9 research outputs found

    Characterizing preclinical sub-phenotypic models of acute respiratory distress syndrome:An experimental ovine study

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    Abstract The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) describes a heterogenous population of patients with acute severe respiratory failure. However, contemporary advances have begun to identify distinct sub‐phenotypes that exist within its broader envelope. These sub‐phenotypes have varied outcomes and respond differently to several previously studied interventions. A more precise understanding of their pathobiology and an ability to prospectively identify them, may allow for the development of precision therapies in ARDS. Historically, animal models have played a key role in translational research, although few studies have so far assessed either the ability of animal models to replicate these sub‐phenotypes or investigated the presence of sub‐phenotypes within animal models. Here, in three ovine models of ARDS, using combinations of oleic acid and intravenous, or intratracheal lipopolysaccharide, we investigated the presence of sub‐phenotypes which qualitatively resemble those found in clinical cohorts. Principal Component Analysis and partitional clustering identified two clusters, differentiated by markers of shock, inflammation, and lung injury. This study provides a first exploration of ARDS phenotypes in preclinical models and suggests a methodology for investigating this phenomenon in future studies

    The effects of nitric oxide on coagulation and inflammation in ex vivo models of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and cardiopulmonary bypass

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    Background Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) has extensive applications in managing patients with acute cardiac and pulmonary failure. Two primary modalities of ECLS, cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), include several similarities in their composition, complications, and patient outcomes. Both CPB and ECMO pose a high risk of thrombus formation and platelet activation due to the large surface area of the devices and bleeding due to system anticoagulation. Therefore, novel methods of anticoagulation are needed to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with extracorporeal support. Nitric oxide (NO) has potent antiplatelet properties and presents a promising alternative or addition to anticoagulation with heparin during extracorporeal support. Methods We developed two ex vivo models of CPB and ECMO to investigate NO effects on anticoagulation and inflammation in these systems. Results Sole addition of NO as an anticoagulant was not successful in preventing thrombus formation in the ex vivo setups, therefore a combination of low-level heparin with NO was used. Antiplatelet effects were observed in the ex vivo ECMO model when NO was delivered at 80 ppm. Platelet count was preserved after 480 min when NO was delivered at 30 ppm. Conclusion Combined delivery of NO and heparin did not improve haemocompatibility in either ex vivo model of CPB and ECMO. Anti-inflammatory effects of NO in ECMO systems have to be evaluated further

    A clinically relevant sheep model of orthotopic heart transplantation 24 h after donor brainstem death

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    BACKGROUND: Heart transplantation (HTx) from brainstem dead (BSD) donors is the gold-standard therapy for severe/end-stage cardiac disease, but is limited by a global donor heart shortage. Consequently, innovative solutions to increase donor heart availability and utilisation are rapidly expanding. Clinically relevant preclinical models are essential for evaluating interventions for human translation, yet few exist that accurately mimic all key HTx components, incorporating injuries beginning in the donor, through to the recipient. To enable future assessment of novel perfusion technologies in our research program, we thus aimed to develop a clinically relevant sheep model of HTx following 24 h of donor BSD. METHODS: BSD donors (vs. sham neurological injury, 4/group) were hemodynamically supported and monitored for 24 h, followed by heart preservation with cold static storage. Bicaval orthotopic HTx was performed in matched recipients, who were weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), and monitored for 6 h. Donor and recipient blood were assayed for inflammatory and cardiac injury markers, and cardiac function was assessed using echocardiography. Repeated measurements between the two different groups during the study observation period were assessed by mixed ANOVA for repeated measures. RESULTS: Brainstem death caused an immediate catecholaminergic hemodynamic response (mean arterial pressure, p = 0.09), systemic inflammation (IL-6 - p = 0.025, IL-8 - p = 0.002) and cardiac injury (cardiac troponin I, p = 0.048), requiring vasopressor support (vasopressor dependency index, VDI, p = 0.023), with normalisation of biomarkers and physiology over 24 h. All hearts were weaned from CPB and monitored for 6 h post-HTx, except one (sham) recipient that died 2 h post-HTx. Hemodynamic (VDI - p = 0.592, heart rate - p = 0.747) and metabolic (blood lactate, p = 0.546) parameters post-HTx were comparable between groups, despite the observed physiological perturbations that occurred during donor BSD. All p values denote interaction among groups and time in the ANOVA for repeated measures. CONCLUSIONS: We have successfully developed an ovine HTx model following 24 h of donor BSD. After 6 h of critical care management post-HTx, there were no differences between groups, despite evident hemodynamic perturbations, systemic inflammation, and cardiac injury observed during donor BSD. This preclinical model provides a platform for critical assessment of injury development pre- and post-HTx, and novel therapeutic evaluation. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s40635-021-00425-4

    Recovery of organ-specific tissue oxygen delivery at restrictive transfusion thresholds after fluid treatment in ovine haemorrhagic shock

