29 research outputs found

    Candiduria: Prevalence, Identification of Isolated Candida Species and Trends in Antifungal Susceptibility in Hospitalized Patients

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    Background: Urinary tract candidiasis is known as the most frequent nosocomial fungal infection worldwide. Some of the predisposing factors of candiduria are extensive use of broad-spectrum anti-fungal agents, diabetes mellitus, indwelling urinary catheter, corticosteroids and, immunosuppressive drugs. There are some antifungal agents available for the treatment of candiduria. In recent years, resistance to antifungal agents has been increased. The aim of this study was to evaluate different Candida species (sp.) that cause candiduria and their susceptibility pattern to antifungal agents in patients admitted to educational hospitals.Materials and Methods: Urine samples (n=200) were obtained; they were spread onto Sabouraud Dextrose Agar plates. Plates were incubated at 37°C. Only specimens were considered as candiduria, which have a colony count of ≄104 CFU/mL colonies. Urine sediment was cultured in the CHROM agar Candida medium and incubated at 35°C for 48h. The cultures were evaluated based on color. PCR-RFLP was performed for a definite identification of Candida sp. In vitro antifungal susceptibility test of the Candida isolates against amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole was performed using the microdilution method, according to the standard CLSI guidelines, document M27-S3.Results: Molecular findings confirmed the result of the morphological method. Candiduria rate was 11.5% among our patients. According to CHROM agar Candida and PCR-RFLP, the most common species isolated was C. albicans (74%), followed by C. glabrata (26%). In vitro susceptibility tests of urinary Candida isolates to antifungals have been evaluated. All species were sensitive to amphotericin B. None of C. glabrata isolates were sensitive to fluconazole and itraconazole.Conclusion: This study demonstrates the importance of Candida sp. in urine samples from hospitalized patients. It was concluded that Candida sp. obtained from candiduria in patients had excellent activity against Amphotericin B. Whereas, resistance against Itraconazole (21.7%) and especially Fluconazole (26%) was significant

    Candidiasis in COVID-19 Patients

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    Based on previous studies, some comorbidities influence the morbidity and mortality of COVID-19 disease. Among these factors, opportunistic fungal infections could have a major impact on the mortality of COVID-19 patients

    Fungal Central Nervous System Infections in Patients With COVID-19

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    Recent studies have indicated that fungal co-infections have a major impact on the morbidity and mortality of patients with COVID-19. In these patients, the excessive production of inflammatory cytokines and the reduction in CD4 + T and CD8 + T cell count entails susceptibility to fungal infections.1 In addition to impaired cell-mediated immunity, comorbidities and immunosuppressive medications have a significant role in the development of fungal infections and have serious impacts on clinical outcomes.1-

    The Prevalence of Unsafe Behaviors in Iranian Workers: A Sys-tematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Unsafe behaviors are the cause of 80% of accidents. However, there has also been no worldwide review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of workers’ unsafe behaviors. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate and estimate the prevalence of unsafe behaviors among Iranian workers using a systematic review and meta-analysis study. Methods: This systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted from Nov to Dec 2018. The researchers searched Medline/PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Science Direct, and Google Scholar for international articles and four Iranian databases (Scientific Information Database, MagIran, IranMedex, and IranDoc) for Persian articles. The method of reporting this study was based on the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) checklist. Results: Overall, 235 articles from databases were imported to EndNote library. Final screening of the included studies produced a total of 38 studies. Based on the random-effect model, the prevalence of total unsafe behaviors, non-use or inappropriate use of personal protective equipment, and inappropriate work posture was 40.37% (CI 95% = 35.8-44.9), 27.79% (CI 95% = 21.2-34.3), and 14.87% (CI 95% = 10.7-18.9). There was no statistically significant relationship between unsafe behaviors and mean age, mean of work experiences, and year of study. Conclusion: The prevalence of unsafe behaviors among Iranian workers was relatively high and the most common behaviors were non-use or inappropriate use of PPE; one of the most important causes for this behavior is lack of training, inappropriate working conditions, and lack of positive attitude towards safety. Therefore, further studied are required to investigate the causes of these unsafe behaviors

    Migraine Headache as a Presenting Feature of Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Report: Migraine and Multiple Sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease, causing neuronal demyelination and axonal damage in the central nervous system. Symptoms of MS vary widely because of different grades of sensory, motor, and cognitive dysfunctions. Although headache as the initial symptom of MS is rare, it is a common comorbidity that affects most patients. However, it is unclear that the headache manifestation in newly diagnosed people with MS should be considered as an MS attack or merely a comorbid condition. We report the case of a 31-year-old woman with newly diagnosed MS who presented with exacerbation of headache episodes without any abnormal neurological exam findings. The headaches did not respond to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and triptans. After administration of methylprednisolone, the headaches were significantly improved, and during 3 months of follow-up receiving glatiramer acetate, no episode of headache has occurred. This case demonstrates the possible relationship between migraine and MS in newly diagnosed patients. New-onset headaches, a change in the pattern of previous episodes, and inadequate clinical drug response to headache treatment should all be taken seriously and warrant further investigation. Thereby, early diagnosis and proper treatment for patients with MS could improve their quality of life

