590 research outputs found
La ceramica d'uso comune di età tardoantica del progetto Ager Lucerinus: il comprensorio di Biccari (FG).
Analisi della ceramica d'uso comune di età tardoantica rinvenuta durante la ricognizione del 2013 nel comprensorio di Biccari (FG) all'interno del progetto "Ager Lucerinus" dell'Università di studi di Foggia
Il cosiddetto “passaggio dall’erudizione al bello”, avvenuto nella carriera di Leopardi intorno al 1816, nello Zibaldone è motivato dalla lettura intensiva e dagli esperimenti di traduzione svolti in quegli anni sui poeti greci: tuttavia, più che i numerosi esercizi su Anacreonte, Mosco e Teocrito compiuti perlopiù secondo gli stilemi settecenteschi della poesia arcadica, i testi che suscitano una maggiore empatia nel traduttore e quindi una maggiore originalità nella traduzione sono tratti dai poeti di età arcaica. Attraverso gli esempi delle traduzioni di Saffo, Alceo, Omero ed Esiodo, svolte tra il 1814 e il 1817, l’intervento intende offrire un’indagine dei metodi traduttivi di Giacomo Leopardi per approfondire come, anche grazie alla consultazione di diverse fonti librarie tra cui traduzioni latine e francesi, egli costruisca un nuovo e personale linguaggio poetico.
“A whole new impression”: Giacomo Leopardi translator of Archaic Greek Poetry
The so-called “passage from erudition to the beautiful”, which occurred in Leopardi’s career around 1816, was motivated in the Zibaldone thanks to his intensive reading and translating experiments done on Greek poets during those years. In place of numerous exercises on Anacreon, Moschus and Theocritus carried out according to eighteenth-century stylistic features of Arcadian poetry, the texts that aroused greater empathy in the translator and therefore more originality in his adaptations are those by poets of the Archaic age. By analyzing the translations of Sappho, Alcaeus, Homer and Hesiod done between 1814 and 1817, this paper investigates Giacomo Leopardi’s translation methods through which, thanks to the consultation of various book sources including Latin and French translations, he built a new, personal poetic language
Fact-Checking at Scale with Crowdsourcing: Experiments and Lessons Learned
In this paper, we present our journey in exploring the use of crowdsourcing for fact-checking. We discuss our early experiments aimed towards the identification of the best possible setting for misinformation assessment using crowdsourcing. Our results indicate that the crowd can effectively address misinformation at scale, showing some degree of correlation with experts. We also highlight the influence of worker background on the quality of truthfulness assessments
Do the Fastest Open-Water Swimmers have A Higher Speed in Middle- and Long-Distance Pool Swimming Events?
Background: It has been shown that the fastest open-water swimmers (OW-swimmers) increase significantly the speed in the last split of the open-water events. The aim of the present work was to determine if the fastest OW-swimmers have a higher speed in the middle- and long-distance pool swimming events, and to develop a multivariate model that can predict the medalist group in the 10-km competition. Methods: A total of 484 athletes (252-males and 232-females) were included in the analysis. Swimmers were divided into four groups based on their finishing position in the competition. For each swimmer, the absolute best performance (PB) of 200, 400, 800 and 1500-meter in long course, the seasonal best performance (SPB) obtained before the open-water events and critical velocity (CV) were analyzed. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to detect significant differences between groups and discriminant analysis was used to predict a grouping variable. Results: All the variables analyzed were significantly different between groups (p < 0.001). The first discriminant function correctly classified 50% of the overall female and male swimmers. Conclusion: Fastest OW-swimmers have a higher speed in middle- and long-distance pool swimming events. Further studies should include different anthropometric and physiological variables to increase the accuracy of classification
La identidad de las mujeres, como han demostrado los estudios feministas, es una construcción cultural y social que está estrechamente relacionada con la maternidad. Ya que los medios de comunicación tienen un papel central en la construcción social de la realidad, analizar una serie como The Handmaid's Tale, centrada en las mujeres, la maternidad y la (in)fertilidad, puede permitir arrojar luz sobre los modelos de feminidad y maternidad presentes en nuestra propia sociedad. A través de una metodología cualitativa, se analiza la primera temporada de la serie, focalizándose en la representación de las mujeres, el cuerpo femenino y la maternidad. El texto televisivo permite reflexionar sobre tres aspectos en particular: las interconexiones entre ficción y realidad, la misoginia presente en la propia mirada femenina, y el estigma de la infertilidad
