98 research outputs found

    Les pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpiones, Arachnida) récoltés pendant la campagne biospéologique 1987 à Minorque

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    [spa] Durante una reciente campaña bioespeleológica realizada en Menorca, se han recolectado cinco especies de pseudoescorpiones en cinco cuevas diferentes. Se describe una nueva especie del género Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) procedente de la Cova Polida (Es Mercadal).[eng] Five species of pseudoscorpions have been collected during a biospeleological campaign in five caves of Menorca island. One new species of the genus Chthonius (Ephippiochthonius) is described from the Cova Polida, Es Mercadal

    Spanische Höhlenpseudoskorpione

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    Ranking protected areas in the Azores using standardised sampling of soil epigean arthropods

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    Copyright © Springer 2005.Nineteen areas in seven of the nine Azorean islands were evaluated for species diversity and rarity based on soil epigean arthropods. Fifteen out of the 19 study areas are managed as Natural Forest Reserves and the remaining four were included due to their importance as indigenous forest cover. Four of the 19 areas are not included in the European Conservation network, NATURA 2000. Two sampling replicates were run per study area, and a total of 191 species were collected; 43 of those species (23%) are endemic to the archipelago and 12 have yet to be described. To produce an unbiased multiple-criteria index (importance value for conservation, IV-C) incorporating diversity and rarity based indices, an iterative partial multiple regression analysis was performed. In addition, an irreplaceability index and the complementarity method (using both optimisation and heuristic methods) were used for priority-reserves analyses. It was concluded that at least one well-managed reserve per island is absolutely necessary to have a good fraction of the endemic arthropods preserved. We found that for presence/absence data the suboptimal complementarity algorithm provides solutions as good as the optimal algorithm. For abundance data, optimal solutions indicate that most reserves are needed if we want that at least 50% of endemic arthropod populations are represented in a minimum set of reserves. Consistently, two of the four areas not included in the NATURA 2000 framework were considered of high priority, indicating that vascular plants and bird species used to determine NATURA 2000 sites are not good surrogates of arthropod diversity in the Azores. The most irreplaceable reserves are those located in older islands, which indicates that geological history plays an important role in explaining faunal diversity of arthropods in the Azores. Based both on the uniqueness of species composition and high species richness, conservation efforts should be focused on the unmanaged Pico Alto region in the archipelago’s oldest island, Santa Maria

    New records and detailed distribution and abundance of selected arthropod species collected between 1999 and 2011 in Azorean native forests.

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    Of the total 286 species identified, 81% were captured between 1999 and 2000, a period during which only 39% of all the samples were collected. On average, arthropod richness for each island increased by 10% during the time frame of these projects. The classes Arachnida, Chilopoda and Diplopoda represent the most remarkable cases of new island records, with more than 30% of the records being novelties. This study stresses the need to expand the approaches applied in these projects to other habitats in the Azores, and more importantly to other less surveyed taxonomic groups (e.g. Diptera and Hymenoptera). These steps are fundamental for getting a more accurate assessment of biodiversity in the archipelago

    Paraliochthonius galapagensis Mahnert 2014, sp. n.

