7 research outputs found

    Study of variations in the broncho-arterial pedicles of the upper right lung lobe

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    Bronchial distribution and functional arterial vascularization of the upper lobe of the right lung are subject to many anatomical variations. The control of  these variations is essential for endoscopic and agiographic examinations. It also offers a better guarantee for safe and controlled surgery. In this  preliminary work, the exploitation of 15 heart-lung blocks treated by the injection corrosion method allowed us to study the general arrangement of the  broncho-arteries of the right upper lung lobe and their anatomical variations in the Senegalese population. Our results were as follows: the right upper  lobar bronchus was born on average at 1.25 cm from the tracheal bifurcation, with an average length of 1.13 cm. It ended with trifurcation into apical  (B1), dorsal (B2) and ventral (B3) segmental bronchi in 10 cases (66.66%); in 3 cases (20%), it ended with bifurcation into the dorsal segmental bronchus  and the apico-ventral trunk (B1+B3) (1 case), the apico-dorsal trunk (B1+B2) and the ventral segmental bronchus (B3), finally, in ventral and dorsal  segmentary bronchi giving each one an apical branch (1 case); in a last case, it ended by quadrifurcation, giving an external parabronche. The right upper  lobe was vascularized by 1 to 4 arteries, with eight modes of vascularization. It received more frequently two arteries. The anterior mediastinal  artery was the most common (100%). These results allowed us to discuss anatomical variations in the bronchial tree of the right upper lung lobe and the  pulmonary arterial distribution in that lobe. These variations must be taken into account during endoscopic examinations of imaging and surgery of  pulmonary excision, under penalty of accidents.&nbsp

    Contribution a l'etude et a la realisation d'une antenne adaptative faible cout a temps de reponse minimale pour communications radiomobiles

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    SIGLEAvailable from INIST (FR), Document Supply Service, under shelf-number : T 84675 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Energy optimisation of an OOK transmitter using high-order orthogonal modulation

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    International audienceIn this paper, we show that high-order orthogonal modulation can be used to optimize the power consumption of an energy efficient On-Off Keying (OOK) transmitter for short range wireless sensor applications. Our work is based on the characteristics of a high performance OOK modulator that completely turns off during the transmission of zeros and provides energies per bit in the picojoule range. We take into account the limitations of the circuit in terms of maximum modulation rate and constant output power. Based on a bit error rate performance analysis and a circuit energy model, we propose an original approach to find the energy optimal modulation order for a given range constraint.When considering only the transmitter power consumption, a large improvement in energy per bit can be obtained by using this optimization. When considering a residual power consumption during the transmitter off state, an improvement is still obtained but is less important

    Optimal JPWL Forward Error Correction Rate Allocation for Robust JPEG 2000 Images and Video Streaming over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Based on the analysis of real mobile ad hoc network (MANET) traces, we derive in this paper an optimal wireless JPEG 2000 compliant forward error correction (FEC) rate allocation scheme for a robust streaming of images and videos over MANET. The packet-based proposed scheme has a low complexity and is compliant to JPWL, the 11th part of the JPEG 2000 standard. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated using a wireless Motion JPEG 2000 client/server application; and the ability of the optimal scheme to guarantee quality of service (QoS) to wireless clients is demonstrated

    Bases anatomiques des lésions de l’artère pudendale externe lors de la chirurgie des varices du membre pelvien

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    Introduction: l’artère pudendale externe est une branche collatérale de l’artère fémorale commune qui est destinée à la vascularisation du pénis ou du clitoris. Ses rapports avec la crosse de la grande veine saphène et de ses afférences, dans le trigone fémoral, sont très étroits. Cette situation fait qu’elle est souvent lésée lors de la crossectomie et de l’éveinage de la grande veine saphène. Ces lésions peuvent être à l’origine d’une dysfonction sexuelle. Méthodes: il s’agit d’une dissection de 22 régions inguinales chez 13 hommes et 9 femmes qui ont bénéficié d’un abord chirurgical du trigone fémoral. La distribution et les rapports de l’artère pudendale externe par rapport à la crosse de la grande veine saphène sont étudiés. Résultats: l’artère pudendale externe unique est la plus fréquente. Toutes les artères pudendales externes ont pour origine l’artère fémorale commune. Le rapport le plus fréquent est le sous croisement de la crosse de la grande veine saphène par une artère pudendale externe unique. Par ailleurs, on a un précroisement, un croisement alterné et des rapports avec la veine fémorale commune et des afférences de la crosse de la grande veine saphène. Certaines techniques chirurgicales exposent plus ou moins à une lésion de l’artère pudendale externe. Conclusion: ce travail confirme les données antérieures mais montre encore quelques particularités sur les rapports entre la crosse de la grande veine saphène et l’artère pudendale externe. The Pan African Medical Journal 2016;2