964 research outputs found

    Judicializing Politics, Politicizing Law

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    Since WWII there has been a profound shift in power away from legislatures and toward courts and other legal institutions around the world. It is no surprise that appointments to both the US Supreme Court and to other federal courts have become partisan political issues. Ferejohn argues that what is at stake, institutionally, is the allocation of legislative power--the power to establish general rules of prospective application

    Ungtjurar i ekologisk produktion

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    Nötköttsproduktion lämpar sig väl att vara ekologisk produktion. I Sverige var 2011 19 % av alla slaktade nötkreatur uppfödda enligt ekologiska regler. Dock är det större utmaningar med uppfödning av ekologiska ungtjurar av köttras än med uppfödning av stutar och kvigor till slakt. Den ekologiska produktionen styrs av regler som är uppsatta av KRAV. Skillnader mellan ekologiskt och konventionellt gäller framför allt grovfoderandel i foderstaten, utevistelse och bete. För att få tillägg för ekologisk produktion utbetalt krävs det att slaktkropparna uppfyller vissa kvalitetskrav. En viss andel av djuren som fötts upp ekologiskt får inte tilläggsbetalningar eftersom de inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven. När det gäller ungtjurar är det för liten fettansättning på de så kallade tunga köttraserna och för låg vikt på de så kallade lätta köttraserna som är de främsta anledningarna. Djurens tillväxt följer ett visst mönster där olika vävnader tillväxer i olika ordning. Nerv- och muskelvävnad tillväxer tidigt och fettvävnad är det sista som tillväxer. Vid hög tillväxtshastighet sker fettansättningen vid en lägre vikt än vid en långsammare uppfödning, men även genotyp och kön påverkar. Grovfoder utgör en stor del av de ekologiska foderstaterna, vilket gör det viktigt med bra näringsvärden, hög smältbarhet och även bra smaklighet i grovfodret för att få hög tillväxt och tidig fettansättning. Tillsätts kraftfoder till foderstaten ökar det totala foderintaget och även totalfoderstatens smältbarhet ökar. Dock kan intaget av grovfoder eller bete minska om djuret erbjuds en stor giva kraftfoder. För att undvika en andra betessäsong med tjurar födda på våren så är det bra om de är slaktmogna senast i juni då de enligt KRAV-reglerna endera måste slaktas eller släppas ut på bete. För att bli slaktmogna krävs att de kan utfodras så intensivt som möjligt och om de släpps på bete behöver de tillskottsfoder. Med rätt förutsättningar är det möjligt att ha en bra produktion av ekologiska köttrasungtjurar som kan dra nytta av de tilläggsbetalningar som görs när kvalitetsgränserna uppfylls.Beef production is suitable for organic production. In Sweden, 19 % of slaughtered cattle were reared according to organic rules in 2011. However, rearing young bulls of beef breeds for slaughter is a larger challenge than rearing heifers and steers. At slaughter the carcasses have to fulfill some quality criteria to get the extra payment for organic production. The organization KRAV sets the rules for most organic production in Sweden. Differences between conventional and organic production are most due to proportion of forage in the diet, outdoor access and grazing. Some of the animals that are reared organically never get the extra payment for organic production at slaughter. For young bulls the most common reasons are that the late maturing breeds have too little fatness whereas the early maturing breeds are not heavy enough. Growth of animals follows a predetermined pattern where the nervous and muscle tissue grow fast early in life and the fat tissue grows fast later in life. At high growth rate fat deposition starts at a lower weight than if the growth rate is slower, but genotype and gender also have an impact. Forages constitute a major part of the feed ration in organic production, stressing the importance of good nutritive value, high digestibility and good palatability. Concentrates might be added to increase intake and digestibility, but there is a risk that intake of forages or pasture decrease if concentrate allowance increases. To avoid a second grazing period for the spring born bulls it is important that they have reached slaughter maturity no later than June, as they according to the rules of KRAV have to be slaughtered or turned out on pasture at that time. Young bulls should be fed as intensively as possible and if they are turned out a second time to pasture, supplement of concentrates is needed. Under the right conditions it is possible to have a good production with organic young bulls of beef breed and reach the quality criteria that are set up to get extra payment for organic production

