1,228 research outputs found

    Computing the Similarity Between Moving Curves

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    In this paper we study similarity measures for moving curves which can, for example, model changing coastlines or retreating glacier termini. Points on a moving curve have two parameters, namely the position along the curve as well as time. We therefore focus on similarity measures for surfaces, specifically the Fr\'echet distance between surfaces. While the Fr\'echet distance between surfaces is not even known to be computable, we show for variants arising in the context of moving curves that they are polynomial-time solvable or NP-complete depending on the restrictions imposed on how the moving curves are matched. We achieve the polynomial-time solutions by a novel approach for computing a surface in the so-called free-space diagram based on max-flow min-cut duality

    Liquefaction Studies of the Solani Sand Reinforced with Geogrid

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    In this paper, a study on liquefaction resistance of Solani sand reinforced with geogrid sheets is reported. Tests were carried out on shake table (vibration Table) with sand samples prepared at relative density of 25% without and with geogrid sheets. In this investigation biaxial synthetic geogrid sheets having the dimension equal to plan dimension of the shake table tank were used in three different combinations of 3 layers, 4 layers and 5 layers at different depths within the sand sample. The liquefaction parameters such as maximum pore water pressure (Umax), maximum pore water pressure built up time (t1) and pore water pressure dissipation time (t3) were measured with the help of transparent piezometer tubes and stop watch for each combination of geogrid sheet corresponding to various levels of accelerations varying from 0.1g to 0.4g. In each test, the frequency of dynamic load was kept constant (5Hz). The liquefaction resistance of sand was evaluated in- terms of pore pressure ratio. Tests results indicate that on inclusion of geogrid sheets into the sand samples, the Umax decreases and t1 and t3 increases. It was also observed that on increasing the number of geogrid sheets, Umax decreases further and this decrease is significant at small amplitude of excitation. The average increase in liquefaction resistance of sand was found to be about 31 % in case of 5 layers of Geogrid sheets at 0.1g acceleration

    Assessment of diversity and plant growth promoting attributes of rhizobia isolated from Cajanus cajan L.

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    Eight (8) strains of rhizobia from Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) were isolated and identified based on their physiological and biochemical characteristics using standard methods. Five (5) of the isolates (KCC1 toKCC5) were subjected to partial 16S rDNA gene sequencing for phylogenetic analysis. Genetic diversity was investigated using restriction patterns produced by amplified rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and were placed into different clusters. They were identified as Ensifer sinorhizobium hence named as Ensifer spp. KCC1 to KCC4. KCC5 is placed in Ensifer fredii clade. Nodulation and nitrogen fixing abilities of the isolates were confirmed by amplification of nodC and nifH genes. All of them showed indole-3-acetic acid production and phosphate solubilization activity. Only two isolates (KCC2 and KCC5) produced siderophore on CAS medium and showed strong antagonistic effect against Fusarium udum. None of the isolates produced cyanogen. The study showed that there is a considerable homogeneity amongst C. cajan root nodule isolates and can be exploited for plant growth promotion of C. cajan with effective antagonism against F. udum.Keywords: Diversity, Ensifer (Sinorhizobium) spp., pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan

    Hypolipidemic effect of Terminalia arjuna (L.) in experimentally induced hypercholesteremic rats

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    The hypolipidemic activity of the 50% ethanol extract of bark of T. arjuna were evaluated in rats. The 50% v/v ethanol bark extract at the dose of 40mg/kg body weight, substantially reduced the plasma total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol while HDL cholesterol increased in experimental group in comparison with hypercholesterolemic animal group. Atherogenic index and liver weight of treated animals also showed significant decrease. A significant increase in the activities of lipoprotein lipase and plasma LCAT enhanced hepatic bile acid synthesis and thereby increased degradation of cholesterol to neutral sterols. Furthermore, the activities of lipogenic enzymes like HMG-CoA reductase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase were significantly reduced. The bark extract of Terminalia arjuna has excellent hypolipidemic activity. The effect of the extract seems to be mediated through increased hepatic clearance of cholesterol, down regulation of lipogenic enzymes and inhibition of HMG- CoA reductase

