104 research outputs found

    Orbital configurations and dynamical stability of multi-planet systems around Sun-like stars HD 202206, 14 Her, HD 37124 and HD 108874

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    We perform a dynamical analysis of the recently published radial velocity (RV) measurements of a few solar type stars which host multiple Jupiter-like planets. In particular, we re-analyze the data for HD 202206, 14 Her, HD 37124 and HD 108874. We derive dynamically stable configurations which reproduce the observed RV signals using our method called GAMP (an acronym of the Genetic Algorithm with MEGNO Penalty). The GAMP relies on the N-body dynamics and makes use of genetic algorithms merged with a stability criterion. For this purpose, we use the maximal Lyapunov exponent computed with the dynamical fast indicator MEGNO. Through a dynamical analysis of the phase-space in a neighborhood of the obtained best-fit solutions, we derive meaningful limits on the parameters of the planets. We demonstrate that GAMP is especially well suited for the analysis of the RV data which only partially cover the longest orbital period and/or correspond to multi-planet configurations involved in low-order mean motion resonances (MMRs). In particular, our analysis reveals a presence of a second Jupiter-like planet in the 14 Her system (14 Her c) involved in a 3:1 or 6:1 MMR with the known companion b. We also show that the dynamics of the HD 202206 system may be qualitatively different when coplanar and mutually-inclined orbits of the companions are considered. We demonstrate that the two outer planets in the HD 37124 system may reside in a close neighborhood of the 5:2 MMR. Finally, we found a clear indication that the HD 108874 system may be very close to, or locked in an exact 4:1 MMR.Comment: Contains 7 pages (text), 17 figures (some in low resolution suitable for astro-ph), 1 table. Submitted to ApJ. The manuscript with high-resolution figures is available from http://www.astri.uni.torun.pl/~chris/ms64109.ps.g

    Orbital solutions to the HD160691 (mu Arae) Doppler signal

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    We perform a dynamical analysis of the recently updated set of the radial velocity (RV) measurements of the HD160691 (mu Arae). The kinematic, 2-Keplerian model of the measurements leads to the best-fit solution in which the eccentricity of the outer planet is about 0.7 and its semi-major axis is about 4AU. The parameters of the inner planet are well determined. The eccentricity is about 0.3 and the semi-major axis is about 1.65AU. The best 2-Keplerian model leads to a catastrophically unstable configuration, self disrupting in less than 20,000yr. To derive dynamically stable configurations which are simultaneously consistent with the RV data, we use the so called GAMP (Genetic Algorithm with MEGNO Penalty). Using this method, we derive meaningful limits on the parameters of the outer planet which provide a stable behavior of the system. The best-fit solutions are located in a shallow valley of Chi^2, in the (a_c,e_c)-plane, extending over 2AU (for the formal 1sigma confidence interval of the best fit). We find two equally good best-fit solutions leading to the qualitatively different orbital configurations. One of them corresponds to the center of the 5:1 mean motion resonance (MMR) and the second one describes a configuration between the 6:1 and 17:2MMRs. The mu Arae system can be found in the zone confined to other low-order MMRs of the type p:1 with p>5. Our results support the classification of the mu Arae as a hierarchical planetary system, dynamically similar to other known multi-planet systems around HD12661 and HD169830. The results of the GAMP on the extended data set are fully consistent with our previous conclusions concerning a much shorter observational window.Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, 13 figures in low resolution suitable for astro-ph. Submitted to Ap

    Frequency Analysis of Reflex Velocities of Stars with Planets

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    Since it has become possible to discovery planets orbiting nearby solar-type stars through very precise Doppler-shift measurements, the role of methods used to analyze such observations has grown significantly. The widely employed model-dependent approach based on the least-squares fit of the Keplerian motion to the radial-velocity variations can be, as we show, unsatisfactory. Thus, in this paper, we propose a new method that may be easily and successfully applied to the Doppler-shift measurements. This method allows us to analyze the data without assuming any specific model and yet to extract all significant features of the observations. This very simple idea, based on the subsequent subtraction of all harmonic components from the data, can be easily implemented. We show that our method can be used to analyze real 16 Cygni B Doppler-shift observations with a surprising but correct result which is substantially different from that based on the least-squares fit of a Keplerian orbit. Namely, using frequency analysis we show that with the current accuracy of this star's observations it is not possible to determine the value of the orbital eccentricity which is claimed to be as high as 0.6.Comment: AASLaTeX + 5 figures (eps files), 22 pages, two figures delated, typos corrections; accepted for publication in Ap

    Resonance in PSR B1257+12 Planetary System

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    In this paper we present a new method that can be used for analysis of time of arrival of a pulsar pulses (TOAs). It is designated especially to detect quasi-periodic variations of TOAs. We apply our method to timing observations of PSR B1257+12 and demonstrate that using it it is possible to detect not only first harmonics of a periodic variations, but also the presence of a resonance effect. The resonance effect detected, independently of its physical origin, can appear only when there is a non-linear interaction between two periodic modes. The explanation of TOAs variations as an effect of the existence of planets is, till now, the only known and well justified. In this context, the existence of the resonance frequency in TOAs is the most significant signature of the gravitational interaction of planets.Comment: AASLaTeX + 5 figures (eps files), 15 pages; submitted to Ap

