28 research outputs found

    Official vaccination coverage.

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    <p>Source: District veterinary office, Kilombero and Ulanga districts.</p><p><sup>1</sup> In 2010, the campaign lasted 11 days in Kilombero and vaccinated 7,639 dogs while 1,434 dogs were then vaccinated during routine vaccination.</p><p><sup>2</sup> In 2011, this included 9,194 dogs vaccinated in Kilombero during a five day campaign and 2,552 dogs vaccinated during routine vaccination.</p

    Reasons given for non-compliance with vaccination.

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    <p>Results from the population-based survey, including n = 750 household respondents without vaccinated dogs considered old enough for vaccination.</p

    Vaccination coverage in six villages.<sup>1</sup>

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    <p><sup>1</sup> Village specific coverage data was only available from Kilombero. This showed 123 dogs vaccinated in Signali, 284 in Mofu and 72 in Machipi. The small discrepancy between these figures and the survey data can be attributed to death of vaccinated dogs, poor record keeping, changes in dog ownership, vaccination of dogs from other villages as well as response bias in the survey.</p><p><sup>2</sup> Coverage range that includes all dogs at the time of the survey (lower estimate) and excludes all dogs acquired after the 2011 campaign (higher estimate).</p

    Map of Tanzania showing the study districts where incidences of rabies and cost data were collected.

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    <p>Gray shading indicates where extensive investigative interviews were administered and black shading where only cost data were collected.</p

    The probability of victims of bites by suspect rabid animals receiving and completing PEP vaccine doses.

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    <p>The situation for bite victims in Kilombero and Ulanga may not be representative as St Francis Mission Hospital in Kilombero received donated vaccine through Ifakara Health Institute as a result of the outbreak, therefore the population in the Kilombero valley is likely better served than in some other rural parts of Tanzania.</p