50 research outputs found

    Paratesticular Liposarcoma: What is the Best Therapeutic Strategy?

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    Introduction: Liposarcomas are neoplasms of mesodermal origin derived from adipose tissue and correspond to 10–14% of all soft tissue sarcomas. Paratesticular liposarcoma is very rare.Case report: We report a 60-year old man who presented with a left testicular tumor 20 cm in diameter. Initial incisional biopsy was reported as fibromatosis. Chest and abdominal CT scan did not show distant metastases. Through an inguinal incision orchidectomy with homolateral inguinal node dissection was performed. Histopathological examination showed a paratesticular myxoid liposarcoma. Adjuvant radiotherapy without chemotherapy was administered. The patient remains well at 11 months followup, with no evidence of recurrence.Conclusion: Complete surgical extirpation reduces the risk of local recurrence. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy may reduce the tumor size, thus facilitating complete excision

    Second Law Analysis in Convective Heat and Mass Transfer

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    This paper reports the numerical determination of the entropy generation due to heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid friction in steady state for laminar double diffusive convection, in an inclined enclosure with heat and mass diffusive walls, by solving numerically the mass, momentum, species conservation and energy balance equations, using a Control Volume Finite-Element Method. The influences of the inclination angle, the thermal Grashof number and the buoyancy ratio on total entropy generation were investigated. The irreversibilities localization due to heat transfer, mass transfer and fluid friction is discussed for three inclination angles at a fixed thermal Grashof number

    Effect of an External Oriented Magnetic Field on Entropy Generation in Natural Convection

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    The influence of an external oriented magnetic field on entropy generation in natural convection for air and liquid gallium is numerically studied in steady-unsteady states by solving the mass, the momentum and the energy conservation equations. Entropy generation depends on five parameters which are: the Prandtl number, the irreversibility coefficients, the inclination angle of the magnetic field, the thermal Grashof and the Hartmann numbers. Effects of these parameters on total and local irreversibilities as well as on heat transfer and fluid flow are studied. It was found that the magnetic field tends to decrease the convection currents, the heat transfer and entropy generation inside the enclosure. Influence of inclination angle of the magnetic field on local irreversibility is then studied

    Viscous Dissipation Effects on Thermodynamics Irreversibility in Mixed Convective Heat Transfer in a Lid-Driven Porous Cavity

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    This paper reports a numerical study about the viscous dissipation effect on steady sate of mixed convection in lid-driven porous square cavity. The analysis is performed using Darcy–Brinkman formulation with the Boussinesq approximation. The set of coupled equations of conservation of mass, momentum and energy are solved using the Control Volume Finite Element numerical method (CVFEM).  The viscous dissipation model of Al-Hadhrami is used in this investigation and its expression is injected in the energy equation as a source term. Effects of viscous dissipation on thermal and Darcy viscous entropies generations are investigated. It was found that the heating effect, by viscous dissipation, significantly affects the thermodynamics irreversibility in the porous medium. Mainly more, results reveal that heat transfer irreversibility dominates for all Darcy number when viscous dissipation effect is taken into account

    Left-sided gallbladder: An incidental finding on laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Transposition of the gallbladder to the left side without situs inversus viscerum is rare. These gallbladders are situated under the left lobe of the liver between Segment III and IV or on Segment III to the left of the falciform ligament. This is a report of a 50-year-old woman who was admitted to our department with a history of pain in her right upper abdomen. The physical examination showed tenderness in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen without a Murphys sign. Abdominal ultrasonography showed gall bladder stones without dilatation of the bile ducts. The patient underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy using the French position and four ports positioned as usual. We discovered a left-sided gallbladder located on the left of the round ligament. The gallbladder was excised as usual. Intraoperative cholangiogram showed neither dilatation of the bile ducts nor associated congenital anomalies of the biliary tree. The patient was discharged on the first postoperative day. Because routine preoperative examinations may not detect the anomaly, the latter may take surgeons by surprise during laparoscopy. Awareness of the unpredictable confluence of the cystic duct into the common bile duct and selective use of intraoperative cholangiography both contributed to the safe laparoscopic management of this unusual problem

    Numerical Study of Entropy Generation in Mixed MHD Convection in a Square Lid-Driven Cavity Filled with Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer Porous Medium

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    This investigation deals with the numerical simulation of entropy generation at mixed convection flow in a lid-driven saturated porous cavity submitted to a magnetic field. The magnetic field is applied in the direction that is normal to the cavity cross section. The governing equations, written in the Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer formulation, are solved using a numerical code based on the Control Volume Finite Element Method. The flow structure and heat transfer are presented in the form of streamlines, isotherms and average Nusselt number. The entropy generation was studied for various values of Darcy number (10−3 ≤ Da ≤ 1) and for a range of Hartmann number (0 ≤ Ha ≤ 102). It was found that entropy generation is affected by the variations of the considered dimensionless physical parameters. Moreover, the form drag related to the Forchheimer effect remains significant until a critical Hartmann number value

    Entropy Generation at Natural Convection in an Inclined Rectangular Cavity

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    Natural convection in an inclined rectangular cavity filled with air is numerically investigated. The cavity is heated and cooled along the active walls whereas the two other walls of the cavity are adiabatic. Entropy generation due to heat transfer and fluid friction has been determined in transient state for laminar natural convection by solving numerically: the continuity, momentum and energy equations, using a Control Volume Finite Element Method. The structure of the studied flows depends on four dimensionless parameters which are: the thermal Grashof number, the inclination angle, the irreversibility distribution ratio and the aspect ratio of the cavity. The obtained results show that entropy generation tends towards asymptotic values for lower thermal Grashof number values, whereas it takes an oscillative behavior for higher values of thermal Grashof number. Transient entropy generation increases towards a maximum value, then decreases asymptotically to a constant value that depends on aspect ratio of the enclosure. Entropy generation increases with the increase of thermal Grashof number, irreversibility distribution ratio and aspect ratio of the cavity. Bejan number is used to measure the predominance of either thermal or viscous irreversibility. At local level, irreversibility charts show that entropy generation is mainly localized on bottom corner of the left heated wall and upper corner of the right cooled wall