75 research outputs found

    Ibn Jinni’s Role And Contributions To Arabic Semantics

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    Kajian ini menganalisis peranan dan sumbangan Ibn Jinni terhadap semantik Arab melalui tinjauan idea-idea dan pandangan-pandangannya yang terdapat dalam buku-bukunya seperti, “al-Muhtasab” – Perbendaharaan -, “al-Hasais” – Yang Tertentu -, dan “al-Munsif” – Manusia yang Adil. This study analyzes Ibn Jinni’s role and contribution to Arabic semantics by surveying his ideas and opinions presented in his books, such as “al Muhtasab”- The Treasurer-, “al-Hasa’is”-The Particularity-, and “al- Munsif”-The Just Man


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan berpikir secara kritis mahasiswa pendidikan seni rupa ketika menginterpretasi karya seni rupa, dengan teori dari konseptual framework. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif analisis menggunakan metode dari Freeman (1995) konseptual framework yang terdiri dari empat agensi yakni, seniman, karya seni, dunia dan audiens. Sumber dari data penelitian ini adalah: (1) Mahasiswa Pendidikan Seni Rupa angkatan 2020 yang berada pada semester lima, dengan jumlah mahasiswa 16 Orang; dan (2) hasil wawancara mahasiswa terhadap karya seni kontemporer karya Firman Djamil dengan teori konseptual framework. Selanjutnya, teknik pengumpulan data yang diaplikasikan adalah wawancara secara kolektif dalam menginterpretasi karya seni rupa kontemporer secara kritis. Kemudian, data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan Freeman (1995) Framework. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa; (1) Mahasiswa mampu menganalisis secara kritis karya kontemporer menggunakan Konseptual Framework secara kolektif; (2) Mahasiswa juga mampu mengkorelasi antara satu agensi dengan agensi lain dalam menafsirkan makna karya seni dan ;(3) Dengan metode ontologi realitas sosial, mahasiswa yang tidak terbiasa berpikir kritis, menjadi terbantu dalam berpikir kritis. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa metode konseptual framework harus diimplementasikan kedalam mata kuliah kritik seni, karena hal ini dapat mengembangkan pola pikir secara kritis dalam menginterpretasi karya seni rupa.Kata Kunci: Konseptual framework; Realitas Sosial; Kritik Seni; Pendidikan Seni Rupa; Kontemporer; Berpikir Kritis. AbstractThis research aims to understand the level of critical thinking of visual arts students when interpreting contemporary artwork collectively, utilising the theory of the conceptual framework. The research used a qualitative research analysis utilizing Freeman’s (1995) conceptual framework which consists of four agencies namely artist, artwork, world, and audience. The research data was collected from: (1) Visual arts students in the fifth-semester intake in 2020, with a total number of 16 students; and (2) results of students’ interviews with contemporary artwork by Firman Djamil utilising the conceptual framework theory. Following this, my method of collecting the data is an interview of students’ collective interpretation of contemporary artworks critically. The collected data is then analyzed with a Freeman (1995) framework. The result of this research shows; (1) Students are able to analyze critically when interpreting contemporary artwork collectively using the conceptual framework; (2) Students are also able to correlate between one agency to the other agencies when interpreting the meaning of the artwork and ; (3) with an ontology of realist theory, students are able to think critically even they are not used to think critically. This research concludes that the conceptual framework method should be implemented within an art criticism course because this can help students to develop their sense of critical thinking when interpreting the artwork. Keywords: Conceptual framework; Social Reality; Art Criticism; Visual Arts Education; Contemporary; Critical Thinking

    Ibn Jinni's Role And Contributions To Arabic Semantics [PJ6184. R165 2007 f rb].

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    Kajian ini menganalisis peranan dan sumbangan Ibn Jinni terhadap semantik Arab melalui tinjauan idea-idea dan pandangan-pandangannya yang terdapat dalam buku-bukunya seperti, “al-Muhtasab” – Perbendaharaan -, “al-Hasais” – Yang Tertentu -, dan “al-Munsif” – Manusia yang Adil. Kajian ini juga membincangkan pandangan dan idea Ibn Jinni terhadap isu-isu tertentu tentang semantik, seperti semantik sosial, semantik morfologi, semantik fonetik, dan semantik tatabahasa. This study analyzes Ibn Jinni’s role and contribution to Arabic semantics by surveying his ideas and opinions presented in his books, such as “al Muhtasab”- The Treasurer-, “al-Hasa’is”-The Particularity-, and “al- Munsif”-The Just Man. It discusses Ibn Jinni’s opinions on certain issues of semantics, such as, social semantics, morphological semantics, phonetic semantics, and grammatical semantics

    Kajian Jangka Panjang Sektor Pelancongan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Malaysia

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    Teori perkembangan pelancongan mengatakan sumbangan sektor pelancongan berpotensi merangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya di negara membangun. Kajian ini cuba mengenal pasti sama ada sektor pelancongan memberi kesan jangka masa panjang yang positif kepada ekonomi negara. Persoalan ini diuji menggunakan analisis Kointegrasi dan ujian penyebab Granger. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat hubungan jangka masa panjang yang positif antara bilangan kemasukan pelancong dan KDNK negara. Manakala hubungan sebab penyebab Granger pula menunjukkan KDNK negara boleh digunakan untuk meramal bilangan kemasukan pelancong tetapi bilangan kemasukan pelancong tidak mencukupi untuk meramal KDNK negara. Kajian ini membuktikan perbelanjaan kerajaan untuk menarik bilangan pelancong bukanlah suatu usaha yang sia-sia memandangkan ianya akan memberikan kesan positif kepada KDNK negara pada jangka masa panjang

