183 research outputs found

    The altered expression of α1 and β3 subunits of the gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor is related to the hepatitis C virus infection

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    The modulation of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA A) receptors activity was observed in several chronic hepatitis failures, including hepatitis C. The expression of GABA A receptor subunits α1 and β3 was detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) originated from healthy donors. The aim of the study was to evaluate if GABA A α1 and β3 expression can also be observed in PBMCs from chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients and to evaluate a possible association between their expression and the course of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. GABA A α1- and β3-specific mRNAs presence and a protein expression in PBMCs from healthy donors and CHC patients were screened by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot, respectively. In patients, HCV RNA was determined in sera and PBMCs. It was shown that GABA A α1 and β3 expression was significantly different in PBMCs from CHC patients and healthy donors. In comparison to healthy donors, CHC patients were found to present an increase in the expression of GABA A α1 subunit and a decrease in the expression of β3 subunit in their PBMCs. The modulation of α1 and β3 GABA A receptors subunits expression in PBMCs may be associated with ongoing or past HCV infection

    Effect of obesity on biodistribution of nanoparticles

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    [EN] Nanoparticles have specific features (lipophilicity, surface charge, composition and size). Studies regarding the biological behavior of nanoparticles in diseases such diabetics and obesity are scarce. Here, we evaluated two nanoparticles: magnetic core mesoporous silica (MSN) (58 nm) and polycaprolactone (PCL) nanoparticle (280 nm) in obese mice. Changes in the biodistribution were observed, especially considering the mononuclear phagocyte system (MPS), and the visceral fat tissue. Nonetheless, our data corroborates the influence of size in the biodistribution in obese animals, supporting that smaller nanoparticles, may show a higher tissue deposition at spleen, due the associated splenomegaly and the complications arising from this state. Finally, our study demonstrated that, in obesity, probably due the low-grade inflammatory state associated with metabolic syndrome a difference in accumulation of nanoparticles was found, with profound impact in the tissue deposition of nanoparticles.The authors would like to thank the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CNPQ) - no. 400018/2016-0 and the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation (FAPERJ) - E-26/102.940/2012 for funding. Authors also gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project MAT2012-38429-C04-01) and the Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2009/016) for support.Felismino, CDJ.; Helal-Neto, E.; Portilho, F.; Rocha Pinto, S.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Martínez-Máñez, R.; Ferreira, ADA.... (2018). Effect of obesity on biodistribution of nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release. 281:11-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.05.003S111828

    Hepatic macrophage responses in inflammation, a function of plasticity, heterogeneity or both?

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    peer-reviewedWith the increasing availability and accessibility of single cell technologies, much attention has been given to delineating the specific populations of cells present in any given tissue. In recent years, hepatic macrophage heterogeneity has also begun to be examined using these strategies. While previously any macrophage in the liver was considered to be a Kupffer cell (KC), several studies have recently revealed the presence of distinct subsets ofhepatic macrophages, including those distinct from KCs both under homeostatic and non-homeostatic conditions. This heterogeneity has brought the concept of macrophage plasticity into question. Are KCs really as plastic as once thought, being capable of responding efficiently and specifically to any given stimuli? Or are the differential responses observed from hepatic macrophages in distinct settings due to the presence of multiple subsets of these cells? With these questions in mind, here we examine what is currently understood regarding hepatic macrophage heterogeneity in mouse and human and examine the role of heterogeneity vs plasticity in regards to hepatic macrophage responses in settings of both pathogen-induced and sterile inflammation

    Characterization of HCV Interactions with Toll-Like Receptors and RIG-I in Liver Cells

