9 research outputs found

    The assessment of risk factors for febrile seizures in children

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    Objective The aim of the paper was to assess the risk factors of febrile seizures in children. Methods The paper presents an analysis of a group of 176 children aged 6 months to 5 years who were admitted to A&E because of febrile seizures. Results The analysed group of 176 children comprised 61.96% boys and 38.07% girls, and the average age equalled 23 months. Family history was significant in 9.66% of patients. A statistically significant difference was noticed between insignificant family history and the incidence of febrile seizures. In all the studied groups of children the factor that determined the incidence of febrile seizures was a sudden increase in the body temperature with an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several day's duration as another cause. Febrile seizure incident was most frequently associated with a sudden increase in the body temperature in 53.40% children. A statistically significant difference was observed between persisting fever and an increase thereof during the day. Yet another factor predisposing for febrile seizures incidence was an infection of the upper respiratory system that could be observed in 32.95% patients. The mean body temperature when the seizures occurred was 38.9°C. Conclusions A sudden increase in the body temperature within the first day of pyrexia predisposes for the incidence of febrile seizures and it was proved that it depends on how long fever persists during the day. The other factor triggering the seizures was an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several days’ duration

    The assessment of risk factors for febrile seizures in children

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    Objective The aim of the paper was to assess the risk factors of febrile seizures in children. Methods The paper presents an analysis of a group of 176 children aged 6 months to 5 years who were admitted to A&E because of febrile seizures. Results The analysed group of 176 children comprised 61.96% boys and 38.07% girls, and the average age equalled 23 months. Family history was significant in 9.66% of patients. A statistically significant difference was noticed between insignificant family history and the incidence of febrile seizures. In all the studied groups of children the factor that determined the incidence of febrile seizures was a sudden increase in the body temperature with an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several day's duration as another cause. Febrile seizure incident was most frequently associated with a sudden increase in the body temperature in 53.40% children. A statistically significant difference was observed between persisting fever and an increase thereof during the day. Yet another factor predisposing for febrile seizures incidence was an infection of the upper respiratory system that could be observed in 32.95% patients. The mean body temperature when the seizures occurred was 38.9°C. Conclusions A sudden increase in the body temperature within the first day of pyrexia predisposes for the incidence of febrile seizures and it was proved that it depends on how long fever persists during the day. The other factor triggering the seizures was an infection of the upper respiratory tract of several days’ duration

    Poisoning deaths in Poland : types and frequencies reported in Łódź, Kraków, Sosnowiec, Gdańsk, Wrocław and Poznań during 2009-2013

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    Objectives: The aim of this study has been to assess the characteristics of acute poisoning deaths in Poland over a period of time 2009–2013. Material and Methods: The analysis was based on the data obtained from the patient records stored in toxicology departments in 6 cities – Łódź, Kraków, Sosnowiec, Gdańsk, Wrocław and Poznań. Toxicological analyses were routinely performed in blood and/or urine. Major toxic substances were classified to one of the following categories: pharmaceuticals, alcohol group poisonings (ethanol and other alcohols), gases, solvents, drugs of abuse, pesticides, metals, mushrooms, others. Cases were analyzed according to the following criteria: year, age and gender of analyzed patients, toxic substance category and type of poisoning. The recorded fatal poisonings were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases. Results: The record of 261 deaths were retrospectively reviewed. There were 187 males (71.64%) and 74 females (28.36%) and the male to female ratio was 2.52. Alcohol group poisonings were more frequently responsible for deaths in men compared to all poisonings, 91.1% vs. 71.6%, respectively (p < 0.05), and pharmaceutical agents were more frequently responsible for deaths in women, 47.4% vs. 28.4%, (p < 0.05). Methanol was the most common agent in the alcohol group poisonings, accounting for 43.75% (N = 49), followed by ethylene glycol, 39.29% (N = 44), and ethanol, 16.96% (N = 19). Conclusions: Epidemiological profile data from investigation of poisoning deaths in Poland may be very useful for the development of preventive programs. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(6):897–90

    Severe pulmonary embolism in a young marijuana smoker

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    It is a popular belief, that marijuana smoking is not harmful to health. Some publications, however, suggest its possible association with mental, respiratory and cardiovascular complications, but not with venous thromboembolism. The authors describe a case of severe pulmonary embolism in a mildly obese, 22 year-old marijuana and tobacco smoker. After thrombolysis, rapid haemodynamic improvement was observed, contrary to slow regression of concomitant deep vein thrombosis during anticoagulation with warfarin. Toxycologic assessment of urine cannabinols was positive for two months. In trombophilia screening only moderate hyperhomocysteinaemia (not related to MTHFR C667T polymorphism) was found. Kardiol Pol 2011; 69, 11: 1168&#8211;117

    Selected aspect of the epidemiology of febrile seizures in children

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    Drgawki gorączkowe u dzieci są najczęstszym stanem napadowym pochodzenia mózgowego, ich częstość wynosi 4–5 na 100 000 na rok w populacji dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Celem pracy była ocena epidemiologiczna napadów drgawek gorączkowych u dzieci. Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono grupę 176 dzieci w wieku od 6. miesiąca życia do 5. roku życia, które były hospitalizowane w Specjalistycznym Zespole Opieki Zdrowotnej nad Matką i Dzieckiem w Poznaniu w okresie od 1 stycznia 2008 do 31 grudnia 2009 roku z powodu epizodu napadu drgawek gorączkowych. W analizie retrospektywnej uwzględniono takie czynniki jak: wiek i płeć oraz porę doby i roku, podczas których pojawiły się drgawki gorączkowe. Wyniki. W analizowanej grupie 176 dzieci 61,93% (n = 109) pacjentów stanowili chłopcy, a 38,07% (n = 67) dziewczynki. W badanej populacji zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice pomiędzy płcią dzieci a wystąpieniem drgawek gorączkowych. Najczęściej drgawki gorączkowe występowały u dzieci w wieku poniemowlęcym (1.–3. rok życia) i dotyczyły 67,05% pacjentów, a średnia wieku wyniosła 23 miesiące +/– SD 13 miesięcy. Najwięcej napadów drgawek gorączkowych zanotowano w okresie jesienno-zimowym, ze szczytem występowania w styczniu (17,61%), lutym (12,50%) i grudniu (10,23%). Stwierdzono istotnie statystycznie różnice występowania drgawek gorączkowych w badanych grupach w zależności od miesiąca i pór roku. Najczęściej napad drgawek gorączkowych występował w godzinach popołudniowych i wieczornych pomiędzy godziną 15.00 a 18.00 u 42 dzieci (23,86%). Zaobserwowano istotnie statystycznie różnice wystąpienia drgawek gorączkowych w badanych grupach w zależności od pory dnia. Wnioski. Na wystąpienie drgawek gorączkowych w badanej populacji narażeni są bardziej chłopcy niż dziewczęta oraz dzieci w wieku poniemowlęcym. Najczęściej epizod napadu drgawek gorączkowych obserwowano w okresie jesienno-zimowym ze szczytem występowania w styczniu, lutym i grudniu, a także w godzinach popołudniowych i wieczornych. Wykazano, że pojawienie się napadu drgawek gorączkowych jest zależne od pór roku i miesięcy oraz pory dnia.Febrile convulsions in children is the most common paroxysmal state of cerebral origin, the frequency is 4–5/100 000 per year in the population of preschool children. The aim of the study was to evaluate the epidemiological febrile seizures in children. Material and methods. The study included a group of 176 children aged 6 months to 5 years who were hospitalized in the Specialized Complex of Health Care for Mother and Child in Poznan from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2009 with an episode of febrile convulsions. In a retrospective analysis were taken into account factors such as age and sex, time of day and year, during which there were febrile seizures. Results. In the analyzed group of 176 children 61.93% (n = 109) were boys and 38.07% (n = 67) girls. In the study population was observed a statistically significant difference between the gender and the occurrence of febrile seizures. The most common febrile seizures occurred in toddlers (1–3 years old) and affected 67.05% of patients, the average age 23 months +/– SD 13 months. Most febrile seizures were recorded in the autumn - winter period, with a peak incidence in January (17.61%), February (12.50%) and December (10.23%). It was found a statistically significant difference of febrile seizures in the studied groups depending on the month and seasons. The most commonly febrile seizures occurred in the afternoon and evening, between 3 pm and 6 pm in 42 children (23.86%). There was a statistically significant difference in febrile seizures in the studied groups depending on the time of day. Conclusions. The study has shown that boys are exposed to more febrile seizures than girls and toddlers. Frequently the episodes of febrile convulsions were observed in the autumn-winter period of peak incidence in January, February and December, as well as in the afternoon and evening. It has been shown that the occurrence of febrile convulsions is dependent on the seasons and months as well as the time of day

    Causes of Death during the Intravenous Infusion of Dimethylsulphoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in the Course of Alternative Medicine Therapy

