30 research outputs found

    Organic and Mineral Fertilisation of Temporary Grassland

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    In Italy, the need to reduce the application of chemical fertilisers and to dispose of different kinds of bio-wastes (municipal solid waste (MSW), olive mill waste, distiller\u27s grains) has led to more compost being made from these materials. Since 1995 our Institute has carried out several studies on different crops. The results obtained so far for grain and industrial crops (Montemurro et al., 2003; Maiorana et al., 2004) appear very interesting. But rarely have the composts been applied to fodder crops. Therefore, this research is aimed to evaluate the effect of MSW-compost on temporary grassland of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) and of lucerne, (Medicago sativa) in Southern Italy (Apulia Region)

    Presurgical treatment of uterine myomas with the GnRH-antagonist relugolix in combination therapy: an observational study

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    To evaluate if a preoperative medical treatment with the GnRH-antagonist relugolix in combination therapy in a series of patients with abnormal uterine bleeding associated with uterine myomas may correct the anemia before scheduled surgery for myoma-associated AUB. Thirty-one patients scheduled for surgery underwent a pre-operative three-month course with a daily oral tablet of 40 mg relugolix, 1 mg estradiol, and 0.5 mg norethindrone acetate. Hemoglobin levels, uterine volumes, largest myoma diameter, and VAS score for dysmenorrhea, pelvic pressure and bleeding discomfort, and indication to surgery were evaluated at study enrollment and at the end of therapy. Mean hemoglobin levels increased by 25%, from 9.3 ± 1.1 to 11.6 ± 1.7 g/dL after three months (p < 0.001). Uterine volume decreased from 380.7 ± 273.4 mL to 281.7 ± 198.7 mL (p < 0.001), whereas the diameter of the largest myoma decreased from 6.4 ± 2.8 cm to 5.5 ± 2.2 cm (p < 0.001). Four patients (13%), initially planned for a laparotomy procedure, were converted to a minimally-access procedure, whereas in eight patients (26%) surgery was avoided after medical therapy. Dysmenorrhea score improved from 4.7 ± 3.2 to 0.6 ± 1.1 (p < 0.0001). Pelvic pressure score decreased from 5.9 ± 2.1 to 3.1 ± 2.3 (p < 0.0001), whereas bleeding discomfort decreased from 7.4 ± 3.0 to 0.4 ± 1.6 (p < 0.0001). Preoperative GnRH-antagonist therapy may enhance hemoglobin levels, decrease uterine and myoma size, and alleviate symptoms, potentially enabling safe surgical procedures

    Alternative sugar beet production using shallow tillage and municipal solid waste fertiliser

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    The application of conventional agricultural practices, e.g. deep soil tillage and repeated, plentiful mineral fertilisation, can lead to a progressive deterioration of soil fertility, especially in Mediterranean environments characterised by scanty rains and high summer temperatures. As a consequence, to maintain high levels of both crop productivity and soil organic matter and to improve some soil properties, a reduction of agricultural inputs and a greater supply of organic material are needed. In the light of these considerations, we carried out a two-year field experiment in Southern Italy to determine the effects of reduced soil tillage and municipal solid waste compost application on growth parameters, production and quality of sugar beet crops, and on both soil chemical characteristics and mineral nitrogen deficit. Two soil tillage depths were compared: conventional tillage, till 40–45 cm and shallow tillage, at 15–20 cm. Within each soil tillage, the following N-fertilising strategies were tested: (1) mineral fertilisation, with 100 kg N ha−1^{-1}; (2) organic fertilisation with municipal solid waste compost at 100 kg N ha−1^{-1}; (3) mixed fertilisation, with 50% of organic N as municipal solid waste compost, and 50% of mineral N; and (4) slow-release organic-mineral N fertiliser, at 100 kg N ha−1^{-1}. All these treatments were compared with a lower level of mineral fertiliser at 50 kg N ha−1^{-1}, and with an unfertilised control. Our findings show first the absence of a significant difference in root and sucrose yields between reduced tillage and deep tillage; as shown by roots (36.02 t ha−1)^{-1}) and sucrose (3.41 t ha−1)^{-1}) yields for reduced tillage and 35.76 and 3.51 t ha−1^{-1}, respectively, for the deepest tillage. Secondly, among the N treatments, the mixed organic-mineral N fertilisation gave productions statistically not different from mineral N fertilisation; as shown by root yields (36.38 versus 36.40 t ha−1)^{-1}) and sucrose yields (3.56 versus 3.65 t ha−1)^{-1}). Third, the mixed organic-mineral N induced a reduction of 13.2% in α\alpha -amino N content by comparison with the mineral treatment of 100 kg N ha−1^{-1}. Fourth, our results showed that the applications of the municipal solid waste compost increased the extracted and the humified organic carbon by +27.7 and +25.4%, compared with the mineral fertiliser, and did not raise the content of heavy metals. These findings highlighted that in Southern Italy it is sustainable to adopt alternative sugar beet production, safeguarding crops' quantitative and qualitative performance, decreasing the production costs and using the natural resources better

