141 research outputs found

    Armande Ponge, Pour une vie de mon père. Tome II. Rétrospective

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    Armande Ponge consegna in questo volume – il secondo di una serie – una generosa messe di documenti conservati negli archivi di famiglia e per buona parte inediti. Tra lettere e appunti, annotazioni critiche e testi di creazione, riproduzioni in facsimile di dattiloscritti o manoscritti e fotografie, questo lavoro permette ai lettori di ripercorrere (o scoprire) la vita e l’opera di Francis Ponge attraverso una base documentale a focale variabile, che testimonia del quotidiano di un’esistenza..

    Emmanuel Hocquard, Le cours de Pise

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    Il Cours de Pise raccoglie una serie di testi eterogenei (note e appunti preparatori pensati come supporto o promemoria, mail e/o lettere di risposta inviate agli studenti, testi di creazione, frammenti, riprese, citazioni…) che, riuniti in blocchi organizzati cronologicamente, costituiscono i materiali dei corsi – intesi come laboratorio pratico e non come magistero frontale – di cui Emmanuel Hocquard è stato responsabile per anni presso l’École des Beaux-Arts di Bordeaux. Nato agli inizi de..

    Jean-François Chénier, Communiquer l’incommunicable. Une lecture des œuvres de Georges Bataille et de Pierre Klossowski

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    La lettura di alcuni testi di Georges Bataille nel primo capitolo del saggio («Bataille et le “système” du bouleversement analogue») – Histoire d’œil, la trilogia Divinus Deus e L’abbé C. – e di Pierre Klossowski nel secondo («Pierre Klossowski: du simulacre à la révélation du signe unique») – La vocation suspendue, Le bain de Diane, la trilogia Les lois de l’hospitalité e Le Baphomet – prende essenzialmente le mosse da due evidenze che sono altrettante comunanze. Da un lato l’ibridazione for..

    Aplicación de la geomalla en pavimentos flexibles para su diseño en avenida Santa Rosa, San Juan de Lurigancho, 2021

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    La presente tesis tiene como objetivo principal analizar la aplicación de la geomalla en pavimento flexible para su diseño en la avenida Santa Rosa, San Juan de Lurigancho, 2021, como refuerzo sobre la subbase granular dentro de la estructura de pavimento, dándonos como resultado una optimización de espesores. Ante esto se realizó el diseño del pavimento flexible comenzando con la ubicación de la zona, los estudios de mecánica de suelo, estudios de tráfico y finalmente con los cálculos matemáticos. El tipo de investigación realizado es tipo aplicado debido a que empleo datos, teorías y conocimientos ya fundados, el diseño de la investigación es experimental, ya que se manipulo la variable independiente que viene a ser la aplicación de la geomalla para determinar las propiedades que aporta a la estructura del pavimento flexible, y teniendo un enfoque cuantitativo debido a que determinara a través de datos y resultados que se obtienen numéricamente, la cual se podrá medir y estimar magnitudes de las variables. Para la presente tesis, se utilizaron dos variables la independiente que es la aplicación de la geomalla y la dependiente que es el diseño del pavimento flexible. La población de estudio este situado por la avenida Santa Rosa y la muestra es todo el tramo de la avenida Santa Rosa, la cual abarca 1020m. Finalmente se detalla las conclusiones y recomendaciones a las que se llegaron, fundamentados en todos los estudios realizados dando una optimización de las capas de la estructura teniendo una reducción de 16.67% de la base y un 46.67% de la subbase

    [The role of endoscopy in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors].

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    [The role of endoscopy in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors]. [Article in Italian] Magno L, Sivero L, Napolitano V, Ruggiero S, Fontanarosa G, Massa S. Source Dipartmento di Chirurgia Generale, Geriatrica ed Endoscopia Diagnostica ed Geriatrica, Universitá degli Studi, Federico II di Napoli. Abstract Versione italiana Riassunto: Il ruolo dell'endoscopia nei tumori neuroendocrini gastroenteropancreatici. L. Magno, L. Sivero, V. Napolitano, S. Ruggiero, G. Fontanarosa, S. Massa I tumori neuroendocrini (NET) gastro-entero-pancreatici (GEP) sono neoplasie rare che originano dalle cellule neuroendocrine del tubo digerente e del pancreas. L'endoscopia digestiva e l'ecoendoscopia rivestono un ruolo importante nella diagnosi, stadiazione e sorveglianza dei pazienti con NET. Inoltre, in casi selezionati, le tecniche endoscopiche operative consentono il trattamento di queste neoplasie in fase precoce. English version Summary: The role of endoscopy in gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. L. Magno, L. Sivero, V. Napolitano, S. Ruggiero, G. Fontanarosa, S. Massa Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are rare neoplasia arisen from neuroendocrine cells present in the gut mucosa and pancreas. Digestive endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography play a relevant role in NET diagnosis, stadiation and surveillance. Moreover, in selected patients, surgical endoscopy allows the tratment of these cancers at an early stage

