369 research outputs found

    Multicenter clinical evaluation of the Luminex Aries Flu A/B & RSV assay for pediatric and adult respiratory tract specimens

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    ABSTRACT Influenza A and B viruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are three common viruses implicated in seasonal respiratory tract infections and are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in adults and children worldwide. In recent years, an increasing number of commercial molecular tests have become available to diagnose respiratory viral infections. The Luminex Aries Flu A/B &amp; RSV assay is a fully automated sample-to-answer molecular diagnostic assay for the detection of influenza A, influenza B, and RSV. The clinical performance of the Aries Flu A/B &amp; RSV assay was prospectively evaluated in comparison to that of the Luminex xTAG respiratory viral panel (RVP) at four North American clinical institutions over a 2-year period. Of the 2,479 eligible nasopharyngeal swab specimens included in the prospective study, 2,371 gave concordant results between the assays. One hundred eight specimens generated results that were discordant with those from the xTAG RVP and were further analyzed by bidirectional sequencing. Final clinical sensitivity values of the Aries Flu A/B &amp; RSV assay were 98.1% for influenza A virus, 98.0% for influenza B virus, and 97.7% for RSV. Final clinical specificities for all three pathogens ranged from 98.6% to 99.8%. Due to the low prevalence of influenza B, an additional 40 banked influenza B-positive specimens were tested at the participating clinical laboratories and were all accurately detected by the Aries Flu A/B &amp; RSV assay. This study demonstrates that the Aries Flu A/B &amp; RSV assay is a suitable method for rapid and accurate identification of these causative pathogens in respiratory infections.</jats:p

    Lactococcal 936-type phages and dairy fermentation problems: from detection to evolution and prevention

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    The so-called 936-type phages are the most frequently encountered lactococcal phage species in dairy fermentations, where they cause slow or even failed fermentations with concomitant economic losses. Several dairy phage population studies, performed in different geographical locations, have detailed their dominance in dairy phage populations, while various phage-resistance mechanisms have been assessed in a bid to protect against this virulent phage group. The impact of thermal and chemical treatments on 936 phages is an important aspect for dairy technologists and has been assessed in several studies, and has indicated that these phages have adapted to better resist such treatments. The abundance of 936 phage genome sequences has permitted a focused view on genomic content and regions of variation, and the role of such variable regions in the evolution of these phages. Here, we present an overview on detection and global prevalence of the 936 phages, together with their tolerance to industrial treatments and anti-phage strategies. Furthermore, we present a comprehensive review on the comparative genomic analyses of members of this fascinating phage species

    Gene prediction using the Self-Organizing Map: automatic generation of multiple gene models

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    Background: Many current gene prediction methods use only one model to represent proteincoding regions in a genome, and so are less likely to predict the location of genes that have an atypical sequence composition. It is likely that future improvements in gene finding will involve the development of methods that can adequately deal with intra-genomic compositional variation. Results: This work explores a new approach to gene-prediction, based on the Self-Organizing Map, which has the ability to automatically identify multiple gene models within a genome. The current implementation, named RescueNet, uses relative synonymous codon usage as the indicator of protein-coding potential. Conclusions: While its raw accuracy rate can be less than other methods, RescueNet consistently identifies some genes that other methods do not, and should therefore be of interest to geneprediction software developers and genome annotation teams alike. RescueNet is recommended for use in conjunction with, or as a complement to, other gene prediction methods

    An HI absorption distance to the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571

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    With the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) we monitored the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535--571 over seven epochs from 21 September to 2 October 2017. Using ASKAP observations, we studied the HI absorption spectrum from gas clouds along the line-of-sight and thereby constrained the distance to the source. The maximum negative radial velocities measured from the HI absorption spectra for MAXI J1535--571 and an extragalactic source in the same field of view are 69±4-69\pm4 km s1^{-1} and 89±4-89\pm4 km s1^{-1}, respectively. This rules out the far kinematic distance (9.30.6+0.59.3^{+0.5}_{-0.6} kpc), giving a most likely distance of 4.10.5+0.64.1^{+0.6}_{-0.5} kpc, with a strong upper limit of the tangent point at 6.70.2+0.16.7^{+0.1}_{-0.2} kpc. At our preferred distance, the peak unabsorbed luminosity of MAXI J1535--571 was >78>78 per cent of the Eddington luminosity, and shows that the soft-to-hard spectral state transition occurred at the very low luminosity of 1.2 -- 3.4 ×\times 105^{-5} times the Eddington luminosity. Finally, this study highlights the capabilities of new wide-field radio telescopes to probe Galactic transient outbursts, by allowing us to observe both a target source and a background comparison source in a single telescope pointing.Comment: Revised after favorable referee report from MNRAS Letter