    The Comparison of the Sensation Seeking Level, Coping Strategies and Vulnerability to Stress among MMT Treated Addicts and Normal Group

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    Introduction: The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the level of sensation seeking and coping strategies as well as vulnerability to stress among addicts who are under MMT treatment and normal group. Method: This research was a causal comparative study. The population of the study was all addicts of Baharestan city of Esfahan province who were referred to addiction treatment clinics. The sample was selected by clustering random sampling. (62 addictes and 52 normal participants) Results: The MANOVA results showed a significant difference among the three variables of sensation seeking, vulnerability to stress and mindful problem solving coping strategy within the two groups. Multiple regression results also showed meaningful differences between level of sensation seeking and the kind of used drug and also between support seeking coping strategy and mindful problem solving. Conclusion: The sensation seeking level and the amount of stress vulnerability may be significant predictors of the kind of coping strategy and kind of substance in substance abusers. It can be used in predictive and therapical interventions to apply them in practical sectors better

    The Study of the Differences of Attention Bias, Executive Functioning, and Reaction Time of Amphetamine Consumers in Comparison of Non Consumers

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    Aim: Addiction to opium can be resulted to different effects. Current research designed in order to comprise if neuro-psychological functions among Amphetamine consumers and normal people. Method: Research design was causal-comparative design which performed in consumers and normal people. Research population was all opium consumers of Bahar city. Addict group included of 33 Amphetamine consumers who were referred to Baharestan addiction withdrawal center by snowball sampling. The comparison group included 39 normal people that matched with addict group with consideration of age, sex, education. All samples were studied by technical management of center and by using of perceptual diagnostic tests. Wisconsin cards, reaction time tests (simple, diagnostic, and selective) and attention bias (Stroop) was used. Results: the results of the research indicated that Amphetamine consumers were significantly different with normal people in consideration of error number, but there wasn’t significant difference on error in Wisconsin test. In reaction time Amphetamine consumers had least reaction time and highest number of errors, in three states. In simple trial there weren’t significant difference, but two groups were significant different in selective and diagnostic trial on time and number of errors. Also, there wasn’t significant difference on attention bias with consideration of error, but there was significant difference with consideration of time. Conclusion: on the basis of results it can be claimed Amphetamine consumption can be affected on neuro-cognitive functions. Identifying and understanding of these factors can be useful in better understanding of problem, and can be led to different therapeutic treatment

    Energy Efficiency of Microwave-Induced Heating of Crushed Rocks/Ores

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    The interaction between electromagnetic waves and heat transfer phenomena due to microwave treatment is of utmost importance for an energy-efficient microwave-integrated grinding circuit. In this study, the effect of microwave irradiations on the heat absorptions of crushed particles is carried out by developing a numerical model. Crushed particles are simulated as diced-shaped geometries with different sitting arrangements but similar size distributions. The energy efficiency of the microwave treatment process is studied by introducing temperature-dependent dielectric properties and accounting for the convective heat loss from the particle boundaries to the surrounding environment. The simulations are quantitatively validated with the experimental results for heat over microwave efficiency. Heat absorption of larger particles is found to be significantly higher, and the arrangement of particles exerts a negligible effect on overall energy absorption. It is also found that ores with a larger average diameter can yield higher energy efficiencies, and the maximum absorption can be achieved by placing the particles at certain distances from the waveguide of the microwave.Applied Science, Faculty ofMining Engineering, Keevil Institute ofReviewedFacult

    Renal vein thrombosis due to metastatic germ cell tumor, report of a case with a very rare clinical scenario

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    Abstract Background Renal metastasis is a rare manifestation of germ cell tumors. Extension of malignant lesions into the renal vein can complicate the scenario. Case This report presents a 35‐year‐old man with primary stage IS NSGCT. Fourteen months after radical orchiectomy he presented with metastasis in the lung, kidney, and para‐aortic lymph nodes. He received multiple lines of salvage treatments including chemotherapy and surgery. Intraoperative exploration during radical nephrectomy and retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy revealed intra‐renal vein involvement with a prominent teratomatous component. Conclusion Defining the exact extent of malignant lesions, especially endovascular lesions, is very important to clarify how advanced the malignant lesions are. The surgeons must be aware of the risk factors that predict vascular involvement, and therefore, providing intraoperative access to vascular surgery procedures when needed