    Relacje spełniane przez odwzorowania stopnia 5

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    Niech R będzie pierścieniem przemiennym z jedynką. Wśród wszystkich odwzorowań pomiędzy il-modułami można wyróżnić takie, które są scharakteryzowane przez pewne warunki typu równości. Na przykład odwzorowania liniowe spełniają następujące dwa warunki: (1) f(rx) = rf(x) ,r € R, (2) f ( x + y) = f ( x ) + f(y), gdzie x , y są dowolnymi elementami dziedziny /. Odwzorowania kwadratowe można scharakteryzować przy pomocy następujących warunkow: (1) f(rx) — r2f(x), t G R, (2) funkcja dwoch zmiennych A2/ określona wzorem (A2/)(:r, y) = f ( x + y) - f(x) - f{y) jest dwuliniowa. Uogólnieniem obu powyższych typów odwzorowań są tak zwane m—odwzorowania zdefiniowane w [1]. Zostaną one omówione w dalszej części pracy. W [4] udowodniono, że wszystkie odwzorowania pochodzące z wielomianów jednorodnych stopnia m są m— odwzorowaniami, jednak, w przeciwieństwie do przypadków m = 1 oraz m = 2, na ogół nie na odwrót. Oznacza to, że przy m > 2 potrzebne są dodatkowe warunki typu równości. Przez warunek typu równości będziemy rozumieli związek • rj f(^2k SjkXk) — 0, gdzie j, k przebiegają skończone zbiory indeksów, Tj,Sjk € R oraz Xk są dowolnymi elementami dziedziny odwzorowania / . Przy tym wygodnie jest zakładać, że rj,Sjk są ustalone dla każdej równości. Jeśli natomiast są one traktowane jako dodatkowe zmienne, to tak rozumianą równość nazywamy ścisłą. Dokładniej mówiąc, rj oraz sjk rozumiemy wówczas jako ustalone funkcje wielomianowe skończonej ilości zmiennych o współczynnikach z Z, do których możemy podstawić dowolne elementy pierścienia (dla przykładu w warunku (1) powyżej występuje wyrażenie r2, w ktorym zmienną niezależną jest r). Kiedy więc mówimy o ścisłych równościach, dotyczą one odwzorowań pomiędzy modułami nad dowolnym pierścieniem przemiennym R. Klasę A odwzorowań pomiędzy i?-modułami nazywamy równościowo definiowalną, jeśli składa się ona ze wszystkich odwzorowań / : X —> Y (X , Y G R — Mod) spełniających ustalony zestaw warunków typu równości, tzn. takich odwzorowań, dla których ^ ^ijk-Ek) — 0, i G G X } k przy pewnych ustalonych Tij,Sijk £ R. Jeśli R nie jest ustalonym, lecz dowolnym pierścieniem i równości te są ścisłe, to klasę także nazywamy ścisłą. Klasa Horrid odwzorowań pochodzących od wielomianów jednorodnych stopnia m nad ustalonym pierścieniem R na ogoł nie jest równościowo definiowalna. Winę za to ponosi fakt, że z reguły wielomiany i odwzorowania wielomianowe nie są tym samym. Istnieje jednak najmniejsza klasa równościowo definiowalna ED(HomJj) zawierająca H o r n przy czym wiadomo z [7], że klasy te są równe nad dowolnym ciałem. Inną sprawą jest kwestia, czy ta klasa jest ścisła, czy też nie. Odpowiedź na to pytanie daje [3], Theorem 6.2. Okazuje się, że jest tak dokładnie wtedy, gdy Tri < 5. Równości definiujące klasę ED(Hom^) będziemy nazywali pełnym zestawem równości dla klasy H o r n Jeśli rowności te są ścisłe, będziemy mówili o pełnym zestawie równości dla klasy Homm. Jedną z równości, którą spełniają odwzorowania klasy H o r n jest tak zwany warunek regularności. W przypadku m = 3 pokazuje się ([7]), że klasa ED(Hom?R) jest identyczna z klasą regularnych 3-odwzorowań. W przypadku m = 4 potrzebne są jeszcze trzy dodatkowe ścisłe równości. Dokładny wynik dla m = 3 i m = 4 przedstawimy w następnym rozdziale. Przypadek m = 5, jako ostatni niezbadany, jest przedmiotem niniejszej pracy. Dla m = 5 rozwiązanie składa się z dwóch części. Jedna z wersji pierwszej części została opublikowana w pracy [2]. W niniejszej pracy przypadek m = 5 zostanie zbadany niezależnie z wykorzystaniem innej metody, niż było to zrobione w [2]. Warunkiem zastosowania tej metody jest znajomość relacji spełnianych przez elementy r 2 — r, r 3 — t oraz r4 — r pierścienia R. W pierwszym rozdziale podajemy definicje i twierdzenia znane z prac [4], [5], [7]. W rozdziale drugim znajdujemy relacje generujące pomiędzy elementami rn — r, gdzie n = 2l, l = 1,2,... (Twierdzenie 2.6) oraz relacje generujące pomiędzy elementami r 3 — r pierścienia przemiennego (Twierdzenie 2.10). W rozdziale trzecim znajdujemy relacje tworzące pełny zestaw tzw. 3-rowności dla klasy Horn5 (Twierdzenie 3.3 oraz Twierdzenie 3.4). W rozdziale czwartym znajdujemy relacje tworzące pełny zestaw tzw. 2-rowności dla klasy Hom5 (Twierdzenie 4.2 oraz Twierdzenie 4.3). W rozdziale piątym podsumowujemy badania nad relacjami spełnianymi przez odwzorowania stopnia 5, zawarte w Podrozdziale 3.2 oraz Rozdziale 4. W całej pracy stosujemy podwójną numerację, osobno dla twierdzeń, lematów, wniosków i definicji

