4 research outputs found

    Evaluacija uticaja esencijalnog ulja salvia officinalis na biohemijske vrednosti u plazmi, sluznicu creva i kvantitet kiselih i neutralnih mucina u crevima pilića

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    AbstractIn this study the effects of Salvia officinalis L. essential oil on the thickness of the gut mucus layer and quantity of neutral and acidic mucins in chickens were observed. Oneday-old chickens of Isa Brown breed were divided into five groups (n = 9) and fed 11 weeks as follows: control group (C): basal diet; experimental groups (E1 - E4) - same as C + sage essential oil (EO) in concentrations of 0.01%; 0.025%; 0.05% and 0.1%, respectively. The thickness of the mucus layer in the duodenum significantly increased in E3(0.05% sage EO) compared to E1 (0.01 % sage EO). In E3 (0.05% sage EO) the number of goblet cells containing acidic and neutral mucins was significantly decreased in the duodenum and jejunum and increased in the ileum compared to C. Feeding the diet supplemented with Se and 0.01% sage EO (E1) decreased plasma cholesterol level in comparison with E3(0.05 % sage EO). The addition of 0.05% (E3) and 0.1% sage EO (E4) to the diet caused a decrease in calcium plasma level compared to E2 (0.025 % sage EO). Plasma glucose level was significantly decreased in groups fed 0.05% (E3) and 0.025% sage EO (E2) compared with 0.01% sageStudija se odnosi na posmatranje efekata Salvia offi cinalis L. esencijalnih ulja na debljinu sluznice creva i kvantitet neutralnih i kiselih mucina kod pilića. Formirano je pet grupa sa po 9 jednodnevnih pilića rase Isa Brown koji su u narednih 11 nedelja hranjeni na sledeći način: kontrolna (C) grupa je dobijala osnovni obrok sa dodatkom Na selenita (Se) u koncentraciji 0,04 ppm + suncokretovo ulje (1%); eksperimentalne grupe E1 do E4: isto kao C grupa uz dodatak esencijalnog ulja žalfi je (EO) u koncentraciji 0,01%, 0,025; 0,05% odnosno 0,1%. Debljina sloja mukusa u duodenumu je značajno porasla kod pilića E3 grupe (Se i 0,05% EO ulja) u poređenju sa E1 grupom (Se i 0,01% EO ulja). U E3 grupi (Se i 0,05% EO ulja) broj peharastih ćelija koje sadrže kisele i neutralne mucine je značajno bio smanjen u duodenumu i jejunumu, a povećan u ileumu u poređenju sa C grupom. Ishrana sa dodatkom Se i 0,01% EO ulja žalfi je (E1) izazivala je smanjenje koncentracije holesterola u plazmi u poređenju sa E3 (Se i 0,05% EO žalfi je). Dodavanje Se i 0,05% EO žalfi je (E3) kao i 0.1% EO ulja (E4) izazvalo je smanjenje koncentracije kalcijuma u plazmi u poređenju sa E2 (Se i 0,025% EO ulja). Koncentracije glukoze u plazmi su značajno bile smanjene u grupama koje su dobijale Se i 0,05% (E3) i 0,025% EO (E2) ulja žalfi je, u poređenju sa E1 grupom (0,01% EO ulja). Različiti sastavi obroka po grupama nisu imali uticaja na mase unutrašnjih organa pilića u ogledu. Rezultati ukazuju da efekat EO žalfi je na dinamiku adherencije sloja mukusa kao i na tip i distribuciju mucina u crevima pilića zavisi od doze EO kao i od segmenta creva uz istovremeno postojanje potrebe da se obave dalja ispitivanja u cilju detaljnog objašnjenja ovog uticaja

    Duration of the Flaxseed Supplementation Affects Antioxidant Defence Mechanisms and the Oxidative Stress of Fattening Pigs

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the duration of a flaxseed diet on fattening pigs’ antioxidant defence mechanism in blood and tissues. Eighteen 20-week-old Landrace breed fattening pigs (BW 76.61 ± 2.30 kg) were divided into three groups of six animals. The control group was fed a basal diet. The FS3 group was fed the basal diet supplemented with 10% flaxseed for 3 weeks. The FS6 group received the same basal diet with flaxseed for 6 weeks. The total antioxidant capacity of the blood, measured as the total antioxidant status (TAS), total plasma antioxidant capacity (FRAP), reactive oxygen metabolites (dROMs) and total antioxidant capacity (PAT), was not affected by the flaxseed diet. The superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) activities were significantly decreased in the FS3 pigs in the heart (p p p p p < 0.05). Our results showed that the health effect of a flaxseed diet is significantly conditioned by the length of the flaxseed addition

    Molecular Detection of <i>Nosema</i> spp. in Three Eco Regions of Slovakia

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    Microsporidia are unicellular obligate intracellular parasitic fungi that infect a wide range of vertebrates and invertebrates. There are two known species of microsporidia infecting honey bees in Slovakia- first Nosema apis and also Nosema ceranae. Our aim was to examine samples of honey bees collected from bee queen breeders in three ecoregions of the Slovak Republic in 2021 and 2022. First, microscopic diagnostics were used, and then randomly selected samples were examined using molecular methods. There were 4018 samples examined using microscopic diagnostics and the positivity was demonstrated in 922 samples. From the microscopically diagnosed positive samples, 507 samples were randomly selected, and using molecular methods, the positivity was proved in 488 samples. After sequencing the positive PCR products and comparing the sequences (BLAST) with the sequences stored in the gene bank, the Nosema ceranae species was detected in all positive samples