12 research outputs found

    WINDNA:eDNA based solutions for biodiversity monitoring at offshore wind farms

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    The transition towards renewable energy may have substantial impact on marine ecosystems in the near future. Wind energy is planned to expand by a factor 10 in the North Sea region alone by 2050. The ambitious political objectives seek to shift from a "no net loss" (NNL) to a "marine net gain" (MNG) approach when licensing projects. Hence, there is a pressing need to document the impact of offshore wind on marine biodiversity. However, traditional methods are costly, labor-intensive, and lack both taxonomic and spatio-temporal resolution. The "WINDNA" project will evaluate the potential of environmental DNA (eDNA) and aim to provide new cost-effective and comprehensive marine biodiversity data. Key aspects involve examining the spatial and temporal scales of marine biodiversity using traditional water sampling by boat as well as an offshore-deployed automated environmental sample processor and an autonomous underwater vehicle (ESP2 and ESP3). Furthermore, "WINDNA" focuses on monitoring biodiversity changes during the early stages of artificial reef succession. The "WINDNA" project provides a pragmatic approach, aligning with environmental and political goals contributing to the sustainable growth of renewable energy while prioritizing positive biodiversity impact. The presentation will include preliminary data

    Using eDNA to estimate biomass of bycatch in pelagic fisheries

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    Abstract In recent years, the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) has significantly improved, allowing for high‐resolution species identification and possible biomass quantification from water samples. Fisheries management typically requires monitoring of catches, including precise information about bycatch quantities to make sound assessments of exploitation rates. Bycatch assessment is particularly challenging in large catches (>500 T), and the current practice of visual assessment of subsampled catches is time‐consuming, requires extensive labor, and often has low precision. We explored the feasibility for applying eDNA‐based methods for studying catch composition using the pelagic North Sea herring fishery with bycatch of mackerel as a case. First, we experimentally simulate a series of catches using a range of herring and mackerel weight proportions to establish relationships under real fisheries scenarios. The relationship is subsequently used to estimate the biomass of mackerel bycatch from eDNA from three herring catches, by sampling and comparing processing water both onboard ships and at the processing factory. All samples are analyzed using species‐specific quantitative PCR (qPCR). The experiments reveled a strong correlation between DNA and weight fractions characterized by a constant overrepresentation of mackerel DNA compared to expected mackerel weight. We found that eDNA‐based and visual methods applied to the same landing reflect the within catch variability in species composition alike, however, the methods can show disparity in total estimates of mackerel biomass. Accounting for haul mixing within total landed catches increases the precision of the factory and ship eDNA‐based estimates for the same catch. We show that eDNA‐based bycatch estimates provide coherent quantitative data, and likely improve quality and reduce costs of collecting fisheries‐dependent data and thereby contribute to securing sustainable fisheries

    Using eDNA to estimate biomass of bycatch in pelagic fisheries

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    In recent years, the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) has significantly improved, allowing for high-resolution species identification and possible biomass quantification from water samples. Fisheries management typically requires monitoring of catches, including precise information about bycatch quantities to make sound assessments of exploitation rates. Bycatch assessment is particularly challenging in large catches (>500 T), and the current practice of visual assessment of subsampled catches is time-consuming, requires extensive labor, and often has low precision. We explored the feasibility for applying eDNA-based methods for studying catch composition using the pelagic North Sea herring fishery with bycatch of mackerel as a case. First, we experimentally simulate a series of catches using a range of herring and mackerel weight proportions to establish relationships under real fisheries scenarios. The relationship is subsequently used to estimate the biomass of mackerel bycatch from eDNA from three herring catches, by sampling and comparing processing water both onboard ships and at the processing factory. All samples are analyzed using species-specific quantitative PCR (qPCR). The experiments reveled a strong correlation between DNA and weight fractions characterized by a constant overrepresentation of mackerel DNA compared to expected mackerel weight. We found that eDNA-based and visual methods applied to the same landing reflect the within catch variability in species composition alike, however, the methods can show disparity in total estimates of mackerel biomass. Accounting for haul mixing within total landed catches increases the precision of the factory and ship eDNA-based estimates for the same catch. We show that eDNA-based bycatch estimates provide coherent quantitative data, and likely improve quality and reduce costs of collecting fisheries-dependent data and thereby contribute to securing sustainable fisheries