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    Background: Fluid resuscitation is the standard treatment to restore circulating blood volume and pressure after massive haemorrhage and shock. Packed red blood cells (PRBC) are transfused to restore haemoglobin levels. Restoration of microcirculatory flow and tissue oxygen delivery is critical for organ and patient survival, but these parameters are infrequently measured. Patient Blood Management is a multidisciplinary approach to manage and conserve a patient’s own blood, directing treatment options based on broad clinical assessment beyond haemoglobin alone, for which tissue perfusion and oxygenation could be useful. Our aim was to assess utility of non-invasive tissue-specific measures to compare PRBC transfusion with novel crystalloid treatments for haemorrhagic shock. Methods: A model of severe haemorrhagic shock was developed in an intensive care setting, with controlled haemorrhage in sheep according to pressure (mean arterial pressure 30–40 mmHg) and oxygen debt (lactate > 4 mM) targets. We compared PRBC transfusion to fluid resuscitation with either PlasmaLyte or a novel crystalloid. Efficacy was assessed according to recovery of haemodynamic parameters and non-invasive measures of sublingual microcirculatory flow, regional tissue oxygen saturation, repayment of oxygen debt (arterial lactate), and a panel of inflammatory and organ function markers. Invasive measurements of tissue perfusion, oxygen tension and lactate levels were performed in brain, kidney, liver, and skeletal muscle. Outcomes were assessed during 4 h treatment and post-mortem, and analysed by one- and two-way ANOVA. Results: Each treatment restored haemodynamic and tissue oxygen delivery parameters equivalently (p > 0.05), despite haemodilution after crystalloid infusion to haemoglobin concentrations below 70 g/L (p < 0.001). Recovery of vital organ-specific perfusion and oxygen tension commenced shortly before non-invasive measures improved. Lactate declined in all tissues and correlated with arterial lactate levels (p < 0.0001). The novel crystalloid supported rapid peripheral vasodilation (p = 0.014) and tended to achieve tissue oxygen delivery targets earlier. PRBC supported earlier renal oxygen delivery (p = 0.012) but delayed peripheral perfusion (p = 0.034). Conclusions: Crystalloids supported vital organ oxygen delivery after massive haemorrhage, despite haemodilution to < 70 g/L, confirming that restrictive transfusion thresholds are appropriate to support oxygen delivery. Non-invasive tissue perfusion and oximetry technologies merit further clinical appraisal to guide treatment for massive haemorrhage in the context of Patient Blood Management.</p

    Differential Protein Expression among Two Different Ovine ARDS Phenotypes-A Preclinical Randomized Study

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    Despite decades of comprehensive research, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) remains a disease with high mortality and morbidity worldwide. The discovery of inflammatory subphenotypes in human ARDS provides a new approach to study the disease. In two different ovine ARDS lung injury models, one induced by additional endotoxin infusion (phenotype 2), mimicking some key features as described in the human hyperinflammatory group, we aim to describe protein expression among the two different ovine models. Nine animals on mechanical ventilation were included in this study and were randomized into (a) phenotype 1, n = 5 (Ph1) and (b) phenotype 2, n = 4 (Ph2). Plasma was collected at baseline, 2, 6, 12, and 24 h. After protein extraction, data-independent SWATH-MS was applied to inspect protein abundance at baseline, 2, 6, 12, and 24 h. Cluster analysis revealed protein patterns emerging over the study observation time, more pronounced by the factor of time than different injury models of ARDS. A protein signature consisting of 33 proteins differentiated among Ph1/2 with high diagnostic accuracy. Applying network analysis, proteins involved in the inflammatory and defense response, complement and coagulation cascade, oxygen binding, and regulation of lipid metabolism were activated over time. Five proteins, namely LUM, CA2, KNG1, AGT, and IGJ, were more expressed in Ph2.</p

    Design, development and preliminary assessment in a porcine model of a novel peripheral intravenous catheter aimed at reducing early failure rates

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    Background: Peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVCs) are the most commonly used invasive medical device, yet despite best efforts by end-users, PIVCs experience unacceptably high early failure rates. We aimed to design a new PIVC that reduces the early failure rate of in-dwelling PIVCs and we conducted preliminary tests to assess its efficacy and safety in a porcine model of intravenous access. Methods: We used computer-aided design and simulation to create a PIVC with a ramped tip geometry, which directs the infused fluid away from the vein wall; we called the design the FloRamp™. We created FloRamp prototypes (test device) and tested them against a market-leading device (BD Insyte™; control device) in a highly-controlled setting with five insertion sites per device in four pigs. We measured resistance to infusion and visual infusion phlebitis (VIP) every 6 h and terminated the experiment at 48 h. Veins were harvested for histology and seven pathological markers were assessed. Results: Computer simulations showed that the optimum FloRamp tip reduced maximum endothelial shear stress by 60%, from 12.7 Pa to 5.1 Pa, compared to a typical PIVC tip and improved the infusion dynamics of saline in the blood stream. In the animal study, we found that 2/5 of the control devices were occluded after 24 h, whereas all test devices remained patent and functional. The FloRamp created less resistance to infusion (0.73 ± 0.81 vs 0.47 ± 0.50, p = 0.06) and lower VIP scores (0.60 ± 0.93 vs 0.31 ± 0.70, p = 0.09) than the control device, although neither findings were significantly different. Histopathology revealed that 5/7 of the assessed markers were lower in veins with the FloRamp. Conclusions: Herein we report preliminary assessment of a novel PIVC design, which could be advantageous in clinical settings through decreased device occlusion and reduced early failure rates.</p