269 research outputs found

    Examining the key factors behind foreign language anxiety (FLA) in online teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

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    Though foreign language anxiety (FLA) has long been recognized as an important affective factor in second language learning, its impact is worth studying in new educational contexts of emergency remote teaching in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The present study examines the key factors behind FLA in online teaching of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The research was conducted among a sample of 171 first-year undergraduate uni-versity students of Economics & Business economics and Informatics at the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia, during the winter semester of 2020/2021. The research instru-ment used was a 33-item questionnaire adapted from the FLCAS scale (Horwitz et al., 1986) to reflect the online ESP classroom environment. The main results indicate that vari-ous background factors, such as gender, self-assessed levels of proficiency, length of learn-ing English and frequency of English language use, significantly influence the reported levels of language anxiety. Furthermore, the study establishes the underlying structure of FLA, with five factors positively correlated with overall language anxiety at the .01 level of statis-tical significance: speech anxiety, evaluation and comprehension anxiety, online ESP class-room environment, anxiety of talking to native speakers, and lack of motivation for online class attendance. Finally, multiple regression analysis shows that the five aspects of FLA, alongside the variables of gender and self-assessed pronunciation proficiency, represent statistically significant predictors of the total level of FLA among online ESP learners. The other independent variables are confirmed to be unreliable in predicting the overall level of language anxiety in an online ESP classroom

    Razlike u alelopatskom učinku ekstrakata korijena pajasena i izoliranog ailantona na test-biljne vrste

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    The objective of this paper was to analyse allelopathic effect of 3 different aqueous solutions from tree of heaven’s (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) root extract and their dilutions on common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and red bristlegrass (Setaria pumila L.). Investigated aqueous solutions obtained from tree of heaven’s root extract were root aqueous solution, aqueous solution with isolated ailanthone and root aqueous solution without ailanthone. Each of these solutions was diluted with water in ratio 1:4 and 1:16 before application on seeds of 3 test-plant species. Concentrated root and ailanthone aqueous solution and dilutions were equivalent to concentration of 0.48 mg/mL ailanthone. High allelopathic effect on radicle and shoot length of all test-species was proven for all investigated aqueous solution and their dilutions. Inhibitory effect on initial growth of all test-species was proportional to the increase in concentration in all treatments. The effect on initial growth was stronger in relation to the effect on germination of test-species. Lower concentrations caused stimulation of red bristlegrass germination. Pigweed was the most sensitive and common wheat the least sensitive test-species. The least significant effect was measured in the aqueous solution of isolated ailanthone.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti alelopatski učinak 3 različite vodene otopine iz ekstrakta korijena pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) i njihova razrjeđenja na pšenicu (Triticum aestivum L.), oštrodlakavi šćir (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) i zeleni muhar (Setaria pumila L.). Istraživane vodene otopine dobivene iz ekstrakta korijena pajasena su vodena otopina korijena pajasena, vodena otopina izoliranog ailantona i vodena otopina korijena bez ailantona. Svaka od tih otopina razrijeđena je s vodom u omjeru 1:4 i 1:16 prije primjene na sjeme 3 test-biljne vrste. Koncentrirana vodena otopina korijena i vodena otopina ailantona te razrjeđenja bili su ekvivalentni koncentraciji od 0.48 mg/mL ailantona. Utvrđen je visok alelopatski učinak na duljinu korijena i izdanka klice svih test-biljnih vrsta za sve istraživane vodene otopine i njihova razrjeđenja. Inhibitorni učinak na početni porast svih test-biljnih vrsta bio je proporcionalan povećanju koncentracije na svim tretmanima. Učinak na početni rast je jači u odnosu na klijavost test-biljnih vrsta. Niže koncentracije stimulirale su klijanje zelenog muhara. Oštrodlakavi šćir je najosjetljivija, a pšenica najmanje osjetljiva test-biljna vrsta. Vodena otopina izoliranog ailantona iskazala je najslabiji učinak

    Differential relationship of coping styles with well-being and ill-being of professional firemen

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    In the present study we were interested in how coping styles relate to different indicators of well- and ill-being. We assumed that coping styles are differently related to well- and ill-being indicators because they are theoretically and empirically independent from each other. To examine this assumption we asked 139 professional firemen to fill in measures of coping styles (COPE, EAS), well-being (PANAS, SWLS) and ill-being (IES-R, PANAS). The results confirmed the overall importance of non-constructive coping for illbeing and well-being, whereas constructive coping predicted only positive emotionality. The prototypical masculine working environment characteristic for our sample could be the cause that socially/emotionally oriented coping is the weakest predictor of well-being, although other studies report the adaptive role of conscientious dealing with individual’s own emotions as a coping style. Both well- and ill-being measures should be used to get an insight into a complex area of individual’s adaptation to stress

    Subadult Stress in the Medieval and Early Modern Populations of Continental Croatia

