66 research outputs found

    Apatite from NWA 10153 and NWA 10645 : the key to deciphering magmatic and fluid evolution history in Nakhlites

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    Apatites from Martian nakhlites NWA 10153 and NWA 10645 were used to obtain insight into their crystallization environment and the subsequent postcrystallization evolution path. The research results acquired using multi-tool analyses show distinctive transformation processes that were not fully completed. The crystallization history of three apatite generations (OH-bearing, Cl-rich fluorapatite as well as OH-poor, F-rich chlorapatite and fluorapatite) were reconstructed using transmission electron microscopy and geochemical analyses. Magmatic OH-bearing, Cl-rich fluorapatite changed its primary composition and evolved toward OH-poor, F-rich chlorapatite because of its interaction with fluids. Degassing of restitic magma causes fluorapatite crystallization, which shows a strong structural affinity for the last episode of system evolution. In addition to the three apatite generations, a fourth amorphous phase of calcium phosphate has been identified with Raman spectroscopy. This amorphous phase may be considered a transition phase between magmatic and hydrothermal phases. It may give insight into the dissolution process of magmatic phosphates, help in processing reconstruction, and allow to decipher mineral interactions with hydrothermal fluids

    Content-aware frame interpolation (CAFI): deep learning-based temporal super-resolution for fast bioimaging

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    The development of high-resolution microscopes has made it possible to investigate cellular processes in 3D and over time. However, observing fast cellular dynamics remains challenging because of photobleaching and phototoxicity. Here we report the implementation of two content-aware frame interpolation (CAFI) deep learning networks, Zooming SlowMo and Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation, that are highly suited for accurately predicting images in between image pairs, therefore improving the temporal resolution of image series post-acquisition. We show that CAFI is capable of understanding the motion context of biological structures and can perform better than standard interpolation methods. We benchmark CAFI’s performance on 12 different datasets, obtained from four different microscopy modalities, and demonstrate its capabilities for single-particle tracking and nuclear segmentation. CAFI potentially allows for reduced light exposure and phototoxicity on the sample for improved long-term live-cell imaging. The models and the training and testing data are available via the ZeroCostDL4Mic platform

    Rationale for the treatment of children with CCSK in the UMBRELLA SIOP-RTSG 2016 protocol

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    The International Society of Paediatric Oncology-Renal Tumour Study Group (SIOP-RTSG) has developed a new protocol for the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up monitoring of childhood renal tumours-the UMBRELLA SIOP-RTSG 2016 protocol (the UMBRELLA protocol). This protocol has been designed to continue international collaboration in the treatment of childhood renal tumours and will be implemented in over 50 different countries. Clear cell sarcoma of the kidney, which is a rare paediatric renal tumour that most commonly occurs in childre

    A model of Radiocommunication Events Management System

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    Presenting a model of radiocommunication events management system, we have described its structure and flow of input and output data streams. Besides, we have pointed out the need for developing a system of radiocommunication events management, and possible applications of the developed model

    Application of the elementary object method in modeling of composite structural elements

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    Obiekt elementarny jest jednostką, która przechowuje dane, nawiązuje wymianę komunikatów poprzez sieć, wykonuje pewne usługi, a co za tym idzie, realizuje w ten sposób ogólne założenia systemu. Biorąc pod uwagę zagadnienie modelowania z zastosowaniem obiektów zorientowanych graficznie, Feature Modeling, definiuje się je, jako obiekty 3D lub 2D o określonych cechach. W pracy podjęto próbę zdefiniowania obiektów elementarnych w odniesieniu do zagadnienia projektowania kompozytowych elementów konstrukcyjnych zbudowanych na bazie kompozytów włóknistych w osnowie żywic polimerowych. Wyszczególniono następujące postacie obiektów elementarnych: materiałowe obiekty elementarne (MOE), kompozytowe obiekty elementarne (COE), laminatowe obiekty elementarne (LOE), technologiczne obiekty elementarne (TOE) wytwarzania kompozytów. Proces projektowo konstrukcyjny z zastosowaniem wcześniej zdefiniowanych obiektów został przedstawiony w postaci schematu blokowego z wyszczególnionymi etapami oraz układem relacji pomiędzy nimi. W artykule przedstawiono także zagadnienia wieloskalowego oraz wielopoziomowego projektowania oraz analizy komputerowej kompozytowych elementów konstrukcyjnych. Jako przykład użycia metody obiektów elementarnych przedstawiono proces modelowania kompozytów włóknistych, z zastosowaniem oprogramowania NX7.5.Elementary object is an entity that stores data, links a network of messaging services, and performs some general assumptions using the system. Taking into account the subject matter of modeling with the use of graphically-oriented objects, Feature Modeling, we defined them as 3D objects or 2D objects with specific characteristics. This paper attempts to define the primitives with respect to the issue of design of composite components built on fibrous composites in the matrix polymer resins. The relevant figures of features: material feature (MOE), composite feature (COE), laminar feature (LOE), technological feature (TOE) were specified. Design-construction process using pre-defined objects was presented in the form of a flowchart, detailing the steps and the system relationships between them. The paper also presents the issues of multiscale and multi-level design and computer analysis of composite structural elements. As an example of using of features method, fibrous composites process modeling with using software NX7.5 was shown

    Radiocommunication event allocation model for a selected sea area

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    This article presents the structure of a model of the allocation of radiocommunication events at coastal radio stations, land-based satellite stations and on vessels in sea area A3. The propagation of radio waves in the HF band has been analyzed to examine the range of various radio stations and their capabilities of establishing communication between each other. We also present methods of modeling and displaying the deployment of individual stations, of presenting radiocommunication events as a function of time using time diagrams, as well as the manner of the chronological presentation of radiocommunication events and related decisions. It has been shown that there is a relationship between the effectiveness of communication and propagation conditions that is strongly dependent on the time-of-day. We present the need to develop a decision support system for the radio operator on the bridge

    Area model in the radiocommunication event management system

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    The paper presents a sea area model developed for the purposes of radio communication event management system in the maritime transport. The authors have presented the assumptions underlying the area model architecture, and proposed methods of modelling and presentation of dislocation of radio stations, taking into consideration their ranges. Wave propagation in sea areas has been analysed and a method of its presentation, based on an analysis of radio station ranges and feasibility of communications, has been proposed. The designed model incorporates shiptoship communications which are essential for messaging coast stations