    Exciton-polariton behaviour in bulk and polycrystalline ZnO

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    We report detailed reflectance studies of the exciton–polariton structure of thin film polycrystalline ZnO and comparison with bulk crystal behaviour. Near-normal incidence reflectance spectra of these samples are fitted using a two-band dielectric response function. Our data show that the reflectance data in polycrystalline ZnO differ substantially from the bulk material, with Fabry–Perot oscillations at energies below the transverse A exciton and above the longitudinal B exciton in the films. In the strong interaction regime between these energies no evidence is seen of the normally rapid oscillations associated with the anomalous waves. We demonstrate that the strong interaction of the damped exciton with the photon leads to polaritons in this region with substantial damping such that the Fabry–Perot modes are eliminated. Good qualitative agreement is achieved between the model and data. The importance of the polariton model in understanding the reflectance data of polycrystalline material is clearly see

    Phase Identification of Smart Meters Using a Fourier Series Compression and a Statistical Clustering Algorithm

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    Accurate labeling of phase connectivity in electrical distribution systems is important for maintenance and operations but is often erroneous or missing. In this paper, we present a process to identify which smart meters must be in the same phase using a hierarchical clustering method on voltage time series data. Instead of working with the time series data directly, we apply the Fourier transform to represent the data in their frequency domain, remove 98%98\% of the Fourier coefficients, and use the remaining coefficients to cluster the meters are in the same phase. Result of this process is validated by confirming that cluster (phase) membership of meters does not change over two monthly periods. In addition, we also confirm that meters that belong to the same feeder within the distribution network are correctly classified into the same cluster, that is, assigned to the same phase.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    Prognosis of West Nile virus associated acute flaccid paralysis: a case series

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    Introduction: Little is known about the long-term health related quality of life outcomes in patients with West Nile virus associated acute flaccid paralysis. We describe the quality of life scores of seven patients with acute flaccid paralysis who presented to hospital between 2003 and 2006, and were followed for up to two years. Case presentations: Between 2003 and 2006, 157 symptomatic patients with West Nile virus were enrolled in a longitudinal cohort study of West Nile virus in Canada. Seven patients (4%) had acute flaccid paralysis. The firs

    Facial stereotypes and perceived mental illness

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    It is well established that we carry stereotypes that impact on human perception and behaviour (e.g. G.W. Allport, “The nature of prejudice”. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1954). Here, we investigate the possibility that we hold a stereotype for a face indicating that its owner may have a mental illness. A three-stage face-perception experiment suggested the presence of such a stereotype. Participants first rated 200 synthetic male faces from the EvoFIT facial-composite system for perceived mental illness (PMI). These faces were used to create a computer-based rating scale that was used by a second sample of participants to make a set of faces appear mentally ill. There was evidence to suggest that the faces that participants identified using the PMI scale differed along this dimension (although not entirely as expected). In the final stage of the study, another set of synthetic faces were created by artificially increasing and decreasing levels along the scale. Participants were asked to rate these items for PMI and for six criminal types. It was found that participants assigned higher PMI ratings (cf. veridical) for items with inflated PMI (although there was no reliable difference in ratings between veridical faces and faces with decreased PMI). Implications of the findings are discussed

    Chlamydia Pneumoniae CdsL Regulates CdsN ATPase Activity, and Disruption with a Peptide Mimetic Prevents Bacterial Invasion

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    Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular pathogens that likely require type III secretion (T3S) to invade cells and replicate intracellularly within a cytoplasmic vacuole called an inclusion body. Chlamydia pneumoniae possess a YscL ortholog, CdsL, that has been shown to interact with the T3S ATPase (CdsN). In this report we demonstrate that CdsL down-regulates CdsN enzymatic activity in a dose-dependent manner. Using Pepscan epitope mapping we identified two separate binding domains to which CdsL binds viz. CdsN221–229 and CdsN265–270. We confirmed the binding domains using a pull-down assay and showed that GST–CdsN221–270, which encompasses these peptides, co-purified with His–CdsL. Next, we used orthology modeling based on the crystal structure of a T3S ATPase ortholog from Escherichia coli, EscN, to map the binding domains on the predicted 3D structure of CdsN. The CdsL binding domains mapped to the catalytic domain of the ATPase, one in the central channel of the ATPase hexamer and one on the outer face. Since peptide mimetics have been used to disrupt essential protein interactions of the chlamydial T3S system and inhibit T3S-mediated invasion of HeLa cells, we hypothesized that if CdsL–CdsN binding is essential for regulating T3S then a CdsN peptide mimetic could be used to potentially block T3S and chlamydial invasion. Treatment of elementary body with a CdsN peptide mimetic inhibited C. pneumoniae invasion into HeLa cells in a dose-dependent fashion. This report represents the first use of Pepscan technology to identify binding domains for specific T3S proteins viz. CdsL on the ATPase, CdsN, and demonstrates that peptide mimetics can be used as anti-virulence factors to block bacterial invasion