    Improvement of soil properties and nitrogen utilisation of sunflower by amending municipal solid waste compost

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    We studied the effects of municipal solid waste compost applied to soil on sunflower nitrogen (N) uptake, N utilisation, yield, soil mineral N deficit and soil characteristics. One unfertilised control was compared with the optimal N dose for the sunflower crops in the test area (100 kg N ha–1) supplied as: organic fertilisation, with municipal solid waste compost; mineral fertilisation, with ammonium nitrate; and mixed fertilisation, with 50 kg N ha–1 from compost and 50 kg N ha–1 from mineral nitrogen. The results obtained showed that the compost, at the end of the experiment, modified the soil chemical properties. In particular, it significantly improved available phosphorus (111.3% increase for compost treatment in respect to 57.6% for the control), maintained almost the same level of exchangeable potassium (6.0% reduction for compost treatment in respect to 9.8% for the control), and significantly enhanced total soil organic matter (50.0% vs. 32.1%) and extracted organic carbon (16.6% vs. 11.8%). In addition, the application of this material did not increase the total content of heavy metals. The results showed that the municipal waste compost did not modify N uptake, utilisation, or efficiency of sunflower plants. The mean value of N uptake during the vegetative stage was 60.9%, while postanthesis N uptake reached only 39.1% and was positively and significantly correlated with yields and total N uptake, showing that the late N absorption could influence yield performance of sunflower cropped in Mediterranean conditions. Furthermore, the compost, alone or in association with mineral fertiliser, allowed similar yield performance as mineral fertilisation in oil yield (1.51, 1.48 and 1.58 t ha–1, for the three treatments, respectively) and protein yield (0.66, 0.64 and 0.65 t ha–1, respectively)

    Valutazione della tenacità di giunti saldati con prove di meccanica della frattura (J, CTOD): criteri di estrapolazione dei risultati ottenuti su provini di medio spessore a giunti di spessore elevato

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    In questo articolo viene descritto un criterio di estrapolazione dei risultati di prove di meccanica della frattura (CTOD) condotte su spessori medi, a giunzioni di spessore elevato. Tale criterio è stato elaborato a fronte di una campagna di prove CTOD condotte da IIS in precedenza su diversi spessori e sfruttando le correlazioni esistenti tra il CTOD e l’integrale J. L’esigenza del presente lavoro è sorta per la necessità di valutare la tenacità, in termini di CTOD, della soluzione costruttiva adottata nel progetto del viadotto Stura di Demonte, parte dell’autostrada Asti-Cuneo, che prevede la giunzione di piattabande con raddoppi per uno spessore complessivo saldato di 140 mm. La valutazione sperimentale del CTOD e il metodo di estrapolazione utilizzato ha permesso di testare provini di 70 mm, più facilmente reperibili e lavorabili, in luogo dello spessore realmente saldato

    Venezia Expo Gate 2015: Padiglione espositivo Aquae

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    Il nuovo spazio per esposizioni, congressi ed eventi culturali accoglierà in primis “Aquae Venezia 2015” l’esposizione collaterale di Expo Milano 2015. Il padiglione, costituito da strutture portanti metalliche e pannelli di rivestimento, ospiterà gli stand che racconteranno, in modo semplice, esperienziale, didattico ed interattivo come e perché l’acqua incida così profondamente sulle nostre vite e i modi in cui questo tema sarà sviluppato nell’industria, nell’alimentazione, nella cultura nei prossimi decenni

    Valutazione dei tempi di impiego dei videoterminali in una struttura ospedaliera

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    Illustrato un metodo oggettivo di valutazione dei tempi di lavoro a VDT per l'individuazione dei veri espost