2,599 research outputs found

    Neutrino Masses and Mixings from String Theory Instantons

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    We study possible patterns of neutrino masses and mixings in string models in which Majorana neutrino masses are generated by a certain class of string theory instantons recently considered in the literature. These instantons may generate either directly the dim=5 Weinberg operator or right-handed neutrino Majorana masses, both with a certain flavour-factorised form. A hierarchy of neutrino masses naturally appears from the exponentially suppressed contributions of different instantons. The flavour structure is controlled by string amplitudes involving neutrino fields and charged instanton zero modes. For some simple choices for these amplitudes one finds neutrino mixing patterns consistent with experimental results. In particular, we find that a tri-bimaximal mixing pattern is obtained for simple symmetric values of the string correlators.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Competition between surface relaxation and ballistic deposition models in scale free networks

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    In this paper we study the scaling behavior of the fluctuations in the steady state WSW_S with the system size NN for a surface growth process given by the competition between the surface relaxation (SRM) and the Ballistic Deposition (BD) models on degree uncorrelated Scale Free networks (SF), characterized by a degree distribution P(k)∼k−λP(k)\sim k^{-\lambda}, where kk is the degree of a node. It is known that the fluctuations of the SRM model above the critical dimension (dc=2d_c=2) scales logarithmically with NN on euclidean lattices. However, Pastore y Piontti {\it et. al.} [A. L. Pastore y Piontti {\it et. al.}, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 76}, 046117 (2007)] found that the fluctuations of the SRM model in SF networks scale logarithmically with NN for λ<3\lambda <3 and as a constant for λ≥3\lambda \geq 3. In this letter we found that for a pure ballistic deposition model on SF networks WSW_S scales as a power law with an exponent that depends on λ\lambda. On the other hand when both processes are in competition, we find that there is a continuous crossover between a SRM behavior and a power law behavior due to the BD model that depends on the occurrence probability of each process and the system size. Interestingly, we find that a relaxation process contaminated by any small contribution of ballistic deposition will behave, for increasing system sizes, as a pure ballistic one. Our findings could be relevant when surface relaxation mechanisms are used to synchronize processes that evolve on top of complex networks.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    SONTRAC: an imaging spectrometer for solar neutrons

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    An instrument capable of unambiguously determining the energy and direction of incident neutrons has important applications in solar physics-as well as environmental monitoring and medical/radiological sciences. The SONTRAC (SOlar Neutron TRACking) instrument is designed to operate in the neutron energy range of 20-250 MeV. The measurement principle is based on non-relativistic double scatter of neutrons off ambient protons (n-p scattering) within a block of densely packed scintillating fibers. Using this double-scatter mode it is possible to uniquely determine neutron energy and direction on an event-by-event basis. A fully operational science model of such an instrument has been built using 300 μm (250 μm active) scintillating fibers. The science model consists of a 5×5×5 cm cube of orthogonal plastic scintillating fiber layers. Two orthogonal imaging chains, employing image intensifiers and CCD cameras, allow full 3-dimensional reconstruction of scattered proton particle tracks. We report the results of the science model instrument calibration using 35-65 MeV protons. The proton calibration is the first step toward understanding the instrument response to n-p scatter events. Preliminary results give proton energy resolution of 2% (6%) at 67.5 (35) MeV, and angular resolution of 2° (4.5°) at 67.5 (35) MeV. These measurements are being used to validate detailed instrument simulations that will be used to optimize the instrument design and develop quantitative estimates of science return. Based on the proton calibration, neutron energy and angular resolution for a 10×10×10 cm version of SONTRAC is expected to be ~5% an

    Evolution equation for a model of surface relaxation in complex networks

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    In this paper we derive analytically the evolution equation of the interface for a model of surface growth with relaxation to the minimum (SRM) in complex networks. We were inspired by the disagreement between the scaling results of the steady state of the fluctuations between the discrete SRM model and the Edward-Wilkinson process found in scale-free networks with degree distribution P(k)∼k−λ P(k) \sim k^{-\lambda} for λ<3\lambda <3 [Pastore y Piontti {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 76}, 046117 (2007)]. Even though for Euclidean lattices the evolution equation is linear, we find that in complex heterogeneous networks non-linear terms appear due to the heterogeneity and the lack of symmetry of the network; they produce a logarithmic divergency of the saturation roughness with the system size as found by Pastore y Piontti {\it et al.} for λ<3\lambda <3.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Development and performance of the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope for SNM detection

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    FNIT (the Fast Neutron Imaging Telescope), a detector with both imaging and energy measurement capabilities, sensitive to neutrons in the range 0.8-20 MeV, was initially conceived to study solar neutrons as a candidate design for the Inner Heliosphere Sentinel (IHS) spacecraft of NASA\u27s Solar Sentinels program and successively reconfigured to locate fission neutron sources. By accurately identifying the position of the source with imaging techniques and reconstructing the Watt spectrum of fission neutrons, FNIT can detect samples of special nuclear material (SNM), including heavily shielded and masked ones. The detection principle is based on multiple elastic neutron-proton scatterings in organic scintillators. By reconstructing n-p event locations and sequence and measuring the recoil proton energies, the direction and energy spectrum of the primary neutron flux can be determined and neutron sources identified. We describe the design of the FNIT prototype and present its energy reconstruction and imaging performance, assessed by exposing FNIT to a neutron beam and to a Pu fission neutron source

    The geometry of antisymplectic involutions, I

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    We study fixed loci of antisymplectic involutions on projective hyperkahler manifolds of K3([n])-type. When the involution is induced by an ample class of square 2 in the Beauville-Bogomolov-Fujiki lattice, we show that the number of connected components of the fixed locus is equal to the divisibility of the class, which is either 1 or 2

    V39: an unusual object in the field of IC 1613

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    The variable star V39 in the field of IC 1613 is discussed in the light of the available photometric and new spectroscopic data. It has strong emission Balmer lines, and the observed characteristics could be explained by a W Vir pulsating star with a period of 14.341 d, located at more than 115 kpc, that is in the very outer halo of our Galaxy. It should have an apparent companion, a long period (1118d) red variable, belonging to IC 1613. The main uncertainty in this interpretation is an emission feature at 668.4 nm, which we tentatively identified as a He I line.Comment: 5 pages; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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