114 research outputs found
Benchmark Workshop on selected stocks in the Western Waters in 2021 (WKWEST).
The goal of a benchmark is consensus agreement on an assessment methodology that is to be used in future update assessments. This assessment methodology can be an analytical assessment, but can also be non-analytical, for instance based on trends in an assessment or in a selected set of (survey) indicators, with or without forecasts. The result will be the 'best available' method that ICES advice will be based on.
WKWEST 2021 dealt with the following stocks: Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in Subarea 7 (southern Celtic Seas, and the English Channel); Pollack (Pollachius pollachius) in subareas 6-7 (Celtic Seas and the English Channel); Red gurnard (Chelidonichthys cuculus) in subareas 3–8 (Northeast Atlantic); Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in divisions 7.h–k (Celtic Sea South, southwest of Ireland); Sole (Solea solea) in divisions 8.c and 9.a (Cantabrian Sea and Atlantic Iberian waters)
Endosymbiosis in trypanosomatids: the genomic cooperation between bacterium and host in the synthesis of essential amino acids is heavily influenced by multiple horizontal gene transfers
Trypanosomatids of the genera Angomonas and Strigomonas live in a mutualistic association characterized by extensive metabolic cooperation with obligate endosymbiotic Betaproteobacteria. However, the role played by the symbiont has been more guessed by indirect means than evidenced. Symbiont-harboring trypanosomatids, in contrast to their counterparts lacking symbionts, exhibit lower nutritional requirements and are autotrophic for essential amino acids. To evidence the symbiont’s contributions to this autotrophy, entire genomes of symbionts and trypanosomatids with and without symbionts were sequenced here. Results
Analyses of the essential amino acid pathways revealed that most biosynthetic routes are in the symbiont genome. By contrast, the host trypanosomatid genome contains fewer genes, about half of which originated from different bacterial groups, perhaps only one of which (ornithine cyclodeaminase, EC: derived from the symbiont. Nutritional, enzymatic, and genomic data were jointly analyzed to construct an integrated view of essential amino acid metabolism in symbiont-harboring trypanosomatids. This comprehensive analysis showed perfect concordance among all these data, and revealed that the symbiont contains genes for enzymes that complete essential biosynthetic routes for the host amino acid production, thus explaining the low requirement for these elements in symbiont-harboring trypanosomatids. Phylogenetic analyses show that the cooperation between symbionts and their hosts is complemented by multiple horizontal gene transfers, from bacterial lineages to trypanosomatids, that occurred several times in the course of their evolution. Transfers occur preferentially in parts of the pathways that are missing from other eukaryotes. Conclusion
We have herein uncovered the genetic and evolutionary bases of essential amino acid biosynthesis in several trypanosomatids with and without endosymbionts, explaining and complementing decades of experimental results. We uncovered the remarkable plasticity in essential amino acid biosynthesis pathway evolution in these protozoans, demonstrating heavy influence of horizontal gene transfer events, from Bacteria to trypanosomatid nuclei, in the evolution of these pathways
PTSD, psychological morbidity and marital dissatisfaction in colonial war veterans
Background: Forty years after Colonial War, veterans still show psychological disturbances affecting their marital and sexual satisfaction.Aims: This study analyzed the relationships between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), number of PTSD symptoms and symptom clusters, psychological morbidity, marital dissatisfaction and sexual dissatisfaction; the variables that contributed to marital dissatisfaction and the mediator role of marital dissatisfaction and sexual dissatisfaction, in a sample of colonial War Veterans.Method: The sample included 138 Portuguese war veterans who answered Index of Marital Satisfaction; Index of Sexual Satisfaction; Beck Depression Inventory; State Trait Anxiety Inventory; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Scale.Results: PTSD, number of PTSD symptoms and symptom clusters were associated with psychological morbidity, marital and sexual dissatisfaction. Age, depression symptoms and sexual dissatisfaction contributed to marital dissatisfaction and the model explained 55% of the variance. Marital dissatisfaction mediated the relationship between depression symptoms and sexual dissatisfaction, as well as between number of PTSD symptoms and sexual dissatisfaction.Conclusions: Health professionals need to take into consideration the veteran's marital and sexual relationship in clinical routine consultations. As such, treating the veteran in the couple' context seems warranted.Bayer Portuguesa (B02/06
Ânus anterior: está ou não associado com a constipação crônica na criança?
OBJECTIVE: To study the association between the anterior anus, measured through anal position index, and the presence of longstanding chronic constipation in children.MATERIALS AND METHODS: 195 pediatric patients of the outpatient unit at HCPA were analyzed (ages: from 10 days to 9 years and 10 months; sex: 94 girls and 101boys). Children were considered constipated when presenting a period of more than 3 days without bowel movements and large and hard, or pelletlike, stools. Anterior anus was identified by anal indexes lower than the average minus the standard deviation of the control group of children without constipation; that is < 0.40 for boys, and < 0.24 for girls.RESULTS: Chronic constipation was diagnosed in 58 of the 195 children (29.7%; 28.7% of boys, and 30.9% of girls). There was no significant difference in relation tosex, constipation, or regarding the presence of anterior anus. Fifty-eight children (39.4%) with constipation had anterior anus, whereas 60.6% of children without constipation had anterior anus. There was no significant correlation between anterior position of anus and chronic constipation.CONCLUSION: There was no correlation between chronic constipation and anterior anus among the analyzed children.OBJETIVO: Estudar a associação entre o deslocamento ventral do ânus, através da medida do índice ânus-genital, e a presença de constipação crônica em crianças.MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas 195 crianças atendidas no ambulatório de gastroenterologia pediátrica do HCPA, com idades entre 10 dias e 9 anos e 10 meses, 94 meninas e 101 meninos. Foram consideradas constipadas as crianças que não evacuavam há mais de 3 dias e que apresentavam fezes disquézicas ou cibalosas. Ânus anteriorizado fois definido como IAG menor do que um desvio-padrãodaquele obtido da média das crianças controles não constipadas (IAG < 0,40 em meninos e < 0,24 em meninas).RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 58/195 crianças (29,7%) com constipação crônica (28,7% em meninos e 30,9% em meninas). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa em relação ao sexo (30,9%) ou quanto à presença do ânus anterior. Entre as 58 crianças constipadas, 39,4% apresentavam ânus anteriorizado, enquanto que dentre as não constipadas 60,6% o apresentavam. Não houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a presença de ânus anteriorizado e constipação, ou entre constipação e as medidas do IAG.CONCLUSÃO: Não houve relação entre constipação e a posição anteriorizada do ânus nas crianças estudada
Vector-borne and other pathogens of potential relevance disseminated by relocated cats
Large populations of unowned cats constitute an animal welfare, ecological, societal and public health issue worldwide. Their relocation and homing are currently carried out in many parts of the world with the intention of relieving suffering and social problems, while contributing to ethical and humane population control in these cat populations. An understanding of an individual cat’s lifestyle and disease status by veterinary team professionals and those working with cat charities can help to prevent severe cat stress and the spread of feline pathogens, especially vector-borne pathogens, which can be overlooked in cats. In this article, we discuss the issue of relocation and homing of unowned cats from a global perspective. We also review zoonotic and non-zoonotic infectious agents of cats and give a list of practical recommendations for veterinary team professionals dealing with homing cats. Finally, we present a consensus statement consolidated at the 15th Symposium of the Companion Vector-Borne Diseases (CVBD) World Forum in 2020, ultimately to help veterinary team professionals understand the problem and the role they have in helping to prevent and manage vector-borne and other pathogens in relocated cats
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