6 research outputs found

    Dynamic interplay between thalamic activity and Cajal-Retzius cells regulates the wiring of cortical layer 1

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    Cortical wiring relies on guidepost cells and activity-dependent processes that are thought to act sequentially. Here, we show that the construction of layer 1 (L1), a main site of top-down integration, is regulated by crosstalk between transient Cajal-Retzius cells (CRc) and spontaneous activity of the thalamus, a main driver of bottom-up information. While activity was known to regulate CRc migration and elimination, we found that prenatal spontaneous thalamic activity and NMDA receptors selectively control CRc early density, without affecting their demise. CRc density, in turn, regulates the distribution of upper layer interneurons and excitatory synapses, thereby drastically impairing the apical dendrite activity of output pyramidal neurons. In contrast, postnatal sensory-evoked activity had a limited impact on L1 and selectively perturbed basal dendrites synaptogenesis. Collectively, our study highlights a remarkable interplay between thalamic activity and CRc in L1 functional wiring, with major implications for our understanding of cortical development.We thank the IBENS Imaging Facility (France BioImaging, supported by ANR-10-INBS-04, ANR-10-LABX-54 MEMO LIFE, and ANR-11-IDEX-000-02 PSL∗ Research University, “Investments for the Future”). This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PGC2018-096631-B-I00) and the European Research Council (ERC-2014-CoG-647012) to G.L.-B. N.C. received funding from the Marie SkƂodowska-Curie individual fellowship under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (AXO-MATH, grant agreement no. 798326). F.G. received funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (SyTune, ANR-21-CE37-0010), the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (NEUROGOAL, grant agreement no.677878), the Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine, and the University of Bordeaux. The Garel laboratory is supported by INSERM, CNRS, ANR-15-CE16-0003, ANR-19-CE16-0017-02, Investissements d’Avenir implemented by ANR-10-LABX-54 MEMO LIFE, ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02 PSL∗ Research University, and the European Research Council (ERC-2013-CoG-616080, NImO). I.G. is a recipient of a fellowship from the French Ministry of Research and postdoctoral funding from Labex MemoLife, and S.G. is part of the Ecole des Neurosciences de Paris Ile-de-France network.Peer reviewe

    Image_1_Neurotransmitter content heterogeneity within an interneuron class shapes inhibitory transmission at a central synapse.JPEG

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    Neurotransmitter content is deemed the most basic defining criterion for neuronal classes, contrasting with the intercellular heterogeneity of many other molecular and functional features. Here we show, in the adult mouse brain, that neurotransmitter content variegation within a neuronal class is a component of its functional heterogeneity. Golgi cells (GoCs), the well-defined class of cerebellar interneurons inhibiting granule cells (GrCs), contain cytosolic glycine, accumulated by the neuronal transporter GlyT2, and GABA in various proportions. By performing acute manipulations of cytosolic GABA and glycine supply, we find that competition of glycine with GABA reduces the charge of IPSC evoked in GrCs and, more specifically, the amplitude of a slow component of the IPSC decay. We then pair GrCs recordings with optogenetic stimulations of single GoCs, which preserve the intracellular transmitter mixed content. We show that the strength and decay kinetics of GrCs IPSCs, which are entirely mediated by GABAA receptors, are negatively correlated to the presynaptic expression of GlyT2 by GoCs. We isolate a slow spillover component of GrCs inhibition that is also affected by the expression of GlyT2, leading to a 56% decrease in relative charge. Our results support the hypothesis that presynaptic loading of glycine negatively impacts the GABAergic transmission in mixed interneurons, most likely through a competition for vesicular filling. We discuss how the heterogeneity of neurotransmitter supply within mixed interneurons like the GoC class may provide a presynaptic mechanism to tune the gain of microcircuits such as the granular layer, thereby expanding the realm of their possible dynamic behaviors.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Neurotransmitter content heterogeneity within an interneuron class shapes inhibitory transmission at a central synapse.PDF

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    Neurotransmitter content is deemed the most basic defining criterion for neuronal classes, contrasting with the intercellular heterogeneity of many other molecular and functional features. Here we show, in the adult mouse brain, that neurotransmitter content variegation within a neuronal class is a component of its functional heterogeneity. Golgi cells (GoCs), the well-defined class of cerebellar interneurons inhibiting granule cells (GrCs), contain cytosolic glycine, accumulated by the neuronal transporter GlyT2, and GABA in various proportions. By performing acute manipulations of cytosolic GABA and glycine supply, we find that competition of glycine with GABA reduces the charge of IPSC evoked in GrCs and, more specifically, the amplitude of a slow component of the IPSC decay. We then pair GrCs recordings with optogenetic stimulations of single GoCs, which preserve the intracellular transmitter mixed content. We show that the strength and decay kinetics of GrCs IPSCs, which are entirely mediated by GABAA receptors, are negatively correlated to the presynaptic expression of GlyT2 by GoCs. We isolate a slow spillover component of GrCs inhibition that is also affected by the expression of GlyT2, leading to a 56% decrease in relative charge. Our results support the hypothesis that presynaptic loading of glycine negatively impacts the GABAergic transmission in mixed interneurons, most likely through a competition for vesicular filling. We discuss how the heterogeneity of neurotransmitter supply within mixed interneurons like the GoC class may provide a presynaptic mechanism to tune the gain of microcircuits such as the granular layer, thereby expanding the realm of their possible dynamic behaviors.</p

    NMDARs in granule cells contribute to parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synaptic plasticity and motor learning

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    Long-term synaptic plasticity is believed to be the cellular substrate of learning and memory. Synaptic plasticity rules are defined by the specific complement of receptors at the synapse and the associated downstream signaling mechanisms. In young rodents, at the cerebellar synapse between granule cells (GC) and Purkinje cells (PC), bidirectional plasticity is shaped by the balance between transcellular nitric oxide (NO) driven by presynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation and postsynaptic calcium dynamics. However, the role and the location of NMDAR activation in these pathways is still debated in mature animals. Here, we show in adult rodents that NMDARs are present and functional in presynaptic terminals where their activation triggers NO signaling. In addition, we find that selective genetic deletion of presynaptic, but not postsynaptic, NMDARs prevents synaptic plasticity at parallel fiber-PC (PF-PC) synapses. Consistent with this finding, the selective deletion of GC NMDARs affects adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Thus, NMDARs presynaptic to PCs are required for bidirectional synaptic plasticity and cerebellar motor learning

    NMDARs in granule cells contribute to parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synaptic plasticity and motor learning

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    Long-term synaptic plasticity is believed to be the cellular substrate of learning and memory. Synaptic plasticity rules are defined by the specific complement of receptors at the synapse and the associated downstream signaling mechanisms. In young rodents, at the cerebellar synapse between granule cells (GC) and Purkinje cells (PC), bidirectional plasticity is shaped by the balance between transcellular nitric oxide (NO) driven by presynaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) activation and postsynaptic calcium dynamics. However, the role and the location of NMDAR activation in these pathways is still debated in mature animals. Here, we show in adult rodents that NMDARs are present and functional in presynaptic terminals where their activation triggers NO signaling. In addition, we find that selective genetic deletion of presynaptic, but not postsynaptic, NMDARs prevents synaptic plasticity at parallel fiber-PC (PF-PC) synapses. Consistent with this finding, the selective deletion of GC NMDARs affects adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Thus, NMDARs presynaptic to PCs are required for bidirectional synaptic plasticity and cerebellar motor learning.</p