91 research outputs found

    The Fraction of Active Galactic Nuclei in the USS 1558-003 Protocluster at z = 2.53

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    The incidence of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) with local environment is a potentially valuable probe of the mechanisms that trigger and provide fuel for accretion onto supermassive black holes. While the correlation between AGN fraction and environment has been well-studied in the local universe, AGN fractions have been measured for relatively few dense environments at high redshift. In this paper we present a measurement of the X-ray AGN fraction in the USS 1558-003 protocluster associated with the z = 2:53 radio galaxy 4C-00:62, which has been shown to be the progenitor of a cluster of galaxies in the local universe. Our measurement is based on a 100ks Chandra observation, follow-up spectroscopy from the Multi-Object Double Spectrograph on the Large Binocular Telescope, and broad and narrow band photometry. These data are sensitive to AGN more luminous than L_X > 2 x 10^43 erg s^-1 in the rest-frame hard X-ray band (2-10 keV). We have identified two X-ray AGN at the redshift of USS 1558-003, one of which is the radio galaxy. We determine that 2.0 (+2.6,-1.3) % of the H alpha emitters in the protocluster are X-ray AGN. Unlike most other high-redshift cluster progenitors studied with similar techniques, USS 1558-003 does not have a significantly higher fraction of AGN than field galaxies at similar redshifts. This lower AGN fraction is inconsistent with the expectation that the higher gas fractions at high redshift, combined with the high galaxy densities and modest relative velocities in protoclusters, should produce higher AGN fractions.National Aeronautics and Space Administration through Chandra Award Number G04-15134X issued by the Chandra X-ray Observatory CenterNational Science Foundation under Grant 1615553Department of Energy under Grant DE-SC0015525No embargoAcademic Major: Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Wspomaganie rozwoju zmysłów dziecka – ścieżka sensoryczna

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    Obecnie w edukacji poszukuje się nowatorskich rozwiązań organizacyjnych i metodycznych, które skutecznie wspierają rozwój potencjalnych zdolności dziecka. Ich podstawą staje się indywidualizacja pracy z dzieckiem. Dostosowywanie procesu kształcenia do potrzeb i możliwości dziecka sprzyja bowiem jego udziałowi w badaniu i odkrywaniu otaczającej rzeczywistości. Daje to także możliwość samodzielnego zdobywania przez młodego człowieka nowych doświadczeń i umiejętności, które determinują funkcjonowanie dziecka w późniejszych okresach, mają wpływ na jego wyniki w nauce, relacje z otoczeniem oraz postrzeganie własnej osoby

    Tool use imagery triggers tool incorporation in the body schema

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    Baccarini M, Martel M, Cardinali L, Sillan O, Farnè A, Roy AC. Tool use imagery triggers tool incorporation in the body schema. Frontiers in Psychology. 2014;2014(5): 492.Tool-use has been shown to modify the way the brain represents the metrical characteristics of the effector controlling the tool. For example, the use of tools that elongate the physical length of the arm induces kinematic changes affecting selectively the transport component of subsequent free-hand movements. Although mental simulation of an action is known to involve -to a large extent- the same processes as those at play in overt motor execution, whether tool-use imagery can yield similar effects on the body representation remains unknown. Mentally simulated actions indeed elicit autonomic physiological responses and follow motor execution rules that are comparable to those associated with the correspondent overt performance. Therefore, here we investigated the effects of the mental simulation of actions performed with a tool on the body representation by studying subsequent free-hand movements. Subjects executed reach to grasp movements with their hand before and after an imagery task performed with either a tool elongating their arm length or, as a control, with their hand alone. Two main results were found: First, in agreement with previous studies, durations of imagined movements performed with the tool and the hand were similarly affected by task difficulty. Second, kinematics of free-hand movements was affected after tool-use imagery, but not hand-use imagery, in a way similar to that previously documented after actual tool-use. These findings constitute the first evidence that tool-use imagery is sufficient to affect the representation of the user's arm

    Combined action observation and imagery facilitates corticospinal excitability.

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    Observation and imagery of movement both activate similar brain regions to those involved in movement execution. As such, both are recommended as techniques for aiding the recovery of motor function following stroke. Traditionally, action observation and movement imagery (MI) have been considered as independent intervention techniques. Researchers have however begun to consider the possibility of combining the two techniques into a single intervention strategy. This study investigated the effect of combined action observation and MI on corticospinal excitability, in comparison to either observation or imagery alone. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to the hand representation of the left motor cortex during combined action observation and MI, passive observation (PO), or MI of right index finger abduction-adduction movements or control conditions. Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were recorded from the first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles of the right hand. The combined action observation and MI condition produced MEPs of larger amplitude than were obtained during PO and control conditions. This effect was only present in the FDI muscle, indicating the facilitation of corticospinal excitability during the combined condition was specific to the muscles involved in the observed/imagined task. These findings have implications for stroke rehabilitation, where combined action observation and MI interventions may prove to be more effective than observation or imagery alone

    Motor imagery during action observation: A brief review of evidence, theory and future research opportunities

