2,187 research outputs found

    Biomechanics of Pharyngeal Deglutitive Function Following Total Laryngectomy

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    Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Foundation. Reprinted by permission of SAGE PublicationsObjective: Post-laryngectomy surgery, pharyngeal weakness and pharyngoesophageal junction (PEJ) restriction are the underlying candidate mechanisms of dysphagia. We aimed to determine, in laryngectomees whether: 1) hypopharyngeal propulsion is reduced and/or PEJ resistance is increased; 2) endoscopic dilatation improves dysphagia; and 3) if so, whether symptomatic improvement correlate with reduction in resistance to flow across the PEJ. Methods: Swallow biomechanics were assessed in 30 total laryngectomees. Average peak contractile pressure (hPP) and hypopharyngeal intrabolus pressure (hIBP) were measured from combined high resolution manometry and video-fluoroscopic recordings of barium swallows (2, 5&10ml). Patients were stratified into severe dysphagia (Sydney Swallow Questionnaire (SSQ)>500) and mild/nil dysphagia (SSQ≤500). In 5 patients, all measurements were repeated after endoscopic dilatation. Results: Dysphagia was reported by 87%, and 57% had severe and 43% had minor/nil dysphagia. Laryngectomees had lower hPP than controls (110±14mmHg vs 170±15mmHg; p<0.05), while hIBP was higher (29±5mmHg vs 6±5mmHg; p<0.05). There were no differences in hPP between patient groups. However, hIBP was higher in severe than in mild/nil dysphagia (41±10mmHg vs 13±3mmHg; p<0.05). Pre-dilation hIBP (R2=0.97) and its decrement following dilatation (R2=0.98) were good predictors of symptomatic improvement. Conclusion: Increased PEJ resistance is the predominant determinant of dysphagia as it correlates better with dysphagia severity than peak pharyngal contractile pressure. While both baseline PEJ resistance and its decrement following dilatation are strong predictors of outcome following dilatation, the peak pharyngeal pressure is not. PEJ resistance is vital to detect as it is the only potentially reversible component of dysphagia in this context

    Magnetic and Orbital States and Their Phase Transition of the Perovskite-Type Ti Oxides: Strong Coupling Approach

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    The properties and mechanism of the magnetic phase transition of the perovskite-type Ti oxides, which is driven by the Ti-O-Ti bond angle distortion, are studied theoretically by using the effective spin and pseudospin Hamiltonian with strong Coulomb repulsion. It is shown that the A-type antiferromagnetic (AFM(A)) to ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition occurs as the Ti-O-Ti bond angle is decreased. Through this phase transition, the orbital state changes only little whereas the spin-exchange coupling along the c-axis is expected to change from positive to negative nearly continuously and approaches zero at the phase boundary. The resultant strong two-dimensionality in the spin coupling causes rapid suppression of the critical temperature, as observed experimentally. It may induce large quantum fluctuations in this region.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    Single cell phenotyping reveals heterogeneity among haematopoietic stem cells following infection.

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    The haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche provides essential micro-environmental cues for the production and maintenance of HSCs within the bone marrow. During inflammation, haematopoietic dynamics are perturbed, but it is not known whether changes to the HSC-niche interaction occur as a result. We visualise HSCs directly in vivo, enabling detailed analysis of the 3D niche dynamics and migration patterns in murine bone marrow following Trichinella spiralis infection. Spatial statistical analysis of these HSC trajectories reveals two distinct modes of HSC behaviour: (i) a pattern of revisiting previously explored space, and (ii) a pattern of exploring new space. Whereas HSCs from control donors predominantly follow pattern (i), those from infected mice adopt both strategies. Using detailed computational analyses of cell migration tracks and life-history theory, we show that the increased motility of HSCs following infection can, perhaps counterintuitively, enable mice to cope better in deteriorating HSC-niche micro-environments following infection

    Nunalleq, Stories from the Village of Our Ancestors:Co-designing a multivocal educational resource based on an archaeological excavation