    Method, System, and Computer program product for transaction authentication

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    Methods, systems, and computer program products for transaction authentication may use a mobile phone number as a consumer identifier to trigger transaction authentication inside a trusted mobile application. A consumer may select a payment device associated with the application at an e-commerce website, enter the mobile phone number, and in response thereto, receive a notification on a mobile phone associated with the application. The consumer reviews the transaction details and approves the transaction via the application using biometrics and/or a personal identification number (PIN)

    Improved timing formula for the PSR B1257+12 planetary system

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    We present a new analysis of the dynamics of the planetary system around the pulsar B1257+12. A semi-analytical theory of perturbation between terrestrial-mass planets B and C is developed and applied to improve multi-orbit timing formula for this object. We use numerical simulations of the pulse arrival times for PSR B1257+12 to demonstrate that our new timing model can serve as a toll to determine the masses of the two planets.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Astrophysical Journal (v544n1 November 20, 2000

    Advances in osteosynthesis - a basic overview of modern fixation materials

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    The dynamic development of trauma-orthopedic surgery and accompanying material technology has led in recent years to the need for close cooperation between researchers in these fields. In a short time, thanks to the cooperation of engineers and doctors, the general approach to the method of bone anastomosis has changed significantly. The need to optimize the effects of treatment, i.e. to quickly recovery, reduce the number of postoperative complications, reduce the number of reoperations, and reduce the costs of procedures and treatment used has resulted in the development of many new technologies that have set trends in modern traumatology. The widespread use of LCP (Locking compression plate) and locking screws, the development of polymers and biopolymers with a modified chemical structure, a significant improvement in the biocompatibility and cytocompatibility of the materials used, and the implementation of products with significant micro-roughness that improve osseointegration are the well-known and commonly used effects of this cooperation today . Materials science related to orthopedics is an extremely complex and multi-threaded field. Its continuous development requires a periodic summary of the results and development directions provided, which allows faster evaluation and interpretation by researchers. The purpose of the following work is to summarize the latest research on materials and methods used in osteosynthesis in a legible way for potential recipients of this information from various fields

    The latest applications of photoplethysmography

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    The development of medicine and the ability to conduct effective therapy in increasingly severe cases createthe need to develop new methods of continuous and non-invasive monitoring of the patient’s condition. One ofthe techniques that is widely used in many fields of medicine is photoplethysmography (PPG). The analysis ofthe latest research indicates that PPG can have much more applications than the measurement of heart rateand arterial saturation of the patient — as shown by the latest research, it can be used in the measurementof many other key parameters.The optimism is the multitude of areas in which PPG monitoring is attempted. There are more and more attemptsto use photoplethysmography in diagnosis and evaluation of peripheral vascular diseases, assessment ofcirculation in diabetic patients and assessment of endothelial function. Authors are focusing on new applicationsof PPG, its advantages and limitations. Most of them agree that PPG can provide useful knowledge about thepatient’s condition while being a quick, easy-to-use and cost-effective technique.The following review was created to critically analyze the latest technical developments and uses of PPG inclinical practice. Sources for the following article were found using the PubMed database using keywords suchas “photoplethysmography”, “oxygen saturation” and “pulse oximeter”

    Climatologically based warning system against meteorological hazards and weather extremes : the example for Poland

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    This work presents a detailed scientific concept of an operational warning system concerning weather hazards, which is a component of the IT System for Country’s Protection against extreme hazards currently under development in Poland. The system displays eight weather hazards that prevail in Poland (air temperature extremes, heavy rainfall, strong wind, intensive snowfall, fog, glaze, rime, and thunderstorms with hail), which are presented on the maps. The information will also be made available to the public in the form of warnings sent automatically via the Internet or text messages. The weather hazard maps consist of two highly complementary components. The first contains maps of areas vulnerable to the hazards’ occurrence (climatological maps). These are based on observational and measurement data covering the period of 1951/1966-2010. The second component consists of operational maps based on current weather conditions, including primarily predictive data provided by the mesoscale numerical weather prediction model ALADIN (warning maps). The climatological information has been applied to the operational maps for several extremes not directly predicted by the ALADIN model