7,423 research outputs found

    Two-particle azimuthal correlations in e+e−e^+e^- collisions at 91--209 GeV with archived ALEPH data at LEP-2

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    We present the first measurement of two-particle angular correlations of charged particles produced in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation up to s=\sqrt{s}= 209 GeV. This analysis utilized the archived hadronic e+e−e^+e^- data at center-of-mass energy between 91 and 209 GeV collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP between 1992 and 2000. The angular correlation functions are measured over a broad range of pseudorapidity and full azimuth as a function of charged particle multiplicity for the first time with LEP-2 data. At 91 GeV, no significant long-range correlation is observed in either the beam coordinate analysis or the thrust coordinate analysis, where the latter is sensitive to a medium expanding transverse to the color string between the outgoing qqˉq\bar{q} pair from the Z boson decays. Results with e+e−e^+e^- data at higher collision energy than 91 GeV, providing higher event multiplicity reach up to around 50, are presented for the first time. The thrust axis analysis shows a long-range near-side excess in the two-particle correlation function. We performed Fourier series decomposition of the two-particle correlation functions. In high multiplicity events with more than 50 particles, the extracted Fourier coefficients v2v_2 and v3v_3 magnitudes in data are larger than the MC reference.Comment: ICHEP2022 Proceeding

    Analysis note: two-particle correlation in e+e−e^+e^- collisions at 91-209 GeV with archived ALEPH data

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    The first measurement of two-particle angular correlations for charged particles produced in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation up to s\sqrt{s} = 209 GeV is presented. Hadronic e+e−e^+e^- data, archived at center-of-mass energies ranging from 91 to 209 GeV, were collected using the ALEPH detector at LEP between 1992 and 2000. The angular correlation functions have been measured across a wide range of pseudorapidities and the full azimuth in bins of charged particle multiplicity. This is the first such measurement using LEP-II data. With LEP-II data at 91 GeV, neither the beam coordinate analysis nor the thrust coordinate analysis reveals significant long-range correlations, consistent with the finding in the previous measurement with the LEP-I sample. Results for e+e−e^+e^- data at energies above 91 GeV, which allow for higher event multiplicities reaching approximately 50, are presented for the first time. A long-range near-side excess in the correlation function has been identified in the thrust axis analysis. Moreover, the two-particle correlation functions were decomposed using a Fourier series, and the resulting Fourier coefficients vnv_n were compared with event generator outputs. In events with high multiplicity, featuring more than 50 particles, the extracted v2v_2 and v3v_3 magnitudes from the data are higher than those from the Monte Carlo reference.Comment: 37 pages, 17 figure

    Drug-induced liver injury

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) remains the most common cause of acute liver failure (ALF) in the western world. Excluding paractamol overdose, nearly all DILI encountered in the clinical setting is idiosyncratic in nature, since affected individuals represent only a small proportion of those treated with such drugs. In many cases the mechanism for idiosyncrasy is immune mediation and is often identified by genetic risk determined by HLA variants. In the absence of diagnostic tests and/or biomarkers, the diagnosis of DILI requires a high index of suspicion after diligently excluding other causes of abnormal liver tests. Antibiotics are the class of drugs most frequently associated with idiosyncratic DILI, though recent studies indicate that herbal and dietary supplements are an increasingly recognised cause. It is imperative that upon development of DILI the culprit drug be discontinued especially in the presence of elevated transaminases (AST/ALT ≄5ULN) and/or jaundice. Risk factors for the development ALF include hepatocellular DILI and female gender, the treatment being supportive with some benefit of N-acetylcysteine in early stages. In view of the poor transplant-free survival in idiosyncratic DILI, early consideration for liver transplant is mandatory

    Long-range near-side correlation in e+e−e^+e^- Collisions at 183-209 GeV with ALEPH Archived Data