    eDNA based bycatch assessment in pelagic fish catches

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    Abstract Pelagic fish like herring, sardines, and mackerel constitute an essential and nutritious human food source globally. Their sustainable harvest is promoted by the application of precise, accurate, and cost-effective methods for estimating bycatch. Here, we experimentally test the new concept of using eDNA for quantitative bycatch assessment on the illustrative example of the Baltic Sea sprat fisheries with herring bycatch. We investigate the full pipeline from sampling of production water on vessels and in processing factories to the estimation of species weight fractions. Using a series of controlled mixture experiments, we demonstrate that the eDNA signal from production water shows a strong, seasonally consistent linear relationship with herring weight fractions, however, the relationship is influenced by the molecular method used (qPCR or metabarcoding). In four large sprat landings analyzed, despite examples of remarkable consistency between eDNA and visual reporting, estimates of herring bycatch biomass varied between the methods applied, with the eDNA-based estimates having the highest precision for all landings analyzed. The eDNA-based bycatch assessment method has the potential to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of bycatch assessment in large pelagic fisheries catches and in the long run lead to more sustainable management of pelagic fish as a precious marine resource

    Monitoring of environmental DNA from nonindigenous species of algae, dinoflagellates and animals in the North East Atlantic

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    Monitoring the distribution of marine nonindigenous species is a challenging task. To support this monitoring, we developed and validated the specificity of 12 primer-probe assays for detection of environmental DNA (eDNA) from marine species, all nonindigenous to Europe. The species include sturgeons, a Pacific red algae, oyster thief, a freshwater hydroid from the Black Sea, Chinese mitten crab, Pacific oyster, warty comb jelly, sand gaper, round goby, pink salmon, rainbow trout and North American mud crab. We tested all assays in the laboratory, on DNA extracted from both the target and non-target species to ensure that they only amplified DNA from the intended species. Subsequently, all assays were used to analyse water samples collected at 16 different harbours across two different seasons during 2017. We also included six previously published assays targeting eDNA from goldfish, European carp, two species of dinoflagellates of the genera Karenia and Prorocentrum, two species of the heterokont flagellate genus Pseudochattonella. Conventional monitoring was carried out alongside eDNA sampling but with only one sampling event over the one year. Because eDNA was relatively fast and easy to collect compared to conventional sampling, we sampled eDNA twice during 2017, which showed seasonal changes in the distribution of nonindigenous species. Comparing eDNA levels with salinity gradients did not show any correlation. A significant correlation was observed between number of species detected with conventional monitoring methods and number of species found using eDNA at each location. This supports the use of eDNA for surveillance of the distribution of marine nonindigenous species, where the speed and relative easy sampling in the field combined with fast molecular analysis may provide advantages compared to conventional monitoring methods. Prior validation of assays increases taxonomic precision, and laboratorial setup facilitates analysis of multiple samples simultaneously. The specific eDNA assays presented here can be implemented directly in monitoring programmes across Europe and potentially worldwide to infer a more precise picture of the dynamics in the distribution of marine nonindigenous species

    Monitoring of environmental DNA from nonindigenous species of algae, dinoflagellates and animals in the North East Atlantic

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    Monitoring the distribution of marine nonindigenous species is a challenging task. To support this monitoring, we developed and validated the specificity of 12 primer-probe assays for detection of environmental DNA (eDNA) from marine species, all nonindigenous to Europe. The species include sturgeons, a Pacific red algae, oyster thief, a freshwater hydroid from the Black Sea, Chinese mitten crab, Pacific oyster, warty comb jelly, sand gaper, round goby, pink salmon, rainbow trout and North American mud crab. We tested all assays in the laboratory, on DNA extracted from both the target and non-target species to ensure that they only amplified DNA from the intended species. Subsequently, all assays were used to analyse water samples collected at 16 different harbours across two different seasons during 2017. We also included six previously published assays targeting eDNA from goldfish, European carp, two species of dinoflagellates of the genera Karenia and Prorocentrum, two species of the heterokont flagellate genus Pseudochattonella. Conventional monitoring was carried out alongside eDNA sampling but with only one sampling event over the one year. Because eDNA was relatively fast and easy to collect compared to conventional sampling, we sampled eDNA twice during 2017, which showed seasonal changes in the distribution of nonindigenous species. Comparing eDNA levels with salinity gradients did not show any correlation. A significant correlation was observed between number of species detected with conventional monitoring methods and number of species found using eDNA at each location. This supports the use of eDNA for surveillance of the distribution of marine nonindigenous species, where the speed and relative easy sampling in the field combined with fast molecular analysis may provide advantages compared to conventional monitoring methods. Prior validation of assays increases taxonomic precision, and laboratorial setup facilitates analysis of multiple samples simultaneously. The specific eDNA assays presented here can be implemented directly in monitoring programmes across Europe and potentially worldwide to infer a more precise picture of the dynamics in the distribution of marine nonindigenous species.publishedVersio

