125 research outputs found

    Fuel Performance Comparison of Uranium Nitride and Uranium Carbide in VVER-1200 using OpenMC

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    Nuclear power is a reliable and large-scale source of GHG-free electricity. This study asses the viability of ATF fuel of uranium nitride (UN) and uranium carbide (UC) as fuel for the VVER-1200 reactor. A comprehensive overview of the VVER-1200 and Accident Tolerant fuels is conducted. A review of the development of ATFs identified UN and UC as viable fuels for the VVER reactor. The study utilizes OpenMC to model the VVER-1200 core and compares the behaviour of ATF with conventional fuel. Key findings include comparable k-eff values implying similar neutronic behaviour. UO2 and UC showed similar fission rates across the core while UN showed higher neutron flux and fission rate in the outer part of the core. The base Z44B2 showed increased flux and fission rate with UN as the fuel. ATF behaviour showed to be comparable to the UO2 and thus is a potential alternative to conventional fuels. ATFs provide an additional level of safety because of higher melting points and higher thermal conductivity. This study can be further improved to investigate the depletion of ATFs so that the behaviours of the core over large periods of time, fission products and operator safety can be assessed. Base case k-eff value of 1.24795 are comparable to k-eff values generated by UN and UC

    Petri Net modelling approach for analysing the behaviour of Wnt/[inline-formula removed] -catenin and Wnt/Ca 2+ signalling pathways in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.

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    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is an inherited heart muscle disease that may result in arrhythmia, heart failure and sudden death. The hallmark pathological findings are progressive myocyte loss and fibro fatty replacement, with a predilection for the right ventricle. This study focuses on the adipose tissue formation in cardiomyocyte by considering the signal transduction pathways including Wnt/[inline-formula removed]-catenin and Wnt/Ca2+ regulation system. These pathways are modelled and analysed using stochastic petri nets (SPN) in order to increase our comprehension of ARVC and in turn its treatment regimen. The Wnt/[inline-formula removed]-catenin model predicts that the dysregulation or absence of Wnt signalling, inhibition of dishevelled and elevation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 along with casein kinase I are key cytotoxic events resulting in apoptosis. Moreover, the Wnt/Ca2+ SPN model demonstrates that the Bcl2 gene inhibited by c-Jun N-terminal kinase protein in the event of endoplasmic reticulum stress due to action potential and increased amount of intracellular Ca2+ which recovers the Ca2+homeostasis by phospholipase C, this event positively regulates the Bcl2 to suppress the mitochondrial apoptosis which causes ARVC

    Assessing nutritional status of critically Ill patients using serum prealbumin levels

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    Background: Malnutrition in hospitalized patients, contributes to poor outcomes. Biomarker serum prealbumin, can prevent the complications by commencement of nutritional support to improve clinical outcomes. This study was designed to assess the association between low serum prealbumin level (\u3c18 mg/dl), with length of stay and all cause intensive care unit mortality. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from July 2016 to July 2017 at Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi Pakistan. All consecutive patients, aged between 18 to 70 years, admitted in medical or surgical intensive care unit were included. Demographic, clinical history and blood samples for analysing serum prealbumin were obtained on first day of admission. Patients were categorized into two groups based on their serum prealbumin level (taking \u3c18 mg/dl as low). Results: A total of 139 patients were included in this study; 95 (68.3%) were male. Median (Q3-Q1) prealbumin level of 12.3 mg/dl (18.8–8.7) was observed with low prealbumin level (\u3c18 mg/dl) in 100 (71.9%) patients. All-cause mortality was observed in 26 (26.0%) patients, mortality rate was significantly higher in patients with low prealbumin level (26.0% vs. 17.9%), p-value =0.31). Hospital and intensive care unit length of stay were statistically insignificantly different between the two groups with p-values of 0.27 and 0.44 respectively. Conclusion: We did not find association of low serum prealbumin with length of stay and mortality. Further research is warranted for the assessment of prealbumin as independent predictor of ICU mortality

    Levels and Types of Questions Raised by EFL Teachers in Southern Al-Mazar Directorate of Education

