42 research outputs found

    Consumers' reactions to service failures : the intervening roles of anger and gender

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    While anger is reported to be the dominant affective reaction after a service failure, little research has focused on its potentially damaging effects. To fill this void, the present study examined the impact of anger on customers' evaluations and behaviors following a service failure where blame was laid on the service provider. Gender's mediating role in shaping these consequences was also studied. Scenarios involving service failures in a bank and a retail store were used to collect data from students (N = 667). Overall, angry customers were less satisfied, gave lower overall service evaluations, had higher perceptions of injustice, and gave weaker ratings of corporate image. Angry customers were also more likely to complain and engage in third-party action, and were less likely to spread positive word-of-mouth and repurchase from the service firm. Gender of the customer and that of the service employee played only a minimal role in influencing the evaluative and behavioral outcomes. The robust findings regarding anger and the disappointing results concerning gender are discussed in light of their important theoretical and managerial implications

    Exploring experiences of young-adult Quebec gay men in the workplace after the sex-education reform by Quebec’s Ministry of Education

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    Using the photovoice method, this thesis study explored the lives of four young gay men in Quebec as they navigate their work, family and social life having received sex education after the 1997 and 2001 sex education reforms put forth by the Ministry of Education of Quebec. These reforms removed sex education from the formal curriculum and expected sex education to be incorporated across the curriculum and be taught from a cross-disciplinary approach. The main three themes of the photovoice findings are: (1) Hiding or suppressing sexual orientation in general and in the workplace. (2) A reluctance to express sexual orientation with family. (3) The need to address stereotypes associated with gay men. Another interesting finding was that change is expected to come from within the gay community or individuals rather than externally. Furthermore, the results indicated that overall the experience of these four young men during high school lacked pertinent LGB education leading to reluctance to express sexual orientation. The following recommendations are advanced: (1) Provide sex-education and sexual diversity in well developed curriculum units rather than the present across the curriculum approach dependent on teachers’ comfort level. (2) Position the LGB as part of the norm – teaching with a vision of LGBH rather than LGB as diversity from the norm of Heterosexuality. (3) Include gender identity and gender diversity as part of sexual diversity inclusive education, extending the educational approach to LGBTQH. (4) Provide workplace sensitivity training that includes sexual diversity. (5) Revise the teacher education curriculum to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop age appropriate curriculum units to teach about LGBTQH

    A Review of Surgical Informed Consent: Past, Present, and Future. A Quest to Help Patients Make Better Decisions

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    Contains fulltext : 87422.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)BACKGROUND: Informed consent (IC) is a process requiring a competent doctor, adequate transfer of information, and consent of the patient. It is not just a signature on a piece of paper. Current consent processes in surgery are probably outdated and may require major changes to adjust them to modern day legislation. A literature search may provide an opportunity for enhancing the quality of the surgical IC (SIC) process. METHODS: Relevant English literature obtained from PubMed, Picarta, PsycINFO, and Google between 1993 and 2009 was reviewed. RESULTS: The body of literature with respect to SIC is slim and of moderate quality. The SIC process is an underestimated part of surgery and neither surgeons nor patients sufficiently realize its importance. Surgeons are not specifically trained and lack the competence to guide patients through a legally correct SIC process. Computerized programs can support the SIC process significantly but are rarely used for this purpose. CONCLUSIONS: IC should be integrated into our surgical practice. Unfortunately, a big gap exists between the theoretical/legal best practice and the daily practice of IC. An optimally informed patient will have more realistic expectations regarding a surgical procedure and its associated risks. Well-informed patients will be more satisfied and file fewer legal claims. The use of interactive computer-based programs provides opportunities to improve the SIC process.1 juli 201

    Structuration et choix d'Ă©quipements des lignes de production (approches mono et multicritĂšre)

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    Ce travail de thĂšse porte sur un problĂšme de conception des lignes de production dites de transfert. Ces lignes, Ă  haut niveau d automatisation, sont utilisĂ©es dans la production de masse. Dans la premiĂšre partie, nous dĂ©veloppons l approche monocritĂšre. Notre objectif est de choisir pour chaque station les Ă©quipements Ă  utiliser en affectant toutes les opĂ©rations nĂ©cessaires pour la fabrication d un produit aux stations de travail. Ce choix doit assurer une productivitĂ© voulue Ă  moindre coĂ»t en terme d Ă©quipements. Nous considĂ©rons des lignes oĂč chaque station de travail peut contenir un ou plusieurs Ă©quipements utilisĂ©s en parallĂšle. Chaque Ă©quipement exĂ©cute toutes les opĂ©rations qui lui sont affectĂ©es simultanĂ©ment. Nous prenons les contraintes dues Ă  l impossibilitĂ© de combiner certains Ă©quipements dans la mĂȘme station de travail et Ă©galement celles reprĂ©sentant les relations de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les opĂ©rations. Nous proposons une mĂ©thode exacte (PSE). Pour des instances du problĂšme de taille plus importante, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une heuristique avec stratĂ©gie arborescente et un algorithme gĂ©nĂ©tique. La deuxiĂšme partie est consacrĂ©e Ă  l analyse multicritĂšre du problĂšme. Nous avons proposĂ© des nouvelles techniques de rĂ©solution en adaptant efficacement des algorithmes ou des concepts dĂ©jĂ  existants : Multistart et algorithmes gĂ©nĂ©tiques de type NSGA-II. Suite Ă  une large phase de tests, nous avons identifiĂ© des points de satisfactions et envisageons des perspectives prometteusesThis PhD thesis concerns a problem of design of the lines of production and more specifically of the lines known as of transfer . These lines are of a high level of automation and are used in the mass production of a product or a family of closely related products. In the first part, we develop the single criterion approach. Our objective is to choose for each station the equipment to be used by effecting all the operations necessary for the manufacture of a product in the workstations. This choice must ensure the desired productivity and the lowest cost in terms of equipment. We consider lines where each workstation can contain one or more pieces of equipment used in parallel. Each piece of equipment carries out all the operations which are affected simultaneously. We take into account the constraints due to the impossibility of combining certain equipment in the same workstation and also those representing the relations of precedence between the operations. We propose an exact method (PSE). For larger problems, we developed a heuristic with a branching strategy and a genetic algorithm. As for the second part, it is devoted to the multi-criteria analysis of the problem. We proposed new techniques to resolve this multi-criteria problem, while adapting already existing algorithms or concepts intelligently and effectively, namely: Multistart and genetic algorithms of type NSGA-II. We tested our methods on a wide range of problems. This led us to identify satisfactory points and promising prospectsTROYES-SCD-UTT (103872102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Optimisation de lignes de production. Partie II. Une approche multicritĂšre

