106 research outputs found

    Instability of metal-insulator transition against thermal cycling in phase separated Cr-doped manganites

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    We show that metal-insulator transition in Pr0.5Ca0.5Mn1-xCrxO3 (x = 0.015-0.025) is unstable against thermal cycling. Insulator-metal transition shifts down and low temperature resistivity increases each time when the sample is cycled between a starting temperature TS and a final temperature TF. The effect is dramatic lower is x. Insulator-metal transition in x = 0.015 can be completely destroyed by thermal cycling in absence of magnetic field as well as under H = 2 T. Magnetic measurements suggest that ferromagnetic phase fraction decreases with thermal cycling. We suggest that increase in strains in ferromagnetic- charge ordered interface could be a possible origin of the observed effect.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables (revised

    Re-entrant spin glass and magnetoresistance in Co_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Fe_{1.6}Ti_{0.4}O_4 spinel oxide

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    We have investigated the static and dynamic response of magnetic clusters in Co_{0.2}Zn_{0.8}Fe_{1.6}Ti_{0.4}O_4 spinel oxide, where a sequence of magnetic phase transitions, i.e., paramagnetic (PM) to ferromagnetic at T_{C} \leq 270K and ferromagnetic to canted spin glass state at T_f \leq$ 125K is observed

    A-site Randomness Effect on Structural and Physical Properties of Ba-based Perovskite Manganites

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    The discovery of novel structural and physical properties in the AA-site ordered manganite RRBaMn2_{2}O6_{6} (RR = Y and rare earth elements) has demanded new comprehension about perovskite manganese oxides. In the present study, the AA-site disordered form, R0.5R_{0.5}Ba0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3}, has been investigated and compared with both RRBaMn2_{2}O6_{6} and R0.5A0.5R_{0.5}A_{0.5}MnO3_{3} (AA: Sr, Ca) in the structures and electromagnetic properties. R0.5R_{0.5}Ba0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3} has a primitive cubic perovskite cell in the structure and magnetic glassy states are dominant as its ground state, in contrast to the ordinary disordered R0.5A0.5R_{0.5}A_{0.5}MnO3_{3} (AA: Sr, Ca). In Pr-compounds with various degrees of Pr/Ba randomness at the AA-sites, the AA-site disorder gradually suppresses both ferromagnetic and A-type antiferromagnetic transitions and finally leads to a magnetic glassy state in Pr0.5_{0.5}Ba0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3}. A peculiar behavior, multi-step magnetization and resistivity change, has been observed in Pr0.5_{0.5}Ba0.5_{0.5}MnO3_{3}. These properties could be closely related to any spatial heterogeneity caused by the random distribution of Ba2+^{2 +} and R3+R^{3 +} with much different ionic radius.Comment: 9 pages, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73 Aug. (2004

    The enhancement of phase separation aspect in electron doped manganite Ca0.8Sm0.16Nd0.04MnO3

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    The complex lanthanide doping of electron manganites results in enhancement of various phase separation effects in physical properties of these compounds. Selecting Ca0.8Sm0.16Nd0.04MnO3 as a model case we show that the first order structural phase transition from paramagnetic semi-metallic phase into anti-ferromagnetic semi-metallic phase at TS ~ 158 +- 4 K is marked by an abrupt decrease in magnetization, a step like anomaly DL/L = 10-4 in thermal expansion and large latent heat DQ = 610 J/mol. In a certain temperature range below TS, the high field magnetization exhibits hysteretic metamagnetic behavior due to field-induced first order transformation. ac-susceptibility, magnetization and resistivity data suggest rather a non-uniform state in Ca0.8Sm0.16Nd0.04MnO3 at low temperatures. The metal - insulator transition occurs at TMI ~112 +- 3 K, accompanied by a step-like increase in magnetization. These features could be ascribed to "sponging" of electrons from neighboring anti-ferromagnetic matrix by clusters undergoing the ferromagnetic ordering.Comment: submitted to J.Phys. Cond. Matte

    Nanosized Sodium-Doped Lanthanum Manganites: Role of the Synthetic Route on their Physical Properties