    Il ruolo dell’endoscopia nei tumori neuroendocrini gastroenteropancreatici

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    Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) neuroendocrine tumors (NET) are rare neoplasia arisen from neuroendocrine cells present in the gut mucosa and pancreas. Digestive endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasonography play a relevant role in NET diagnosis, stadiation and surveillance. Moreover, in selected patients, surgical endoscopy allows the tratment of these cancers at an early stage

    Very slightly anomalous leakage of CO2, CH4 and radon along the main activated faults of the strong L’Aquila earthquake (Magnitude 6.3, Italy). Implications for risk assessment monitoring tools & public acceptance of CO2 and CH4 underground storage.

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    The 2009-2010 L'Aquila seismic sequence is still slightly occurring along the central Apenninic Belt (August 2010), spanning more than one year period. The main- shock (Mw 6.3) occurred on April 6th at 1:32 (UTC). The earthquake was destructive and caused among 300 casualties. The hypocenter has been located at 42.35°N, 13.38° at a depth of around 10 km. The main shock was preceded by a long seismic sequence starting several months before (i.e., March, 30, 2009 with Mw 4.1; April, 5 with Mw 3.9 and Mw 3.5, a few hours before the main shock). A lot of evidences stress the role of deep fluids porepressure evolution – possibly CO2 or brines - as occurred in the past, along seismically activated segments in Apennines. Our geochemical group started to survey the seismically activated area soon after the main-shock, by sampling around 1000 soil gas points and around 80 groundwater points (springs and wells, sampled on monthly basis still ongoing), to help in understanding the activated fault segments geometry and behaviour, as well as leakage patterns at surface (CO2, CH4, Radon and other geogas as He, H2, N2, H2S, O2, etc...), in the main sector of the activated seismic sequence, not far from a deep natural CO2 reservoir underground (termomethamorphic CO2 from carbonate diagenesis), degassing at surface only over the Cotilia-Canetra area, 20 km NW from the seismically activated area. The work highlighted that geochemical measurements on soils are very powerful to discriminate the activated seismogenic segments at surface, their jointing belt, as well as co-seismic depocenter of deformation. Mostly where the measured “threshold” magnitude of earthquakes (around 6), involve that the superficial effects could be absent or masked, our geochemical method demonstrated to be strategic, and we wish to use these methods in CO2 analogues/CO2 reservoir studies abroad, after done in Weyburn. The highlighted geochemical -slight but clear- anomalies are, in any case, not dangerous for the human health and keep away the fear around the CO2-CH4 bursts or explosions during strong earthquakes, as the L'Aquila one, when these gases are stored naturally/industrially underground in the vicinity (1-2 km deep). These findings are not new for these kind of Italian seismically activated faults and are very useful for the CO2- CH4 geological storage public acceptance: not necessarily (rarely or never) these geogas escape abruptly from underground along strongly activated faults


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    This case report describes the rescue of an eight-month-old male Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus), the victim of a car accident that caused it a pulmonary contusion, a fracture of the shaft of right femur, and a metaphyseal fracture of the left stifle. A lateral surgical approach was performed to treat the animal\u2019s multiple contusions and fractures. Afterwards the wolf was transferred to a wild animal recovery center for its rehabilitation, where it fully recovered. After 35 days in captivity the wolf was thus released into the supposed home-range of its original pack, and its movements were monitored by a GPS satellite collar. The collar worked correctly for 479 days. During that period the collar acquired a total of 1202 locations, indicating that the wolf had traveled at least 1590 km, with an average monthly distance (\ub1 SD) of 102 \ub1 40 km, exploring an overall area of about 270 km2. During the first 10 days after its release, the wolf remained in the area of its supposed native pack, whereas at about the age of 10 months the wolf began to make wide extraterritorial movements. The wolf\u2019s last localization was acquired on 13th May 2018, about 17 months after its release, at a linear distance of about 65 km from the release site. This preliminary data showed that the wolf was alive and travelled long distances after its release, and demonstrates how a multidisciplinary management approach can support the recovery and successful release into nature of a rescued wild animal belonging to a flagship species with a notable ecological role, such as the Italian wolf

