecedentes de carácter normativo, jurídico y ambiental a nivel nacional, y en particular a nivel provincial considerando específicamente a la provincia del Neuquén. Esta elección permitió que este trabajo final se proponga advertir la carencia de normas nacionales autosuficientes que estructuren a lo largo del país un adecuado equilibrio entre la producción y el resguardo del ambiente en su sentido más amplio; y asimismo, proponer los puntos salientes que deberían ser considerados en un proyecto de regulación nacional que complete el vacío antes referido.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    The Spitzer Atlas of Stellar Spectra

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    We present the Spitzer Atlas of Stellar Spectra (SASS), which includes 159 stellar spectra (5 to 32 mic; R~100) taken with the Infrared Spectrograph on the Spitzer Space Telescope. This Atlas gathers representative spectra of a broad section of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, intended to serve as a general stellar spectral reference in the mid-infrared. It includes stars from all luminosity classes, as well as Wolf-Rayet (WR) objects. Furthermore, it includes some objects of intrinsic interest, like blue stragglers and certain pulsating variables. All the spectra have been uniformly reduced, and all are available online. For dwarfs and giants, the spectra of early-type objects are relatively featureless, dominated by Hydrogen lines around A spectral types. Besides these, the most noticeable photospheric features correspond to water vapor and silicon monoxide in late-type objects and methane and ammonia features at the latest spectral types. Most supergiant spectra in the Atlas present evidence of circumstellar gas. The sample includes five M supergiant spectra, which show strong dust excesses and in some cases PAH features. Sequences of WR stars present the well-known pattern of lines of HeI and HeII, as well as forbidden lines of ionized metals. The characteristic flat-top shape of the [Ne III] line is evident even at these low spectral resolutions. Several Luminous Blue Variables and other transition stars are present in the Atlas and show very diverse spectra, dominated by circumstellar gas and dust features. We show that the [8]-[24] Spitzer colors (IRAC and MIPS) are poor predictors of spectral type for most luminosity classes.Comment: Accepted by ApJS; Atlas contents available from: http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/ardila/Atlas/index.html; http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/SPITZER/SASS/; 70 PDF pages, including figure