118 research outputs found

    Isolation and typing of Brucella Melitensis from blood of Brucellosis cases

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    بروسلوزیک بیماری عفونی مشترک بین انسان و دام Zoonotic است که مشکلات پزشکی و اقتصادی عظیمی را در کشور ما ایجاد کرده است. در این مطالعه از 120 نفر افراد مشکوک به بروسلوز ابتدا آزمایش سرولوژی Wright test و در صورت لزوم Coomb's Wright test به عمل آمد و افرادی که در تست رایت و کمبس رایت بترتیب دارای تیتر آنتی بادی سرم 160/1< و 80/1< بودند مثبت تلقی گردیدند. از این افراد کشت خون و آزمایش های هماتولوژی ESR و CBC و Hct بعمل آمد. در آزمایش های سرولوژی تعداد 110 نفر از نظر ابتلاء به بروسلوز مثبت بودند از کشت خون 29 نفر (27) از این افراد باکتری بروسلا جدا گردید. موسسه انستیتو رازی ایران همه این باکتری ها را بروسلا ملی تنسیس بایوتایپ یک (Biotype I) تشخیص داد. در آزمایش های هماتولوژی لنفوسیتوز در 87، نوتروپنی در 78 و افزایش سرعت رسوب گلبول ها در 55 موارد دیده شد. لکوپنی و آنمی در بیماران ما مشاهده نشد

    Towards a Capacity-based optimal allocation of storm pipes’ replacements: Considering the effects of Climate Change and Urbanization

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    Storm pipes are a major component of any municipal infrastructure system, however, poor attention is commonly paid to their management and replacement of pipes is typically guided by condition criteria. Pipes replacement also faces the issue that their capacity is not considered, and the proposed pipes replacements are of the same diameter as the previous ones. However, lagged replacements of storm pipes can compromise urban system ability to drain runoff-water from rainfall and this could lead into flooding. This research extents optimal condition-based allocation of pipes by considering demand-capacity ratios, in order to prevent flooding. The effects of urbanization and climate change are also incorporated. A general method for detecting the impacts of urbanization currently exist, however, a simplified approach due to the lack of data is suggested. A case study of the city of Kindersley in Saskatchewan is used to illustrate the application of the method. Hydrological models based on current and future land uses were used to estimate changes in demand-capacity ratios for each pipe in the system. Performance curves for capacity and condition were developed, and validated by change detection of observed historical land use cover for the past 25 years. An extra 18% rainfall intensity was used to model the impacts of climate change. It was found that CAN40,000wereenoughtosustaincurrentlevelsofconditionandcapacitydemandratios,however,conditionwasatunacceptablelevel.Budgetwasraisedandweightswereadjusteduntilacombinationwith4540,000 were enough to sustain current levels of condition and capacity-demand ratios, however, condition was at unacceptable level. Budget was raised and weights were adjusted until a combination with 45% capacity and 55% condition with 100,000 was found to be the departure at which compliance begins to reach desirable point minimum levels of demand-capacity ratios and condition, possibly higher values of budget would be necessary as the municipality adjust such minimum requirements to the desired ones

    The effects of extract of Satureja hortensis, Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl, and Mentha pullegium on methicillin resistant and methicillim susceptible Staphylococcus aureus bacteria

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    مقدمه: هدف از این مطالعه یافتن ترکیبات گیاهی جدید و مطالعه اثرات ضد میکروبی عصاره مرزه، چای کوهی و پونه بر روی باکتری های استافیلوکوک آرئوس مقام و حساس به متی سیلین می باشد. مواد و روشها: در این مطالعه ی توصیفی تحلیلی، میزان MIC (حداقل غلضت مهارکنندگی رشد) و MBC (حداقل غلظت کشندگی) به روش رقیق سازی در میکروپلیت 96 خانه و روش Broth Micro dilution تعیین گردید. میزان ترکیبات فنولی، فلاونوئید و فلاونول در عصاره های گیاهی اندازه گیری شد و در پایان مقدار ترکیبات فوق بر اساس mgr/ml گزارش گردید. نتایج: کمترین میزان MICمربوط به عصاره مرزه می باشد که برای هر دو سویه استاندارد mgr/ml5 است. عصاره چای با MIC معادل mgr/ml20 بالاترین میزان MIC را در مقابل استافیوکوک آرئوس حساس به متی سیلین و به همراه عصاره پونه با MIC معادل mgr/ml10 بالاترین میزان MIC را در مقابل استافیلوکوک آرئوس مقاوم به متی سیلین دارد. کمترین میزان MBC نیز مربوط به عصاره مرزه می باشد که برای استافیلوکوک آرئوس حساس و مقاوم به متی سیلین mgr/ml5 می باشد. بیشترین میزان MBC در مقابل استافیلوکوک آرئوس مقاوم به متی سیلین مربوط به عصاره پونه می باشد. عصاره گیاه مرزه بالاترین میزان ترکیبات فنول، فلاونوئید و فلاونول (mgr/ml37/169، 82/25، 98/14) را دارد و مقدار ترکیبات فنولی این عصاره نسبت به دیگر عصاره ها بالاتر است. نتیجه گیری: عصاره مرزه تأثیر زیادی در جلوگیری از رشد استافیلوکوک آرئوس مقاوم و حساس به متی سیلین دارد که ناشی از بالا بودن میزان ترکیبات فنولی این عصاره می باشد

