925 research outputs found

    Engagement of Lawyer-Mediators in Client Conflict

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    Sociologists and the Processing of Conflicts

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    Sociologists bring a unique perspective to the study of the processing of conflicts. They may be experts in substantive areas in which alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques are used as well as experts in process such as getting the parties to the table and keeping them there to discuss the issues. Sociologists are also trained to observe social interactions and remain neutral in their analyses of what they observe. The authors discuss the contributions that sociologists can make in the study of ADR, including theoretical, research, and critical works on conflict resolution process

    Information, formation and training for the maintenance operations: the lesson learned from fatal accidents

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    The list of possible machinery / equipment-related injuries is as long as it is worrying; they represent a non-negligible part of the total accidents in most industrial sectors, in terms of both numbers and severity, in normal conditions and during the maintenance operations. Lack of maintenance or inadequate maintenance can lead to dangerous situations, accidents and health problems; but, at the same time, maintenance itself is a high-risk activity due to special hazards resulting from the particular nature of the work. Moreover, the workers involved are more likely than other employees directly exposed to the risks, since direct contact between the worker and the machinery to be maintained cannot be substantially reduced

    Flight Planning Tool an Aid for Efficient Flight Evaluation

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    Airborne surveillance systems have multiple sensors and communication links on board a suitable platform. They work in a cohesive manner to provide effective surveillance over the region of interest. The performance proving of such a system is challenging and requires flight trails extending over years. The test results often have to be interpreted using statistical analysis of the flight test data. An efficient way is to carefully design the flight test profiles such that enough samples can be collected during the test and multiple requirements can be tested in a single sortie. Such meticulous test strategies where both own ship platform and test targets are moving with high dynamics call for software based tool for planning of test sorties and the test points. Flight Planning Tool (FPT) plays an important role in pre-flight stage during developmental trials for analysis of the MOEs and MOPs of overall system and of various on-board sensors of an airborne multi-sensor system. The FPT provides statistical & graphical analysis for sensor behaviour for various scenarios (flight trials) before actual flight test is conducted. It provides prior information on number of valid samples for sensor testing during flight trials. In addition, the tool aids in assessing number of profiles to be flown for proving each MOE. The profiles can also be optimised such that valid samples are collected for evaluation

    Computer-assisted technique for airborne dust sampling data representativeness and worker's exposure assessment - CAT-ReADS

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    Nowadays, occupational exposure to airborne dust is still one of the most concerning problems our society should face, since both airborne dust is a common pollutant in almost all the NACE sectors activities, and the occupational exposure quantification is critical. One of the possible causes can be identified in determining the real conditions of dust pollution in the workplaces, attributable to the delicacy of the various phases of acquisition of the measures, and on the variability of operations carried out by workers, affecting the pollutant emission rates. A research project in progress discusses the causes of uncertainty attributable to laboratory and sampling activities, and to the identification of the most appropriate techniques of the results’ representativeness assessment. A recent result is the development of an original Computer-Assisted Technique for Airborne Dust Sampling data representativeness and worker's exposure assessment - CAT-ReADS, MS-Excel Vbasic developed - it supports the companies and external audit technicians, from the setting of the surveys and the laboratory activities to the verification, in a rigorous statistical approach, of compliance/noncompliance of the field measurement results vs the limit values. The resulting workplaces pollution and workers’ exposure assessment are free from subjective simplifications: CAT-ReADS includes various sections of guided selection and data analysis, covering Instruments and their calibration, Recording of environmental parameters and activities carried out by the workers during the samplings, Calculation of concentrations, Calculation of expanded uncertainty, Statistical tests for estimating the probability of exceeding the limit value, both referring – as is common practice- to the mean value, and, in a more cautionary way, to the upper uncertainty values (assuming a confidence level of 95%). The paper provides some examples of the implementation of CAT-ReADS in different production scenarios, and an in-depth discussion of the results

    The role of basic and applied research activities for the improvement of OS&H conditions and the dissemination of the Culture of Safety