    The ‘real politics’ of taxation in post-revolutionary Sudan

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    Even before the economic emergency that the country announced in September 2020, the Government of Sudan desperately needed stable revenue. For instance, the Sudanese Pound has been devalued at least four times since 2018 and officially inflation reached at least 230 percent in October 2020. But these already worrisome numbers fail to provide a full account of inflation rates throughout the country. The real exchange rate for US dollars (USD) to Sudanese Pounds (SDG), which impacts an estimated 90 percent of transactions within the country, paints an even more extreme scenario. In 2018 approximately 1 USD could buy 30 SDG whereas a dollar is now roughly equivalent to 270 SDG today

    In Vitro Comparative Analysis of Fracture Resistance of Lithium Disilicate Endocrown and Prefabricated Zirconium Crown in Pulpotomized Primary Molars

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    AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of lithium disilicate endocrowns compared to prefabricated zirconia crown used for restoring pulpotomized primary molars, on their Fracture Resistance and to compare the loads to failure these different ceramic restorations with previously reported posterior occlusal forces. METHODS: Twenty mandibular left second primary molars were randomly distributed into two groups (n = 10 in each group) the zirconia Crown (Nusmile zr.) Group (G1) and the lithium disilicate (IPS e.max Press) Endocrown Group (G2). In all groups pulpotomy procedure was done before preparation then each sample was prepared based on their allocated restoration, both zirconia crown (Nusmile zr.) and endocrown (IPS e.max Press) were cemented by dual-cure resin cement. All samples were loaded to failure using a universal testing machine (Instron, USA), and the compressive force was applied. The data were analysed using one-way (ANOVA) and Tukey’s post hoc significance difference tests. Differences were considered significant at (p< 0.05). RESULTS: Group zirconia crown (G1) showed significantly higher fracture strength than Group (G2) lithium disilicate endocrown (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The zirconia crown showed higher fracture resistance than lithium disilicate endocrown. However, both tested zirconia crown and lithium disilicate endocrown withstood the application of axial occlusal forces greater than the reference values for posterior occlusal loads


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of community satisfaction with the public services provided by the Integrated Licensing Public Service Agency and Investment (BP2TPM) of Banjarmasin City, besides that it was also intended to find out the differences in community characteristics, such as age and level of education with satisfaction with service public. This study uses a quantitative approach, with a sample of 60 people, while the data analysis uses Chi Square Goodness Of Fit and Chi Square Test Of Independence. The results showed that the bureaucracy services provided by BP2TPM, most respondents 30% argued that they were quite satisfied with the licensing services provided by the agency. In addition there are significant differences between gender and community satisfaction, other results show there is no difference between age and community satisfaction, this means that the performance of the service units at BP2TPM does not discriminate or differ in providing services to the community in terms of age level. As well as there is no difference between the level of education and community satisfaction, this means that the service at BP2TPM does not discriminate in providing services to the community


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    This research is intended to know the level of public complaints to public service to the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia representative of South Kalimantan Province, the period of 2013 - 2015. In addition to knowing the obstacles of the Ombudsman Institution of the Republic of Indonesia Representative of South Kalimantan Province In following up or resolve complaints community. The method used is the approach of quantitative and qualitative research, with the form of data collection through the database. While data analysis using Model Miles and Huberman, using phase, Data Reduction, Data Display, and Conclusion Drawing / verification. The results show maladministration case between the years 2013-2015, the most frequent reporter is individual / direct victim and occurred in 2015 that is 71 cases (61%), from classification reported from year to year continue to increase this happened to city government / regency, And the most prevalent in 2015 ie 77 cases (66.4%). Meanwhile, when viewed from the type of maladministration of the most reported public reported is in the year 2013 is a case of delayed soluble, whereas in 2014-2015 cases do not provide services, and the case is most prevalent in 2014 ie 51 cases (38.3% ), Whereas by 2015 this case has declined


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    The objective of this research is to know the work enthusiasm and performances employee, the relationship with the characteristics of the gender, age, education, and year of service, and to know correlation work enthusiasm with performances employee at Badan Kesatuan Bangsa, Politik dan Perlindungan Masyarakat Kabupaten Kapuas. The method used is a quantitative research approach and the instrument is a questionnaire that analyzed by using Chi Square Goodness Of Fit Test, Independent Test, and Person Correlation. The research result show that work enthusiasm are not spread in the all category, but more is pretty good category (43,6%), so as performances employee is pretty good category (46,2%). In addition, there is not any relationship among the characteristics of gender, age, education, dan year of service with work enthusiasm and performances employee. The other result there is a correlation significant work enthusiasm with performances employee, and the correlation strong enough category


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    This study aimed to determine the picture is to know thecompetency influence to see with five indicators: motives, self concept, traits, skill, knowladge on performances employee of Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Banjarmasin. The method used is a survey research approach and the data was collected using a questionnaire and that analyzed by using Multiple Linear Regression. The results of the descriptive analysisshowed that both competence and employee performance in very goodcategories. Statistical analysis showed competence affects the employee performance. This variable competence is to help increase the employee performance