3,092 research outputs found

    Relativistic Compact Objects in Isotropic Coordinates

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    We present a matrix method for obtaining new classes of exact solutions for Einstein's equations representing static perfect fluid spheres. By means of a matrix transformation, we reduce Einstein's equations to two independent Riccati type differential equations for which three classes of solutions are obtained. One class of the solutions corresponding to the linear barotropic type fluid with an equation of state p=γρp=\gamma \rho is discussed in detail.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Pramana-Journal of Physic

    IL-33 ameliorates Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology and cognitive decline

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating condition with no known effective treatment. AD is characterized by memory loss as well as impaired locomotor ability, reasoning, and judgment. Emerging evidence suggests that the innate immune response plays a major role in the pathogenesis of AD. In AD, the accumulation of β-amyloid (Aβ) in the brain perturbs physiological functions of the brain, including synaptic and neuronal dysfunction, microglial activation, and neuronal loss. Serum levels of soluble ST2 (sST2), a decoy receptor for interleukin (IL)-33, increase in patients with mild cognitive impairment, suggesting that impaired IL-33/ST2 signaling may contribute to the pathogenesis of AD. Therefore, we investigated the potential therapeutic role of IL-33 in AD, using transgenic mouse models. Here we report that IL-33 administration reverses synaptic plasticity impairment and memory deficits in APP/PS1 mice. IL-33 administration reduces soluble Aβ levels and amyloid plaque deposition by promoting the recruitment and Aβ phagocytic activity of microglia; this is mediated by ST2/p38 signaling activation. Furthermore, IL-33 injection modulates the innate immune response by polarizing microglia/macrophages toward an antiinflammatory phenotype and reducing the expression of proinflammatory genes, including IL-1β, IL-6, and NLRP3, in the cortices of APP/PS1 mice. Collectively, our results demonstrate a potential therapeutic role for IL-33 in AD

    Absolute Stability Limit for Relativistic Charged Spheres

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    We find an exact solution for the stability limit of relativistic charged spheres for the case of constant gravitational mass density and constant charge density. We argue that this provides an absolute stability limit for any relativistic charged sphere in which the gravitational mass density decreases with radius and the charge density increases with radius. We then provide a cruder absolute stability limit that applies to any charged sphere with a spherically symmetric mass and charge distribution. We give numerical results for all cases. In addition, we discuss the example of a neutral sphere surrounded by a thin, charged shell.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure 1 June 07: Replaced with added citations to prior work along same line

    Graphene field-effect-transistors with high on/off current ratio and large transport band gap at room temperature

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    Graphene is considered to be a promising candidate for future nano-electronics due to its exceptional electronic properties. Unfortunately, the graphene field-effect-transistors (FETs) cannot be turned off effectively due to the absence of a bandgap, leading to an on/off current ratio typically around 5 in top-gated graphene FETs. On the other hand, theoretical investigations and optical measurements suggest that a bandgap up to a few hundred meV can be created by the perpendicular E-field in bi-layer graphenes. Although previous carrier transport measurements in bi-layer graphene transistors did indicate a gate-induced insulating state at temperature below 1 Kelvin, the electrical (or transport) bandgap was estimated to be a few meV, and the room temperature on/off current ratio in bi-layer graphene FETs remains similar to those in single-layer graphene FETs. Here, for the first time, we report an on/off current ratio of around 100 and 2000 at room temperature and 20 K, respectively in our dual-gate bi-layer graphene FETs. We also measured an electrical bandgap of >130 and 80 meV at average electric displacements of 2.2 and 1.3 V/nm, respectively. This demonstration reveals the great potential of bi-layer graphene in applications such as digital electronics, pseudospintronics, terahertz technology, and infrared nanophotonics.Comment: 3 Figure

    Stabilization of test particles in Induced Matter Kaluza-Klein theory

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    The stability conditions for the motion of classical test particles in an n% n -dimensional Induced Matter Kaluza-Klein theory is studied. We show that stabilization requires a variance of the strong energy condition for the induced matter to hold and that it is related to the hierarchy problem. Stabilization of test particles in a FRW universe is also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Crossover from Fermi liquid to Wigner molecule behavior in quantum dots

