9 research outputs found

    Distribution of Legionella Species and Serogroups Isolated by Culture in Patients with Sporadic Community-Acquired Legionellosis: An International Collaborative Survey

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    This international collaborative survey identified culture-confirmed legionellosis in 508 patients with sporadic community-acquired legionellosis. Legionella pneumophila constituted 91.5% of the isolates. Serogroup 1 was the predominant serogroup (84.2%), and serogroups 2-13 (7.4%) accounted for the remaining serogroups. The Legionella species most commonly isolated were L. longbeachae (3.9%) and L. bozemanii (2.4%), followed by L. micdadei, L. dumoffii, L. feeleii, L. wadsworthii and L. anisa (2.2% combined). L. longbeachae constituted 30.4% of the community-acquired Legionella isolates in Australia and New Zealan

    Comparative <i>in vitro</i> susceptibility studies of FCE 22250 and rifampicin on <i>Legionella</i> and <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> strains

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    The in vitro activities of rifampicin and the new rifamycin FCE 22250 were evaluated against the intracellular pathogens Legionella and Chlamydia trachmoatis. The data reported in this study give evidence that FCE 22250 shows excellent in vitro results, even better than those obtained with rifampicin, leading to the possibility of clinical applications of this new drug on Legionnaire's disease and chlamydial infections

    Epidemiological and Environmental Investigations of Legionella pneumophila Infection in Cattle and Case Report of Fatal Pneumonia in a Calf

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    A fatal pneumonia due to Legionella pneumophila was diagnosed in a young calf reared in a dairy herd located in northern Italy. Clinical symptoms consisted of watery diarrhea, hyperthermia, anorexia, and severe dyspnea. The pathological and histological findings were very similar to those observed in human legionellosis. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 (SG1) and SG10 were isolated from the calf’s lung, and L. pneumophila SG1 was isolated from the calf’s liver. L. pneumophila SG1 was also demonstrated in the lung tissue by immunofluorescence and immunohistochemical examinations. Nine of 10 L. pneumophila SG1 isolates belonged to the Olda subtype, and 1 belonged to the Camperdown subtype. A very low prevalence of antibodies to Legionella was detected in cows and calves reared in the same herd. Cultures of aqueous sediment of an old electric water heater which supplied hot water for the feeding of the calves yielded L. pneumophila SG1. Four of the colonies tested belonged to the Olda subtype. Ten clinical and four environmental isolates were examined for the presence of plasmids. Nine of them were also examined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis assay, and the same patterns were found for L. pneumophila SG1 Olda strains isolated from the calf and from the electric heater. This is the first report of a documented case of a naturally occurring Legionella pneumonia in an animal. Cattle probably act as accidental hosts for legionellae, much the same as humans

    Multiple Types of Legionella pneumophila Serogroup 6 in a Hospital Heated-Water System Associated with Sporadic Infections

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    Five sporadic cases of nosocomial Legionnaires’ disease were documented from 1989 to 1997 in a hospital in northern Italy. Two of them, which occurred in a 75-year-old man suffering from ischemic cardiopathy and in an 8-year-old girl suffering from acute leukemia, had fatal outcomes. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 6 was isolated from both patients and from hot-water samples taken at different sites in the hospital. These facts led us to consider the possibility that a single clone of L. pneumophila serogroup 6 had persisted in the hospital environment for 8 years and had caused sporadic infections. Comparison of clinical and environmental strains by monoclonal subtyping, macrorestriction analysis (MRA), and arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) showed that the strains were clustered into three different epidemiological types, of which only two types caused infection. An excellent correspondence between the MRA and AP-PCR results was observed, with both techniques having high discriminatory powers. However, it was not possible to differentiate the isolates by means of ribotyping and analysis of rrn operon polymorphism. Environmental strains that antigenically and chromosomally matched the infecting organism were present at the time of infection in hot-water samples taken from the ward where the patients had stayed. Interpretation of the temporal sequence of events on the basis of the typing results for clinical and environmental isolates enabled the identification of the ward where the patients became infected and the modes of transmission of Legionella infection. The long-term persistence in the hot-water system of different clones of L. pneumophila serogroup 6 indicates that repeated heat-based control measures were ineffective in eradicating the organism

    Distribution of Legionella species and serogroups isolated by culture in patients with sporadic community-acquired legionellosis: An international collaborative survey

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    This international collaborative survey identified culture-confirmed legionellosis in 508 patients with sporadic community-acquired legionellosis. Legionella pneumophila constituted 91.5% of the isolates. Serogroup 1 was the predominant serogroup (84.2%), and serogroups 2-13 (7.4%) accounted for the remaining serogroups. The Legionella species most commonly isolated were L. longbeachae (3.9%) and L. bozemanii (2.4%), followed by L. micdadei, L. dumoffii, L. feeleii, L. wadsworthii, and L. anisa (2.2% combined). L. longbeachae constituted 30.4% of the community-acquired Legionella isolates in Australia and New Zealand

    A multicenter evaluation of genotypic methods for the epidemiologic typing of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1:results of a pan-European study

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    ObjectivesTo compare genotypic methods for epidemiologic typing of Legionella pneumophila serogroup (sg) 1, in order to determine the best available method within Europe for implementation and standardization by members of the European Working Group on Legionella Infections.MethodsCoded isolates (114) of L. pneumophila sg 1 comprising one epidemiologically ‘unrelated’ (79) and one ‘related’ panel of isolates (35) were sent to 12 laboratories in 11 European countries. Analysis was undertaken in each laboratory using one or more of the following methods: ribotyping, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, restriction endonuclease analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), PCR using arbitrary/repeat sequence primers (AP-, AP/rep-PCR), and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Results were analyzed visually or using gel analysis software. Each method was assessed for its: index of discrimination (D), epidemiologic concordance (E), speed of application and ease of use. In addition, phenotypic analysis was performed in two laboratories using monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).ResultsThe D of each of the genotypic methods ranged from 0.840 for ribotyping to 0.990 for PFGE using SfiI: E ranged from 0.06 for AP- and AP/rep-PCR to 1.00 for ribotyping using PstI/EcoRI and AFLP: in general, E was inversely related to D. Although offering only limited discrimination (D=0.838), mAb typing was both rapid and highly epidemiologically concordant (E=1.00).ConclusionsTwo methods, PFGE using Sfil and AFLP, were selected for further study. AFLP is rapid and highly epidemiologically concordant (E=1.00), but is not highly discriminatory. This method will be developed as a rapid screening tool. PFGE using Sfil is highly discriminatory but, in the present study, yielded low values of E (0.12–0.71). Attempts will be made to rigorously standardize this method for use as the reference method. Primary screening of isolates by mAb subgrouping is recommended