    The Impact Of Insider Trading On Market Liquidity In The NASDAQ Market

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    This study examines the relationship between insider trading and market liquidity (spread and depth) of NASDAQ-100 stocks. Tests on an intraday sample of sell trades show no evidence of cross-sectional association between the width of the spread and insider trading, but detect some widening of the spread after the fact. Overall, our results provide mixed evidence on the ability of NASDAQ dealers to unravel informed order flow and adjust spreads accordingly. Their short-term behavior suggests an inability to detect insider trading and widen spreads, but their behavior over time suggests that dealers may attempt to recover what they apparently lose at a given point and time

    The Impact Of Insider Trading On Market Liquidity In The NASDAQ Market

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    This study examines the relationship between insider trading and market liquidity (spread and depth) of NASDAQ-100 stocks.  Tests on an intraday sample of sell trades show no evidence of cross-sectional association between the width of the spread and insider trading, but detect some widening of the spread after the fact.  Overall, our results provide mixed evidence on the ability of NASDAQ dealers to unravel informed order flow and adjust spreads accordingly.  Their short-term behavior suggests an inability to detect insider trading and widen spreads, but their behavior over time suggests that dealers may attempt to recover what they apparently lose at a given point and time

    Effect of impurity substitution on band structure and mass renormalization of the correlated FeTe0.5_{0.5}Se0.5_{0.5} superconductor

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    Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we studied the effect of the impurity potential on the electronic structure of FeTe0.5_{0.5}Se0.5_{0.5} superconductor by substituting 10\% of Ni for Fe which leads to an electron doping of the system. We could resolve three hole pockets near the zone center and an electron pocket near the zone corner in the case of FeTe0.5_{0.5}Se0.5_{0.5}, whereas only two hole pockets near the zone center and an electron pocket near the zone corner are resolved in the case of Fe0.9_{0.9}Ni0.1_{0.1}Te0.5_{0.5}Se0.5_{0.5}, suggesting that the hole pocket having predominantly the xyxy orbital character is very sensitive to the impurity scattering. Upon electron doping, the size of the hole pockets decrease and the size of the electron pockets increase as compared to the host compound. However, the observed changes in the size of the electron and hole pockets are not consistent with the rigid-band model. Moreover, the effective mass of the hole pockets is reduced near the zone center and of the electron pockets is increased near the zone corner in the doped Fe0.9_{0.9}Ni0.1_{0.1}Te0.5_{0.5}Se0.5_{0.5} as compared to FeTe0.5_{0.5}Se0.5_{0.5}. We refer these observations to the changes of the spectral function due to the effect of the impurity potential of the dopants.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    The kinks in charge radii across NN = 82 and 126 revisited

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    We revisit the studies of the isotopic shift in the charge radii of {\it even-even} isotopes of Sn and Pb nuclei at NN = 82, and 126, respectively, within the relativistic mean-field and Relativistic-Hartree-Bogoliubov approach. The shell model is also used to estimate isotopic shift in these nuclei, for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The ground state single-particle energies (spespe) are calculated for non-linear NL3 \& NL3^* and density-dependent DD-ME2 parameter sets compared with the experimental data, wherever available. We establish a correlation between the filling of single-particle levels and the isotopic shift in occupation probabilities. The obtained spespe from the relativistic mean-field and Relativistic-Hartree-Bogoliubov approaches are in line with those used in the shell model and experimental data for both the Sn and Pb isotopic chains. The shell model calculated isotopic shift agrees with relativistic mean-field and Relativistic-Hartree-Bogoliubov approaches that explain the experimental data quite well.Comment: Published in Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physic

    Ultra-soft 100 nm Thick Zero Poisson’s Ratio Film with 60% Reversible Compressibility

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    About a 100 nm thick multilayer film of nanoparticle monolayers and polymer layers is shown to behave like cellular-foam with a modulus below 100 KPa. The 1.25 cm radius film adhered to a rigid surface can be compressed reversibly to 60% strain. The more than four orders of magnitude lower modulus compared to its constituents is explained by considering local bending in the (nano)cellular structure, similar to cork and wings of beetles. As the rigidity of the polymer backbone is increased in just four monolayers the modulus of the composite increases by over 70%. Electro-optical map of the strain distribution over the area of compression and increase in modulus with thickness indicates the films have zero Poisson’s ratio