83 research outputs found

    Interaction between two solitons in two-dimensional complex plasma with variable dust charge

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    We have studied the propagation of the dust acoustic solitary waves in two different directions for a non-magnetized, two dimensional dusty plasma including the variation of dust charges. We extend the reductive perturbation method and obtain two KdV equations for a nonlinear wave in two different directions. We also compare our results with the case of constant dust charge.Вивчалося поширення пилових акустичних солітонних хвиль у двох різних напрямках для ненамагніченої двомірної пилової плазми, включаючи зміни пилових розрядів. Був використаний редуктивний метод збурювань і отримано рішення двох рівнянь Кортевега-де Вріза (Kd) для нелінійних хвиль у двох різних напрямках. Отримані результати порівнювалися з такими для випадку постійного пилового розряду.Изучалось распространение пылевых акустических солитонных волн в двух различных направлениях для ненамагниченной двумерной пылевой плазмы, включая изменения пылевых разрядов. Был использован редуктивный метод возмущений и получено решение двух уравнений Кортевега-де Вриза (KdV) для нелинейных волн в двух различных направлениях. Полученные результаты сравнивались с таковыми для случая постоянного пылевого разряда

    Discrete-Time Domain Modeling of a High-Power Medium-Voltage Resonant Converter

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    LLC resonant converters are widely used indiverse industrial applications, due in part to their highefficiency and high power density. In spite of their numerousadvantages, these converters are still considered themost challenging converters from a modeling and controlperspective. Several factors contribute to this complexity,including the nonlinear behavior and different operatingmodes. Therefore, a high-power medium-voltage resonantconverter is modeled in this manuscript, and its dynamicbehavior is investigated. The nonlinear model simulationperformed by MATLAB/Simulink and the electrical circuitsimulation performed by PLECS are then compared toverify the accuracy of the obtained model

    Could circRNA be a new biomarker for pre-eclampsia?

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    Pre-eclampsia is a devastating complication of pregnancy which is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria in pregnant women. Pre-eclampsia is important as it is the leading cause of death. Moreover, untreated pre-eclampsia might lead to other lethal complications, for both fetus and mother. Pre-eclampsia can also affect the quality of life in affected women. Despite a large number of risk factors for pre-eclampsia, these risk factors are able to detect just 30 of women who are susceptible to pre-eclampsia. Heterogeneous manifestations of pre-eclampsia necessitate the discovery of potential biomarkers required for its early detection. Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are a type of RNA which are more abundant, specific, and highly organized compared with other types of RNA. Accordingly, circRNAs have been suggested as one of the potential biomarkers for different diseases. Recently, researchers have shown interest in the effects of circRNAs in pre-eclampsia, although the current evidence is limited. The majority of obstetricians are probably not aware of circRNAs as a useful biomarker. Here, we aimed to summarize recent supporting evidence and assess the mechanisms by which circRNAs are involved in pre-eclampsia. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Two-dimensional turbulence in magnetised plasmas

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    In an inhomogeneous magnetised plasma the transport of energy and particles perpendicular to the magnetic field is in general mainly caused by quasi two-dimensional turbulent fluid mixing. The physics of turbulence and structure formation is of ubiquitous importance to every magnetically confined laboratory plasma for experimental or industrial application. Specifically, high temperature plasmas for fusion energy research are also dominated by the properties of this turbulent transport. Self-organisation of turbulent vortices to mesoscopic structures like zonal flows is related to the formation of transport barriers that can significantly enhance the confinement of a fusion plasma. This subject of great importance in research is rarely touched on in introductory plasma physics or continuum dynamics courses. Here a brief tutorial on 2D fluid and plasma turbulence is presented as an introduction to the field, appropriate for inclusion in undergraduate and graduate courses.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in European Journal of Physics. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at doi: 10.1088/0143-0807/29/5/00

    Global Experiences on Wastewater Irrigation: Challenges and Prospects

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