582 research outputs found

    Politics and Hierarchy in the Early Rus' Church: Antonii, a 13th-century Archbishop of Novgorod

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    Collective adhesion and displacement of retinal progenitor cells upon extracellular matrix substrates of transplantable biomaterials

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    Strategies to replace retinal photoreceptors lost to damage or disease rely upon the migration of replacement cells transplanted into sub-retinal spaces. A significant obstacle to the advancement of cell transplantation for retinal repair is the limited migration of transplanted cells into host retina. In this work, we examine the adhesion and displacement responses of retinal progenitor cells on extracellular matrix substrates found in retina as well as widely used in the design and preparation of transplantable scaffolds. The data illustrate that retinal progenitor cells exhibit unique adhesive and displacement dynamics in response to poly-l-lysine, fibronectin, laminin, hyaluronic acid, and Matrigel. These findings suggest that transplantable biomaterials can be designed to improve cell integration by incorporating extracellular matrix substrates that affect the migratory behaviors of replacement cells

    High resolution micro arthrography of hard and soft tissues in a murine model

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    SummaryObjectiveRecent developments on high resolution micro computed tomography (μCT) allow imaging of soft tissues in small animal joints. Nevertheless, μCT images cannot distinguish soft tissues from synovial fluid due to their similar mass density, limiting the 3D assessment of soft tissues volume and thickness. This study aimed to evaluate a lead chromate contrast agent for μCΤ arthrography of rat knee joints ex vivo.DesignIntact tibiofemoral rat joints were injected with the contrast agent at different concentrations and imaged using a μCT at 2.7 μm isotropic voxel size. Cartilage thickness was measured using an automated procedure, validated against histological measurements, and analyzed as a function of μCT image resolution. Changes in hard and soft tissues were also analyzed in tibiofemoral joints 4 weeks after surgical destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM).ResultsThe contrast agent diffused well throughout the whole knee cavity without penetrating the tissues, therefore providing high contrast at the boundaries between soft tissues and synovial fluid space. Thickness analysis of cartilage demonstrated a high similarity between histology and μ-arthrography approaches (R2 = 0.90). Four weeks after surgical DMM, the development of osteophytes (Oph) and cartilage ulcerations was recognizable with μCT, as well as a slight increase in trabecular bone porosity, and decrease in trabecular thickness.ConclusionsA lead chromate-based contrast agent allowed discriminating the synovial fluid from soft tissues of intact knee joints, and thus made possible both qualitative and quantitative assessment of hard and soft tissues in both intact and DMM tibiofemoral joints using high resolution μCT

    Invertebrate Retinal Progenitors as Regenerative Models in a Microfluidic System

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    Regenerative retinal therapies have introduced progenitor cells to replace dysfunctional or injured neurons and regain visual function. While contemporary cell replacement therapies have delivered retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) within customized biomaterials to promote viability and enable transplantation, outcomes have been severely limited by the misdirected and/or insuffcient migration of transplanted cells. RPCs must achieve appropriate spatial and functional positioning in host retina, collectively, to restore vision, whereas movement of clustered cells differs substantially from the single cell migration studied in classical chemotaxis models. Defining how RPCs interact with each other, neighboring cell types and surrounding extracellular matrixes are critical to our understanding of retinogenesis and the development of effective, cell-based approaches to retinal replacement. The current article describes a new bio-engineering approach to investigate the migratory responses of innate collections of RPCs upon extracellular substrates by combining microfluidics with the well-established invertebrate model of Drosophila melanogaster. Experiments utilized microfluidics to investigate how the composition, size, and adhesion of RPC clusters on defined extracellular substrates affected migration to exogenous chemotactic signaling. Results demonstrated that retinal cluster size and composition influenced RPC clustering upon extracellular substrates of concanavalin (Con-A), Laminin (LM), and poly-L-lysine (PLL), and that RPC cluster size greatly altered collective migratory responses to signaling from Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), a primary chemotactic agent in Drosophila. These results highlight the significance of examining collective cell-biomaterial interactions on bio-substrates of emerging biomaterials to aid directional migration of transplanted cells. Our approach further introduces the benefits of pairing genetically controlled models with experimentally controlled microenvironments to advance cell replacement therapies

    In vitro formation of neuroclusters in microfluidic devices and cell migration as a function of stromal-derived growth factor 1 gradients

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    Central nervous system (CNS) cells cultured in vitro as neuroclusters are useful models of tissue regeneration and disease progression. However, the role of cluster formation and collective migration of these neuroclusters to external stimuli has been largely unstudied in vitro. Here, 3 distinct CNS cell types, medulloblastoma (MB), medulloblastoma-derived glial progenitor cells (MGPC), and retinal progenitor cells (RPC), were examined with respect to cluster formation and migration in response to Stromal-Derived Growth Factor (SDF-1). A microfluidic platform was used to distinguish collective migration of neuroclusters from that of individual cells in response to controlled concentration profiles of SDF-1. Cell lines were also compared with respect to expression of CXCR4, the receptor for SDF-1, and the gap junction protein Connexin 43 (Cx43). All cell types spontaneously formed clusters and expressed both CXCR4 and Cx43. RPC clusters exhibited collective chemotactic migration (i.e. movement as clusters) along SDF-1 concentration gradients. MGPCs clusters did not exhibit adhesion-based migration, and migration of MB clusters was inconsistent. This study demonstrates how controlled microenvironments can be used to examine the formation and collective migration of CNS-derived neuroclusters in varied cell populations

