9,670 research outputs found

    Pre-sentence reports and individualised justice: consistency, temporality and contingency

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    This paper reports on selected findings from a study on pre-sentence reports (PSRs) in the Republic of Ireland, entitled Individualising Justice: Pre-Sentence Reports in the Republic of Ireland (Maguire and Carr, 2017). The research was commissioned by the Probation Service and was a small-scale, in-depth study exploring the role of PSRs in sentencing, with a particular emphasis on understanding the process of communication involved from the perspectives of Probation Officers who create the reports and judges who request and receive them. This paper draws on the findings from the research to explore specific aspects of the use of PSRs. It begins by highlighting certain features of the Irish context and then provides a brief overview of the methodological approach before presenting a summary of selected findings, including those relating to the purpose of reports and variation in their use. We explore some of the key themes arising from the research, including consistency, temporality and contingency. We conclude by noting the potential positives of pausing a process, but highlight the need for greater consistency to ensure equitable access across the country

    The impact and penetration of location-based services

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    Since the invention of digital technology, its development has followed an entrenched path ofminiaturisation and decentralisation with increasing focus on individual and niche applications. Computerhardware has moved from remote centres to desktop and hand held devices whilst being embedded invarious material infrastructures. Software has followed the same course. The entire process has convergedon a path where various analogue devices have become digital and are increasingly being embedded inmachines at the smallest scale. In a parallel but essential development, there has been a convergence ofcomputers with communications ensuring that the delivery and interaction mechanisms for computersoftware is now focused on networks of individuals, not simply through the desktop, but in mobilecontexts. Various inert media such as fixed television is becoming more flexible as computers and visualmedia are becoming one.With such massive convergence and miniaturisation, new software and new applications define the cuttingedge. As computers are being increasingly tailored to individual niches, then new digital services areemerging, many of which represent applications which hitherto did not exist or at best were rarely focusedon a mass market. Location based services form one such application and in this paper, we will bothspeculate on and make some initial predictions of the geographical extent to which such services willpenetrate different markets. We define such services in detail below but suffice it to say at this stage thatsuch functions involve the delivery of traditional services using digital media and telecommunications.High profile applications are now being focused on hand held devices, typically involving information onproduct location and entertainment but wider applications involve fixed installations on the desktop whereservices are delivered through traditional fixed infrastructure. Both wire and wireless applications definethis domain. The market for such services is inevitably volatile and unpredictable at this early stage but wewill attempt here to provide some rudimentary estimates of what might happen in the next five to tenyears.The ?network society? which has developed through this convergence, is, according to Castells (1989,2000) changing and re-structuring the material basis of society such that information has come todominate wealth creation in a way that information is both a raw material of production and an outcome ofproduction as a tradable commodity. This has been fuelled by the way technology has expanded followingMoore?s Law and by fundamental changes in the way telecommunications, finance, insurance, utilitiesand so on is being regulated. Location based services are becoming an integral part of this fabric and thesereflect yet another convergence between geographic information systems, global positioning systems, andsatellite remote sensing. The first geographical information system, CGIS, was developed as part of theCanada Land Inventory in 1965 and the acronym ?GIS? was introduced in 1970. 1971 saw the firstcommercial satellite, LANDSAT-1. The 1970s also saw prototypes of ISDN and mobile telephone and theintroduction of TCP/IP as the dominant network protocol. The 1980s saw the IBM XT (1982) and thebeginning of de-regulation in the US, Europe and Japan of key sectors within the economy. Finally in the 1990s, we saw the introduction of the World Wide Web and the ubiquitous pervasion of business andrecreation of networked PC?s, the Internet, mobile communications and the growing use of GPS forlocational positioning and GIS for the organisation and visualisation of spatial data. By the end of the 20thcentury, the number of mobile telephone users had reached 700 million worldwide. The increasingmobility of individuals, the anticipated availability of broadband communications for mobile devices andthe growing volumes of location specific information available in databases will inevitably lead to thedemand for services that will deliver location related information to individuals on the move. Suchlocation based services (LBS) although in a very early stage of development, are likely to play anincreasingly important part in the development of social structures and business in the coming decades.In this paper we begin by defining location based services within the context we have just sketched. Wethen develop a simple model of the market for location-based services developing the standard non-linearsaturation model of market penetration. We illustrate this for mobile devices, namely mobile phones in thefollowing sections and then we develop an analysis of different geographical regimes which arecharacterised by different growth rates and income levels worldwide. This leads us to speculate on theextent to which location based services are beginning to take off and penetrate the market. We concludewith scenarios for future growth through the analogy of GIS and mobile penetration

