11 research outputs found

    WANITA DAN UNDANG-UNDANG (Perspektif Undang-Undang Harta dan Muamalat di Malaysia)*

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    This writing will discuss the problem of women and law thatfocus on anything related with the regulation of treasure andmuamalat in Malaysia nowadays. But this writing will not discussit in detail because of some limitations. Therefore, the writer willonly talk about very important and urgent things to discuss byreferring to the regulation in Malaysia, both Islamic law andconventional regulation

    WANITA DAN UNDANG-UNDANG (Perspektif Undang-Undang Harta dan Muamalat di Malaysia)*

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    This writing will discuss the problem of women and law thatfocus on anything related with the regulation of treasure andmuamalat in Malaysia nowadays. But this writing will not discussit in detail because of some limitations. Therefore, the writer willonly talk about very important and urgent things to discuss byreferring to the regulation in Malaysia, both Islamic law andconventional regulation

    Waqf Conceptual Model: A Practical Implementation for a Private Specialist Hospital

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a viable conceptual structure for waqf model in a private specialist hospital setting which has yet to be implemented through cooperation between Waqf Corporation of the State Islamic Religious Council (MAIN) and An-Nur Specialist Hospital (ANSH). There is certainly an urgent need to harness this collaboration since the society is afflicted by all sorts of economic and social insecurity and also due to the relatively high rising healthcare expenses incurred especially in private specialist hospital. This preliminary study is based on academic literature and also institutional data documentation methods. Ever since ANSH moved to its new premise at Section 15, Bandar Baru Bangi from June 2019, the empirical data of its expenses and billing can currently be formed as a basis for this study. This collaboration between a MAIN institution and ANSH opens up a new dimension in the waqf structure in Malaysia, especially the model for a private specialist hospital. The findings are expected to further boost the involvement of MAIN with other private specialist hospitals in waqf activities. The results obtained can help improve the socio economy of Muslims and non-Muslims especially in the aspects of healthcare

    An analysis on the wasiyyah muslim property in Malaysia

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    When a person dies, all assets under his name will be frozen and cannot be transacted. The consequences are that, from legal perspective, the deceased assets can only be transacted when his personal representative applies to a letter of representation from the Civil High Court. In Malaysia, a person may die testate or intestate. The former means that the person who died leaving a will and the latter means that the person who died without leaving any testamentary document resulted to the operation of law of intestacy to Non-Muslim and law of Faraid to the Muslim. This article will deliberate on the current law Muslim testate succession in Malaysia. This article adopts the doctrinal analysis by examining the existing primary and secondary materials gathered from multiple sources including statutory, and case law. This article concludes that there is still lacuna in the law regarding Muslim testate estate. This article acknowledges that the law relating to inheritance in Malaysia is divided into two namely substantive law according to the religion of deceased and procedural law which under the purview of federal statutes. If the Syariah High Court is serious to regulate the Muslim testate matters, each and every state legislature in West Malaysia must legislate a written law on Muslim testate succession

    Analisis profil pesawah padi di Malaysia dan kepatuhan membayar zakat pertanian

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    Hasil pertanian merupakan salah satu harta yang diwajibkan zakat.Di Malaysia, hanya tanaman padi sahaja yang dikenakan zakat pertanian.Oleh itu, hanya pesawah padi sahaja yang dikenakan zakat pertanian sedangkan mereka merupakan antara golongan termiskin berbanding petani yang mengusahakan tanaman lain.Berdasarkan beberapa kajian lain, didapati kebanyakan pembayar zakat padi berada di bawah garis kemiskinan.Oleh itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil pesawah padi di Malaysia serta mendapatkan pandangan mereka terhadap pengalaman pembayaran zakat pertanian dan seterusnya menganalisis kepatuhan mereka dalam membayar zakat pertanian.Metode soal selidik telah digunakan dengan khidmat enumerator bagi mendapatkan data tersebut di seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia. Sebanyak 488 soal selidik daripada sejumlah 625 soal selidik yang telah diedarkan kepada petani-petani yang mengusahakan sawah padi di Semenanjung Malaysia telah digunakan di dalam analisis kajian ini dengan menggunakan SPSS.Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa kebanyakan pesawah padi membayar zakat dan tidak merasa terbeban dalam membuat pembayaran zakat padi. Walau bagaimanapun seramai 227 responden (48.1 %) menyatakan bahawa pendapatan mereka lebih kurang sama dengan taraf hidup orang miskin

    Waqf in Malaysia : legal and administrative perspectives

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    This book emphasizes valuable information regarding waqf in Malaysia within legal and administrative perspectives. The major focus of the discussion deals with the role of the State Islamic Religious Councils (Majlis Agama Islam Negeri) as the sole trustees of waqf assets and the various problems faced by the Councils in performing their obligations in dealing with assets. Besides, the issue of the one-third rule of waqf and the application of the Civil and Federal Laws in the administration of said property have also been highlighte

    WANITA DAN UNDANG-UNDANG (Perspektif Undang-Undang Harta dan Muamalat di Malaysia)*

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    This writing will discuss the problem of women and law thatfocus on anything related with the regulation of treasure andmuamalat in Malaysia nowadays. But this writing will not discussit in detail because of some limitations. Therefore, the writer willonly talk about very important and urgent things to discuss byreferring to the regulation in Malaysia, both Islamic law andconventional regulation

    Financing universities through waqf

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    Transformasi pembangunan hartanah wakaf

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    Kepesatan pembangunan industri kewangan Islam sewajarnya turut dapat dilimpahkan untuk kemajuan institusi filantrofi Islam seperti wakaf menerusi aplikasi instrumen kewangan kontemporari misalnya seperti Amanah Hartanah Islam atau Real Estate Investment Trust (I-REIT) bagi memberi nilai tumbuh selain menyerlahkan potensi sebenar aset - aset milik umat islam. Pebahasan bagi membuka kunci nilai aset wakaf terpendam menerusi struktur I-REIT merupakan fokus utama buku ini

    Modus operandi of the Islamic money market: a proposal for holistic shariah adaptation

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    This paper advocates a holistic Shariah adaptation of the modus operandi (operational model) of the Islamic interbank money market. It presents the reasons for the need for the substitution of the conventional methods of ‘tendering’, ‘auction’ and brokerage procedures in the market with the Shariah compliant methods of ‘al-Munaqasah,’ ‘al-Muzayadah’ and ‘al- Samsarah’ which are known and rooted in the Islamic law of transaction. It concluded that the adaptation of such procedures will lend more credence to the Islamic financial system that continues to receive criticism from various quarters. The study is a qualitative Shariah legal research. It is restricted to the jurisprudential analysis of the modus operandi of the market vis-a-vis the underpinning contracts of its procedure, in both the primary and the secondary stages of the markets