939 research outputs found

    P-P Total Cross Sections at VHE from Accelerator Data

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    Comparison of P-P total cross-sections estimations at very high energies - from accelerators and cosmic rays - shows a disagreement amounting to more than 10 %, a discrepancy which is beyond statistical errors. Here we use a phenomenological model based on the Multiple-Diffraction approach to successfully describe data at accelerator energies. The predictions of the model are compared with data On the basis of regression analysis we determine confident error bands, analyzing the sensitivity of our predictions to the employed data for extrapolation. : using data at 546 and 1.8 TeV, our extrapolations for p-p total cross-sections are only compatible with the Akeno cosmic ray data, predicting a slower rise with energy than other cosmic ray results and other extrapolation methods. We discuss our results within the context of constraints in the light of future accelerator and cosmic ray experimental results.Comment: 26 pages aqnd 11 figure

    Combinatorial activities of SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE and FLOWERING LOCUS C define distinct modes of flowering regulation in Arabidopsis.

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    BACKGROUND: The initiation of flowering is an important developmental transition as it marks the beginning of the reproductive phase in plants. The MADS-box transcription factors (TFs) FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) form a complex to repress the expression of genes that initiate flowering in Arabidopsis. Both TFs play a central role in the regulatory network by conferring seasonal patterns of flowering. However, their interdependence and biological relevance when acting as a complex have not been extensively studied. RESULTS: We characterized the effects of both TFs individually and as a complex on flowering initiation using transcriptome profiling and DNA-binding occupancy. We find four major clusters regulating transcriptional responses, and that DNA binding scenarios are highly affected by the presence of the cognate partner. Remarkably, we identify genes whose regulation depends exclusively on simultaneous action of both proteins, thus distinguishing between the specificity of the SVP:FLC complex and that of each TF acting individually. The downstream targets of the SVP:FLC complex include a higher proportion of genes regulating floral induction, whereas those bound by either TF independently are biased towards floral development. Many genes involved in gibberellin-related processes are bound by the SVP:FLC complex, suggesting that direct regulation of gibberellin metabolism by FLC and SVP contributes to their effects on flowering. CONCLUSIONS: The regulatory codes controlled by SVP and FLC were deciphered at the genome-wide level revealing substantial flexibility based on dependent and independent DNA binding that may contribute to variation and robustness in the regulation of flowering

    Propuesta de un procedimiento para la construcción y validación de un instrumento psicométrico con base en un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre enfermedad cardiovascular en farmacias comunitarias de España.

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    Introducción: En la práctica clínica se requiere de herramientas para valorar el conocimiento de los pacientes, siendo los cuestionarios uno de los instrumentos más comunes. En general, los cuestionarios o instrumentos que se utilizan son traducidos o, bien, realizados ad hoc, limitando así su fiabilidad y validez. Objetivo: Desarrollar una propuesta global con el procedimiento para diseñar y validar un cuestionario. Métodos: Se realizaron revisiones bibliográficas en Pubmed/Medline y en Google Scholar de artículos con los siguientes términos: validation questionnaire and desing, developing a questionnaire y validación, diseño y cuestionario, que permitan identificar los pasos y la metodología adecuada para el diseño y la validación de un cuestionario. Resultados: Mediante la revisión se identificaron 78 artículos y se accedió al texto completo de 75 artículos. Con la información obtenida se elaboró una propuesta para diseñar y validar cuestionarios de conocimiento por pacientes. Conclusiones: Se presenta una propuesta de diseño y validación de cuestionario para orientar trabajos con este fin, la cual debe ser validada en futuros estudios

    Propuesta de un procedimiento para la construcción y validación de un instrumento psicométrico con base en un cuestionario de conocimientos sobre enfermedad cardiovascular en farmacias comunitarias de España.