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    This study aimed at investigating the levels and types of questions raised by EFL teachers in Southern Al-Mazar directorate of Education. The study comprised (12) female/ male teachers. The results of the study showed that; male/female teachers asked (1603) questions; (1290) questions were within the low level and (313) questions were high level. Female/male teachers asked (1603) questions where (393) questions were open and (1210) were ended questions . The results also, showed that female teachers asked (729) questions whereas male teachers asked (874). Also, the results of the study showed that females/ males teachers with high experience asked questions more than those teachers with less experience. In light of the results of the study, the researcher had suggested some recommendations to the concern.Key words: Levels of questions; Types of questions; EFL teachers questionsRésumé Cette étude visait à étudier les niveaux et types de questions posées par les enseignants EFL dans le sud de Mazar Al-Direction de l’éducation. L’étude comprenait (12) enseignants de sexe féminin/ masculin. Les résultats de l’étude a montré que, mâle/ femelle des enseignants a demandé (1603) des questions; (1290) des questions se situaient dans le bas niveau et (313) questions étaient de haut niveau. Les enseignants des femmes/ hommes a demandé (1603) questions où (393) des questions étaient ouvertes et (1210) ont été clos questions. Les résultats ont également, a montré que les enseignantes demandé (729) des questions alors que les enseignants masculins a demandé (874). En outre, les résultats de l’étude a montré que les femelles ou les mâles des enseignants ayant une expérience de haute posé des questions plus que ces enseignants ayant moins d’expérience. À la lumière des résultats de l’étude, le chercheur a suggéré quelques recommandations à la préoccupation.Mots clés: Niveaux de questions; Types de questions; EFL questions d’enseignan


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    Background and Purpose: In recent years, studies and interest in human behaviour in relation to the halal industry have been growing. The process of understanding the reasons for planning behaviour intention is not an easy path. Intentions are provoked by an individual’s attitude which effect on how individuals making per purchase decision (Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel, 2001; Viksne, Salkovska, Gaitniece, & Puke, 2016). Human beings are complex and this complexity helps in having contradictions in an individual’s attitude.   Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) was created based on the theory of social psychology, and congruity theory was used as a theoretical framework for creating the current conceptual model.   The main objective of the study is to examine the relationship between Spiritual intelligence (SQ), Spiritual Congruence (SC) and Accounting Literacy (AL) towards attitude and intention to purchase Halal product among the Generation Alpha. Methodology: To provide insight from this generation, the current study conducted a survey within the students of Faculty Economics and Muamalat, USIM for five programs offered. The survey reached 181 respondents, those who had experience in consuming halal products. The research instrument which consists of 31 scale items were utilized using a Likert scale and were then administered via questionnaire administered approach of using SPSS.   Findings: Based on the finding it indicates that only SQ and SC have positive and significant relationship towards attitude which is represented by 0.006 for SQ and 0.022 for SC. However, AL does not reflect significant relationship with attitude.   Contributions: The implication of the finding indicates that the education structure which embedded the Islamic elements could influence the attitude of the students towards Halal products. The finding could be the interest of the authorities and bodies related to Halal industry to create awareness among Alpha generation.   Keywords: Spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence, accounting literacy, halal, generation alpha.   Cite as:  Azreen Jihan, M. H., Nurul Nazlia, J., Muhamad Azrin, N., Muhammad, M., & N Alia Fahada, W. A. R. (2023). The influence of spiritual intelligence, spiritual congruence and accounting literacy on attitude of purchasing halal product towards generation alpha. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 73-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp73-9

    Diagnostic dilemma of patients with methylmalonic aciduria: Experience from a tertiary care centre in Pakistan

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    Objective: To determine the frequency of disorders leading to methylmalonic acidurias. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2013 to April 2016 at the Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised patients diagnosed with methylmalonic acidurias based on urine organic acid analysis. Clinical history and biochemical data was collected from the biochemical genetics laboratory requisition forms. Organic acid chromatograms of all the subjects were critically reviewed by a biochemical pathologist and a metabolic physician. For assessing the clinical outcome, medical charts of the patients were reviewed. SPSS 19 was used for data analysis. Results: Of the 1,778 patients 50(2.81%) were detected with methylmalonic acidurias. After excluding patients with non-significant peaks of methylmalonic acidemia, 41(2.31%) were included in the final analysis. Of these, 20(48.7%) were females, while the overall median age was 11.5 months (interquartile range: 6-41.5). On stratification by type of disorders leading to methylmalonic acidurias, 9(22%) had methylmalonic acidemia, 12(29%) had Cobalamin-related remethylation disorders, nonspecific methylmalonic acidurias in 16(39%), while 2(5%) each had succinyl coenzyme A synthetase and Vitamin B12 deficiency. respectively. Conclusion: Screening tests, including urine organic acid, provided valuable clues to the aetiology of methylmalonic acidurias

    Under recognized entity: chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with lupus