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    In this paper we present the results of the synthesis and characterisation of nanocrystalline La1-xNaxMnO3+delta samples. Two synthetic routes were employed: polyacrylamide-based sol-gel and propellant synthesis. Pure, single phase materials were obtained with grain size around 35 nm for the sol-gel samples and around 55 nm for the propellant ones, which moreover present a more broaden grain size distribution. For both series a superparamagnetic behaviour was evidenced by means of magnetisation and EPR measurements with peculiar features ascribable to the different grain sizes and morphology. Preliminary magnetoresistivity measurements show enhanced low-field (< 1 T) magnetoresistance values which suggest an interesting applicative use of these manganites.Comment: 31 Pages 10 Figures to appear in Chem. Mate

    Competition of charge, orbital, and ferromagnetic correlations in layered manganites

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    The competition of charge, orbital, and ferromagnetic interactions in layered manganites is investigated by magneto-Raman scattering spectroscopy. We find that the colossal magnetoresistance effect in the layered compounds results from the interplay of the orbital and ferromagnetic double-exchange correlations. Inelastic scattering by charge-order fluctuations dominates the quasiparticle dynamics in the ferromagnetic-metal state. The scattering is suppressed at low frequencies, consistent with the opening of a charge-density wave pseudogap.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    High Temperature Thermopower in La_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_3 Films: Evidence for Polaronic Transport

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    Thermoelectric power, electrical resistivity and magnetization experiments, performed in the paramagnetic phase of La_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_3, provide evidence for polaron-dominated conduction in CMR materials. At high temperatures, a large, nearly field-independent difference between the activation energies for resistivity (rho) and thermopower (S), a characteristic of Holstein Polarons, is observed, and ln(rho) ceases to scale with the magnetization. On approaching T_c, both energies become field-dependent, indicating that the polarons are magnetically polarized. Below T_c, the thermopower follows a law S(H) prop. 1/rho (H) as in non saturated ferromagnetic metals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 .gif figures. Phys. Rev B (in press

    Magnetic Phases of Electron-Doped Manganites

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    We study the anisotropic magnetic structures exhibited by electron-doped manganites using a model which incorporates the double-exchange between orbital ly degenerate ege_{g} electrons and the super-exchange between t2gt_{2g} electrons with realistic values of the Hund's coupling(JHJ_H), the super-exchange coupling(JAFJ_{AF}), and the bandwidth(WW). We look at the relative stabilities of the G, C and A type antiferromagnetic ph ases. In particular we find that the G-phase is stable for low electron doping as seen in experiments. We find good agreement with the experimentally observed magnetic phase diagrams of electron-doped manganites (x>0.5x > 0.5) such as Nd1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3}, Pr1x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3}, and Sm1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_{3}. We can also explain the experimentally observed orbital structures of the C a nd A phases. We also extend our calculation for electron-doped bilayer manganites of the form R22x_{2-2x}A1+2x_{1+2x}Mn2_2O7_7 and predict that the C-phase will be absent in t hese systems due to their reduced dimensionality.Comment: 7 .ps files included. To appear in Phys. Rev. B (Feb 2001

    Field-Induced Magnetization Steps in Intermetallic Compounds and Manganese Oxides: The Martensitic Scenario

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    Field-induced magnetization jumps with similar characteristics are observed at low temperature for the intermetallic germanide Gd5Ge4and the mixed-valent manganite Pr0.6Ca0.4Mn0.96Ga0.04O3. We report that the field location -and even the existence- of these jumps depends critically on the magnetic field sweep rate used to record the data. It is proposed that, for both compounds, the martensitic character of their antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic transitions is at the origin of the magnetization steps.Comment: 4 pages,4 figure

    Inhomogeneous Magnetism in La-doped CaMnO3. (II) Mesoscopic Phase Separation due to Lattice-coupled FM Interactions

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    A detailed investigation of mesoscopic magnetic and crystallographic phase separation in Ca(1-x)La(x)MnO3, 0.00<=x<=0.20, is reported. Neutron powder diffraction and DC-magnetization techniques have been used to isolate the different roles played by electrons doped into the eg level as a function of their concentration x. The presence of multiple low-temperature magnetic and crystallographic phases within individual polycrystalline samples is argued to be an intrinsic feature of the system that follows from the shifting balance between competing FM and AFM interactions as a function of temperature. FM double-exchange interactions associated with doped eg electrons are favored over competing AFM interactions at higher temperatures, and couple more strongly with the lattice via orbital polarization. These FM interactions thereby play a privileged role, even at low eg electron concentrations, by virtue of structural modifications induced above the AFM transition temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure