16 research outputs found

    Overall quality of sporting events and emotions as predictors of future intentions of Duathlon participants

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    [EN] The present study is intended to analyze the effect of global quality, perceived value, general satisfaction, and emotions on future behavior patterns among participants in the European Duathlon Championship. In this sense, a questionnaire was administered (n = 210), composed of four sections: essential demographic and profiling variables, perceived quality, overall quality, and emotions. Consequently, a relational model was designed to be examined by means of structural equation modeling (SEM) and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Results reveal that global quality and general satisfaction are key dimensions for determining future behaviors of participants, but not so the perceived value. Moreover, up to three combinations of these dimensions together with emotions -pleasure and arousal- emerged as enough for depicting future intentions to a great extent. In this line, a remarkably sufficient combination consists of global quality, general satisfaction, pleasure, and arousal. These findings will guide organizers to design strategies that provide exciting experiences, as well as quality and satisfaction to the participants of sports events.S

    Experienced vs. Novice Participants Perception of Overall Quality and Intention to Join in Future Sport Trials: Case European Duathlon Championship

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    [EN] Even though athletes’ experience has been ascertained to shape the perception of quality in sports events, scarce studies have addressed this issue jointly with the intent to join in upcoming comparable sports challenges. (1) Background: The present research investigates how the experience determines the evaluation of the championship and future intentions. (2) Methods: The PLS (SEM) method was evaluated specifically for both novice and experienced duathlon participants, and secondly, the fsQCA methodology was applied with the intention to estimate combinatorial net effects to confirm the hypothesis proposed. (3) Results reveal that the overall quality is equally important for novice and experienced individuals as a determinant of future intentions. However, novices tend to value more positively all the dimensions analyzed, while experienced ones noted higher levels of demand. (4) These findings highlight the importance of designing adequate management strategies for the participants with different levels of performance.S

    The impact of the COVID-19 confinement on the habits of PA practice according to gender (male/female): Spanish case

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    Producción CientíficaThe declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in drastic changes to life worldwide. In Spain, the state of alarm caused the confinement of 47 million inhabitants, affecting every aspect of life. This study analyzes the impact of such confinement on the health of men and women, as well as the effect on the practice of physical activity (PA) of both genders. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered. A total of 1046 people (48.57% men and 51.43% women) with an average age of 40 years (SD ± 13.35) participated in this study. For both genders, there was a significant decrease in quantity and intensity (p = 0.000). There was also an alteration in the type of PA practiced, shifting from cardiorespiratory exercise and muscular fitness to flexibility and neuromotor exercise (especially in women). The most popular way of practicing PA during the confinement was “autonomously” (statistically higher in men (M = 3.58) compared to women (M = 3.18)) and the most frequent format was “virtual” (statistically higher in women (M = 2.81) compared to men (M = 1.94)). Confinement modifies the habits of PA practice, especially in men. Both genders put their health and quality of life at risk by not following the PA guidelines of the health authorities World Health Organization (WHO) and American College of Sports Medicine ACSM). These conclusions highlight the importance of considering gender when designing programs and PA formats for the promotion of physical activity to reduce the existing gender divide

    The impact of the COVID-19 confinement on the habits of PA practice according to gender (male/female): Spanish case

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    [EN] The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in drastic changes to life worldwide. In Spain, the state of alarm caused the confinement of 47 million inhabitants, a ecting every aspect of life. This study analyzes the impact of such confinement on the health of men and women, as well as the e ect on the practice of physical activity (PA) of both genders. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered. A total of 1046 people (48.57% men and 51.43% women) with an average age of 40 years (SD 13.35) participated in this study. For both genders, there was a significant decrease in quantity and intensity (p = 0.000). There was also an alteration in the type of PA practiced, shifting from cardiorespiratory exercise and muscular fitness to flexibility and neuromotor exercise (especially in women). The most popular way of practicing PA during the confinement was “autonomously” (statistically higher in men (M = 3.58) compared to women (M = 3.18)) and the most frequent format was “virtual” (statistically higher in women (M = 2.81) compared to men (M = 1.94)). Confinement modifies the habits of PA practice, especially in men. Both genders put their health and quality of life at risk by not following the PA guidelines of the health authoritiesWorld Health Organization (WHO) and American College of Sports Medicine ACSM). These conclusions highlight the importance of considering gender when designing programs and PA formats for the promotion of physical activity to reduce the existing gender divide.S

    Desarrollo de competencias en primaria a través del potencial educativo de las conductas motrices

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    Producción CientíficaEl presente trabajo tiene como fin presentar algunos objetivos y resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente que se está llevando a cabo en la Universidad de Valladolid para el desarrollo curricular de Primaria a través de conductas motrices. Se presenta la oportunidad del mismo por la orientación de la enseñanza hacia adquisición de competencias en el contexto educativo actual, se justifica la utilidad del uso de las conductas motrices gracias a su potencial educativo y se muestran algunos de los resultados de la fase inicial. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones y líneas futuras a seguir tras esta primera etapa

    Effects on quality of life, health and practice of physical activity of Covid-19 confinement in Spain

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    [ES] En España, la declaración del estado de alarma por la pandemia Covid-19, supuso que entre el 14 de marzo y el 2 de mayo de 2020, 47 millones de habitantes estuvieran confinados y sólo pudieran salir a cubrir necesidades básicas. Ante este hecho es oportuno analizar su impacto sobre la salud, tomando en consideración cómo afectó a la práctica de la actividad física. Se administró un cuestionario ad hoc. Los participantes fueron 1046 personas (hombre 48.57% y mujer 51.43%) y con una edad media de 40 (± DT 13.35 años). Respecto a la práctica de actividad física, destaca una significativa disminución de intensidad y cantidad (p < .001), y una modificación del tipo de actividad física realizada, pasando de deportes cardiovasculares y de aptitud muscular a prácticas de gimnasias suaves y flexibilidad. Aumentó el porcentaje total de personas que no realizaron nada de actividad física. Aun disponiendo de más tiempo libre, las personas en situación de ERTE, disminuyeron significativamente su cantidad de actividad física realizada (p < .001). Estos resultados permiten concluir que el confinamiento supuso una modificación de hábitos de práctica de actividad física, una disminución de los valores recomendados como saludables, lo que conllevó implicaciones sobre la salud y la calidad de vida. Se ofrece información que ayudará a entender estos nuevos comportamientos y que facilitará a los gestores estrategias innovadoras para activar la vuelta a niveles anteriores de actividad física, su incremento y, en definitiva, la reactivación del sector deportivo.[EN] In Spain, the declaration of the state of alarm due to the Covid-19 pandemic, meant that between 14th of March and 2nd of May 2020, 47 million inhabitants were confined at home and could only go out to cover basic needs. This unprecedented event has led to a paradigm shift, and it is appropriate to analyze its impact on health, considering how it has affected the practice of physical activity. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered. The participants were 1046 people (48.57% male and 51.43% female) and the average age of 40 (± DT 13.35 years). Regarding the practice of physical activity, a significant decrease in intensity and quantity stands out (p < .001), and a modification of the type of physical activity performed, going from cardiovascular sports and muscular fitness to soft gymnastics and flexibility practices. The total percentage of people who did no physical activity at all, increased. In addition, although more free time was available, people in ERTE situation significantly decreased their amount of physical activity performed (p < .001). These results allow us to conclude that confinement has meant a modification of physical activity practice habits and a decrease in the recommended values of healthy healthy, and therefore has had implications on health and quality of life. This information will help to understand these new behaviors in order for managers to implement innovative strategies to reactivate the return to previous levels of physical activity, its increase and, in short, the reactivation of the sports sector.S


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    Bibliografía relativa a la memoria justificativa del impacto de la estancia y proyecto de investigación

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    Bibliografía incluida en la memoria a presentar en la convocatoria Recualificación Sistema Universitari

    La Contribución del Planeamiento urbanístico al aumento de práctica de actividad física saludable

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    Producción CientíficaBorrador 1 de la memoria técnica a presentar del proyecto de investigación en torno a LA INFLUENCIA DE LA PLANIFICACIÓN Y EL DISEÑO URBANÍSTICOS DE LAS CIUDADES EN LOS HÁBITOS DE PRÁCTICA DE ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA SALUDABLE EN LA POBLACIÓN ESPAÑOLADidáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corpora