    Diabetes mellitus type 1: is it a global challenge?

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    Type 1 diabetes, a serious and life-threatening disease with many complications, is one of the most common (autoimmune) endocrine and metabolic conditions in childhood, with life-saving treatment and lifelong, but painful and time-consuming in daily life, requiring self-action and a balanced diet, equally distributed among boys and girls

    The prevalence and antibacterial susceptibility pattern of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains isolated from less than 5 years old children with diarrheal hospitalized in Shahrekord Hajar hospital -2007

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    زمینه و هدف: اشرشیاکلی انتروپاتوژنیک (EPEC) عامل مهم اسهال کودکان و نوزادان در کشورهای در حال توسعه می باشد. هدف از این مطالعه، بررسی سروتیپ های شایع و حساسیت ضد میکربی سویه های EPEC به عنوان عامل اسهال در کودکان زیر پنج سال بستری در بخش اطفال بیمارستان هاجر(س) شهرکرد در نیمه اول سال 1386 می باشد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه که بصورت موردی - شاهدی انجام گرفت، 50 نمونه سواب مقعدی از کودکان زیر پنج سال که به دلیل اسهال در بخش اطفال بیمارستان هاجر(س) شهرکرد بستری شده بودند و پنجاه نمونه سواب مقعدی از کودکان غیر اسهالی که به صورت سرپایی به بخش فوریت های بیمارستان مراجعه کرده بودند، اخذ گردید. پس از کشت شناسایی سویه های EPEC توسط آنتی سرم های اختصاصی صورت گرفت. الگوی حساسیت ضد میکربی سویه های EPEC مجزا شده با استفاده از روش دیسک آگار دیفیوژن نسبت به آنتی بیوتیک های سفتریاکسون، آمپی سیلین، نالیدیکسیک اسید، سولفامتوکسازول- تری متوپریم، سفالوتین، جنتامایسین، سیپروفلوکساسین و نیتروفورانتوئین مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. داده های به دست آمده به کمک آزمون های آماری t، کای دو و رگرسیون لجستیک تجزیه و تحلیل گردید. یافته ها: سویه های EPEC از 13 (26) نمونه سواب مقعدی کودکان مبتلا به اسهال و 2 نمونه از کودکان گروه شاهد (4) جداسازی شد (05/0>P). 50 سویه های EPEC مجزا شده در این مطالعه، متعلق به سروگروپ های 44O، 125O، 126O و 128O، 33 متعلق به سروگروپ های 20O و114O و 6/16 متعلق به سروگروپ های 26O 55O و 111O بودند. سویه های مجزا شده از بیماران اسهالی حساسیت بالایی را نسبت به نیتروفورانتوئین، جنتامایسین و سیپروفلوکساسین دارا بودند. نتیجه گیری: سویه هایEPEC یکی از عوامل مهم ایجاد اسهال در کودکان زیر پنج سال بوده و می توانند به صورت بدون علامت نیز در کودکان بدون اسهال یافت شوند. پیشنهاد می شود در آزمایشگاه های تشخیص طبی روش های کشت و تعیین سروگروپ برای جداسازی EPEC در کودکان مبتلا به اسهال به طور روتین مورد استفاده قرار گیرد

    Potential Role of Herbal Medicine in Alleviating Pain and Inflammation in Osteoarthritis: a Review

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) is a rheumatological disorder accompanied with imbalance between anabolic and catabolic mediators which leads to the destruction of homeostasis of articular cartilage. Currently, Steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used in the management of OA. Besides the various side effects of these drugs, they can just alleviate symptoms of OA. Hence, to achieve safe and efficacious drugs, the research tendency toward exploration of novel sources has been grown up. Various previous researches have focused on the use of medicinal plants in the treatment of OA. This review focuses on the most efficacious medicinal plants and drugs considering related laboratory and clinical evidences. More investigations are needed to develop therapeutic agents with disease-modifying properties to treat OA

