396 research outputs found

    Неотектоническое районирование трассы газопровода Починки – Грязовец МосковскоНижегородского региона

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    Based on the structural-geomorphological method, neotectonic zonation of the Pochinki-Gryazovets gas pipeline was carried out for the safety purposes. Taking into account the probable stress sources, the geodynamic conditions of block structures formation are considered. Studies made it possible to subdivide the pipeline area into two parts: southern and northern. The southern part of the gas pipeline is located within the block characterized by tensile stress conditions; the northern part of pipeline relates to the block affected by compressive stress. The boundary between these blocks is considered as a geodynamic active zone and poses the risk for the pipeline safety.На основе структурно-геоморфологического метода впервые проведено неотектоническое районирование газопроводной трассы Починки – Грязовец с целью безопасной эксплуатации. С учетом вероятных источников напряжений рассмотрены геодинамические условия формирования блоковых структур. Исследования позволили разделить протяженную трассу газопровода на две части: южную и северную. Южная часть трассы находится в пределах блока, подверженного влиянию напряжений растяжения, северная – в пределах блока, подверженного влиянию напряжений сжатия. Граница между этими блоками рассматривается в качестве геодинамически активной зоны и геоэкологически значимой для трубопроводной трассы


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    We acknowledge the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No.20-66-47017

    Prevention of post-transfusion hepatitis c transmission through donor blood and its components

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    The aim of organizational aspects of preventing the transmission of hepatitis C virus with donor blood and its components.Materials and methods. An activity of the blood service establishments in Russia for the prevention of HCV infection through transfusion of blood and its components on the basis of the analysis of sectoral statistical surveys was studied.Results. The frequency of detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus in blood donors and its components during 2009–2013 decreased by more than 1,5 times. The percentage of donors who have identified markers of hepatitis C virus was significantly different in different regions: from 0,51% to 1,36%. The activity of the blood service implemented method of plasma quarantine resulting annually rejected from 0,32% to 0,23% as a result of the identified markers of HCV. Pathogen inactivated plasma volume increased in 3 times, the platelet concentrate in 3,2 times.Conclusion. To ensure the safety of donated blood and its components in the blood service effectively the modern technology use for to prevention transmission of the HCV: quarantine of plasma, donor selection and development, inactivation of pathogens. The degree of implementation in practice of nonpaid voluntary blood transfusions significantly increased and is characterized by regional features in recent years

    Architecture of composite multilayer semiconductor nanostructures

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    The problem of ensuring the operational parameters of composite multilayer semiconductor nanoscale structures at the design technology stages is solved. A mathematical model based on the physics of processes occurring in the structure during operation is developed. The problem is solved for the resonant-tunnelling AlGaAs nanoheterostructures

    Critical Behavior in Light Nuclear Systems: Experimental Aspects

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    An extensive experimental survey of the features of the disassembly of a small quasi-projectile system with AA \sim 36, produced in the reactions of 47 MeV/nucleon 40^{40}Ar + 27^{27}Al, 48^{48}Ti and 58^{58}Ni, has been carried out. Nuclei in the excitation energy range of 1-9 MeV/u have been investigated employing a new method to reconstruct the quasi-projectile source. At an excitation energy \sim 5.6 MeV/nucleon many observables indicate the presence of maximal fluctuations in the de-excitation processes. The fragment topological structure shows that the rank sorted fragments obey Zipf's law at the point of largest fluctuations providing another indication of a liquid gas phase transition. The caloric curve for this system shows a monotonic increase of temperature with excitation energy and no apparent plateau. The temperature at the point of maximal fluctuations is 8.3±0.58.3 \pm 0.5 MeV. Taking this temperature as the critical temperature and employing the caloric curve information we have extracted the critical exponents β\beta, γ\gamma and σ\sigma from the data. Their values are also consistent with the values of the universality class of the liquid gas phase transition. Taken together, this body of evidence strongly suggests a phase change in an equilibrated mesoscopic system at, or extremely close to, the critical point.Comment: Physical Review C, in press; some discussions about the validity of excitation energy in peripheral collisions have been added; 24 pages and 32 figures; longer abstract in the preprin

    Костные останки из могильников Перми Вычегодской (XI–XIV вв.): результаты мультидисциплинарных научных исследований и эколого-исторические реконструкции

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    Using a wide range of modern mineralogical and physicochemical methods, a representative collection of human bones from seven burial grounds of the Vychegda Permians of the 11th–14th centuries was studied. The microstructureof bones, their chemical and normative-mineral composition, the content of microelements, the nanoporosity of the organo-mineral composite, the composition and properties of bioanatite and bone collagen were analyzed. Fundamental differences in the properties of raw and so-called calcified bones are determined. Based on isotope data on bioapatite and collagen of raw bones, the climatic conditions for the existence of the Vychegda Permians and their diets were reconstructed.С применением широкого комплекса современных минералогических, физико-химических и изотопных методов исследована представительная коллекция человеческих костей из семи могильников вычегодских пермян XI–XIV вв. Проанализированы микростроение костей, их химический и нормативно-минеральный состав, содержание микроэлементов, нанопористость органо-минерального композита, состав и свойства биоапатита и костного коллагена. Определены принципиальные различия в свойствах сырых и так называемых кальцинированных костей. На основании изотопных данных по биоапатиту и коллагену сырых костей реконструированы климатические условия существования вычегодских пермян и рационы их питани

    Evidence of Critical Behavior in the Disassembly of Nuclei with A ~ 36

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    A wide variety of observables indicate that maximal fluctuations in the disassembly of hot nuclei with A ~ 36 occur at an excitation energy of 5.6 +- 0.5 MeV/u and temperature of 8.3 +- 0.5 MeV. Associated with this point of maximal fluctuations are a number of quantitative indicators of apparent critical behavior. The associated caloric curve does not appear to show a flattening such as that seen for heavier systems. This suggests that, in contrast to similar signals seen for liquid-gas transitions in heavier nuclei, the observed behavior in these very light nuclei is associated with a transition much closer to the critical point.Comment: v2: Major changes, new model calculations, new figure