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    The first measurement of two-particle angular correlations for charged particles produced in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation up to s=209\sqrt{s} = 209 GeV with LEP-II data is presented. Hadronic e+e−e^+e^- data, archived at center-of-mass energies ranging from 183 to 209 GeV, were collected using the ALEPH detector at LEP. The angular correlation functions have been measured across a wide range of pseudorapidities and the full azimuth in bins of charged particle multiplicity. Results for e+e−e^+e^- data at high energies, which allow for higher event multiplicities reaching approximately 50 than LEP-I at Z pole energy, are presented for the first time. A long-range near-side excess in the correlation function has been identified in the analysis when calculating particle kinematic variables with respect to the thrust axis. Moreover, the two-particle correlation functions were decomposed using a Fourier series, and the resulting Fourier coefficients vnv_n were compared with event generator outputs. In events with high multiplicity featuring more than 50 particles, the extracted v2v_2 magnitude from the data are compared to those from the Monte Carlo reference.Comment: Updated Figure 3 with ALICE publication To be submitted to PR

    Older people and medication taking behaviour: A review of the literature

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    Background: Older people represent a sizeable population of the UK. Many older people receive drug treatment for long term conditions. Adherence with medication is therefore an important clinical, financial and resource intensive concern. Objectives: This review aimed to examine patient’s beliefs, perceptions and views in relation to adherence with medication. Design: A comprehensive search of the literature was undertaken using numerous approaches. The search of revealed 30 research papers. Findings: Articles were initially evaluated using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme principles to identify those relevant to the review. Relevant studies were then subjected to a narrative analysis to assist the development of relevant themes. Four themes were identified; experience of adherence; perceptions and attitudes to medication adherence and non-adherence; patients acceptance of their illness and impact on medication taking behaviour and shared decision making. Conclusions: The findings of this review imply that there is a need for more emphasis on shared decision making between the older patient and the prescriber. Using this approach adherence with medication may improve. There is also a need to develop a standardized measure of medication adherence

    First measurement of anti-kT_\mathrm{T} jet spectra and jet substructure using the archived ALEPH e+e−e^+e^- data at 91.2 GeV

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    We present the first anti-kT_{T} jet spectrum and substructure measurements using the archived ALEPH e+e−e^+e^- data taken in 1994 at a center of mass energy of s=91.2\sqrt{s} = 91.2 GeV. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kT_{T} algorithm with a resolution parameter of 0.4. It is the cleanest test of jets and QCD without the complication of hadronic initial states. The fixed center-of-mass energy also allows the first direct test of pQCD calculation. We present both the inclusive jet energy spectrum and the leading dijet energy spectra, together with a number of substructure observables. They are compared to predictions from PYTHIA6, PYTHIA8, Sherpa, HERWIG, VINCIA, and PYQUEN. None of the models fully reproduce the data. The data are also compared to two perturbative QCD calculations at NLO and with NLL'+R resummation. The results can also serve as reference measurements to compare to results from hadronic colliders. Future directions, including testing jet clustering algorithms designed for future electron-ion collider experiments, will also be discussed

    An automated time-window selection algorithm for seismic tomography

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    We present FLEXWIN, an open source algorithm for the automated selection of time windows on pairs of observed and synthetic seismograms. The algorithm was designed specifically to accommodate synthetic seismograms produced from 3-D wavefield simulations, which capture complex phases that do not necessarily exist in 1-D simulations or traditional traveltime curves. Relying on signal processing tools and several user-tuned parameters, the algorithm is able to include these new phases and to maximize the number of measurements made on each seismic record, while avoiding seismic noise. Our motivation is to use the algorithm for iterative tomographic inversions, in which the synthetic seismograms change from one iteration to the next. Hence, automation is needed to handle the volume of measurements and to allow for an increasing number of windows at each model iteration. The algorithm is sufficiently flexible to be adapted to many tomographic applications and seismological scenarios, including those based on synthetics generated from 1-D models. We illustrate the algorithm using data sets from three distinct regions: the entire globe, the Japan subduction zone, and southern California

    A study on the essential oil Ferulago campestris. How much does exstraction method influence the oil composition?