    The Price Premium for Organic Babyfood: A Hedonic Analysis

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    The price premium associated with organic babyfood is estimated by applying a hedonic model to price and characteristic data for babyfood products collected in two cities: Raleigh, North Carolina, and San Jose, California. The price per ounce of babyfood is modeled as a function of a number of babyfood and store characteristics. The estimated organic price premium is generally equal to 3 cents to 4 cents per ounce. To the extent this premium reflects consumer willingness to pay to reduce pesticide exposures, it could be used to infer values for reduced dietary exposures to pesticide residues for babies.babyfood, hedonic analysis, organic foods, Demand and Price Analysis,

    “How can anybody be representative for those kind of people?” Forms of patient representation in health research, and why it is always contestable

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Different discourses that co-exist within the world of patient and public involvement in health and social care mirror a tangle of historical, social, political and theoretical roots. These range from the radical activism, born of civil rights movements, to a more passive model in which patients are the recipients of information. This paper explores the concept of ‘representation’ and the ways the concept is used by people serving as ‘patient’ or ‘lay’ representatives in a range of roles within research projects, funding bodies and academic institutions. We address the issue of why the representativeness of those involved is contestable. Drawing on qualitative research and engaged practice as well as on literature from social and political sciences we question how people conceptualise their own and their fellows' acts of representation. In doing this we identify nine different conceptualisations of what it is to represent and use these to explore how judgements are made about what can count as legitimate forms of representation.The PhD study “Public and Patient Involvement in Theory and in Practice” was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for the South West Peninsula. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. We would also like to acknowledge the generous contributions of time and thought made by study participants and the Peninsula Public involvement Group (PenPIG)

    The tropospheric gas composition of Jupiter's north equatorial belt (NH3, PH3, CH3D, GeH4, H2O) and the Jovian D/H isotropic ratio

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    The gas composition of the troposphere of Jupiter in the clearest regions of the North Equatorial Belt (NEB) was derived from the Voyager 1 IRIS data. The infrared spectrum for this homogeneous cloud free region was modeled to infer altitude profiles for NH3, PH3, GeH4 and H2O. The Profiles for NH3 and PH3 were found to be depleted in the upper troposphere but otherwise in agreement with their solar values at the 1 bar level. The mole fraction for CH3D was determined to be 3.5(+1.0 or -1.3) x 10 to the minus 7th power. The GeH4 mole fraction of 7+ or -2 x 10 to the minus 10th power at the 2 to 3 bar level is a factor of 10 lower than the solar value. The H2O mole fraction is approximately 1 x 0.00001 at the 2.5 bar level and is increasing to approximately 3 x 0.00001 at 4 bars where it is a factor of 30 lower than solar. Using IRIS infrared values for the mole fractions of CH3D and CH4 a value of D/H = 3.6(+1.0 or -1.4)x 0.00001 is derived. Assuming this Jovian D/H ratio is representative of the protosolar nebula, and correcting for chemical galactic evolution, yields a value of 5.5 - 9.0 x 0.00001 for the primordial D/H ratio and an upper limit of 1.8 to 2.4 x 10 to the minus 31st power cu cm for the present day baryon density

    A study of the social and physical environment in catering kitchens and the role of the chef in promoting positive health and safety behaviour