    The relevance of street art in public spaces

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    Street art can be defined as an artistic expression, often anonymous and illegal, which is constructed in the public environment. The purpose of this essay is to provide a broad and balanced picture of what street art can mean. The aim is to examine street art as a phenomenon. What features has the phenomenon and in what ways is it important for the creators, spectators and place? This paper focuses on graffiti. The questions within this essay are answered through a literature review and in-depth interviews with different people involved. Graffiti is inspired by the tradition to write ones name in key locations. Other forms of street art, and the late emergence of the concept, arose as a means to challenge the structures of power. To manifest the right to the city. Street art can be associated with unsafe and rundown areas, while in other places, it can fascinate and create admiration. Street art can thus affect how we experience a place. Street art can also serve as a means to commemorate and pay tribute to people. Furthermore, street art often works as a political tool and can therefore be seen as a barometer of how our society works. The fact that people wants to take their place in the public sphere is an important aspect that city planners should consider. The public space must serve as an arena where conflicts can be shown. Legal “graffiti walls” should be constructed based on the fact that people should be able to express themselves with legal means. It should not be erected, as currently, as a means to reduce unwanted street art in other places. Much of the power of street art is that it is illegal, and hence will occur elsewhere, even if there are legal walls. Further on, one should consider the value of the things that are removed. Street Art are exciting cultural expressions that tells us something about our time. Street art can therefore have a cultural and historical value that should be taken into account

    Helsädesensilage och gräsensilage skördade vid olika mognadsstadier : effekt på konsumtion, foderselektion, smältbarhet och proteinutnyttjande hos får