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    Introducción: En la práctica clínica se requiere de herramientas para valorar el conocimiento de los pacientes, siendo los cuestionarios uno de los instrumentos más comunes. En general, los cuestionarios o instrumentos que se utilizan son traducidos o, bien, realizados ad hoc, limitando así su fiabilidad y validez. Objetivo: Desarrollar una propuesta global con el procedimiento para diseñar y validar un cuestionario. Métodos: Se realizaron revisiones bibliográficas en Pubmed/Medline y en Google Scholar de artículos con los siguientes términos: validation questionnaire and desing, developing a questionnaire y validación, diseño y cuestionario, que permitan identificar los pasos y la metodología adecuada para el diseño y la validación de un cuestionario. Resultados: Mediante la revisión se identificaron 78 artículos y se accedió al texto completo de 75 artículos. Con la información obtenida se elaboró una propuesta para diseñar y validar cuestionarios de conocimiento por pacientes. Conclusiones: Se presenta una propuesta de diseño y validación de cuestionario para orientar trabajos con este fin, la cual debe ser validada en futuros estudios

    Individual quality assessment of autografting by probability estimation for clinical endpoints: a prospective validation study from the European group for blood and marrow transplantation.

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    The aim of supportive autografting is to reduce the side effects from stem cell transplantation and avoid procedure-related health disadvantages for patients at the lowest possible cost and resource expenditure. Economic evaluation of health care is becoming increasingly important. We report clinical and laboratory data collected from 397 consecutive adult patients (173 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 30 Hodgkin lymphoma, 160 multiple myeloma, 7 autoimmune diseases, and 28 acute leukemia) who underwent their first autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT). We considered primary endpoints evaluating health economic efficacy (eg, antibiotic administration, transfusion of blood components, and time in hospital), secondary endpoints evaluating toxicity (in accordance with Common Toxicity Criteria), and tertiary endpoints evaluating safety (ie, the risk of regimen-related death or disease progression within the first year after PBSCT). A time-dependent grading of efficacy is proposed with day 21 for multiple myeloma and day 25 for the other disease categories (depending on the length of the conditioning regimen) as the acceptable maximum time in hospital, which together with antibiotics, antifungal, or transfusion therapy delineates four groups: favorable (≤7 days on antibiotics and no transfusions; ≤21 [25] days in hospital), intermediate (from 7 to 10 days on antibiotics and 7 days on antibiotics, >3 but 30/34 days in hospital after transplantation), and very unfavorable (>10 days on antibiotics, >6 transfusions; >30 to 34 days in hospital). The multivariate analysis showed that (1) PBSC harvests of ≥4 × 106/kg CD34 + cells in 1 apheresis procedure were associated with a favorable outcome in all patient categories except acute myelogenous leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (P = .001), (2) ≥5 × 106/kg CD34 + cells infused predicted better transplantation outcome in all patient categories (P 500 mL) (P = .002), and (5) patients with a central venous catheter during both collection and infusion of PBSC had a more favorable outcome post-PBSCT than peripheral access (P = .007). The type of mobilization regimen did not affect the outcome of auto-PBSCT. The present study identified predictive variables, which may be useful in future individual pretransplantation probability evaluations with the goal to improve supportive care

    A melt-focusing zone in the lithospheric mantle preserved in the Santa Elena Ophiolite, Costa Rica

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    The Santa Elena Ophiolite in Costa Rica is composed of a well-preserved fragment of the lithospheric mantle that formed along a paleo-spreading center. Within its exposed architecture, this ophiolite records a deep section of the melt transport system of a slow/ultra-slow spreading environment, featuring a well-developed melt-focusing system of coalescent diabase dikes that intrude the peridotite in a sub-vertical and sub-parallel arrangement. Here we present an integrated analysis of new structural data, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, major and trace element geochemistry and radiogenic isotope data from the diabase dikes in order to elucidate the tectonic setting of the Santa Elena Ophiolite. The dikes are basaltic and tholeiitic in composition. Petrological models of fractional crystallization suggest deep pressures of crystallization of >0.4GPa for most of the samples, which is in good agreement with similar calculations from slow/ultra-slow spreading ridges and require a relatively hydrated (~0.5wt.% H2O) MORB-like source composition. The diabase dikes share geochemical and isotope signatures with both slow/ultra-slow spreading ridges and back-arc basins and indicate mixing of a DMM source and an enriched mantle end-member like EMII. The 40Ar/39Ar geochronology yielded an age of ~131Ma for a previous pegmatitic gabbroic magmatic event that intruded the peridotite when it was hot and plastic and an age of ~121Ma for the diabase intrusions, constraining the cooling from near asthenospheric conditions to lithospheric mantle conditions to ~10Ma. Our findings suggest a complex interplay between oceanic basin and back-arc extension environments during the Santa Elena Ophiolite formation. We propose an alternative hypothesis for the origin of Santa Elena as an obducted fragment of an oceanic core complex (OCC)