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    This work was funded by the UK-based Arts and Humanities Research Council through grants (AH/K006029/1) and (AH/R014523/1), a University of Aberdeen IKEC Award with additional support for travel and subsistence from the University of Dundee, DJCAD Research Committee RS2 project funding. Thank you to the many people who contributed their support, knowledge, feedback, voices and faces throughout the project, this list includes members of the local community, colleagues, specialists, students, and volunteers. If we have missed out any names we apologize but know that your help was appreciated. Jimmy Anaver, John Anderson, Alice Bailey, Kieran Baxter, Pauline Beebe, Ellinor Berggren, Dawn Biddison, Joshua Branstetter, Brendan Body, Lise Bos, Michael Broderick, Sarah Brown, Crystal Carter, Joseph Carter, Lucy Carter, Sally Carter, Ben Charles, Mary Church, Willard Church, Daniele Clementi, Annie Cleveland, Emily Cleveland, Joshua Cleveland, Aron Crowell, Neil Curtis, Angie Demma, Annie Don, Julia Farley, Veronique Forbes, Patti Fredericks, Tricia Gillam, Sean Gleason, Sven Haakanson, Cheryl Heitman, Grace Hill, Diana Hunter, Joel Isaak, Warren Jones, Stephan Jones, Ana Jorge, Solveig Junglas, Melia Knecht, Rick Knecht, Erika Larsen, Paul Ledger, Jonathan Lim Soon, Amber Lincoln, Steve Luke, Francis Lukezic, Eva Malvich, Pauline Matthews, Roy Mark, Edouard Masson-MacLean, Julie Masson-MacLean, Mhairi Maxwell, Chuna Mcintyre, Drew Michael, Amanda Mina, Anna Mossolova, Carl Nicolai Jr, Chris Niskanen, Molly Odell, Tom Paxton, Lauren Phillips, Lucy Qin, Charlie Roberts, Chris Rowe, Rufus Rowe,Chris Rowland, John Rundall, Melissa Shaginoff, Monica Shah, Anna Sloan, Darryl Small Jr, John Smith, Mike Smith, Joey Sparaga, Hannah Strehlau, Dora Strunk, Larissa Strunk, Lonny Strunk, Larry Strunk, Robbie Strunk, Sandra Toloczko, Richard Vanderhoek, the Qanirtuuq Incorporated Board, the Quinhagak Dance Group and the staff at Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat. We also extend our thanks to three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on our paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Proteome Profiling of Breast Tumors by Gel Electrophoresis and Nanoscale Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

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    We have conducted proteome-wide analysis of fresh surgery specimens derived from breast cancer patients, using an approach that integrates size-based intact protein fractionation, nanoscale liquid separation of peptides, electrospray ion trap mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics. Through this approach, we have acquired a large amount of peptide fragmentation spectra from size-resolved fractions of the proteomes of several breast tumors, tissue peripheral to the tumor, and samples from patients undergoing noncancer surgery. Label-free quantitation was used to generate protein abundance maps for each proteome and perform comparative analyses. The mass spectrometry data revealed distinct qualitative and quantitative patterns distinguishing the tumors from healthy tissue as well as differences between metastatic and non-metastatic human breast cancers including many established and potential novel candidate protein biomarkers. Selected proteins were evaluated by Western blotting using tumors grouped according to histological grade, size, and receptor expression but differing in nodal status. Immunohistochemical analysis of a wide panel of breast tumors was conducted to assess expression in different types of breast cancers and the cellular distribution of the candidate proteins. These experiments provided further insights and an independent validation of the data obtained by mass spectrometry and revealed the potential of this approach for establishing multimodal markers for early metastasis, therapy outcomes, prognosis, and diagnosis in the future. © 2008 American Chemical Society

    Is null-point reconnection important for solar flux emergence?

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    The role of null-point reconnection in a 3D numerical MHD model of solar emerging flux is investigated. The model consists of a twisted magnetic flux tube rising through a stratified convection zone and atmosphere to interact and reconnect with a horizontal overlying magnetic field in the atmosphere. Null points appear as the reconnection begins and persist throughout the rest of the emergence, where they can be found mostly in the model photosphere and transition region, forming two loose clusters on either side of the emerging flux tube. Up to 26 nulls are present at any one time, and tracking in time shows that there is a total of 305 overall, despite the initial simplicity of the magnetic field configuration. We find evidence for the reality of the nulls in terms of their methods of creation and destruction, their balance of signs, their long lifetimes, and their geometrical stability. We then show that due to the low parallel electric fields associated with the nulls, null-point reconnection is not the main type of magnetic reconnection involved in the interaction of the newly emerged flux with the overlying field. However, the large number of nulls implies that the topological structure of the magnetic field must be very complex and the importance of reconnection along separators or separatrix surfaces for flux emergence cannot be ruled out.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures. Added one referenc

    Hidden Symmetries and their Consequences in t2gt_{2g} Cubic Perovskites

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    The five-band Hubbard model for a dd band with one electron per site is a model which has very interesting properties when the relevant ions are located at sites with high (e. g. cubic) symmetry. In that case, if the crystal field splitting is large one may consider excitations confined to the lowest threefold degenerate t2gt_{2g} orbital states. When the electron hopping matrix element (tt) is much smaller than the on-site Coulomb interaction energy (UU), the Hubbard model can be mapped onto the well-known effective Hamiltonian (at order t2/Ut^{2}/U) derived by Kugel and Khomskii (KK). Recently we have shown that the KK Hamiltonian does not support long range spin order at any nonzero temperature due to several novel hidden symmetries that it possesses. Here we extend our theory to show that these symmetries also apply to the underlying three-band Hubbard model. Using these symmetries we develop a rigorous Mermin-Wagner construction, which shows that the three-band Hubbard model does not support spontaneous long-range spin order at any nonzero temperature and at any order in t/Ut/U -- despite the three-dimensional lattice structure. Introduction of spin-orbit coupling does allow spin ordering, but even then the excitation spectrum is gapless due to a subtle continuous symmetry. Finally we showed that these hidden symmetries dramatically simplify the numerical exact diagonalization studies of finite clusters.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, 520 KB, submitted Phys. Rev.