    Micro-nanostructured polymer surfaces using injection molding : a review

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    Micro injection molding is in great demand due to its efficiency and applicability for industry. Polymer surfaces having micro-nanostructures can be produced using injection molding. However, it is not as straightforward as scaling-up of conventional injection molding. The paper is organized based on three main technical areas: mold inserts, processing parameters, and demolding. An accurate set of processing parameters is required to achieve precise micro injection molding. This review provides a comparative description of the influence of processing parameters on the quality of final parts and the precision of final product dimensions in both thermoplastic polymers and rubber materials. It also highlights the key parameters to attain a high quality micro-nanostructured polymer and addresses the contradictory effects of these parameters on the final result. Moreover, since the produced part should be properly demolded to possess a high quality textured polymer, various demolding techniques are assessed in this review as well

    The Relationship betweenSkewed X-chromosome Inactivation and Neurological Disorders Development: A Review

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    X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is a process by which one of the copies of the X chromosome in mammalian female cells is inactivated. The XCI causes a balanced X-linked gene quantity between male and females; moreover, it results mosaic females which have paternal active X in some cells and maternal active X in others. Cellular mosaicism is a noteworthy phenomenon and lowers the risk of X-linked diseases in women because the presentation of a mutation on both X chromosomes is unlikely. Therefore, in heterozygous females, the XCI will be present only on the half of the X genome. In contrast, a similar mutation will present in all of the cells of men.Female carriers of some neurological disorders such as autism, Rett syndrome, adreno-leukodystrophyand X-linked mental retardation are reported to present XCI. These observations underscore the important role of X chromosome in the brain which may be related to the existence of a chromosomal signature of gene expression associated with the X-chromosome for neurological conditions not normally associated with that chromosome.In this review, we focused on latestinvestigations on the role of XCI in neurodevelopmental disorders and how these investigations can be effective in the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders

    Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease: Genetics, epidemiology and complications

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    Background and aims: Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) is the most prevalent hereditary neuropathy and its frequency is 1 in 2500. CMT is a heterogeneous disease and has different clinical symptoms. The prevalence of CMT and involved genes differ in different countries. CMT patients experience considerable sleep problems and a higher risk of decreased quality of life. In this work it was aimed to provide a review on the genetic and epidemiologic aspects of this disease. Methods: In the current review article, we performed a literature search on the epidemiology of Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease” and provided a brief review on epidemiology, genetic, and complications of CMT. Databases Web of Science and PubMed were searched using the Endnote software for the publications on CMT during 2000 to 2016. Results: Charcot Marie Tooth disease has different prevalence around the world and is the most common neuropathy. Epidemiological studies have estimated the prevalence of CMT in Japan 1/9200, in Iceland 1/8300, in Spain 1/3500 and in Italy 1/5700.The patients have different phenotype and the age of onset. There is a variety of inherited patterns of disease and many genes have been identified responsible whose mutations are main cause of the disease. Conclusion: Due to the impact of this kind of disabilities on the national health, further studies seem to be necessary to gain better knowledge of the disease particularly in the regions with higher prevalence. Moreover molecular biology services offered by genetic laboratories can reduce the incidence of disorder

    Modulation of transforming growth factor-β signalling transducers in colon adenocarcinoma cells induced by staphylococcal enterotoxin B

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a notable cause of cancer-associated mortality worldwide, making it a pertinent topic for the study of cancer and its treatment. Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), an enterotoxin produced by Staphylococcus aureus, has been demonstrated to exert anticancer and antimetastatic effects due to its ability to modify cell immunity and cellular signaling pathways. In the current study, SEB was investigated, including whether it exerts its growth inhibitory effects on colon adenocarcinoma cells. This may occur through the manipulation of a key tumor growth factor, termed transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), and its signaling pathway transducer, Smad2/3. The human colon adenocarcinoma HCT116 cell line was treated with different concentrations of SEB, and cell number was measured using MTT assay at different treatment times. Smad2/3 RNA expression level was analyzed in untreated or SEB-treated cells using quantitative polymerase chain reaction, which indicated significant differences between cell viability and Smad2/3 expression levels. SEB effectively downregulated Smad2/3 expression in the HCT116 cells at concentrations of 1 and 2 μg/ml (P=0.0021 and P=0.0017, respectively). SEB concentrations that were effective at inhibiting Smad2/3 expression were correlated with those able to inhibit the proliferation of the cancer cells. SEB inhibited Smad2/3 expression at the mRNA level in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. The present study thus proposed SEB as an agent able to significantly reduce Smad2/3 expression in colon cancer cells, provoking moderate TGF-β growth signaling and the reduction of tumor cell proliferation