    Očuvanje na individualnoj razini: uspješna rehabilitacija i praćenje talijanskog vuka (Canis lupus italicus) nastradalog na prometnici nakon puštanja na slobodu

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    This case report describes the rescue of an eight-month-old male Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus), the victim of a car accident that caused it a pulmonary contusion, a fracture of the shaft of right femur, and a metaphyseal fracture of the left stifle. A lateral surgical approach was performed to treat the animal’s multiple contusions and fractures. Afterwards the wolf was transferred to a wild animal recovery center for its rehabilitation, where it fully recovered. After 35 days in captivity the wolf was thus released into the supposed home-range of its original pack, and its movements were monitored by a GPS satellite collar. The collar worked correctly for 479 days. During that period the collar acquired a total of 1202 locations, indicating that the wolf had traveled at least 1590 km, with an average monthly distance (± SD) of 102 ± 40 km, exploring an overall area of about 270 km2. During the first 10 days after its release, the wolf remained in the area of its supposed native pack, whereas at about the age of 10 months the wolf began to make wide extraterritorial movements. The wolf’s last localization was acquired on 13th May 2018, about 17 months after its release, at a linear distance of about 65 km from the release site. These preliminary data showed that the wolf was alive and travelled long distances after its release, and demonstrates how a multidisciplinary management approach can support the recovery and successful release into nature of a rescued wild animal belonging to a flagship species with a notable ecological role, such as the Italian wolf.Ovaj prikaz slučaja opisuje spašavanje osmomjesečnog mužjaka talijanskog vuka (Canis lupus italicus) koji je bio žrtva naleta vozila s posljedičnim nagnječenjem pluća, prijelomom vrata desne bedrene kosti prijelomom u području metafize lijevoga koljena. Primijenjen je lateralni kirurški pristup kako bi se sanirala višestruka nagnječenja i prijelomi u životinje. Nakon toga je vuk prevezen u centar za oporavak divljih životinja gdje se potpuno oporavio. Nakon 35 dana u zatočeništvu vuk je pušten u okoliš nalik na njegov prirodni te je praćen preko GPS ogrlice. Ogrlica je ispravno radila 479 dana. Za to je vrijeme pokazala 1202 lokacije, upućujući na to da je vuk prešao 1590 km, u prosjeku mjesečno 102 ± 40 km (± SD), istražujući područje od 270 km2. Prvih 10 dana nakon oslobađanja vuk je ostao u području nalik na njegov prirodni okoliš, no u dobi od 10 mjeseci počeo je odlaziti na šire područje. Posljednja je njegova lokacija zabilježena 13. svibnja 2018., oko 17 mjeseci nakon puštanja, na zračnoj udaljenosti od oko 65 km od mjesta ispuštanja. Ovaj preliminarni podatak pokazuje da je vuk bio živ i prelazio velike udaljenosti nakon oslobađanja. Također pokazuje da multidisciplinarni pristup spašavanju može pospješiti oporavak i uspješno vraćanje u prirodu divljih životinja koje pripadaju vodećim vrstama s velikom ekološkom važnošću, kao što je talijanski vuk

    Vaccination against canine Leishmaniasis in Brazil : a position paper

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    Prevention of canine Leishmania infantum infection is critical to management of visceral leishmaniasis in people living in endemic areas of Brazil. A bill (PL 1738/11), currently under consideration, proposes to establish a national vaccination policy against canine leishmaniasis in Brazil. However, there is no solid scientific evidence supporting the idea that this could reduce transmission from infected vaccinated dogs to sand flies to a level that would significantly reduce the risk of L. infantum infection or visceral leishmaniasis in humans. Thus, we advocate that insecticide-impregnated collars should the first line protective measure for public health purposes and that vaccines are applied on a case-by-case, optional basis for individual dog protection
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