    Green tea polyphenol treatment is chondroprotective, anti-inflammatory and palliative in a mouse posttraumatic osteoarthritis model

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    Introduction Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol present in green tea, was shown to exert chondroprotective effects in vitro. In this study, we used a posttraumatic osteoarthritis (OA) mouse model to test whether EGCG could slow the progression of OA and relieve OA-associated pain. Methods C57BL/6 mice were subjected to surgical destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) or sham surgery. EGCG (25 mg/kg) or vehicle control was administered daily for 4 or 8 weeks by intraperitoneal injection starting on the day of surgery. OA severity was evaluated using Safranin O staining and Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) scores, as well as by immunohistochemical analysis to detect cleaved aggrecan and type II collagen and expression of proteolytic enzymes matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13) and A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 5 (ADAMTS5). Real-time PCR was performed to characterize the expression of genes critical for articular cartilage homeostasis. During the course of the experiments, tactile sensitivity testing (von Frey test) and open-field assays were used to evaluate pain behaviors associated with OA, and expression of pain expression markers and inflammatory cytokines in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) was determined by real-time PCR. Results Four and eight weeks after DMM surgery, the cartilage in EGCG-treated mice exhibited less Safranin O loss and cartilage erosion, as well as lower OARSI scores compared to vehicle-treated controls, which was associated with reduced staining for aggrecan and type II collagen cleavage epitopes, and reduced staining for MMP-13 and ADAMTS5 in the articular cartilage. Articular cartilage in the EGCG-treated mice also exhibited reduced levels of Mmp1, Mmp3, Mmp8, Mmp13,Adamts5, interleukin 1 beta (Il1b) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (Tnfa) mRNA and elevated gene expression of the MMP regulator Cbp/p300 interacting transactivator 2 (Cited2). Compared to vehicle controls, mice treated with EGCG exhibited reduced OA-associated pain, as indicated by higher locomotor behavior (that is, distance traveled). Moreover, expression of the chemokine receptor Ccr2 and proinflammatory cytokines Il1b and Tnfa in the DRG were significantly reduced to levels similar to those of sham-operated animals. Conclusions This study provides the first evidence in an OA animal model that EGCG significantly slows OA disease progression and exerts a palliative effect. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13075-014-0508-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The Role of Scleraxis in Fate Determination of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Tenocyte Differentiation

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are pluripotent cells that primarily differentiate into osteocytes, chondrocytes, and adipocytes. Recent studies indicate that MSCs can also be induced to generate tenocyte-like cells; moreover, MSCs have been suggested to have great therapeutic potential for tendon pathologies. Yet the precise molecular cascades governing tenogenic differentiation of MSCs remain unclear. We demonstrate scleraxis, a transcription factor critically involved in embryonic tendon development and formation, plays a pivotal role in the fate determination of MSC towards tenocyte differentiation. Using murine C3H10T1/2 pluripotent stem cells as a model system, we show scleraxis is extensively expressed in the early phase of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-12-triggered tenocytic differentiation. Once induced, scleraxis directly transactivates tendon lineage-related genes such as tenomodulin and suppresses osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic capabilities, thus committing C3H10T1/2 cells to differentiate into the specific tenocyte-like lineage, while eliminating plasticity for other lineages. We also reveal that mechanical loading-mediated tenocytic differentiation follows a similar pathway and that BMP-12 and cyclic uniaxial strain act in an additive fashion to augment the maximal response by activating signal transducer Smad8. These results provide critical insights into the determination of multipotent stem cells to the tenocyte lineage induced by both chemical and physical signals

    BMP-12 Treatment of Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells In Vitro Augments Tendon-Like Tissue Formation and Defect Repair In Vivo

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    We characterized the differentiation of rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) into tenocyte-like cells in response to bone morphogenetic protein-12 (BMP-12). BM-MSCs were prepared from Sprague-Dawley rats and cultured as monolayers. Recombinant BMP-12 treatment (10 ng/ml) of BM-MSCs for 12 hours in vitro markedly increased expression of the tenocyte lineage markers scleraxis (Scx) and tenomodulin (Tnmd) over 14 days. Treatment with BMP-12 for a further 12-hour period had no additional effect. Colony formation assays revealed that ∼80% of treated cells and their progeny were Scx- and Tnmd-positive. BM-MSCs seeded in collagen scaffolds and similarly treated with a single dose of BMP-12 also expressed high levels of Scx and Tnmd, as well as type I collagen and tenascin-c. Furthermore, when the treated BM-MSC-seeded scaffolds were implanted into surgically created tendon defects in vivo, robust formation of tendon-like tissue was observed after 21 days as evidenced by increased cell number, elongation and alignment along the tensile axis, greater matrix deposition and the elevated expression of tendon markers. These results indicate that brief stimulation with BMP-12 in vitro is sufficient to induce BM-MSC differentiation into tenocytes, and that this phenotype is sustained in vivo. This strategy of pretreating BM-MSCs with BMP-12 prior to in vivo transplantation may be useful in MSC-based tendon reconstruction or tissue engineering