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    Motor imagery (MI) and action observation (AO) have traditionally been viewed as two separate techniques, which can both be used alongside physical practice to enhance motor learning and rehabilitation. Their independent use has been shown to be effective, and there is clear evidence that the two processes can elicit similar activity in the motor system. Building on these well-established findings, research has now turned to investigate the effects of their combined use. In this article, we first review the available neurophysiological and behavioral evidence for the effects of combined action observation and motor imagery (‘AO+MI’) on motor processes. We next describe a conceptual framework for their combined use, and then discuss several areas for future research into AO+MI processes. In this review, we advocate a more integrated approach to AO+MI techniques than has previously been adopted by movement scientists and practitioners alike. We hope this early review of an emergent body of research, along with a related set of research questions, can inspire new work in this area. We are optimistic that future research will further confirm if, how, and when this combined approach to AO+MI can be more effective in motor learning and rehabilitation settings, relative to the more traditional application of AO or MI independently

    Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) application to estimation creating knowledge based economy in Poland

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    Nieustanne zmiany dokonujące się we współczesnym świecie określa się na wiele sposobów: „nowa ekonomia", „trzecia fala", „gospodarka sieciowa", „gospodarka oparta na wiedzy" (GOW). Uczestniczymy w procesie przechodzenia od gospodarki przemysłowej do gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Rośnie znaczenie niematerialnych zasobów, z których najważniejszym staje się wiedza jako źródło przewagi konkurencyjnej i główny czynnik rozwoju. Proces przemian cywilizacyjnych niesie za sobą konieczność odzwierciedlenia ich w polityce gospodarczej poszczególnych państw. Takim działaniem było przyjęcie w 2000 roku przez Radę Europejską strategii lizbońskiej, której celem jest „przekształcenie się do roku 2010 przez UE w najbardziej dynamiczną i konkurencyjną gospodarkę opartą na wiedzy na świecie". Warto się zatem zastanowić jak przebiega realizacja trudnego zadania, jakim jest tworzenie gospodarki opartej na wiedzy w Polsce. W opracowaniu podjęto próbę oceny stopnia zaawansowania procesu tworzenia się GOW w Polsce. W tym celu wykorzystana została metodologia Banku Światowego Knowledge Assessment Methodology 2006 (KAM).Continuous changes in contemporary world are defined for many ways: New Economy, Third Wave, Network Economy, Knowledge Based Economy. We participate in process of transition from industrial economy into knowledge based economy. The meaning of nonmaterial resources is rising. Knowledge is getting the most important resource, as the source of competitive advantage. The civilizational changes force taking them into consideration also in economic policy of individual country. That kind of activity is the Lisbon Strategy. It was agreed in 2000, when the European Council set a target for the EU to become the most dynamic, competitive knowledge based economy in the world by 2010. The very interesting issue is how that difficult task is realized in Poland. The paper is an attempt of evaluating advancement the process of building knowlegde based economy in Poland. For that purpose was used methodology of the World Bank Knowledge Assessment Methodology 2006 (KAM)

    Sport event as an element of a city marketing - the case of EURO 2012

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    Praca dotyczy wykorzystania wydarzenia sportowego w promocji miast na przykładzie EURO 2012 w Polsce i na Ukrainie. Część teoretyczna pracy obejmuje zagadnienia z zakresu takich dyscyplin jak marketing terytorialny, marketing sportu i przez sport, sport w przestrzeni społecznej czy tożsamość i marka miasta. Część praktyczna to analiza poszczególnych działań promocyjnych, których podjęły się polskie miasta gospodarze EURO 2012: Warszawa, Wrocław, Poznań i Gdańsk.In the thesis the author considered a sport event used in city branding. The theoretical part of the thesis includes issues form various fields, for example: city marketing, sports marketing, sports as a cultural phenomenon, the identity of a city and its brand. The research part of the thesis includes multiple case study of marketing and PR actions taken by each of the polish host cities: Warszawa, Wrocław, Gdańsk and Poznań

    Inwentyczne uwarunkowania tworzenia innowacji

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    Celem artykułu jest zwrócenie uwagi na to, co leży u podstaw innowacji mogą cych być źm trwałej przewagi konkurencyjnej. W procesach zwiazanych z tworzeniem innowacji kluczową rolę odgrywa kreatywność. Odpowiadając na pytanie: co należy zrobić dla zbudowania organizacji kreatogennej, autor próbuje przypisa inicjacyjny charakter metodom heurystycznym. Szereg zmiennych, jak kultura organizacyjna czy motywacja, ma wpływ na skuteczność stosowania tych metod, pozostaj jednocześnie pod ich wpływem. Z pewnością wiele pozytywnych dla kreatywności efektów należy przypisaæ pracy zespołowej. Ale to zastosowanie metod heurystycznych najszybciej pokazuje wartość takiej pracy,The aim of this paper is to pay attention to principles of innovation which might be the source of stable competitive advantage. The key role in creating of innovation process plays creativity. Deliberating what to do to build a creative organization, author is trying to attribute initiatory character to heuristics methods. A range of variates like organizational culture or motivation have an influence on those methods efficiency, being simultaneously under theirs effect. For sure a lot of positive for creativity results belongs to team work. But application of heuristics methods is the fastest way to show effectiveness such a work, integrating a group