Las tres edades de la mujer: un análisis de las visiones distópicas de las mujeres y la maternidad en The Handmaid’s Tale
Women’s identity, as feminist studies have shown, is a cultural and social construction that is closely related to motherhood. Since the media have a central role in the social construction of reality, analyzing a series such as The Handmaid’s Tale, focused on women, motherhood and (in)fertility, can shed light on the models of femininity and motherhood present in our own society. Through a qualitative methodology, the first season of the series is analyzed, focusing on the representation of women, the female body and motherhood. The television text allows us to reflect on three aspects in particular: the interconnections between fiction and reality, the misogyny in the female gaze itself, and the stigma of infertility.La identidad de las mujeres, como han demostrado los estudios feministas, es una construcción cultural y social que está estrechamente relacionada con la maternidad. Ya que los medios de comunicación tienen un papel central en la construcción social de la realidad, analizar una serie como The Handmaid’s Tale, centrada en las mujeres, la maternidad y la (in)fertilidad, puede permitir arrojar luz sobre los modelos de feminidad y maternidad presentes en nuestra propia sociedad. A través de una metodología cualitativa, se analiza la primera temporada de la serie, focalizándose en la representación de las mujeres, el cuerpo femenino y la maternidad. El texto televisivo permite reflexionar sobre tres aspectos en particular: las interconexiones entre ficción y realidad, la misoginia presente en la propia mirada femenina, y el estigma de la infertilidad
Efficacy of Supra-HFR in Removing FGF23 and Cytokines: A Single Session Analysis
Background/Aim: Supra hemodiafiltration with reinfusion of the endogenous ultrafiltrate (Supra-HFR) is a dialysis technique used to improve uremic toxin removal in the range of the middle molecular weight molecules. Supra-HFR does not require the preparation and online infusion of high purity dialysis water because it allows the production of an endogenous ultrafiltrate that undergoes detoxification through an adsorbing resin. Patients and Methods: We investigated the ability of Supra-HFR to remove fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), interleukin 8 (IL-8), and transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-alpha) after a single session dialysis in nine patients affected by end stage renal disease (ESRD). The same patients underwent a single session of online hemodiafiltration (OLHDF) to evaluate possible differences in FGF23 and IL-6 levels. Results: A significant reduction in FGF23 was observed with both Supra-HFR (p=0.001) and OL-HDF. As for TNF-alpha and TGF-alpha, which were measured using Supra-HFR only, their percentage values were significantly lower at the end of dialysi
Crafting ecologies of existence : more than human community making in Colombian textile craftivism
Based on ethnographic work with several women’s textile making collectives in Colombia, this article approaches their crafting practices as everyday doings of socio-ecological reparation, in the midst of social and environmental devastation caused by the armed conflict. Rather than focusing on the relevance of their activities for political activism and historical memory, an ecological perspective allows us to emphasise their work as a mundane, more than social process of communal regeneration. We discuss how women in these collectives, after painful and violent displacements, craft new ecologies of existence: relations and interdependencies within more than human worlds that cultivate new modes of care and attention, values and sensibilities in precarious living spaces. Ecological reparation is an everyday, vital, ongoing practice essential for community resurgence and for re-establishing collectivities that sustain liveable worlds
Association between mode of breast cancer detection and diagnosis delay
abstract We investigated the association between mode of breast cancer (Bca) detection and diagnosis delay in a case-series of primary, histologically confirmed Bca patients from Southern Italy. Nine hundred and fifty nine women diagnosed with incident, primary Bca were recruited in two southern Italian regions. We grouped the mode of detection into two categories: Self-Detection (S-D) and Mammography (MG). Diagnosis delay was defined as the time between detection and a histologically confirmed diagnosis of invasive Bca. 20.9% detected Bca with MG while 79.1% had S-D Bca. Women who detected Bca themselves (S-D) were more likely to delay breast cancer diagnosis than women who were diagnosed by a mammography (MG) (OR: 2.0; 95% CI: 1.39–2.87); when considering the model adjusted for health system-related characteristics, the risk increased (OR: 2.13; 95% CI: 1.47–3.09). Our study indicates a disadvantage in terms of diagnostic delay for women who were admitted and treated in community hospitals compared to women admitted and treated in breast health services
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