    A Bisphosphonate With a Low Hydroxyapatite Binding Affinity Prevents Bone Loss in Mice After Ovariectomy and Reverses Rapidly With Treatment Cessation

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    Bisphosphonates (BPs) are a mainstay of osteoporosis treatment; however, concerns about bone health based on oversuppression of remodeling remain. Long-term bone remodeling suppression adversely affects bone material properties with microdamage accumulation and reduced fracture toughness in animals and increases in matrix mineralization and atypical femur fractures in patients. Although a “drug holiday” from BPs to restore remodeling and improve bone quality seems reasonable, clinical BPs have long functional half-lives because of their high hydroxyapatite (HAP) binding affinities. This places a practical limit on the reversibility and effectiveness of a drug holiday. BPs with low HAP affinity and strong osteoclast inhibition potentially offer an alternative approach; their antiresorptive effect should reverse rapidly when dosing is discontinued. This study tested this concept using NE-58025, a BP with low HAP affinity and moderate osteoclast inhibition potential. Young adult female C57Bl/6 mice were ovariectomized (OVX) and treated with NE-58025, risedronate, or PBS vehicle for 3 months to test effectiveness in preventing long-term bone loss. Bone microarchitecture, histomorphometry, and whole-bone mechanical properties were assessed. To test reversibility, OVX mice were similarly treated for 3 months, treatment was stopped, and bone was assessed up to 3 months post-treatment. NE-58025 and RIS inhibited long-term OVX-induced bone loss, but NE-58025 antiresorptive effects were more pronounced. Withdrawing NE-58025 treatment led to the rapid onset of trabecular resorption with a 200% increase in osteoclast surface and bone loss within 1 month. Cessation of risedronate treatment did not lead to increases in resorption indices or bone loss. These results show that NE-58025 prevents OVX-induced bone loss, and its effects reverse quickly following cessation treatment in vivo. Low-HAP affinity BPs may have use as reversible, antiresorptive agents with a rapid on/off profile, which may be useful for maintaining bone health with long-term BP treatment

    Functional involvement of PHOSPHO1 in matrix vesicle-mediated skeletal mineralization

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    UNLABELLED: PHOSPHO1 is a phosphatase highly expressed in bone. We studied its functional involvement in mineralization through the use of novel small molecule inhibitors. PHOSPHO1 expression was present within matrix vesicles, and inhibition of enzyme action caused a decrease in the ability of matrix vesicles to calcify. INTRODUCTION: The novel phosphatase, PHOSPHO1, belongs to the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily of hydrolases and is capable of cleaving phosphoethanolamine (PEA) and phosphocholine to generate inorganic phosphate. Our aims in this study were to examine the expression of PHOSPHO1 in murine mineralizing cells and matrix vesicles (MV) and to screen a series of small-molecule PHOSPHO1-specific inhibitors for their ability to pharmacologically inhibit the first step of MV-mediated mineralization. MATERIALS AND METHODS: q-PCR and immunohistochemistry were used to study the expression and localization profiles of PHOSPHO1. Inhibitors of PHOSPHO1's PEA hydrolase activity were discovered using high-throughput screening of commercially available chemical libraries. To asses the efficacy of these inhibitors to inhibit MV mineralization, MVs were isolated from TNAP-deficient (Akp2(-/-)) osteoblasts and induced to calcify in their presence. RESULTS: q-PCR revealed a 120-fold higher level of PHOSPHO1 expression in bone compared with a range of soft tissues. The enzyme was immunolocalized to the early hypertrophic chondrocytes of the growth plate and to osteoblasts of trabecular surfaces and infilling primary osteons of cortical bone. Isolated MVs also contained PHOSPHO1. PEA hydrolase activity was observed in sonicated MVs from Akp2(-/-) osteoblasts but not intact MVs. Inhibitors to PHOSPHO1 were identified and characterized. Lansoprazole and SCH202676 inhibited the mineralization of MVs from Akp2(-/-) osteoblasts by 56.8% and 70.7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that PHOSPHO1 localization is restricted to mineralizing regions of bone and growth plate and that the enzyme present within MVs is in an active state, inhibition of which decreases the capacity of MVs to mineralize. These data further support our hypothesis that PHOSPHO1 plays a role in the initiation of matrix mineralization