5 research outputs found

    The concurrence of atmospheric rivers and explosive cyclogenesis in the North Atlantic and North Pacific basins

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    Abstract. The explosive cyclogenesis of extratropical cyclones and the occurrence of atmospheric rivers are characteristic features of a baroclinic atmosphere, and are both closely related to extreme hydrometeorological events in the mid-latitudes, particularly on coastal areas on the western side of the continents. The potential role of atmospheric rivers in the explosive cyclone deepening has been previously analysed for selected case studies, but a general assessment from the climatological perspective is still missing. Using ERA-Interim reanalysis data for 1979–2011, we analyse the concurrence of atmospheric rivers and explosive cyclogenesis over the North Atlantic and North Pacific basins for the extended winter months (ONDJFM). Atmospheric rivers are identified for almost 80 % of explosive deepening cyclones. For non-explosive cyclones, atmospheric rivers are found only in roughly 40 % of the cases. The analysis of the time evolution of the high values of water vapour flux associated with the atmospheric river during the cyclone development phase leads us to hypothesize that the identified relationship is the fingerprint of a mechanism that raises the odds of an explosive cyclogenesis occurrence and not merely a statistical relationship. These new insights on the relationship between explosive cyclones and atmospheric rivers may be helpful to a better understanding of the associated high-impact weather events

    A window to the sea: environmental indicators for coastal risk management under the RAIA observatory (NW-Iberian Peninsula)

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    ECSA 59 Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas, San Sebastian (Spain), 5th–8th September 2022The international RAIA Observatory (www.marnaraia.org) resulted from the effort of 12 research and academic institutions and public agencies (Spanish and Portuguese) working in the field of meteorology and oceanography. The RAIA Observatory serves the main maritime activities of the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion and contributes to collaborative observational networks. Under the framework of coastal risk management, environmental indicators are fundamental tools for the evaluation and mitigation of environmental risks, showing the current state and helping to predict future changes on ecosystem health regarding environmental risks. In last years, the different partners of the RAIA Observatory have identified 38 environmental indicators, in which 12 key risks affecting the ecosystem services of the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion are being evaluated. Data was analyzed and compiled by the various partners of the RAIA Observatory and the development and optimization of the environmental indicators has been done according to the specifications provided by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). The resulting environmental indicators are included and shared on a publicly-accessible Web service, georeferenced and accompanied by plots (https://marrisk.inesctec.pt/public/#!/indicators). So far, the current status of the indicators has allowed us to establish risk assessment protocols for the Euroregion, and identify critical gaps in a temporal and spatial coverage. The inclusion of the environmental indicators in the RAIA Observatory is of great relevance for national and international data exchange and promotes future collaborationsN

    A window to the sea: environmental indicators for coastal risk management under the RAIA observatory (NW-Iberian Peninsula)

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    Poster.-- International Ocean Data Conference 2022, Sopot, Poland, 14-16 February 2022Environmental indicators are fundamental tools for the evaluation and mitigation of environmental risks, showing the current state and helping to predict future changes on ecosystem health regarding environmental risks The framework of the RAIA observatory www marnaraia org identified 38 environmental indicators, in which 12 key risks affecting the ecosystem services of the Euroregion Galicia Northern Portugal have been evaluated The objective of this initiative is to optimize and analyze the environmental indicators identified for the Euroregion and make them available through a Web service that allows users to get information on the current state and evolution of the ecosystem healthThis contribution has been funded by the European Union MarRISK project Adaptación costera ante el Cambio Climático conocer los riesgos y aumentar la resiliencia (0262_MarRISK1_E) through EP-INTERREG V A España-Portugal (POCTEP) programN

    A window to the sea: environmental indicators for NW-Iberian coastal risk management under the RAIA observatory

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    The international RAIA Observatory (www.marnaraia.org) resulted from the effort of 12 research and academic institutions and public agencies (Spanish and Portuguese) working in the field of meteorology and oceanography. The RAIA Observatory serves the main maritime activities of the Galicia-Northern Portugal Euroregion and contributes to collaborative observational networks. Under the framework of coastal risk management, environmental indicators are fundamental tools for the evaluation and mitigation of environmental risks, showing the current state and helping to predict future changes on ecosystem health regarding environmental risks. In last years, the different partners of the RAIA Observatory have identified 38 environmental indicators, in which 12 key risks affecting the ecosystem services of the Euroregion Galicia-Northern Portugal are being evaluated. Data was analyzed and compiled by the various partners of the RAIA Observatory and the development and optimization of the environmental indicators has been done according to the specifications provided by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) and the International Panel for Climate Change (IPCC). The resulting environmental indicators are included and shared on a publicly-accessible Web service, georeferenced and accompanied by graphics (https://marrisk.inesctec.pt/public/#!/indicators). So far, the current status of the indicators has allowed us to establish risk assessment protocols for the Euroregion, and identify critical gaps in temporal and spatial coverage. The inclusion of the environmental indicators in the RAIA Observatory is of great relevance for national and international data exchange and promotes future collaborations.Interreg POCTEP Spain Portugal, 0262 MARRISK 1

    Autoridades autonómicas de defensa de la competencia en vías de extinciónRegional (Antitrust Authorities in Spain in Danger of Extinction( (in Spanish)

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