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    Paraliochthonius galapagensis sp. n. Figs 1-6 HOLOTYPE: MHNG; 3; Fernandina: Cabo Hammond, sea cliff spraying, 24.V.1996, leg. S. Peck (96-207). PARATYPES: Fernandina: MHNG; 1♀; Cabo Hammond, sea cliff spraying, 24.V.1996, leg. S. Peck (96-207). ETYMOLOGY: The Latin epithet refers to the Galapagos archipelago. DIAGNOSIS: The species is characterized by the presence of 4 corneate eyes and 2 spine-like setae on the paraxial margin of the pedipalpal hand; carapace with a long and narrow epistome; pedipalpal femur 6.1 (3)/5.6 (♀) times longer than broad (length 1.02-1.03 mm), hand 2.1 times (length 0.59 mm), chela 5.3 (3♀) times longer than deep (length 1.47 mm), finger 1.5-1.6 times longer than hand and curved (length of fixed finger 0.91-0.92 mm); dorsum of hand with 11-13 chemosensory setae; fixed finger with 41-44 acute teeth, movable finger with 44-45 retrorse teeth. DESCRIPTION: Colour uniformly yellowish brown. Carapace (Fig. 1) 1.1 times longer than broad, basally narrowed, posterior margin concave, epistome long and narrow, with a few tiny teeth at its base, 4 distinct corneate eyes, posterior ones about one diameter from anterior eyes, 18 setae: 4 (plus one subocular seta on each side)-4- 4-2-2; tergal chaetotaxy uniseriate: I-III 4, IV-IX 6-7, X 4, XI 4 (2 tactile setae); manducatory process acute, with 2 setae, medial seta longer than anterior one, pedipalpal coxa itself with 3 setae (1 discal), coxa I with a long, finger-like lateral corner, 3 setae, II 3 + 5-6 coxal spines in oblique row (Fig. 5), all in the distal two-thirds with incisions on both sides, III-IV 5; intercoxal tubercle absent; genital operculum with 9 (3: 3 medial discal setae) or 10 setae (♀: 4 discal setae), male genital opening slit-like, with 6 marginal/submarginal setae on each side, 4/4 internal glandular setae, female genitalia as in Fig. 6; sternal chaetotaxy: III-IV 6, 3 suprastigmal setae on each side, V-X 10-11/10/10/9-10/9-10/7-9 (2 tactile setae). Pleural membrane papillostriate. FIGS 1-6 Paraliochthonius galapagensis sp. n., 3 holotype (unless indicated otherwise). (1) Carapace, with epistome enlarged. (2) Left chelicera. (3) Right pedipalp. (4) Pedipalpal chela, lateral view. (5) Left coxae I/II. (6) Genital organ of ♀. Scale units 0.1 mm. Chelicera (Fig. 2): 5 setae on hand and one in middle of movable finger, fixed finger with about 8 rounded (worn?) teeth, movable finger with about 8 low, rounded (worn?) teeth; no spinneret, serrula exterior with 21-22, serrula interior with 13-14 lamellae, rallum with 7-8 setae, the anterior one long and thin. Pedipalps (Figs 3-4): trochanter 1.8 times longer than broad, femur 6.1 times (3)/5.6 times (♀), longer than broad, slit sensillum present as in other species, patella 2.6 (3)/2.5 (♀) timeslongerthanbroad, hand 2.1 timeslongerthandeep, chela 5.3 times (3♀) longerthandeep; fixedfinger 1.6 (3)/1.5(♀) timeslongerthanhand, distinctly curved; chaetotaxy of femur 4-5-2-5, paraxial margin of hand with two spine-like setae on tubercles, both between esb and ist, dorsum of hand with 11-13 chemosensory setae between ib / isb and esb; movable finger without modified internal apodeme, fingerhomodentate, fixedfingerwith 41(3)/44(♀) teeth, erect, acuteand slightly separate, a few basal ones smaller; movable finger with 45(3)/44(♀) teeth, 8 or so distal ones acute, others low, broad, retrorse; accessory teeth absent. Trichobothrium ist of fixed finger distinctly distal to esb, on movable finger sb distinctly closer to st than to b; about 4 slightly lanceolate setae near st/t, a single sensillum between sb and st. LegI: femur 5.9 (3)/6.1(♀) timeslongerthandeep, patella 3.4 (3♀) times, basitarsus 4.2(3)/4.4(♀) times, telotarsus 10.5(3)/9.7(♀) timeslongerthandeep, telotarsus 1.9 (3♀) timeslongerthanbasitarsus; legIV: femur+patella 3.75 (3♀) times, tibia 5.4(3)/5.6(♀) times, basitarsus 2.9(3)/3.0(♀) times, telotarsus 11.8(3)/11.1(♀) times longer than deep, claws slender, longer than undivided arolia; tactile seta on tibia (TS=0.50), basitarsus (TS=0.23) andtelotarsus (TS=0.32). MEASUREMENTS of 3 (♀ inparentheses): Totallength 1.91 (2.12). Carapace 0.70/0.64 (0.74/0.68). Pedipalps: trochanter 0.35/0.19 (0.32/0.17), femur 1.03/0.17 (1.02/0.18), patella 0.52/0.20 (0.52/0.21), hand 0.59/0.28 (0.59/0.28), lengthoffixed finger 0.92 (0.91), ofmovablefinger 0.86 (0.86), lengthofchela 1.47 (1.47). LegI: femur 0.56/0.09 (3♀), patella 0.28/0.08 (3♀), tibia 0.30/0.07 (3♀), tarsus 0.58/0.06 (0.57/0.06). LegIV: femur+patella 0.87/0.23 (0.86/0.23), tibia 0.62/0.11 (0.60/0.11), basitarsus 0.25/0.09 (0.24/0.08), telotarsus 0.63/0.05 (0.61/0.06). REMARKS: This species can be separated from the other three members of the genus described from the Galapagos Islands as indicated in the key below. The presence of 4 distinct corneate eyes and only two spine-like setae on the paraxial margin of the hand place the new species near P. hoestlandti Vachon, 1960 (see Harvey, 2009). It is distinguished from the latter by its larger size (length of pedipalpal femur 1.02-1.03 mmvs. 0.83 mm, chelallength 1.47 mmvs. 1.28 mm) andhighernumberof teeth on fixed finger (41-44 vs. 34).Published as part of Mahnert, Volker, 2014, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), pp. 135-210 in Revue suisse de Zoologie 121 (2) on pages 138-140, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.611979

