8,309 research outputs found

    Jet Quenching: the medium modification of the single and double fragmentation functions

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    The physics of the quenching of hard jets in dense matter is briefly reviewed. This is presented within the framework of the partonic medium modification of the fragmentation functions. Modifications in both deeply inelastic scattering (DIS) off large nuclei and high-energy heavy-ion collisions are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the First Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, Oct 24-26, 200

    Deciphering Deconfinement in Correlations of Conserved Charges

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    Diagonal and off-diagonal flavor and conserved charge susceptibilities reveal the prevalent degrees of freedom of heated strongly interacting matter. Results obtained from lattice simulations are compared with various model estimates in an effort to weed down various possible pictures of a quark gluon plasma. We argue that the vanishing of the off-diagonal quark flavor susceptibilities and its derivatives with respect to chemical potential, at temperatures above 1.5Tc, can only be understood in a picture of a gas or liquid composed of quasi-particles which carry the same quantum numbers as quarks and antiquarks. A potential new observable, blind to neutral and non-strange particles, is introduced and related via isospin symmetry to the ratio of susceptibilities of baryonic strangeness to strangeness generated in the excited matter created at RHIC.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, LATEX, To appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Los Angeles, CA, Mar 26-31, 200

    Jet modification in three dimensional fluid dynamics at next-to-leading twist

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    The modification of the single inclusive spectrum of high transverse momentum (pTp_T ) pions emanating from an ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision is investigated. The deconfined sector is modelled using a full three dimensional (3-D) ideal fluid dynamics simulation. Energy loss of high pTp_T partons and the ensuing modification of their fragmentation is calculated within perturbative QCD at next-to-leading twist, where the magnitude of the higher twist contribution is modulated by the entropy density extracted from the 3-D fluid dynamics simulation. The nuclear modification factor (RAAR_{AA}) for pions with a pT≥8p_T \geq 8 GeV as a function of centrality as well as with respect to the reaction plane is calculated. The magnitude of contributions to the differential RAAR_{AA} within small angular ranges, from various depths in the dense matter is extracted from the calculation and demonstrate the correlation of the length integrated density and the RAAR_{AA} from a given depth. The significance of the mixed and hadronic phase to the overall magnitude of energy loss are explored.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, Revte

    Local electromagnetic properties of magnetic pnictides: A comparative study probed by NMR measurement

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    75As and 31P NMR studies are performed in PrCoAsO and NdCoPO respectively. The Knight shift data in PrCoAsO indicate the presence of an antiferromagnetic interaction between the 4f moments along the c axis in the ferromagnetic state of Co 3d moments. We propose a possible spin structure in this system. The 75As quadrupolar coupling constant, νQ\nu_Q increases continuously with the decrease of temperature and is found to vary linearly with the intrinsic spin susceptibility, Kiso. This indicates a possibility of the presence of a coupling between charge density and spin density fluctuations. Further, 31P NMR Knight shift and spin lattice relaxation rate (1/T1) in the paramagnetic state of NdCoPO indicate that the differences between LaCoPO and NdCoPO with SmCoPO are due to the decrement of inter layer separation and not due to the moments of 4f electrons. Nuclear spin lattice relaxation time (T1) in NdCoPO shows weak anisotropy at 300 K. Using self consistent renormalization (SCR)theory of itinerant ferromagnet, it is shown that in the ab plane, the spin fluctuations are three dimensional ferromagnetic in nature. From SCR theory the important spin fluctuation parameters (T0T_0, TAT_A, Fˉ1\bar{F}_1) are evaluated. The similarities and dissimilarities of the NMR results in As and P based systems, with different rare earths have also been discussed.Comment: 18 pages,13 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Universality in Fluid Domain Coarsening: The case of vapor-liquid transition

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    Domain growth during the kinetics of phase separation is studied following vapor-liquid transition in a single component Lennard-Jones fluid. Results are analyzed after appropriately mapping the continuum snapshots obtained from extensive molecular dynamics simulations to a simple cubic lattice. For near critical quench interconnected domain morphology is observed. A brief period of slow diffusive growth is followed by a linear viscous hydrodynamic growth that lasts for an extended period of time. This result is in contradiction with earlier inclusive reports of late time growth exponent 1/2 that questions the uniqueness of the non-equilibrium universality for liquid-liquid and vapor-liquid transitions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Impact of enhanced flow on the flow system and wastewater characteristics of sewage-fed fisheries in India

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    In this study, we estimated the impact of enhanced flow on shallow wetlands that receive major effluent discharge from an adjoining metropolitan city. The local people use the shallow wetlands for pisciculture. Beginning in 1998, the population of the city began to rise and the amount of effluent discharge increased. The excess load is now a problem for the city engineers, and they plan to manage the sewage by increasing the area of the sewage network. The depth of the wetlands is also decreasing due to an increase in suspended solids. The quantity of the toxic load suspended in the discharge has increased the silt content, which has consequently further reduced the depth of the wetlands. The excess flow on low depth wetlands may cause overflows and destroy both the ecosystem and the livelihood of the local people. In this study, the pattern identification capability of neuro-genetic models was used to estimate the impact of the excess flow on sewage-fed wetlands. Two neural network models were created to estimate whether fisheries can accommodate the enhanced flow. According to the results of this study, the East Kolkata Wetlands, India can accommodate 1450 million litres per day (MLD) of sewage, if the average depth of water is increased to 1.18 m.Key words: Dry weather flow, East Kolkata wetlands, neural network, sewage-fed fisheries
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