127 research outputs found

    La comunicación y su importancia en la gestión de proyectos. Plan de comunicación de una empresa constructora.

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    Hoy en día, todo lo que nos rodea comunica. Vivimos en la sociedad de la información, con cada vez más medios y más sofisticados. La importancia de una buena comunicación se ha convertido en algo indispensable para lograr el éxito en los proyectos y en la organización de las empresas. Es por ello necesario, reflexionar sobre cómo es la mejor manera de comunicar, y nos lleva a la necesidad de planificar. El trabajo pretende servir de guía para poder realizar una buena gestión de la comunicación interna, aquella que tiene lugar dentro de una organización, ya que es clave comenzar por definir y gestionar esta, antes de lanzarnos a la comunicación externa y el mundo de la publicidad

    Análisis del fracaso durante el proceso de rendimiento deportivo : aplicación de un programa de ordenador inductor de fracaso

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    El presente trabajo es un estudio piloto en el que se aplica por primera vez un procedimiento por ordenador, cuya peculiaridad es que induce fracaso de forma individualizada durante periódos de tiempo relativamente largos, en deporte. 20 estudiantes de Educación Física fueron divididos según su disposición para el control de la ejecución: "orientación a la acción (HO)" vs. "orientación a la situación (LO)" y fueron sometidos a 50 min. de carrera en la cinta ergométrica durante los que tuvieron que solucionar una tarea de tipo figurativo controlada a través de ordenador. Se partió de la suposición de que en situaciones de fracaso continuo1 los deportistas HO tenderán a centrarse más en la acción que están realizando y obtendran mejores resultados, mientras que los LO percibirán las situaciones de fracaso como más amenazadoras y mostrarán conductas de evitación. Los resultados mostraron que efectivamente los LO obtienen en situaciones de fracaso mantenido peores resultados en la tarea que los HO. Su rendimiento deportivo también es peor, pero esta diferencia no se debe a la condición inducida de fracaso a través del ordenador, sino a otro tipo de factores.This report is a pilot study in which a computerized method is applied for the very first time (it's peculiarality is that infers overexertion during relatively long periods of time) in sports. 20 students of Physical Education were divided according to their ability for the control of the performance: "approach to the action (HO) " vs. "approach to the situation (LO) " and underwent 50 minutes on the runing machine during which time they had to complete a figurative task set by computer. Assuming that in cases of overexertion, the students HO would tend to concentrate more on the action and would have better results, while the group LO would fear overexertion more and show signs of trying to prevent it. The results showed that, as previously thought, the group LO acheived lower results to the task than the group HO. Their physical performance was also worse, however the difference is not due to the effects of overexertion induced through the computer, but owes itself to other factors

    To Be or Not to Be the Servitization Dilemma and the Role of Design

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    This article seeks to answer the question of how value proposition is created using a human-centred approach in the context of deservitization, in general, and service dilution, in particular. The article aims to describe the journey of a company which undertook service dilution and used human-centred design to create a new product-oriented value proposition. The study adopted a research through design approach in conjunction with a single case study of an engineering and manufacturing services provider that recently initiated a service dilution process. Within the framework of university-business collaboration, a design project was developed. The main insights of the study pertain to the role of human-centred design as a way of learning and surpassing the pure exploitation of existing capabilities during the service dilution process. Learning by design is also seen as a potential alternative learning process that fuels exploration during the service dilution process

    A Design Thinking approach to introduce entrepreneurship education in European school curricula

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    Design Thinking is visualized as the central strategy to promote entrepreneurial skills in European schools. Europe needs future generations to be more entrepreneurial in their attitudes to achieve a strong position in the international economy. Entrepreneurial thinking needs to be fostered from an early age. With this aim, a review of current entrepreneurial teaching practices is undertaken and the key skills related to entrepreneurship are identified for school aged students. This paper argues that the basic principles of Design Thinking have the potential to promote entrepreneurial competencies in European school curricula

    Proposal for a school mediation evaluation tool (MEQ)

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    This study is part of a research project into coexistence and school mediation. Its aim is to develop a tool (short version) to measure moral, emotional, and socio-cognitive training and the socio-personal impact of mediation on mediating pupils and teachers and mediated pupils. The theoretical starting model on which the development of this tool is based is the Educational Model for Development of Competences through Mediation (EMODESM). Methodology: the design is based on combining three previouslypublished questionnaires to create a single tool for evaluating mediation. The construct validity of this tool was studied in two phases. First, a sample of school students (n = 102) from Navarra (Spain) was evaluated, which gave rise to the revision of the tool. Second, the construct validity (confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis) and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha [α]) of the revised tool were assessed with a new sample of school students (n = 140) from the Autonomous Community of Valencia. Results: we present a mediation assessment tool (MEQ) with 23 items and four dimensions: social impact, the interpersonal emotional area, the personal emotional area, and the moral cognition area. The reliability of the questionnaire showed appropriate values (αTotal = 0.9497; αPerception- SocialImpact=0.7896; αEmotionalInterpersonal=0.7690; αEmotionalPersonal=0.8672; αCognitiveMoral=0.9402). Discussion: the structure of factors shown bythe MEQ questionnaire is not fully consistent with the EMOSDEM theoretical model. Consequently, we present a proposal for modifying the theoretical model on which it is based. Conclusions: a single validated and reliable mediation evaluation tool (MEQ) is presented, together with a review of the theoretical model for mediation.Este estudio se enmarca en una línea de investigación sobre convivencia y mediación escolar. El objetivo es realizar un instrumento de medida (versión reducida) sobre la capacitación emocional, sociocognitiva y moral, así como sobre el impacto sociopersonal que produce la mediación en alumnos y profesores mediadores y alumnos mediados. El modelo teórico de partida en el que se basa la elaboración de este instrumento es el modelo educativo de desarrollo de competencias a través de la mediación (MEDECOME). Metodología: para su diseño se parte de 3 cuestionarios ya publicados, que se aúnan para conformar un instrumento único de evaluación de la mediación. La validez de constructo de este instrumento se estudió en dos fases: en primer lugar se evaluó en una muestra escolar de Navarra (n=102), que dio lugar a la revisión del instrumento. En segundo lugar, la validez de constructo (análisis factorial confirmatorio y exploratorio) y la fiabilidad (α – alpha de Cronbach) del instrumento revisado se evaluó en una nueva muestra escolar (n=140) de la Comunidad Valenciana. Resultados: se presenta un instrumento de evaluación de la mediación (CEM) configurado por 23 ítems y 4 dimensiones: impacto social, emocional interpersonal, emocional personal y cognitivo moral. La fiabilidad del cuestionario mostró valores adecuados (αTotal=0.9497; αPercepcionImpactoSocial =0.7896; αEmocionalInterpersonal=0.7690; αEmocionalPersonal =0.8672; αCognitivoMoral=0.9402). Discusión: el cuestionario CEM no muestra una estructura de factores totalmente consistente con el modelo teórico MEDECOME, por lo que se presenta una propuesta de reajuste del modelo teórico en el que se fundamenta. Conclusiones: se presenta un instrumento único de evaluación de la mediación (CEM) validado y fiable, así como una revisión del modelo teórico de mediación

    Development of inter-organizational colaborative relationships: the case of an automotive industry supplier

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    The competitiveness of companies depends to a large extent on the ability to respond to the needs of their customers. These needs are increasingly demanding and complex to resolve, translating to the rest of the agents in the value chain. Therefore, companies need to obtain knowledge that exceeds the limits of the company. This requires new ways of dealing with suppliers based on collaborative relationships, in order to provide greater value to the customer and obtain better performance in product development. This study qualitatively analyses, through the case study methodology the collaborative relationships between clients and suppliers in a company of automotive components. The main objective is to understand the development process of the creation of collaborative relationships between the company and its suppliers among the product development process. As a result, on the one hand, the predisposition on the part of the company towards associative models of relations with suppliers is confirmed and the lack of systematized processes that support them is observed. On the other hand, the most important areas for the company in relation to collaboration processes are identified.La competitividad de las empresas depende en gran medida de la capacidad de dar respuesta a las necesidades de sus clientes. Éstas, cada vez son más exigentes y complejas de resolver, trasladándose al resto de agentes en la cadena de valor. Por ello, las empresas necesitan obtener conocimientos que sobrepasan los límites de la empresa, lo cual requiere nuevas formas de tratar con los proveedores basadas en relaciones de colaboración con el objetivo de aportar mayor valor al cliente y obtener un mejor rendimiento en el desarrollo de producto. Este estudio, analiza de forma cualitativa y a través del estudio de casos, las relaciones de colaboración entre cliente-proveedor en una empresa de componentes de automoción. El objetivo principal es conocer el desarrollo de los procesos de creación de relaciones de colaboración entre la empresa y sus proveedores a lo largo del proceso de desarrollo de producto. Como resultado, por un lado, se confirma la predisposición por parte de la empresa hacia modelos asociativos de relaciones con proveedores y se observa la falta de procesos sistematizados que las soporten. Por otro lado, se identifican los ámbitos más importantes para la empresa en relación a los procesos de colaboración

    Glucose Oxidation to Pyruvate Is Not Essential for Brucella suis Biovar 5 Virulence in the Mouse Model

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    Brucella species cause brucellosis, a worldwide extended zoonosis. The brucellae are related to free-living and plant-associated alpha 2-Proteobacteria and, since they multiply within host cells, their metabolism probably reflects this adaptation. To investigate this, we used the rodent-associated Brucella suis biovar 5, which in contrast to the ruminant-associated Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis and other B. suis biovars, is fast-growing and conserves the ancestral Entner-Doudoroff pathway (EDP) present in the plant-associated relatives. We constructed mutants in Edd (glucose-6-phosphate dehydratase; first EDP step), PpdK (pyruvate phosphate dikinase; phosphoenolpyruvate pyruvate), and Pyk (pyruvate kinase; phosphoenolpyruvate -> pyruvate). In a chemically defined medium with glucose as the only C source, the Edd mutant showed reduced growth rates and the triple Edd-PpdK-Pyk mutant did not grow. Moreover, the triple mutant was also unable to grow on ribose or xylose. Therefore, B. suis biovar 5 sugar catabolism proceeds through both the Pentose Phosphate shunt and EDP, and EDP absence and exclusive use of the shunt could explain at least in part the comparatively reduced growth rates of B. melitensis and B. abortus. The triple Edd-PpdK-Pyk mutant was not attenuated in mice. Thus, although an anabolic use is likely, this suggests that hexose/pentose catabolism to pyruvate is not essential for B. suis biovar 5 multiplication within host cells, a hypothesis consistent with the lack of classical glycolysis in all Brucella species and of EDP in B. melitensis and B. abortus. These results and those of previous works suggest that within cells, the brucellae use mostly 3 and 4 C substrates fed into anaplerotic pathways and only a limited supply of 5 and 6 C sugars, thus favoring the EDP loss observed in some species