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    Svrha rada jest analiza učestalosti i distribucije dva pokazatelja subadultnog stresa (cribrae orbitaliae i hipoplazije zubne cakline), njihove međusobne korelacije i njihova odnosa s pokazateljem nespecifičnih zaraznih bolesti – periostitisom. U radu je analizirano 415 kostura iz kontinentalne Hrvatske, s nalazišta Crkvari, Ivanec, Mala Črešnjevica, Prozorje, Nova Rača, Suhopolje, Tomaš i Torčec, koja se datiraju u srednji i novi vijek (12.-18. st.). U analiziranom uzorku muškarci su živjeli značajno duže od žena (37,2 prema 33,6 godina). Učestalost cribrae orbitaliae u ukupnom uzorku iznosi 37,2%. Djeca pokazuju statistički značajno višu učestalost cribrae orbitaliae od odraslih osoba, a poremećaj je nešto češći kod žena nego kod muškaraca. Odrasle osobe kod kojih je uočena cribra orbitalia u prosjeku žive 6,5 godina kraće od osoba kod kojih ovaj poremećaj nije prisutan. Učestalost hipoplazije zubne cakline u analiziranom uzorku iznosi 44,6%, a nešto viša učestalost zabilježena je kod žena na svim analiziranim zubima. Učestalost nespecifičnog periostitisa iznosi 48,4% s nešto višom učestalošću kod žena u odnosu na muškarce. Značajna pozitivna korelacija između cribrae orbitaliae i nespecifičnog periostitisa prisutna je na razini čitavog uzorka. Znatno kraći životni vijek, viša učestalost cribrae orbitaliae, hipoplazije zubne cakline i periostitisa kod žena sugerira da su žene bile sklonije epizodama biološkog stresa, što može biti posljedica smanjenih zaliha željeza kod žena kao rezultat reproduktivnih funkcija ili lošijeg tretmana djevojčica, posebice tijekom najranijeg djetinjstva (tijekom dojenja). Skeletni uzorak, analiziran u ovom radu, odlikuje se lošim životnim uvjetima i niskim zdravstvenim standardom koji je najvjerojatnije bio posljedica sinergističkog djelovanja anemije izazvane nedostatkom željeza, zaraznih bolesti, neodgovarajuće prehrane i parazitskih infekcija.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the frequency and distribution of two indicators of subadult stress (cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasia), their correlation and their relationship with an indicator of non-specific infectious diseases – periostitis. The paper contains an analysis of 415 skeletons from continental Croatia, from the sites of Crkvari, Ivanec, Mala Črešnjevica, Prozorje, Nova Rača, Suhopolje, Tomaš and Torčec, dated to the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period (12th-18th cent.). Males in the analyzed sample lived significantly longer than females (37.2 vs. 33.6 years). The frequency of cribra orbitalia in the total sample is 37.2%. The frequency of cribra orbitalia in subadults is significantly higher than in adults, and females are affected somewhat more frequently than males. Adults that exhibited cribra orbitalia lived 6.5 years shorter on the average than the individuals without this disorder. The frequency of dental enamel hypoplasia in the analyzed sample is 44.6%, with a somewhat higher frequency registered in females on all analyzed teeth. The frequency of non-specific periostitis is 48.4%, with a somewhat higher frequency in females than in males. A significant positive correlation between cribra orbitalia and non-specific periostitis is present at the level of the entire sample. A significantly shorter life span, a higher frequency of cribra orbitalia, enamel hypoplasia and periostitis in females suggests that females were more prone to the episodes of biological stress, which may have been a consequence of diminished stocks of iron in females as a result of their reproductive function or poorer treatment of young girls, particularly during earliest childhood (during breastfeeding). The skeletal sample analyzed in this paper is characterized by poor living conditions and low health standard, which was most likely a consequence of a synergic action of iron deficiency anemia, infectious diseases, inadequate diet and parasitical infections

    Alelopatski utjecaj pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) na početni porast korovne vrste koštan (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.)

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    Istraživan je alelopatski učinak kompleksa alelokemikalija iz vodene otopine korijena pajasena (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) i iste količine izoliranog ailantona, kao najznačajnije alelokemikalije, na početni porast koštana (Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.). Vodena otopina korijena pajasena pripremljena je od korijena mladih biljaka. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija ailantona iz vodene otopine korijena pajasena napravljena je na tekućinskom kromatografu. Koncentracija ailantona u vodenoj otopini korijena iznosila je 0,48 mg/ml. Nakon kvantifikacije provedena je izolacija ailantona diklormetanom. Vodena otopina korijena pajasena i vodena otopina izoliranog ailantona primijenjeni su na sjeme koštana u šest različitih razrjeđenja koja su ekvivalent određenoj koncentraciji ailantona iz vodene otopine korijena (0,48; 0,32; 0,24; 0,12; 0,06 i 0,03 mg/ml ailantona). Statistički značajan učinak na početni porast koštana dokazan je kod obiju varijanta istraživanja i kod svih istraživanih koncentracija. Kompleks alelokemikalija iz vodene otopine korijena pajasena imao je jače djelovanje u odnosu na vodenu otopinu izoliranog ailantona kod većine istraživanih svojstava. Najniža srednja učinkovita koncentracija (EC50) iznosila je 0,0075 mg/ml ailantona, a ustanovljena je na tretmanu s vodenom otopinom korijena pajasena kod učinka na duljinu izdanka klice

    Capital Market Returns and Inflation Nexus in Croatia: Wavelet Coherence Analysis

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    Background: Hedging against inflation assumes instruments such as gold, stocks, fixed income securities, and real estate. There still exists a lack of appropriate strategy to hedge against inflation. Objectives: This paper examines the possibilities for hedging against inflation in Croatia offered by the Zagreb Stock Exchange indices. Methods/Approach: Based on monthly data from January 2000 to September 2019 and using a wavelet coherence approach, this paper brings the results across time and frequency domains. Results: Empirical results suggest that inflation was a leading variable in a statistically significant positive correlation between the inflation rate and Crobex returns in 2007-2011. The relationship between Crobex10, Crobis, and Crobistr returns on one side, and the inflation rate on the other side has statistically significant correlations only in specific and different periods, in which respective returns are a leading variable. Conclusions: The results imply that hedging against inflation is rather problematic under current Croatian capital markets conditions. Zagreb Stock Exchange indices could serve as a hedge against inflation for some periods but not during the whole observation period

    Distribution of invasive alien species tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) by the Croatian counties

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    Pajasen (Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle) brzorastuće je listopadno stablo podrijetlom iz sušnih i toplih dijelova Kine. Proširen je na svim kontinentima, osim na Antartici, te se smatra jednom od najinvazivnijih biljnih vrsta. Cilj provedenog monitoringa bio je utvrditi rasprostranjenost pajasena u Hrvatskoj, detektirati najčešća staništa i uvjete rasta, veličinu i vigor populacija, visinu i gustoću biljaka te utjecaj na autohtone vrste. Pregledom su obuhvaćene sve županije, po dvije do tri godišnje. Svaka je županija tijekom vegetacijske sezone posjećena dva, tri puta. Provedenim monitoringom u razdoblju od 2007. do 2014. pajasen je zabilježen u Gradu Zagrebu i svim županijama. U kontinentalnom dijelu Hrvatske proširen je na ograničenim područjima i ne predstavlja izravnu opasnost, iako u nekim područjima preuzima prostor na štetu ostalog bilja te pokazuje tendenciju intenzivnog širenja i potiskivanja autohtonih vrsta. Duž cijelog obalnog područja, uz jadransku magistralu, u turističkim mjestima i gradovima te na otocima, pajasen je zabilježen kao vrlo agresivna vrsta u stalnoj, gotovo vidljivoj ekspanziji u kojoj vrlo često agresivno formira monokulturu, čime smanjuje bioraznolikost. Utvrđeno je da mu odgovaraju devastirana staništa na kojima prostor osvaja puno brže od ostalih vrsta te da je čovjekov vjerni pratilac. Zbog izoliranosti ekosustava osobitu opasnost predstavlja na otocima. U zaštićenim područjima u kojima je prisutan, kao što su Park prirode Biokovo i Nacionalni park Krka, može nanijeti nepopravljivu štetu.Tree of heaven is a fast ‐ growing deciduous tree originating from dry and warm parts of China. The species is spread on every continent except Antarctica, and is considered one of the most invasive plant species. The objective of this monitoring was to determine the distribution of tree of heaven in Croatia, the most common habitats and growing conditions, the size and vigor of the populations, height and density of the plants and impact on native species. Two to three counties were visited per year, and each is being visited two to three times during the growing season. Monitoring was carried out in the period 2007. – 2014. and tree of heaven was recorded in Zagreb and all 20 counties in Croatia. In the continental part of Croatia, tree of heaven was extended to limited areas and do not represent a direct threat, although in some areas it suppress other plants, and shows a tendency to intensive expansion and suppression of indigenous plants. Along the coastal area, along the main costal road, at tourist resorts and cities, and on the islands tree of heaven was recorded as a very aggressive species which often form monocultures thus reducing biodiversity. It was found that tree of heaven prefers devastated habitats, it occupies areas a lot faster than other species, and it is man\u27s faithful companion. Three of heaven presents a special danger on islands because of the isolated ecosystems and in protected areas in which it is recorded, such as Nature Park Biokovo and National Park Krka

    Weed control in tomato

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    Rajčicu zakorovljuju karakteristični korovi okopavina te ih je potrebno suzbijati. U Hrvatskoj dozvolu za primjenu u rajčici ima 17 herbicidnih pripravaka na osnovi šest djelatnih tvari od kojih svaka ima određene specifičnosti i spektar djelovanja. Dozvoljeni herbicidni pripravci, sami ili u kombinacijama, suzbit će većinu važnih korova u rajčici.Weed species in tomato are typical weeds of row crops and they should be controlled. In Croatia permission for use in tomato has 17 herbicide products based on six active substances, each having a certain specificity and spectrum of species which controls. Authorized herbicide products, alone or in combinations, are able to control most of important weed species in tomato