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    The crossover from weak to strong correlations in parabolic quantum dots at zero magnetic field is studied by numerically exact path-integral Monte Carlo simulations for up to eight electrons. By the use of a multilevel blocking algorithm, the simulations are carried out free of the fermion sign problem. We obtain a universal crossover only governed by the density parameter rsr_s. For rs>rcr_s>r_c, the data are consistent with a Wigner molecule description, while for rs<rcr_s<r_c, Fermi liquid behavior is recovered. The crossover value rc4r_c \approx 4 is surprisingly small.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 3 figures, corrected Tabl

    Thermodynamic phase diagram and phase competition in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 studied by thermal expansion

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    High-resolution thermal-expansion and specific-heat measurements were performed on single crystalline BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 (0 < x < 0.33, x = 1). The observation of clear anomalies allows to establish the thermodynamic phase diagram which features a small coexistence region of SDW and superconductivity with a steep rise of Tc on the underdoped side. Samples that undergo the tetragonal-orthorhombic structural transition are detwinned in situ, and the response of the sample length to the magneto-structural and superconducting transitions is studied for all three crystallographic directions. It is shown that a reduction of the magnetic order by superconductivity is reflected in all lattice parameters. On the overdoped side, superconductivity affects the lattice parameters in much the same way as the SDW on the underdoped side, suggesting an intimate relation between the two types of order. Moreover, the uniaxial pressure derivatives of Tc are calculated using the Ehrenfest relation and are found to be large and anisotropic. A correspondence between substitution and uniaxial pressure is established, i.e., uniaxial pressure along the b-axis (c-axis) corresponds to a decrease (increase) of the P content. By studying the electronic contribution to the thermal expansion we find evidence for a maximum of the electronic density of states at optimal doping

    Excitonic Effects on Optical Absorption Spectra of Doped Graphene

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    We have performed first-principles calculations to study optical absorption spectra of doped graphene with many-electron effects included. Both self-energy corrections and electron-hole interactions are reduced due to the enhanced screening in doped graphene. However, self-energy corrections and excitonic effects nearly cancel each other, making the prominent optical absorption peak fixed around 4.5 eV under different doping conditions. On the other hand, an unexpected increase of the optical absorbance is observed within the infrared and visible-light frequency regime (1 ~ 3 eV). Our analysis shows that a combining effect from the band filling and electron-hole interactions results in such an enhanced excitonic effect on the optical absorption. These unique variations of the optical absorption of doped graphene are of importance to understand relevant experiments and design optoelectronic applications.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; Nano Lett., Article ASAP (2011

    Electrical Control of Plasmon Resonance with Graphene

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    Surface plasmon, with its unique capability to concentrate light into sub-wavelength volume, has enabled great advances in photon science, ranging from nano-antenna and single-molecule Raman scattering to plasmonic waveguide and metamaterials. In many applications it is desirable to control the surface plasmon resonance in situ with electric field. Graphene, with its unique tunable optical properties, provides an ideal material to integrate with nanometallic structures for realizing such control. Here we demonstrate effective modulation of the plasmon resonance in a model system composed of hybrid graphene-gold nanorod structure. Upon electrical gating the strong optical transitions in graphene can be switched on and off, which leads to significant modulation of both the resonance frequency and quality factor of plasmon resonance in gold nanorods. Hybrid graphene-nanometallic structures, as exemplified by this combination of graphene and gold nanorod, provide a general and powerful way for electrical control of plasmon resonances. It holds promise for novel active optical devices and plasmonic circuits at the deep subwavelength scale

    High On/Off Ratios in Bilayer Graphene Field Effect Transistors Realized by Surface Dopants

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    The unique property of bilayer graphene to show a band gap tunable by external electrical fields enables a variety of different device concepts with novel functionalities for electronic, optoelectronic and sensor applications. So far the operation of bilayer graphene based field effect transistors requires two individual gates to vary the channel's conductance and to create a band gap. In this paper we report on a method to increase the on/off ratio in single gated bilayer graphene field effect transistors by adsorbate doping. The adsorbate dopants on the upper side of the graphene establish a displacement field perpendicular to the graphene surface breaking the inversion symmetry of the two graphene layers. Low temperature measurements indicate, that the increased on/off ratio is caused by the opening of a mobility gap. Beside field effect transistors the presented approach can also be employed for other bilayer graphene based devices like photodetectors for THz to infrared radiation, chemical sensors and in more sophisticated structures such as antidot- or superlattices where an artificial potential landscape has to be created.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure