48 research outputs found

    Enfrentando os desafios do design de textos multimodais para promover a pedagogia das multiliteracias

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    This article aims to add to the understanding of the challenges involved in designing digital texts to promote multiliteracies pedagogy. A multiliteracies approach calls for multimodal meaning-making and cultural diversity to be integrated into new school curriculum content, and accordingly, we analyse an interactive children’s story app, named Mobeybou in Brazil. The re-search question addressed was: what can we learn about the design of multimodal texts aimed at promoting intercultural learning from the design of this story app? The app incorporates tangible and digital storytelling materials to promote intercultural skills among young children, focusing specifically on Brazil. Mobeybou in Brazil was studied to characterize the design of its multimodal representations of meaning, using categories from the grammar of storytelling and multimodal meaning-making, particularly those concerned with representing the experiential diversity and personal positioning of the app users. The findings provide evidence of the complexity involved in designing multimodal texts to meet the challenges of promoting multiliteracies pedagogy, highlighting the urgent need to narrow the interface between research undertaken in education, semiotics, and digital media design. The article concludes by identifying the study’s limitations and some future developments.Este artigo pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos desafios colocados pelo design de textos digitais especificamente destinados a promover a pedagogia das multiliteracias. Esta abordagem pedagógica defende que a compreensão e produção de significados multimodais e a diversidade cultural são conteúdos incontornáveis no novo currículo escolar. Apresentamos o estudo de uma story app multimodal interativa, intitulada Mobeybou no Brasil, desenvolvida para dar resposta à seguinte questão de investigação: o que se pode aprender sobre o design de textos multimodais destinados a promover a aprendizagem intercultural a partir do design desta story app? Na nossa análise, utilizamos categorias da gramática da narrativa e da representação multi-modal incidentes na representação da diversidade experiencial e do posicionamento pessoal dos utilizadores. Os resultados sugerem a complexidade envolvida no design de textos multimodais que respondem aos desafios da pedagogia das multiliteracias, salientando a necessidade urgen-te do estreitamento da colaboração entre a investigação realizada nas áreas da educação, da se-miótica e do design de média digitais. Por fim, identificamos as limitações do estudo, apontando alguns desenvolvimentos futuros.This research is funded by the FCT within the scope of the project PTDC/CEDEDG/ 0736/2021, by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho, projects UIDB/01661/2020 and UIDP/01661/2020, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT, and by the LARSyS - FCT Plurianual funding 2020-202

    Narrating by doing: a bridging concept for understanding and informing the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling

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    We present and discuss the concept ‘narrating by doing’ as the process of creating narratives by performing different embodied actions with tangible interfaces for storytelling. We characterize it as a ‘bridging concept’ that can facilitate exchange between theory and design, informing research and design of TUIs for storytelling targeting young children. The concept builds on theories of cognition, learning and narration, specifically drawing upon the following perspectives: Constructionism, Socio-Constructivism, Embodied Cognition, Narratology and The Narrative Practice Hypothesis. Building upon these theoretical foundations, we identify and discuss four ‘design articulations’ (i.e. important parameters that express the qualities of the concept), namely communicative situation, narrative function of the tangible objects, collaborative and embodied actions and the narrator’s position. Finally, we add evidence to the concept and discuss its productiveness by presenting a set of considerations to inform the design of tangible interfaces for storytelling.This work has been financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program under the reference POCI/01/0145/FEDER/032580. This work is funded by CIEd—Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho, projects UIDB/01661/2020 and UIDP/01661/2020, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT

    Untangling the complexity of designing tools to support tangible and digital intercultural story telling in troubled times: a case in point

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    In this paper, we present a descriptive case study of the Mobeybou materials, a kit of tangible and digital tools aimed at offering young children opportunities to read, create and share intercultural stories. The tools comprise a set of story apps that present interactive, multimodal and intercultural stories for children to make meanings with, a digital manipulative (DM) and a storyMaker (a digital replication of the DM) that offer the possibility for embodied, collaborative and creative construction of stories by the children them- selves. After presenting the materials, we describe how they evolved as an interface of convergence of several complementary theories. By doing this, our major intention is to contribute to the understanding that the design of tools and technologies aimed at creating meaningful and inclusive opportunities for digital story telling in troubled times is a complex, de- manding endeavour, but can also be a powerful tool to address the complexities of the troubled times we are living in.This work has been financed by national funds through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program under the reference POCI/01/0145/FEDER/032580. As well as by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, Institute of Education, University of Minho, projects UIDB/01661/2020 and UIDP/01661/2020, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT

    “We, quilombola women, know each other’s pain”: an investigation on sisterhood and occupation

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    Introduction: In Brazil, the quilombola women have been essential for the survival of the quilombo communities. They are responsible for transmitting traditions, preserving natural resources, and caring for the home and the land. Thus, the historical markers of social and family organization guide the production and reproduction of their occupational roles in this context. Objectives: In this article, we reflect on the insurgence of quilombola women from the peculiarity of sisterhood, dororidade, and gender disparity in these women’s occupations. Method: This reflection resulted from a study conducted with nine women residing in a quilombo community located in the interior of the state of Bahia, Brazil, through interviews, escrevivências (live writing) and Photovoice. Results: The study evidenced that occupations performed by the participants are crossed by gender and conditioned by racism and sexism, in addition to the peculiar modes of the internal functioning of the group and the traditional ways of life in this community. Conclusions: Women assume most of the management of the Pinguela quilombo community through the sense of collectivity and union that allows them to combine a continuous network of solidarity and support. In Brazil, studies on the work of occupational therapists with quilombola women are scarce; therefore, we suggest that occupational therapists, in their professional practice, assume an ethical-political commitment and adopt critical perspectives from Afro-LatinAmerican feminism to develop collective practices as a form of intervention

    MILP model for volt-var optimization considering chronological operation of distribution systems containing DERs

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    This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming model for volt-var optimization considering the chro-nological operation of distribution systems containing distributed energy resources (DERs). The proposed model describes the operation problem of capacitor banks (CBs) and voltage regulators (VRs), and it is further based on the steady-state operation during each time interval contained in typical scenarios of distribution systems. A procedure using a K-means clustering algorithm is used to select the scenarios, thus preserving the simultaneity and chronological combination of different loads and DERs. According to the formulation that we developed, the regulation devices become sensitive to downstream load variations, since we use explicit current variables to control automatic CBs, and since we include means to compensate voltage drops along distribution lines in the control of VRs. The model is validated by comparing the results obtained during several tests of two typical cases with those obtained through nonlinear power flow. The typical case studies presented in the paper highlight the good agreement between the results obtained with the linearized model and with power flow method; further, the practical results confirm that the use of typical scenarios allows representing different levels of loads and DERs, while keeping the validity and performance of the proposed model

    Meeting the Challenges of Designing Multimodal Texts to Promote Multiliteracies Pedagogy

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    This article aims to add to the understanding of the challenges involved in designing digital texts to promote multiliteracies pedagogy. A multiliteracies approach calls for multimodal meaning-making and cultural diversity to be integrated into new school curriculum content, and accordingly, we analyse an interactive children’s story app, named Mobeybou in Brazil. The research question addressed was: what can we learn about the design of multimodal texts aimed at promoting intercultural learning from the design of this story app? The app incorporates tangible and digital storytelling materials to promote intercultural skills among young children, focusing specifically on Brazil. Mobeybou in Brazil was studied to characterize the design of its multimodal representations of meaning, using categories from the grammar of storytelling and multimodal meaning-making, particularly those concerned with representing the experiential diversity and personal positioning of the app users. The findings provide evidence of the complexity involved in designing multimodal texts to meet the challenges of promoting multiliteracies pedagogy, highlighting the urgent need to narrow the interface between research undertaken in education, semiotics, and digital media design. The article concludes by identifying the study’s limitations and some future developments.Este artigo pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos desafios colocados pelo design de textos digitais especificamente destinados a promover a pedagogia das multiliteracias. Esta abordagem pedagógica defende que a compreensão e produção de significados multimodais e a diversidade cultural são conteúdos incontornáveis no novo currículo escolar. Apresentamos o estudo de uma story app multimodal interativa, intitulada Mobeybou no Brasil, desenvolvida para dar resposta à seguinte questão de investigação: o que se pode aprender sobre o design de textos multimodais destinados a promover a aprendizagem intercultural a partir do design desta story app? Na nossa análise, utilizamos categorias da gramática da narrativa e da representação multimodal incidentes na representação da diversidade experiencial e do posicionamento pessoal dos utilizadores. Os resultados sugerem a complexidade envolvida no design de textos multimodais que respondem aos desafios da pedagogia das multiliteracias, salientando a necessidade urgente do estreitamento da colaboração entre a investigação realizada nas áreas da educação, da semiótica e do design de média digitais. Por fim, identificamos as limitações do estudo, apontando alguns desenvolvimentos futuros

    Toward the construction of the Multiliteracies Theory. Ideational dimensions (and pedagogical implications) of the textual multimodality of a StoryApp for children

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    Este artigo pretende contribuir para o entendimento da teoria dos multiletramentos. Apresenta um recorte do estudo de um texto digital que integra um conjunto demateriais tangíveis e digitaisde storytelling para a promoção da competência intercultural de crianças do ensino fundamental. Trata-se de uma StoryApp, cujo tema é a diversidade cultural e a ecodiversidade do Brasil. A análise apresentada, sustentada por categorias centrais advindas da Linguística Sistêmico- Funcional, da Semiótica Social e da análise de narrativas visuais, incide na caraterização do gênero narrativo e na descrição dos significados ideacionais representados nos modos verbal, visual e aural em cada episódio do texto e das relações de significado intermodal estabelecidas. Os resultados sustentam a caraterização da história digital interativa como narrativa de tipo anedocte em que a representação dos significados ideacionais se constitui num complexo multimodal. Estes resultados permitem a discussão desta StoryApp como instanciação de pressupostos centrais da teoria dos multiletramentos, nomeadamente a multimodalidade dos textos desenhados com base nasaffordancesdas mídias digitais e a defesa de uma nova pedagogia. O artigo termina com a identificação de dimensões de trabalho futuro.This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the theory of multiliteracies. It presents a case study of a StoryApp, which is part of a kit of tangible and digital storytelling materials that aim at promoting intercultural competence in elementary school children. The theme of the StoryApp under study is the cultural diversity and the ecodiversity of Brazil. The presented analysis, supported by central categories of Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Social Semiotics and the analysis of visual narratives, focuses on the characterization of the narrative genre and on the description of the ideational meanings represented in verbal, visual and aural modes in each episode of the text and of the intermodal meaning relationships established therein. The results allow the characterization of the interactive story as a narrative anedocte, in which the representation of diversity comprises a multimodal ensemble. These results allow the discussion of this StoryApp as instantiating central assumptions of the theory of multiliteracies, namely, the multimodality of texts designed upon the affordances of digital media; the thematization of cultural diversity as learning content and the call for a new pedagogy. The article ends with the identification of dimensions for future work.Este trabalho foi financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT e pelo FEDER através do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização sob a referência POCI/01/0145/FEDER/032580. O trabalho da primeira autora também é financiado pelo CIEd - Centro de Investigação em Educação, Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, projetos UIDB/01661/2020 e UIDP/01661/2020, através de fundos nacionais da FCT


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    O presente trabalho relata uma das atividades desenvolvidas pelo Programa Conexões de Saberes: diálogo entre as Universidades e as comunidades populares através de um de seus projetos o “Projeto Conectando Saberes no Ensino Médio” realizado no dia 26 de novembro de 2019 pelo Grupo de Trabalho “Gênero, Raça, Etnia e Direitos Humanos” na Escola EEFM Dr. Celso Malcher na Terra-Firme, bairro periférico de Belém, a escolha da escola se deu pelo fato do “Projeto Conectando Saberes no Ensino Médio” já desenvolver atividades de ensino na mesma, tendo como público alvo os adolescentes do ensino médio com faixa etária de 16 a 19 anos contando com a presença de 20 alunos, sendo 11 meninas e 9 meninos, tendo como tema “A masculinidade tóxica” objetivando analisar e compreender as consequências do patriarcado sobre as mulheres, bem como os danos para os próprios homens e deste modo ampliar os debates acerca do tratamento desigual no que diz respeito às questões de gênero

    Expansion planning of power distribution systems considering reliability : a comprehensive review

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    One of the big concerns when planning the expansion of power distribution systems (PDS) is reliability. This is defined as the ability to continuously meet the load demand of consumers in terms of quantity and quality. In a scenario in which consumers increasingly demand high supply quality, including few interruptions and continuity, it becomes essential to consider reliability indices in models used to plan PDS. The inclusion of reliability in optimization models is a challenge, given the need to estimate failure rates for the network and devices. Such failure rates depend on the specific characteristics of a feeder. In this context, this paper discusses the main reliability indices, followed by a comprehensive survey of the methods and models used to solve the optimal expansion planning of PDS considering reliability criteria. Emphasis is also placed on comparing the main features and contributions of each article, aiming to provide a handy resource for researchers. The comparison includes the decision variables and reliability indices considered in each reviewed article, which can be used as a guide to applying the most suitable method according to the requisites of the system. In addition, each paper is classified according to the optimization method, objective type (single or multiobjective), and the number of stages. Finally, we discuss future research trends concerning the inclusion of reliability in PDS expansion planning