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    The essential oil of different parts of Ferulago campestris (Bess.) collected in Sicily has been extracted by microwave-assisted hydrodistillation (MAHD) and by classic hydrodistillation (HD). A comparative qualitative–quantitative study on the composition of the oils was carried out. A total of 100 compounds were identified in the oils obtained by MAHD, whereas 88 compounds characterized the HD oils. The most prominent components were, in all different parts of F. campestris and in both extraction methods, 2,4,5-trimethylbenzaldehyde and 2,4,6-trimethylbenzaldehyde isomers; the latter was not previously found. The attempt to evaluate where the oil components are located in all parts of the plant was carried out by means of a kinetic study. Then, electron microscopy observation on the different parts before and after MAHD and HD was performed

    Multi-frequency study of DEM L299 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We have studied the HII region DEM L299 in the Large Magellanic Cloud to understand its physical characteristics and morphology in different wavelengths. We performed a spectral analysis of archived XMM-Newton EPIC data and studied the morphology of DEM L299 in X-ray, optical, and radio wavelengths. We used H alpha, [SII], and [OIII] data from the Magellanic Cloud Emission Line Survey and radio 21 cm line data from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Parkes telescope, and radio continuum data from ATCA and the Molonglo Synthesis Telescope. Our morphological studies imply that, in addition to the supernova remnant SNR B0543-68.9 reported in previous studies, a superbubble also overlaps the SNR in projection. The position of the SNR is clearly defined through the [SII]/H alpha flux ratio image. Moreover, the optical images show a shell-like structure that is located farther to the north and is filled with diffuse X-ray emission, which again indicates the superbubble. Radio 21 cm line data show a shell around both objects. Radio continuum data show diffuse emission at the position of DEM L299, which appears clearly distinguished from the HII region N 164 that lies south-west of it. We determined the spectral index of SNR B0543-68.9 to be alpha=-0.34, which indicates the dominance of thermal emission and therefore a rather mature SNR. We determined the basic properties of the diffuse X-ray emission for the SNR, the superbubble, and a possible blowout region of the bubble, as suggested by the optical and X-ray data. We obtained an age of 8.9 (3.5-18.1) kyr for the SNR and a temperature of 0.64 (0.44-1.37) keV for the hot gas inside the SNR, and a temperature of the hot gas inside the superbubble of 0.74 (0.44-1.1) keV. We conclude that DEM L299 consists of a superposition of SNR B0543-68.9 and a superbubble, which we identified based on optical data.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 17 pages, 16 figure

    The association of impaired semen quality and pregnancy rates in assisted reproduction technology cycles: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Some studies suggest a relationship between semen quality and pregnancy rates of assisted reproduction technologies (ART). Others have questioned the utility of semen quality as proxy for fertility in couples attempting to conceive with or without assistance. We aimed to investigate the current body of evidence which correlates semen parameters and clinical pregnancy among couples utilizing ART (i.e. in vitro fertilization [IVF], intracytoplasmic sperm injection [ICSI]) through a systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and retrospective cohort studies. Pooled Odd Ratio (OR) for oligo-, astheno- and teratospermic compared to normospermic number of ART cycles were calculated among. Meta-regression and sub-group analysis were implemented to model the contribution of clinical/demographic and laboratory standards differences among the studies. Overall, 17 studies were analysed representing 17,348 cycles were analysed. Pooled OR for impaired sperm concentration, motility and morphology was 1 (95%Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.97-1.03), 0.88 (95%CI: 0.73-1.03) and 0.88 (95%CI: 0.75-1) respectively. Further analysis on sperm morphology showed no differences with regard of IVF versus ICSI (p = 0.14) nor a significant correlation with rising reference thresholds (Coeff: -0.02, p = 0.38). A temporal trend towards a null association between semen parameters and clinical pregnancy was observed over the 20-year observation period (Coeff: 0.01, p = 0.014). The current analysis found no association between semen quality (as measured by concentration, motility or morphology) and clinical pregnancy rates utilizing ART. Future investigations are necessary to explore the association between semen parameters and other ART outcomes (e.g. fertilization, implantation, birth and perinatal health)