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    I Sverige används gräsensilage och helsädesensilage från bland annat korn som vinterfoder i köttproduktion av både nötkreatur och lamm. Korn kan sås som skyddsgröda när vallar skall anläggas och att skörda kornet som helsädsensilage istället för vid tröskmognad får vallen mer ljus samtidigt som det blir vallskörd redan det första året. Både gräsensilage och helsädesensilage av korn kan skördas vid olika mognadstadier för att möta olika behov hos idisslare. Tidig skörd ger hög smältbarhet medan senare skörd ger högre avkastning av torrsubstans. Syftet med studien var att ta fram fodervärderingsegenskaper genom att undersöka foderintag, sortering, in vivo smältbarhet och proteinutnyttjande av kornhelsädesensilage och gräsensilage skördat vid olika skördetidpunkter och utfodrat med eller utan tillskott av protein till kastrerade baggar. In vivo smältbarhetsvärden kan överföras och användas vid foderstatsberäkningar även för andra idisslare. I studien användes två gräsensilage skördade tidigt (31 maj) och sent (17 juni) i första skörd och två ensilage av kornhelsäd skördade vid axgång (30 juni) repsektive mjölkmognad (18 juli). Åtta kastrerade baggar delades in i en duplicerad 4x4 romersk kvadrat med fyra baggar och fyra perioder i varje kvadrat. Rapsmjöl gavs som proteintillskott till den ena gruppen. Efter fyra perioder hade alla baggar utfodrats med alla fyra olika ensilagen. Under försöket registrerades kontinuerligt levande vikt, hull och foderintag. Under de fyra sista dagarna i varje period samlades prover in av foder, foderrester, träck och urin. Ensilagens näringsinnehåll och hygieniska kvalitet, näringsinnehåll i träcken och innehåll av kväveföreningar i urinen analyserades med PROC MIXED of SAS (ver. 9.3). Konsumtion av torrsubstans (ts) i % av levandevikten var högst för det tidigt skördade kornhelsäden (P < 0,001). Det tidigt skördade gräsensilaget hade det högsta intaget av råprotein men det lägsta intaget av neutral detergent fibre (NDF : P < 0,001). Det fanns inga skillnader mellan konsumtion av ts mellan det tidiga och det sena gräsensilaget vilket visar att innehållet av NDF i ensilaget inte påverkade konsumtionen av ts hos hamlar med underhållsbehov. Sortering för foderdelar med lägre NDF innehåll förekom för alla foder utom det tidigt skördade gräsensilaget (P < 0,001). Foderstaten med det tidigt skördade gräsensilaget hade högst smältbarhet av organisk substans, råprotein och fiber (P < 0,001). In vivo smältbarhet av organisk substans, råprotein och fiber minskade vid senare mognadsstadier för både helsädesensilage och gräsensilage (P < 0,001). Det högsta råproteinintaget samt den högsta utsöndringen av totalkväve och ureakväve noterades för foderstaten med det tidigt skördade gräsensilaget (P < 0,001). Proteinupptaget uttryckt i % av kväveintaget tenderade att bli högre för hamlar som utfodrades med helsädesensilage jämfört med hamlar som utfodrades med det tidigt skörade gräsensilaget men det var ingen skillnad jämfört med det sent skördade gräsensilaget (P = 0,071). När rapsmjöl tillsattes foderstaten ökade utsöndringen av kväve i urinen och proteinupptaget uttryckt i % av kväveintaget minskade i genomsnitt över ensilagen (P < 0,05). Foderintag, in vivo smältbarhet och proteinutnyttjande påverkas av fysiska och näringsmässiga egenskaper hos både gräsensilage och helsädesensilage skördade vid olika mognadsstadier. Genom att kombinera grovfoder från olika mognadsstadier med rätt nivå av kraftfoder i foderstaten så kan proteinutnyttjandet öka vilket är till fördel för den omgivande miljön.In Sweden grass silage and whole-crop silage from barley is used for winter feeding in meat production from cattle and lamb. Barley can be used as nurse crop when establishing leys and harvesting as whole-crop silage instead of harvesting as grain gives sunlight to the undersown ley, which even can be harvested in the establishing year. Both grass silage and whole-crop silage could be harvested at different maturity stages to meet different nutritional demands of the ruminant animals. Early harvest gives high digestibility while harvesting at later stages of maturity give high dry matter (DM) yields. The aim of this study was to evaluate feed intake, feed sorting, in vivo digestibility and utilisation of protein of whole crop barley silage (WCBS) and grass silage (GS) harvested at different maturity stages and fed with or without protein supplementation to wethers. The in vivo digestibility values could be transferred and be used for ration calculation for other ruminants. Two GS, harvested early (31st of May) and late (17th of June) in spring growth, and two WCBS, harvested at the heading (30th of June) and at milk stage (18th of July) of maturity, were used in the trial. Eight wethers were divided into a duplicated 4x4 latin square design with four wethers and four periods in each square. Rapeseed meal was fed as a protein supplement in one of the groups. After four periods all wethers had been fed all four silages. Live weight (LW), body condition scores (BCS) and feed intake was registered continuously during the experiment. Samples of feed, refusals, faeces and urine were collected during the last four days in each period. Nutritional and hygienic quality of the silages, chemical composition of faeces and nitrogen compounds in the urine were analysed using PROC MIXED of SAS (ver. 9.3). Intake of DM in % of LW was highest for the WCBS at heading stage (P < 0.001). Early harvested GS had the highest crude protein intake but the lowest intake of neutral detergent fibre (P < 0.001). Lack of differences in DM intake between early harvested grass silage (GE) and late harvested grass silage (GL) show that the NDF content of the grass silage did not affect the DM intake of the wethers, which only had maintenance requirements. Sorting for parts with less fibre content appeared for all diets except the early harvested GS diet (P < 0.001). The early harvested grass silage diet had the highest digestibility of organic matter, crude protein and fibre (P < 0.001). In vivo digestibility of organic matter, crude protein and fibre decreased with later maturity stage of whole-crop barley and grass (P < 0.001). The highest CP intake as well as the highest excretion of total-N and urea-N in urine were recorded for the GE diet (P < 0.001). Nitrogen retention expressed as % of N intake tended to be higher in wethers fed whole-crop barley silage diets compared to wethers fed the GE diet but did not differ from the GL diet (P = 0.071). When rapeseed meal was supplemented to the diets excretion of N increased and retention of N in % of N intake decreased, when averaged over silages (P < 0.05). Feed intake, in vivo digestibility and protein utilistation will be affected of physical and nutritional traits for both GS and WCBS harvested at different stages of maturity. By combining forages from different stages of maturity with correct amounts of concentrate in the ration, the use of N can be more efficient, which is beneficial for the surrounding environment