    NachtrÀge zur Pseudoskorpionfauna (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) der Höhlen der Insel Santorin (Thera) (Kykladen, Griechenland)

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    Mahnert, Volker (2013): NachtrÀge zur Pseudoskorpionfauna (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) der Höhlen der Insel Santorin (Thera) (Kykladen, Griechenland). Revue suisse de Zoologie 120 (1): 93-10

    Pseudoblothrus infernus Mahnert & Ch- 2011, sp. n.

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    Pseudoblothrus infernus sp. n. Figs 1-9 SPECIMEN EXAMINED: MHNG; holotype 1 ♂; Switzerland, canton of Schwyz, Muotathal, Hölloch (Strinati, 1966: SZ 1), carstic corridor named “ Konsummeile ”, (“substrats de sable et limon, mouillĂ©â€), near waste of old bivouac (“prĂšs d’un dĂ©pĂŽt de dechets (20 m) d’un bivouac”: U. Jörin, in litt.), 1500 m from entrance, 200 m depth; 27.12.2009, leg. U. Jörin & M. Pulfer. DIAGNOSIS: The presence, in the male, of ventral glands on sternite VI and the smooth pedipalpal femur and hand places P. infernus sp. n. close to P. strinatii. The new species differs by the morphology of the ventral glands (only two patches of glandular setae vs three in strinatii), the number of setae on anterior margin of cephalothorax (4 vs 6 in strinatii) and by the more slender pedipalpal chela (6.4 times longer than broad vs 5.5-5.9 times in strinatii). Ventral glands are absent in P. thiebaudi Vachon. DESCRIPTION: Cephalothorax and pedipalps reddish brown, tergites I and II large, brown, the following narrower, yelowish. Cephalothorax (Fig. 1) 1.6 times longer than broad, without eyes or eyespots, with two distinct tranverse furrows, the subbasal one narrower; middle of anterior margin broadly rounded: 33 setae (4 at anterior, 6 at posterior margin). Chaetotaxy of tergites I-XI: 5-9-10-10-13-12-13-13-8(2 lateral, 2 sublateral tactile setae)-7(4 tactile setae); manducatory lobe with 1(right) or 2(left) setae, pedipalpal coxa smooth, 7-8 setae, coxa I 5, II 7-8, III 2-3, IV 7-8; anterior genital operculum with 16 setae (6 median marginal setae) (Fig. 2), genital chamber with 2 unmodified setae, sternite III: 12 + 6 median discal setae + 4 suprastigmal setae, IV 12 + 7 median discal setae + 4 suprastigmal setae, V 15 + 6 median discal setae (one lateral seta abnormal, T-shaped: Fig. 3; a similar teratology was described for a sternophorid pseudoscorpion from Dominican amber: Judson, 1998), VI 16 + ventral gland + 2 median discal setae, VII 16, VIII 16, IX 14, X 14, XI 12 (4 tactile setae); anal cone 2+2 setae; ventral gland (Fig. 4) in a round central depression on sternite VI, with two patches of glandular tubules (17/8). Chelicera (Fig. 5) with 5 long setae on hand, fixed finger with 13 pointed teeth, the distal ones smaller, movable finger with 10 pointed teeth of varying length, sub - galeal seta reaching tip of finger, spinneret absent, serrula exterior with 23, serrula interior with 16 lamellae, rallum composed of six setae, apparently only the distal one finely dentate. Pedipalps (Figs 6-8) smooth, trochanter 3.0 times longer than broad, with a tiny button-like ventral tubercle, femur indistinctly club-shaped, 6.4 times, patella 4.5 times longer than broad, pedicel short, hand cylindrical, with pedicel 2.5 times longer than broad, chela with pedicel 6.4 times, without pedicel 6.1 times longer than broad; finger 1.6 times longer than hand with pedicel, fixed finger with 94 small pointed teeth, movable finger with about 88 small teeth, only the 15 distal ones pointed, distalmost tooth of row large and more lateral, venom duct in fixed finger very short. Tricho - bothrial pattern similar to that of P. strinatii and P. thiebaudi, ib slightly basal to eb, esb slightly nearer to isb than to eb, the four distal trichobothria equidistant from each other; a small sensillum distal of b. Leg I: femur 5.6 times longer than deep and 1.8 times longer than patella, the latter 3.3 times longer than deep, tibia 6.4 times, basitarsus 4.1 times, telotarsus 6.0 times longer than deep and 1.3 times longer than basitarsus; leg IV (Fig. 9): femur+ patella 6.0 times longer than deep, tibia 7.5 times, basitarsus 4.3 times, telotarsus 3.9 times longer than deep and 1.1 times longer than basitarsus; no distinct tactile setae present; subterminal seta finely dentate, arolia undivided and distinctly shorter than the thin and smooth claws. Measurements (length/depth in mm): total length 2.4; cephalothorax 0.87/0.53; pedipalps: trochanter 0.55/0.18, femur 1.10/0.17, patella 0.98/0.22, pedicel 0.24, hand with pedicel 0.71/0.29, pedicel 0.07, finger length 1.15, chela length with pedicel 1.82; leg I: femur 0.58/0.10, patella 0.32/0.10, tibia 0.46/0.07, basitarsus 0.27/0.07, telotarsus 0.34/0.06; leg IV: femur+patella 0.92/0.15, tibia 0.74/0.10, basitarsus 0.36/0.08, telotarsus 0.41/0.10. ETYMOLOGIE: The species epithet is a Latin adjective, meaning belonging to (or coming from) the underworld.Published as part of Mahnert, Volker, 2011, Pseudoblothrus infernus sp. n. (Pseudoscorpiones, Syarinidae) from the Hölloch cave (Schwyz, Switzerland), with new records of Pseudoblothrus strinatii Vachon from Switzerland and France, pp. 11-15 in Revue suisse de Zoologie 118 (1) on pages 12-15, DOI: 10.5962/bhl.part.117794, http://zenodo.org/record/582842

    Catalogue des types de poissons, amphibiens et reptiles du Mus\ue9um d\u27Histoire naturelle de Gen\ue8ve

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    Volume: 83Start Page: 471End Page: 49