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    International audienceThis article deals with line configuration problems for mass production. Such a production line is made of several workstations. Each station can contain one or several pieces of equipment and employees. Multi-objective optimization algorithms are proposed for two closed problems: P1, choosing equipment for each station and P2, both line balancing and equipment selection. Incompatibilities of pieces of equipment as well as precedence constraints among operations are taken into account. A multi-objectives MULTISTART algorithm and adapted NSGA-II are developed to solve these two problems. The obtained results are promising.Dans cet article, nous considĂ©rons le problĂšme de configuration des lignes de production pour grande sĂ©rie. Une ligne est constituĂ©e de plusieurs stations de travail en sĂ©rie. Chaque station peut contenir un ou plusieurs Ă©quipements et des opĂ©rateurs humains. Nous proposons des algorithmes d'optimisation multicritĂšre pour deux problĂšmes proches : P1, choix d'un Ă©quipement pour chaque station, et P2, Ă©quilibrage de la charge et choix d'Ă©quipements. Nous prenons en compte les contraintes dues Ă  l’incompatibilitĂ© de certains Ă©quipements et Ă©galement celles liĂ©es aux relations de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les opĂ©rations. Nous avons proposĂ© un algorithme Multistart multicritĂšre et des algorithmes gĂ©nĂ©tiques multicritĂšres, type NSGA-II, adaptĂ©s Ă  chaque problĂšme. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus sont prometteurs et intĂ©ressants

    Optimisation de lignes de production : cas monocritĂšre

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    Optimisation de lignes de production. Partie I. Cas monocritĂšre

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    International audienceDans cet article nous Ă©tudions l'Ă©quilibrage des lignes d'usinage. Une telle ligne est constituĂ©e de plusieurs stations de travail en sĂ©rie. Chaque station peut contenir une ou plusieurs tĂȘtes d'usinage travaillant simultanĂ©ment. Les opĂ©rations sĂ©lectionnĂ©es pour ĂȘtre effectuĂ©es par chaque tĂȘte d'usinage s'exĂ©cutent en parallĂšle (tĂȘtes multibroches). Nous prenons en compte les contraintes dues Ă  l'impossibilitĂ© de combiner certaines tĂȘtes d'usinage dans la mĂȘme station et Ă©galement celles reprĂ©sentant les relations de prĂ©cĂ©dence entre les opĂ©rations. Notre objectif est de rĂ©aliser l'affectation des opĂ©rations aux tĂȘtes et les tĂȘtes aux stations de sorte que le coĂ»t de la ligne soit le plus petit possible. Pour des instances du problĂšme, de petite et moyenne taille, nous proposons une mĂ©thode exacte de type PSE (procĂ©dure par sĂ©paration et Ă©valuation). Pour des instances de taille plus importante, nous avons dĂ©veloppĂ© une heuristique avec stratĂ©gie arborescente et un algorithme gĂ©nĂ©tique. Nous avons obtenu avec les deux modes de rĂ©solution, exact et approchĂ©, des rĂ©sultats intĂ©ressants

    A multi-objective approach for transfer line optimization

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    International audienceIn this paper, a problem of line balancing and equipment/workers selection for a transfer line is considered. Such a line is composed of a series of workstations. Each contains one or more workers and pieces of equipment. All the tasks assigned at the same workstation are executed simultaneously. Constraints related to equipment and/or workers compatibility, as well as precedence constraint related to tasks are known. A multi-objective approach is proposed for the design (or reconfiguration) of such lines. The techniques proposed are based on a genetic algorithm of type NSGA-II. The results of the experimental studies are reported. They show the relative efficiency of the approach suggested in comparison with existing work

    Reaching the Boiling Point: Consumers\u27 Negative Affective Reactions to Firm-Attributed Service Failures

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    While anger is the dominant affective reaction following service failure, little research focused on its potentially damaging effects. Our study examines the impact of anger and related negative affective states on evaluations and behavior following firm-attributed service failure. Gender\u27s moderating role in shaping these consequences is also studied. Scenarios involving failures in a bank and a retail store are used. Overall, angry customers are less satisfied, give lower service evaluations, have higher perceptions of injustice, and give weaker ratings of corporate image. Angry customers also less likely spread positive word of mouth and more likely complain, exhibit negative repurchase intentions, and engage in third-party action. Related negative states differentially impact cognitive evaluations and post-purchase behavior with anger (rage) being the most important predictor in a bank (retail) setting. As the intensity of the negative affective state increases, customers more likely engage in effortful consequences. Gender of the customer and the service employee play minimal roles influencing evaluative and behavioral outcomes