    Design proposal for a shifting landscape : the Minecity park in Kiruna

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    Landscape architecture involves designing with dynamism and change, either due to natural processes such as weather, growth of vegetation and seasonal changes or due to human impacts. There is however a tendency to focus on form rather than processes. Too often the representation of landscape architecture becomes static as it represents the space at one chosen time rather than visualising time, processes and flux. The aim of this master thesis is to explore the subject of designing a shifting landscape through a design proposal for the Minecity park in Kiruna. Kiruna, a small mining city in the north of Sweden, is going through vast changes as the underground mining for iron ore has forced a relocation of the city centre. The concept of the Minecity park is an attempt to create a green buffer zone between the city and the mine, as well as an effort to turn the demolished city centre into an attractive part of the urban life in Kiruna. The design proposal is based on fieldwork conducted in Kiruna in September 2012 and February 2013. The proposal stretches from year 2013 to year 2033 as it covers the area affected by the mining at today’s level. However the future of Kiruna is very uncertain since it is surrounded by rich findings of iron ore, hence the design includes strategies for how to handle the transformation. Besides from the subject of designing and representing shifting landscapes, issues regarding space, place identity as well as the meaning of nature have been important. Spaces comprise different modes of creation wherein the lived space is as important as the actual appearance of the space. Identity, nostalgia and lived memories are often linked to buildings and spaces and these sights may contribute to the creation of a collective identity. In the case of Kiruna, where the transformation changes these structures and impact on the lived space, efforts must be made in order to maintain or to reformulate the cultural heritage of the landscape

    Perfluoroalkyl acids in subarctic wild male mink (Neovison vison) in relation to age, season and geographical area

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    AbstractThis study investigates the influence of biological and environmental factors on the concentrations of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in a top predator; the American mink. Perfluorobutane sulfonate (PFBS), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (PFCAs) with C8–C13 perfluorinated carbon chains were analyzed in livers from wild male mink liver (n=101) from four areas in Sweden representing two inland environments (rural and highly anthropogenic, respectively) and two different coastal environments. Mean PFOS concentrations were 1250ng/g wet weight and some mink from the urban inland area had among the highest PFOS concentrations ever recorded in mink (up to 21 800ng/g wet weight). PFBS was detected in 89% of the samples, but in low concentrations (mean 0.6ng/g ww). There were significant differences in PFAA concentrations between the geographical areas (p<0.001–0.01). Age, body condition and body weight did not influence the concentrations significantly, but there was a seasonal influence on the concentrations of perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) and perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnDA) (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively), with lower concentrations in autumn samples than in samples taken in the winter and spring. It is thus recommended to take possible seasonal differences into account when using mink exposure data. The overall results suggest that the mink is a suitable sentinel species for assessing and monitoring environmental levels of PFAAs

