157 research outputs found

    Windshear radar calibration: Transmitter power and receiver gain stability

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    An experimental windshear Doppler radar was flown on 27 occasions during a series of flight experiments in 1991. Radar calibrations were performed by the flight team to monitor the transmitter power and receiver gain from pre-flight to post-flight and from one day to another. From the recorded calibration data, the receiver gain and effective receiver system noise were calculated and tabulated, together with the transmitter power. These quantities of interest are compared for two receiver/transmitter (R/T) units and two intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidths that were tested in various modes. It was found that, in most operating modes, gain stayed within a 2.5-dB range and transmitter power stayed within a 20-watt range. R/T number 1 had 0.8 dB more gain and 1.2 dBm less noise power than R/T number 2. The 7-MHz IF bandwidth resulted in 1 dB more gain and 1 dBm less noise than the 2-MHz IF bandwidth. Depending on the R/T unit and IF bandwidth, the effective system noise power averaged between -107.3 dBm and -109.5 dBm

    Radar multipath study for rain-on-radome experiments at the Aircraft Landing Dynamics Facility

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    An analytical study to determine the feasibility of a rain-on-radome experiment at the Aircraft Landing Dynamics Facility (ALDF) at the Langley Research Center is described. The experiment would measure the effects of heavy rain on the transmission of X-band weather radar signals, looking in particular for sources of anomalous attenuation. Feasibility is determined with regard to multipath signals arising from the major structural components of the ALDF. A computer program simulates the transmit and receive antennas, direct-path and multipath signals, and expected attenuation by rain. In the simulation, antenna height, signal polarization, and rainfall rate are variable parameters. The study shows that the rain-on-radome experiment is feasible with regard to multipath signals. The total received signal, taking into account multipath effects, could be measured by commercially available equipment. The study also shows that horizontally polarized signals would produce better experimental results than vertically polarized signals

    Electromagnetic Modeling for the Conformal Lightweight Antenna System for Aeronautical Communications Technologies (CLAS-ACT) Program: Final Report

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    A series of electromagnetic simulations was conducted for the Conformal Lightweight Antenna System for Aeronautical Communications Technologies (CLAS-ACT) Program. The program designed, built, and flight tested a 14.25 GHz conformal patch array antenna for satellite communications on a T-34C airplane. Various studies were performed to evaluate the effects of antenna element spacing, array shape, signal taper, phased array pointing angle, null steering coefficients, antenna platform, and location on the airplane. This report documents the methods and some of the results of tests done over a 2 year period

    Estimating a Large Phased Array Antenna Radiation Pattern by Computer Electromagnetic Simulation

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    The design of a conformal antenna for use on UAV's (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and other aircraft can be enhanced with computational electromagnetic modeling to determine the expected radiation patterns of the antenna when mounted on the aircraft. However, detailed simulation of the antenna structure and the aircraft together requires significant computational resources and time which may not be available. This paper details several methods for estimating the radiation pattern of a 50 by 50-element patch antenna. The Conformal Lightweight Antenna Structures for Aeronautical Communication Technologies (CLASACT) Program aims to build and test a 14.25 gigaherz (Ku-band) conformal antenna on a NASA-owned UAV. The antenna is intended for satellite communications and will enable communication between a ground station and a UAV when the separation distance is too great for line-of-sight communication. It is estimated that a 2 degree beamwidth will be necessary, requiring a 50 by 50 array of patch elements. The narrow beamwidth requirement, together with an element spacing of 0.6 lambda means that the array length will be 30 wavelengths, electrically very large. Three methods of varying complexity are described for estimating the total far-field radiation pattern. The results are shown for each method in the form of a normalized power pattern

    Measured Changes in C-Band Radar Reflectivity of Clear Air Caused by Aircraft Wake Vortices

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    Wake vortices from a C-130 airplane were observed at the NASA Wallops Flight Facility with a ground-based, monostatic C-band radar and an antenna-mounted boresight video camera. The airplane wake was viewed from a distance of approximately 1 km, and radar scanning was adjusted to cross a pair of marker smoke trails generated by the C-130. For each airplane pass, changes in radar reflectivity were calculated by subtracting the signal magnitudes during an initial clutter scan from the signal magnitudes during vortex-plus-clutter scans. The results showed both increases and decreases in reflectivity on and near the smoke trails in a characteristic sinusoidal pattern of heightened reflectivity in the center and lessened reflectivity at the sides. Reflectivity changes in either direction varied from -131 to -102 dBm(exp -1); the vortex-plus-clutter to noise ratio varied from 20 to 41 dB. The radar recordings lasted 2.5 min each; evidence of wake vortices was found for up to 2 min after the passage of the airplane. Ground and aircraft clutter were eliminated as possible sources of the disturbance by noting the occurrence of vortex signatures at different positions relative to the ground and the airplane. This work supports the feasibility of vortex detection by radar, and it is recommended that future radar vortex detection be done with Doppler systems