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    Unconventional (alternative, natural) medicine in Poland and worldwide includes hundreds of non-scientifically verified “treatment” modalities. Among the most popular are biological therapies using chemical or natural compounds administered with injection or drip infusion. The latter has found the most excellent use in treating rheumatological and dermatological diseases and certain types of cancer. Vitamin infusions, curcumin, glutathione, perhydrol and dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) have gained popularity among clients of natural medicine clinics. The present study aims to analyse the case of a 37-year-old woman who was administered infusions containing perhydrol and DMSO (0.5 mL 0.04% hydrogen peroxide/0.5 mL p.d.a DMSO in saline) due to a MTHFR A1298C mutation. After having the next infusion, the woman complained of nausea and then became unconscious. Subsequently, she suffered respiratory and cardiac arrest. Adequate resuscitation was undertaken. After being taken to the hospital, the patient was in critical condition and died due to increasing multiple-organ failure. Initially, there was suspected DMSO poisoning as it was the only compound to have been administered as an intravenous infusion. However, it was not until the analysis of the secured evidence that it became clear that the patient had also been given an intravenous solution of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, and that there had been a mistake in preparing the intravenous perhydrol solution. The autopsy concluded that the immediate cause of death was an acute cardiopulmonary failure due to the toxic effects of intravenously administered hydrogen peroxide. This conclusion was established after the toxicological testing of the evidence and biological material secured during the patient’s treatment and autopsy. Products containing DMSO and perhydrol are not included in the lists of medicinal/therapeutical forms and preparations and thus are not authorised for marketing in Poland. In the case of perhydrol, apart from the topical use of diluted preparations for washing and cleansing wounds, no data on therapeutic use exist in the available scientific literature. Furthermore, “DMSO and perhydrol therapy” cannot even be considered a placebo effect, as both are toxic compounds which could, at most, cause poisoning symptoms rather than improve health

    Analysis of deaths in children with diseases of the nervous system

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    Choroby przewlekłe oraz wady rozwojowe wrodzone należą do najczęstszych przyczyn zgonów u dzieci i młodzieży na świecie. Celem poniższej pracy była analiza przyczyn zgonów u dzieci z chorobami układu nerwowego w latach 2003 – 2013 przeprowadzona jednoośrodkowo na terenie miasta Poznania. Materiał i metody: analizie poddano grupę 28 dzieci, u których w latach 2003 – 2013 doszło do zgonu. Wyniki: analizowana grupa dzieci stanowiła 18,18% pacjentów, u których stwierdzono zgon w latach 2003 – 2013. Największą liczbę zgonów ze schorzeniami układu nerwowego odnotowano w latach 2005 i 2010. W analizowanych latach obserwowano trend spadkowy zgonów z chorobami układu nerwowego. W badanej grupie dzieci było 11 chłopców i 17 dziewcząt. Wiek dzieci wahał się od 2 miesiąca życia do 16 lat i 6 miesięcy. Średnia wyniosła 10 lat i 2 miesiące. Najwięcej zgonów zanotowano: w marcu i wrześniu. Najczęstszą wyjściową (pierwotną) przyczyną zgonu u dzieci z chorobami układu nerwowego było: ostra niewydolność oddechowa, którą rozpoznano u 12 dzieci, a następnie zapalenie płuc (n=11), niewydolność serca (n=3), zaburzenia gospodarki wodno – elektrolitowej i zaburzenia rytmu serca (n=1). Do najczęściej występujących chorób układu nerwowego u dzieci, u których doszło do zgonu należały: MPD (n=13), wodogłowie (n=4) oraz padaczka i zapalenie opon mózgowo – rdzeniowych (n=3). Wśród chłopców było to mózgowe porażenie dziecięce (n=4) oraz wodogłowie i zapalenie mózgu (n=2). U dziewcząt oprócz mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego (n=9) najczęściej stwierdzono zapalenie opon mózgowo – rdzeniowych (n=3). Wnioski: Zgony dzieci z chorobami neurologicznymi częściej występowały u dziewcząt niż chłopców. Wykazano, że u płci żeńskiej wraz z wiekiem rosła liczba zgonów. Do najczęściej występujących chorób układu nerwowego należało: mózgowe porażenie dziecięce, wodogłowie, padaczka oraz zapalenie opon mózgowo – rdzeniowych.Chronic diseases and congenital defects are the most common causes of death in children and adolescents in the world. The purpose of this study was to analyze the causes of death in children with diseases of the nervous system in the years 2003 – 2013 conducted in a single center in Poznan. Material and methods: We analyzed a group of 28 children who died in the period 2003-2013. Results: The analyzed group of children accounted for 18.18% of patients who died from 2003 to 2013. The highest numbers of deaths from diseases of the nervous system were recorded in 2005 and 2010. In the analyzed period was observed a downward trend in mortality from diseases of the nervous system. In the group of children were 11 boys and 17 girls. The age of children ranged from 2 months to 16 years and 6 months. The average was 10 years and 2 months. Most deaths were recorded in March and September. The most common initial (primary) causes of death in children with neurological disorders were: acute respiratory distress diagnosed in 12 children, followed by pneumonia (n = 11), heart distress (n = 3), water–electrolyte disorders and cardiac arrhythmias (n = 1). The most common diseases of the nervous system in children who died were: CP (n = 13), hydrocephalus (n = 4), epilepsy and meningitis - spinal (n = 3). Among the boys it was cerebral palsy (n = 4), hydrocephalus and brain inflammation (n = 2). In girls, in addition to cerebral palsy (n = 9), most frequently was found meningitis – spinal (n = 3). Conclusions: Deaths of children with neurological diseases occurred more commonly in girls than boys. It has been shown that for females the number of deaths increased with age. The most common diseases of the nervous system were: cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, epilepsy and meningitis – core