    A Second Look at DNS QNAME Minimization

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    The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical Internet infrastructure that translates human-readable domain names to IP addresses. It was originally designed over 35 years ago and multiple enhancements have since then been made, in particular to make DNS lookups more secure and privacy preserving. Query name minimization (qmin) was initially introduced in 2016 to limit the exposure of queries sent across DNS and thereby enhance privacy. In this paper, we take a look at the adoption of qmin, building upon and extending measurements made by De Vries et al. in 2018. We analyze qmin adoption on the Internet using active measurements both on resolvers used by RIPE Atlas probes and on open resolvers. Aside from adding more vantage points when measuring qmin adoption on open resolvers, we also increase the number of repetitions, which reveals conflicting resolvers – resolvers that support qmin for some queries but not for others. For the passive measurements at root and Top-Level Domain (TLD) name servers, we extend the analysis over a longer period of time, introduce additional sources, and filter out non-valid queries. Furthermore, our controlled experiments measure performance and result quality of newer versions of the qmin -enabled open source resolvers used in the previous study, with the addition of PowerDNS. Our results, using extended methods from previous work, show that the adoption of qmin has significantly increased since 2018. New controlled experiments also show a trend of higher number of packets used by resolvers and lower error rates in the DNS queries. Since qmin is a balance between performance and privacy, we further discuss the depth limit of minimizing labels and propose the use of a public suffix list for setting this limit

    Fitting Neuron Models to Spike Trains

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    Computational modeling is increasingly used to understand the function of neural circuits in systems neuroscience. These studies require models of individual neurons with realistic input–output properties. Recently, it was found that spiking models can accurately predict the precisely timed spike trains produced by cortical neurons in response to somatically injected currents, if properly fitted. This requires fitting techniques that are efficient and flexible enough to easily test different candidate models. We present a generic solution, based on the Brian simulator (a neural network simulator in Python), which allows the user to define and fit arbitrary neuron models to electrophysiological recordings. It relies on vectorization and parallel computing techniques to achieve efficiency. We demonstrate its use on neural recordings in the barrel cortex and in the auditory brainstem, and confirm that simple adaptive spiking models can accurately predict the response of cortical neurons. Finally, we show how a complex multicompartmental model can be reduced to a simple effective spiking model

    The Body Language of Adults Who Are Blind1

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    The body expressions of adults who are blind have been relatively unexplored. The aim of this study was therefore to deepen the understanding of different forms of body expression, or “body language”, in adults who are blind. More specifically the study aimed at answering the following questions: What forms of body expression do adults who are blind display? What can the conditions for some different forms of body expression be? What importance can individual, social and cultural factors have for different forms of body expression? Data consisted of video-taped interviews with five congenitally blind, two adventitiously blind and two sighted individuals. The data were analysed in a hermeneutical and phenomenological sense. The results consisted of a typology of 19 different forms of body expression. All in all, we found that the congenitally blind participants expressed themselves mainly in a functional and concrete manner. They also seemed to have limited experiences with abstract, symbolic body expressions. The conditions and the importance of different factors for different body expressions are discussed

    We are family--parents, siblings, and eating disorders in a prospective total-population study of 250,000 Swedish males and females.

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    OBJECTIVE: We examined how parental characteristics and other aspects of family background were associated with the development of eating disorders (ED) in males and females. METHOD: We used register data and record linkage to create the prospective, total-population study the Stockholm Youth Cohort. This cohort comprises all children and adolescents who were ever residents in Stockholm County between 2001 and 2007, plus their parents and siblings. Individuals born between 1984 and 1995 (N = 249, 884) were followed up for ED from age 12 to end of 2007. We used Cox regression modeling to investigate how ED incidence was associated with family socioeconomic position, parental age, and family composition. RESULTS: In total, 3,251 cases of ED (2,971 females; 280 males) were recorded. Higher parental education independently predicted a higher rate of ED in females [e.g., adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 1.69 (95% CI: 1.42, 2.02) for degree-level vs. elementary-level maternal education], but not in males [HR 0.73 (95% CI: 0.42, 1.28), p < 0.001 for gender interaction]. In females, an increasing number of full-siblings was associated with lower rate of ED [e.g., fully adjusted HR 0.92 (95% CI: 0.88, 0.97) per sibling], whereas an increasing number of half-siblings was associated with a higher rate [HR 1.05 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.09) per sibling]. DISCUSSION: The effect of parental education on ED rate varies between males and females, whereas the effect of number of siblings varies according to whether they are full or half-siblings. A deeper understanding of these associations and their underlying mechanisms may provide etiological insights and inform the design of preventive interventions