    Technology-assisted stroke rehabilitation in Mexico: a pilot randomized trial comparing traditional therapy to circuit training in a Robot/technology-assisted therapy gym

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    Background Stroke rehabilitation in low- and middle-income countries, such as Mexico, is often hampered by lack of clinical resources and funding. To provide a cost-effective solution for comprehensive post-stroke rehabilitation that can alleviate the need for one-on-one physical or occupational therapy, in lower and upper extremities, we proposed and implemented a technology-assisted rehabilitation gymnasium in Chihuahua, Mexico. The Gymnasium for Robotic Rehabilitation (Robot Gym) consisted of low- and high-tech systems for upper and lower limb rehabilitation. Our hypothesis is that the Robot Gym can provide a cost- and labor-efficient alternative for post-stroke rehabilitation, while being more or as effective as traditional physical and occupational therapy approaches. Methods A typical group of stroke patients was randomly allocated to an intervention (n = 10) or a control group (n = 10). The intervention group received rehabilitation using the devices in the Robot Gym, whereas the control group (n = 10) received time-matched standard care. All of the study subjects were subjected to 24 two-hour therapy sessions over a period of 6 to 8 weeks. Several clinical assessments tests for upper and lower extremities were used to evaluate motor function pre- and post-intervention. A cost analysis was done to compare the cost effectiveness for both therapies. Results No significant differences were observed when comparing the results of the pre-intervention Mini-mental, Brunnstrom Test, and Geriatric Depression Scale Test, showing that both groups were functionally similar prior to the intervention. Although, both training groups were functionally equivalent, they had a significant age difference. The results of all of the upper extremity tests showed an improvement in function in both groups with no statistically significant differences between the groups. The Fugl-Meyer and the 10 Meters Walk lower extremity tests showed greater improvement in the intervention group compared to the control group. On the Time Up and Go Test, no statistically significant differences were observed pre- and post-intervention when comparing the control and the intervention groups. For the 6 Minute Walk Test, both groups presented a statistically significant difference pre- and post-intervention, showing progress in their performance. The robot gym therapy was more cost-effective than the traditional one-to-one therapy used during this study in that it enabled therapist to train up to 1.5 to 6 times more patients for the approximately same cost in the long term. Conclusions The results of this study showed that the patients that received therapy using the Robot Gym had enhanced functionality in the upper extremity tests similar to patients in the control group. In the lower extremity tests, the intervention patients showed more improvement than those subjected to traditional therapy. These results support that the Robot Gym can be as effective as traditional therapy for stroke patients, presenting a more cost- and labor-efficient option for countries with scarce clinical resources and funding. Trial registration ISRCTN98578807

    Autologous stromal vascular fraction therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: rationale and clinical safety

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    Advancements in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment protocols and introduction of targeted biological therapies have markedly improved patient outcomes, despite this, up to 50% of patients still fail to achieve a significant clinical response. In veterinary medicine, stem cell therapy in the form of autologous stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is an accepted therapeutic modality for degenerative conditions with 80% improvement and no serious treatment associated adverse events reported. Clinical translation of SVF therapy relies on confirmation of veterinary findings in targeted patient populations. Here we describe the rationale and preclinical data supporting the use of autologous SVF in treatment of RA, as well as provide 1, 3, 6, and 13 month safety outcomes in 13 RA patients treated with this approach