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    Although the European panorama is experiencing a profound change in advance to the Industry 4.0, revolutionizing the world of work with technical, technological and information innovations, in Italy even today we have to deal with the "old" problem of work related injuries and fatalities. In particular, the accident indices of the last few years do not seem to differ much from those typical of the 1970s. The cultural effort matured with the enforcement of the European Directives, with the consequent passage from a rigid prescriptive approach to a flexible one based on risk analysis, is therefore not sufficient to face without “trauma” such rapid technological development accompanied by legislative, productive changes and increasingly widespread reassignment of tasks within the Companies. In this context, the role of scientific research is essential to contribute to technological transfer and scientific knowledge by reconciling the essential aspects of Occupational Safety and Health, through a rigorous and devoted analysis of working scenarios. Furthermore, the dissemination of a Culture of Safety at all levels (Management and Staff roles) can encourage a bilateral synergy "Industry-University" from an OS&H point of view. The present work discusses in more detail the results of the research carried out by the “young” OS&H researchers of the Polytechnic University of Turin presented on the second day of the Conference Dissemination of The Culture of Safety and Health at Work - “Eras of OS&H Development from early ’50 to industry 4.0”

    Book Reviews

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    THE SUPREME COURT AND RELIGION. By Richard E. Morgan. New York: The Free Press, 1972. Pp. 216. 7.95.WHORUNSCONGRESS?THEPRESIDENT,BIGBUSINESS,ORYou?ByMarkJ.Green,JamesM.FallowsandDavidR.Zwick.NewYork:BantamBooksandGrossmanPublishers,1972.Pp.307.7.95. WHO RUNS CONGRESS? THE PRESIDENT, BIG BUSINESS, OR You? By Mark J. Green, James M. Fallows and David R. Zwick. New York: Bantam Books and Grossman Publishers, 1972. Pp. 307. 1.95. PRIVATE INTEREST AND PUBLIC GAIN: THE DARTMOUTH COLLEGE CASE, 1819. By Francis N. Stites. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1972. Pp. 176. 9.50.JUSTICEISTHECRIME:PRETRIALDELAYINFELONYCASES.ByLewisR.Katz,withLawrenceB.LitwinandRichardH.Bamberger.Cleveland:CaseWesternReserveUniversityPress,1972.Pp.386.9.50. JUSTICE IS THE CRIME: PRETRIAL DELAY IN FELONY CASES. By Lewis R. Katz, with Lawrence B. Litwin and Richard H. Bamberger. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1972. Pp. 386. 6.95

    Meta-analysis: Post-COVID-19 functional dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome

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    Introduction: The burden of post-COVID-19 functional dyspepsia (FD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) remains unclear. The aim of this meta-analysis was to estimate the rate of post-COVID-19 FD and IBS. Methods: MEDLINE, Scopus and Embase were searched through 17 December 2022. Studies reporting the incidence of FD and/or IBS in COVID-19 survivors and controls (without COVID-19), when available, according to the Rome criteria, were included. Estimated incidence with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was pooled. The odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) was pooled; heterogeneity was expressed as I2. Results: Ten studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. Overall, four studies including 1199 COVID-19 patients were considered for FD. Post-COVID-19 FD was reported by 72 patients (4%, 95% CI: 3%–5% and I2 0%). The pooled OR for FD development (three studies) in post-COVID-19 patients compared to controls was 8.07 (95% CI: 0.84–77.87, p = 0.071 and I2 = 67.9%). Overall, 10 studies including 2763 COVID-19 patients were considered for IBS. Post-COVID-19 IBS was reported by 195 patients (12%, 95% CI: 8%–16%, I2 95.6% and Egger's p = 0.002 test). The pooled OR for IBS development (four studies) in COVID-19 patients compared to controls was 6.27 (95% CI: 0.88–44.76, p = 0.067 and I2 = 81.4%); considering only studies with a prospective COVID-19 cohort (three studies), the pooled OR was 12.92 (95% CI: 3.58–46.60, p < 0.001 and I2 = 0%). Conclusions: COVID-19 survivors were found to be at risk for IBS development compared to controls. No definitive data are available for FD


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    In Italia si deve tutt’ora registrare un elevato numero di eventi mortali lavoro correlati, per la stragrande maggioranza in contesti non ascrivibili a scenari di incidente rilevante, e raramente associabili a guasto di impianti ed attrezzature correttamente scelti, usati e mantenuti. Un approccio efficace di prevenzione non può che fare riferimento all’analisi dei dati storici, ad integrazione della quale occorre peraltro disporre di una metodica di analisi della catena di eventi casuali dell’incidente formalizzata e priva di deviazioni valutative soggettive. Il modello originale di cui si riferisce si fonda su casi caratterizzati da informazioni approfondite acquisite in ambito di accertamenti tecnici a fini di giustizia. Esso si propone come valido riferimento nelle valutazioni sino alle cause prime dell’evento, lungo tutta la catena incidentale, e consente la revisione critica della valutazione e gestione proattiva dei rischi
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