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    Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is an acquired, autoimmune peripheral neuropathy. It has an insidious disease progression resulting in a debilitating illness. It is a well known neurological disorder. The causative factors are elucidating and it is generally considered idiopathic. However, its’ associations with various systemic disorders is well established albeit under recognized, especially with lupus as evident by few of the case reports/ series published in the recent past. The aim of this report is to highlight this neglected but important aspect of clinical neurology in common practice

    Pendekatan Mengurus Konflik dalam Rumah Tangga Bermadu: Approach in Managing Conflict in A Polygamous Household

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    Conflict is an unavoidable condition and is part and parcel of life in a household, especially in the lives of a polygamous household. This article aims to present the factors that contribute to household conflict and the approach in managing them. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews with sampling techniques aimed at 5 sister-wives and 1 polygamous husband. The interview data transcriptions were analyzed to form themes and sub-themes and validation was performed using Cohen Kappa calculations. The data analysis revealed that the internal factors which trigger conflict are secretive marriage, lack of concern, jealousy, and misunderstanding, whereas the external factors are neglecting responsibility, difficulty in adjusting, and lack of communication. Among the approaches taken to manage this conflict are to hold discussions, to be generous, to be tolerant, to care for each other, to appreciate, to be patient, to accept the qada' and qadar of Allah Almighty, to protect the household’s honour, and to limit unimportant social activities. This finding can serve as a guide in the management of polygamous household conflicts. ABSTRAK Konflik adalah satu keadaan yang sukar dielakkan dan menjadi asam garam alam rumah tangga, lebih-lebih lagi dalam kehidupan rumah tangga bermadu. Artikel ini bertujuan mengemukakan faktor-faktor yang mencetuskan konflik rumah tangga bermadu serta pendekatan mengurusnya. Data diperolehi melalui temu bual separa berstruktur dengan teknik persampelan bertujuan iaitu terhadap 5 orang isteri bermadu dan 1 orang suami berpoligami. Transkripsi data temubual dianalisis bagi membentuk tema dan sub tema dan proses keesahan dilakukan menerusi pengiraan Cohen Kappa. Analisis data mengemukakan faktor dalaman yang mencetuskan konflik iaitu merahsiakan perkahwinan, kurang keprihatinan, perasaan cemburu dan salah faham manakala faktor luaran ialah pengabaian tanggungjawab, sukar membuat penyesuaian diri dan tiada komunikasi. Antara pendekatan yang dilakukan untuk mengurus konflik ialah mengadakan perbincangan, berlapang dada, bertolak ansur, menjaga hati, menghargai, sabar, redha dengan qada’ qadar Allah SWT, menjaga rahsia rumah tangga dan menghadkan aktiviti sosial yang tidak penting. Dapatan ini boleh djadikan panduan dalam pengurusan konflik rumah tangga bermadu.     &nbsp

    Developing and Verifying A 3.5ghz Smart Antenna for Wideband 5G Communication

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    Nowadays, 5G technology plays a crucial role in various aspects of human life, such as communication, business, education, and transportation. The 5G technology utilizes frequency bandwidths that can be categorized into low, medium, and high bandwidths. This study aims to design a 3.5GHz smart antenna using FR-4 substrate and microstrip feeding line for wideband 5G communication in large open areas. The designed antenna is suitable for 5G applications in the 3.5GHz frequency range. The output of the fabrication is measured using a Vector Network Analyzer, which is connected to the microstrip feeding line through a subminiature version A connector. The FR-4 substrate used in this project has a dimension of 40mm x 32mm and a thickness of 1.6mm. Initially, the antenna is simulated using CST software, and then it is fabricated for measurement to validate the simulation result. The simulation result shows a return loss of -42.287dB and a VSWR of 1.016, which is approximately equal to 1.00 of the VSWR &nbsp

    Deign of Millimeter-Wave Antennas for 5G

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    The evolution of 5G is became a common in this decade and characteristic of 5G provide high speed and low latency provoke the demand of development of millimeter wave antenna. This project is to design a compact millimeter-wave antennas for 5G at 28GHz using CST Studio Suite and validation of simulated result using fabrication and measurements. The double side FR-4 with thickness of 1.6 mm and dielectric constant of 4.7, copper with thickness 0.035mm is used and microstrip feed line is used as feeding technique to the antenna. The CST Studio Suite used in simulation and obtain reflection coefficient of -45.11 dB, 1.011 VSMR, gain of 5.472 dBi and directivity of 6.694 dBi at 28 GHz. The measured result obtain 27.776 GHz with -19.18 dB using VNA &nbsp
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