    Spectrum characteristics of Denver and Philadelphia ground clutter and the problem of distinguishing wind shear targets from moving clutter

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    Spectral analysis of 1991 wind shear flight data has provided information about the power spectral density, spectral width, and velocity of ground clutter detected by the wind shear radar at several major airports. Ground clutter must be recognized and separated from weather targets before wind shear can be computed. Information will be presented characterizing and comparing ground clutter and weather target spectra. The information includes (1) spectral widths of stationary ground clutter seen at various scan and tilt angles, (2) power spectral density and velocity of moving ground clutter relative to the stationary ground clutter, and (3) spectral widths and velocities of weather targets. A summary of numerical results in the form of histograms and example numerical results in the form of spectral plots are presented

    Windshear radar calibration, 1992 flights: Transmitter power and receiver gain stability

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    During the 1992 NASA airborne Doppler windshear radar flights, radar calibrations were performed prior to each flight in order to determine transmitter power, receiver gain, and receiver noise power. The calibration results show that the average transmitter power in radar mode 6 was 186 watts, with a standard deviation of 7 watts. The average high power amplifier gain was 9.62 dB. At the wide IF bandwidth setting, the receiver gain was 123.1 dB, while at the narrow IF bandwidth setting, the gain was 121.8 dB. The receiver system noise as seen at the receiver input was -107.0 dBmw using the wide IF bandwidth and -107.9 dBmw using the narrow IF bandwidth. In radar mode 7, the receiver gain was the same as in mode 6. However, the receiver noise in mode 7 was about 2.5 dB less using the wide IF bandwidth and 2.0 dB less using the narrow IF bandwidth. The R/T unit flown in 1992 had also been flown the previous year when it produced comparable results. This technical memorandum was written as a follow-up to NASA TM-107589 (June 1992), which describes similar radar calibrations performed during the 1991 windshear radar flight experiments

    Paired Pulse Basis Functions for the Method of Moments EFIE Solution of Electromagnetic Problems Involving Arbitrarily-shaped, Three-dimensional Dielectric Scatterers

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    A pair of basis functions is presented for the surface integral, method of moment solution of scattering by arbitrarily-shaped, three-dimensional dielectric bodies. Equivalent surface currents are represented by orthogonal unit pulse vectors in conjunction with triangular patch modeling. The electric field integral equation is employed with closed geometries for dielectric bodies; the method may also be applied to conductors. Radar cross section results are shown for dielectric bodies having canonical spherical, cylindrical, and cubic shapes. Pulse basis function results are compared to results by other methods

    EM Modeling of Far-Field Radiation Patterns for Antennas on the GMA-TT UAV

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    To optimize communication with the Generic Modular Aircraft T-Tail (GMA-TT) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), electromagnetic (EM) simulations have been performed to predict the performance of two antenna types on the aircraft. Simulated far-field radiation patterns tell the amount of power radiated by the antennas and the aircraft together, taking into account blockage by the aircraft as well as radiation by conducting and dielectric portions of the aircraft. With a knowledge of the polarization and distance of the two communicating antennas, e.g. one on the UAV and one on the ground, and the transmitted signal strength, a calculation may be performed to find the strength of the signal travelling from one antenna to the other and to check that the transmitted signal meets the receiver system requirements for the designated range. In order to do this, the antenna frequency and polarization must be known for each antenna, in addition to its design and location. The permittivity, permeability, and geometry of the UAV components must also be known. The full-wave method of moments solution produces the appropriate dBi radiation pattern in which the received signal strength is calculated relative to that of an isotropic radiator

    An Alternate Set of Basis Functions for the Electromagnetic Solution of Arbitrarily-Shaped, Three-Dimensional, Closed, Conducting Bodies Using Method of Moments

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    In this work, we present an alternate set of basis functions, each defined over a pair of planar triangular patches, for the method of moments solution of electromagnetic scattering and radiation problems associated with arbitrarily-shaped, closed, conducting surfaces. The present basis functions are point-wise orthogonal to the pulse basis functions previously defined. The prime motivation to develop the present set of basis functions is to utilize them for the electromagnetic solution of dielectric bodies using a surface integral equation formulation which involves both electric and magnetic cur- rents. However, in the present work, only the conducting body solution is presented and compared with other data