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    The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms of IFN induction and viral escape. In order to accomplish the goal we compared our new hepatoma cell line LH86, which has intact TLR3 and RIG-I expression and responds to HCV by inducing IFN, with Huh7.5 cells which lack those features.The initial interaction of LH86 cells, Huh7.5 cells or their transfected counter parts (LH86 siRIG-I, siTLR3 or siTLR7 and Huh7.5 RIG-I, TLR3 or TLR7) after infection with HCV (strain JFH-1) was studied by measuring the expression levels of IFNβ, TRAIL, DR4, DR5 and their correlation to viral replication.HCV replicating RNA induces IFN in LH86 cells. The IFN induction system is functional in LH86, and the expression of the RIG-I and TLR3 in LH86 is comparable to the primary hepatocytes. Both proteins appear to play important roles in suppression of viral replication. We found that innate immunity against HCV is associated with the induction of apoptosis by RIG-I through the TRAIL pathway and the establishment of an antiviral state by TLR3. HCV envelope proteins interfere with the expression of TLR3 and RIG-I.These findings correlate with the lower expression level of PRRs in HCV chronic patients and highlight the importance of the PRRs in the initial interaction of the virus and its host cells. This work represents a novel mechanism of viral pathogenesis for HCV and demonstrates the role of PRRs in viral infection

    The Pediatric Cell Atlas: defining the growth phase of human development at single-cell resolution

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    Single-cell gene expression analyses of mammalian tissues have uncovered profound stage-specific molecular regulatory phenomena that have changed the understanding of unique cell types and signaling pathways critical for lineage determination, morphogenesis, and growth. We discuss here the case for a Pediatric Cell Atlas as part of the Human Cell Atlas consortium to provide single-cell profiles and spatial characterization of gene expression across human tissues and organs. Such data will complement adult and developmentally focused HCA projects to provide a rich cytogenomic framework for understanding not only pediatric health and disease but also environmental and genetic impacts across the human lifespan

    The Pediatric Cell Atlas:Defining the Growth Phase of Human Development at Single-Cell Resolution

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    Single-cell gene expression analyses of mammalian tissues have uncovered profound stage-specific molecular regulatory phenomena that have changed the understanding of unique cell types and signaling pathways critical for lineage determination, morphogenesis, and growth. We discuss here the case for a Pediatric Cell Atlas as part of the Human Cell Atlas consortium to provide single-cell profiles and spatial characterization of gene expression across human tissues and organs. Such data will complement adult and developmentally focused HCA projects to provide a rich cytogenomic framework for understanding not only pediatric health and disease but also environmental and genetic impacts across the human lifespan

    Human cell types important for Hepatitis C Virus replication in vivo and in vitro. Old assertions and current evidence

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    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a single stranded RNA virus which produces negative strand RNA as a replicative intermediate. We analyzed 75 RT-PCR studies that tested for negative strand HCV RNA in liver and other human tissues. 85% of the studies that investigated extrahepatic replication of HCV found one or more samples positive for replicative RNA. Studies using in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, and quasispecies analysis also demonstrated the presence of replicating HCV in various extrahepatic human tissues, and provide evidence that HCV replicates in macrophages, B cells, T cells, and other extrahepatic tissues. We also analyzed both short term and long term in vitro systems used to culture HCV. These systems vary in their purposes and methods, but long term culturing of HCV in B cells, T cells, and other cell types has been used to analyze replication. It is therefore now possible to study HIV-HCV co-infections and HCV replication in vitro

    The Human Cell Atlas White Paper

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    The Human Cell Atlas (HCA) will be made up of comprehensive reference maps of all human cells - the fundamental units of life - as a basis for understanding fundamental human biological processes and diagnosing, monitoring, and treating disease. It will help scientists understand how genetic variants impact disease risk, define drug toxicities, discover better therapies, and advance regenerative medicine. A resource of such ambition and scale should be built in stages, increasing in size, breadth, and resolution as technologies develop and understanding deepens. We will therefore pursue Phase 1 as a suite of flagship projects in key tissues, systems, and organs. We will bring together experts in biology, medicine, genomics, technology development and computation (including data analysis, software engineering, and visualization). We will also need standardized experimental and computational methods that will allow us to compare diverse cell and tissue types - and samples across human communities - in consistent ways, ensuring that the resulting resource is truly global. This document, the first version of the HCA White Paper, was written by experts in the field with feedback and suggestions from the HCA community, gathered during recent international meetings. The White Paper, released at the close of this yearlong planning process, will be a living document that evolves as the HCA community provides additional feedback, as technological and computational advances are made, and as lessons are learned during the construction of the atlas