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    This is the account of a mixed method study of chefs and their kitchens in order to identify the nature of their workplace and how this affects their ability to manage health and safety in the kitchen. It included extended periods of observation, monitoring of physical parameters, analysis of records of reported accidents, and a series of reflexive interviews. The findings were integrated and then fed back in a smaller number of second interviews in order to test whether the findings fitted in with the chefs' understanding of their world. Major factors identified included survival in a market environment, the status of the chef (and the kitchen) within organisations, marked autocracy of chefs, and an increasing tempo building up to service time with commensurate heat, noise, and activity. In particular during the crescendo, a threshold shift in risk tolerance was identified. The factors, their interplay, and their implications for health and safety in the catering kitchen are discussed

    The physical characteristics underpinning performance of wheelchair fencing athletes: a Delphi study of Paralympic coaches

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    Wheelchair Fencing (WF) is a Paralympic sport which is practiced by athletes with physical disabilities and is classified into three categories according to the degree of activity limitation the impairment causes in the sport. All Paralympic sports are requested to develop their own evidence-based classification system to enhance the confidence in the classification process however, this is yet to be achieved in WF. Research within WF is scarce therefore, the aim of this study was to reach expert consensus on the physical characteristics that underpin performance of athletes competing in the sport as this is known as one of the initial steps required to achieve an evidence-based classification system. Sixteen Paralympic WF coaches were invited to take part in a 3-round Delphi study, with experts drawing consensus on qualities of speed, strength, power, flexibility and motor control of the trunk and fencing arm being associated with increased athletic success. The required qualities of the non-fencing arm led to diverging opinions across the expert panel. This study provides clear guidance of the physical qualities to be developed to maximise athletic performance while also providing the initial framework to guide future WF classification research

    Catalytic asymmetric C-H insertion reactions of α-diazocarbonyl compounds

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    The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the development of asymmetric catalysts for C-H insertion reactions over the past two decades, focusing on the application of these catalysts in the decomposition of α-diazocarbonyl compounds. Given the rapid pace of development in the field of enantioselective C-H insertion chemistry, an up-to-date review of this type is warranted. While recent reviews22,23 have dissected their content into intramolecular and intermolecular processes, this article is differentiated in extending this division to include classification of C-H insertion reactions according to product type. Thus, catalytic methods for the asymmetric synthesis of carbocyclic compounds, oxygen-containing heterocycles, nitrogen-containing heterocycles and sulfur-containing heterocycles are readily identifiable. Due to the diversity of compounds resulting from intermolecular C-H insertion processes, classification of reactions by product type was not attempted in this section of the review

    Employable knowledge: benchmarking education about standardization in the UK

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    For academics and students in the United Kingdom the main source of standards is via British Standards Institution (BSI). The research demonstrates that British, European and International Standards play a key role in many areas of education. In some disciplines their inclusion in the course is mandatory, e.g. in building construction and performing risk assessments of equipment. Where not a requirement, other courses successfully encourage students to understand and apply specific standards and principles from them, to their design and project work, in topic areas such as quality management and user-computer interface design. Assessment practice is a key part of learning and academics have indicated how this fitted into the learning activity, e.g. by expecting students to develop an understanding of standards and reference them in all assessed work. Likewise, students taking part in the survey also suggest that they were actively engaged with one or more standards and that their understanding was measured through an assessed activity. However, students also emphasised the importance of additional support, e.g. introduction to standards in the workplace or as part of work placements, by library staff as an information resource, and by presentations from BSI experts. Employers have also indicated the importance of students’ knowledge, understanding and appreciation of relevant standards in the right context, emphasising their desire for standards to be included more widely in the curriculum. The draft recommendations from this study were subject to International review and comment, the results from this review served to strengthen the recommendations of this work. This research was commissioned by British Standards Institution (BSI). This research was produced in association with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills as part of its ongoing programme of support for standardization. Grateful thanks are due to all those who filled in the questionnaire or who attended the workshops