17 research outputs found

    The effective use of negative attention in reducing group disruptive behavior disseminated by teacher and peer teacher in a class for adolescent emotionally disturbed

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    In a public school classroom for the emotionally disturbed, five adolescent subjects were observed in group discussions. Appropriate and disruptive student behaviors were defined and identified. Positive attention, ignore, and negative attention disseminated by the teacher were defined contingent upon student behavior. One of the group subjects was selected and trained through role playing and video tapes to identify disruptive student behaviors and dispense negative attention. In an ABA design, the peer teacher dispensed negative attention for student disruptive behaviors in two of the three treatments phases. Intervention by the regular teacher with negative attention significantly reduced student disruptive behavior. Intervention by the peer teacher with negative attention further decreased student disruptive behavior in the group situation.Thesis (M.A.

    Technology for the Organic Chemist: Three Exploratory Modules

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    The ability to use computer-based technology is an essential skill set for students majoring in chemistry. This exercise details the introduction of appropriate uses for this technology in the organic chemistry series. The incorporation of chemically appropriate online resources (module 1), scientific databases (module 2), and the use of a chemical drawing program (module 3) are detailed here

    Projects That Assist with Content in a Traditional Organic Chemistry Course

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    Projects that engage undergraduate students in content-based courses, such as organic chemistry, must relate to the material and provide useful tools for the divergent needs of the students. There are few examples of these types of projects in the literature. Herein, we describe two projects, the reaction notebook and the end-of-semester synthesis activity. Each project is designed to stimulate student ownership of the material and leads to engagement with the content of the course

    A Flexible Solvolysis Experiment for the Undergraduate Organic Laboratory

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    A simple SN1 reaction is presented that uses bromotriphenylmethane and a range of oxygen-based nucleophiles including water and various alcohols. This procedure represents a process that affords easy isolation of solid products. Typical student yields ranged from 17–128% with the average yield of 50%. Students obtained products with a melting point range of 140 to 164 °C. This procedure offers multiple ways to adapt this experiment from a straight solvolysis reaction to a discovery-based experiment that explores the effect of nucleophile (for a more advanced group) or the method of product isolation

    MYB-NFIB gene fusion in prostatic basal cell carcinoma: clinicopathologic correlates and comparison with basal cell adenoma and florid basal cell hyperplasia

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    Prostatic basal cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm composed of basaloid cells forming infiltrative nests and tubules, which may potentially be misdiagnosed as benign basal cell proliferations (i.e., florid basal cell hyperplasia or basal cell adenoma) and also closely resembles adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary gland. MYB-NFIB gene rearrangement occurs in 30-86% of salivary gland adenoid cystic carcinomas. We sought to further characterize MYB gene rearrangement in prostatic basal cell carcinoma and correlate MYB-NFIB fusion status with other clinicopathologic characteristics. To this end, FISH analysis for MYB-NFIB gene fusion using fusion probes was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections from prostatic basal cell carcinoma (n = 30), florid basal cell hyperplasia (n = 18), and basal cell adenoma (n = 4). Fourteen of 30 (47%) cases of basal cell carcinoma were positive for MYB-NFIB gene fusion FISH, and no cases of benign basal cell proliferations were positive (p \u3c 0.05). FISH-positive patients (mean age = 63 years, range: 35-81) tended to be younger than FISH-negative patients (mean age = 70 years, range: 55-93). Most FISH-positive cases demonstrated adenoid cystic carcinoma-like morphology (57%), and most FISH-negative cases demonstrated nonadenoid cystic carcinoma-like morphology (93%); one case (FISH-positive) demonstrated areas with both adenoid cystic carcinoma-like and nonadenoid cystic carcinoma-like morphology. FISH-positive cases more frequently demonstrated perineural invasion (50% vs. 14%, p \u3c 0.05) compared to FISH-negative cases. Conversely, tall basal cells (i.e., neoplastic cells at least two times taller than wide) were more frequent in FISH-negative cases than FISH-positive cases (93% vs. 36%, p \u3c 0.05). Approximately, 50% of prostatic basal cell carcinoma harbor MYB-NFIB gene fusion. The majority of these cases were characterized by adenoid cystic carcinoma-like morphology, perineural invasion, and lack tall basal cells. Florid basal cell hyperplasia and basal cell adenoma are negative for MYB-NFIB gene fusion