    Monitoring of environmental DNA from nonindigenous species of algae, dinoflagellates and animals in the North East Atlantic

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    Monitoring the distribution of marine non-indigenous species is a challenging task. To support this monitoring, we developed and validated the specificity of 12 primer-probe assays for detection of environmental DNA (eDNA) from marine species all non-indigenous to Europe. The species include sturgeons, a Pacific red algae, oyster thief, a freshwater hydroid from the Black Sea, Chinese mitten crab, Pacific oyster, warty comb jelly, sand gaper, round goby, pink salmon, rainbow trout and North American mud crab. We tested all assays in the laboratory, on DNA extracted from both the target and non-target species to ensure that they only amplified DNA from the intended species. Subsequently, all assays were used to analyse water samples collected at 16 different harbours across two different seasons during 2017. We also included six previously published assays targeting eDNA from goldfish, European carp, two species of dinoflagellates of the genera Karenia and Prorocentrum, two species of the heterokont flagellate genus Pseudochattonella. Conventional monitoring was carried out alongside eDNA sampling but with only one sampling event over the one year. Because eDNA was relatively fast and easy to collect compared to conventional sampling, we sampled eDNA twice during 2017, which showed seasonal changes in the distribution of non-indigenous species. Comparing eDNA levels with salinity gradients did not show any correlation. A significant correlation was observed between number of species detected with conventional monitoring methods and number of species found using eDNA at each location. This supports the use of eDNA for surveillance of the distribution of marine non-indigenous species, where the speed and relative easy sampling in the field combined with fast molecular analysis may provide advantages compared to conventional monitoring methods. Prior validation of assays increases taxonomic precision, and laboratorial setup facilitates analysis of multiple samples simultaneously. The specific eDNA assays presented here can be implemented directly in monitoring programmes across Europe and potentially worldwide to infer a more precise picture of the dynamics in the distribution of marine non-indigenous species

    Nanopore environmental DNA sequencing of catch water for estimating species composition in demersal bottom trawl fisheries

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    Bycatch and discards, representing unwanted catches, undermine sustainable fisheries and hinder the conservation of vulnerable and endangered species. To effectively monitor bycatch and enhance the effectiveness of management measures while promoting sustainable fishing practices, reliable data is essential. Here, we explore the use of Nanopore metabarcoding to analyze the catch composition in demersal bottom fisheries. We collected eDNA samples directly from an onboard catch holding tank (catch water) for 10 fishing hauls from a fishing vessel operating in the Skagerrak (North-East Atlantic). The approach involved sequencing a combination of long (~2 kb) and short (~170–313 bp) mitochondrial amplicons and was validated by analyzing a fishery-related mock community sample and fishing haul replicates. Overall, the detection rate accuracy was 95% for landed species, and replicates obtained from the same fishing haul showed consistent results, validating the robustness of this approach. The detection rate accuracy for all caught species observed on board (including the non-landed fraction) was 81%. Undetected species were always limited to species in low abundance, but may also be attributed to problems with identifying closely related species due to the impact of sequencing errors and limited diagnostic variation in the genetic regions used. In the future, such biases may be reduced by using additional markers to increase species discrimination power and applying newly available technological advantages in flow cell chemistry to improve sequencing accuracy. In conclusion, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of Nanopore eDNA sequencing of catch water for estimating species composition in demersal bottom trawl fisheries, including catches of non-commercial and threatened and vulnerable species, without disrupting fishing activities. Incorporating eDNA analysis of catch water may therefore help facilitate effective monitoring, leading to better-informed fisheries management, biodiversity conservation efforts, and the implementation of relevant legislation such as the EU landing obligation

    Kaskadenreaktionen in der Totalsynthese

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